Kellendil |
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I just wanted to stop by and say:
Thank you!
Thank you for sticking it out, thank you for making Pathfinder a reality.
I played D&D ever since I was little, and while I had a long break for school etc, Pathfinder was what was waiting for me when I got back.
Since that day, I've more or less bought everything you make, and I even resorted to Ebay to get hold of all the RotR volumes.
I love your products, and I love your company. I love that it feels like we, the fans, get an insight into your buisiness, your way of doing things.
I wholeheartedly believe I've become a better GM thanks to Paizo, and I KNOW we've had tons and tons of fun with what you're continuing to give us.
ATM I'm anxiously avaiting the RotR re-release (It's my 30ieth birthday-gift for myself!) and my group is waiting as well, as we've postponed concluding the AP in anticipation of this revamped edtion.
I thank you once more for all you've done in making my life more fun, and I wish you all the best for the coming 10 years. I hope I'll be along for the ride :)