
Kellendil's page

70 posts. 3 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

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I just wanted to stop by and say:
Thank you!

Thank you for sticking it out, thank you for making Pathfinder a reality.

I played D&D ever since I was little, and while I had a long break for school etc, Pathfinder was what was waiting for me when I got back.

Since that day, I've more or less bought everything you make, and I even resorted to Ebay to get hold of all the RotR volumes.

I love your products, and I love your company. I love that it feels like we, the fans, get an insight into your buisiness, your way of doing things.

I wholeheartedly believe I've become a better GM thanks to Paizo, and I KNOW we've had tons and tons of fun with what you're continuing to give us.

ATM I'm anxiously avaiting the RotR re-release (It's my 30ieth birthday-gift for myself!) and my group is waiting as well, as we've postponed concluding the AP in anticipation of this revamped edtion.

I thank you once more for all you've done in making my life more fun, and I wish you all the best for the coming 10 years. I hope I'll be along for the ride :)

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Those are not smurfs, fools! They are mites!

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The fact is, most of us do police ourselves on these boards, as we do elsewhere.

Your (the OP) problem is not that the people here do not police themselves, but the fact that you want YOUR beliefs enforced upon the rest of the collective.

The mere idea that WE should police ourselves to YOUR taste, is completely ridiciolous.

Sure, you might think certain posts are worthless, and many times many of us will agree with you. But for every one of those times I'll guarantee you there are one or more people who don't.

Once you accept that, you'll see I'm right and you are wrong.

(forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but while I do disagree with the OP in principle, I just couldn't be bothered to read all the replies ;) )