Demon Lord, Deskari

Kek-jikek's page

34 posts. Alias of Oceanshieldwolf.


Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Is a drone/robot/android a "creature"? Does Rex dream of electric sheep?

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek nods, happy to leave the science-y side of things to the better trained K'teskt. Given the welcome on the hull, Kek is not about to take chances with more undead - as K'teskt begins communications with the figure in the room, Kek stretches out one spindly arm, levels their flare gun and keeps their finger on the trigger, ready to fire, aiming at the still being.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek nods.

"I will accompany you K'teskt..."

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek nods, and readies to enter. Then, if none else present, Kek will head in, spotlight in one hand and flare gun in the other.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

I have been checking this game, but I didn't see the recent posts asking if folks were still around. I'm good with continuing.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek finds that zombies do inside have insides that can come outside, and tries to make it happen again, and, seeing as Fenrus has dispatched his irritant, fires at another by the hatch...

Round 2
Zhwee!!!*: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 23[+2 BAB, + 2 Dex, +1 weapon focus]
Fkoot!!!!: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (6) = 11 [azimuth laser base dmj + fire]

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Though the approaching undead fascinate Kek, and obviously warrant an in depth and up-close investigation, Kek decides scoping one with a laser rifle and seeing if its insides can get outside and what that might look like might be just as interesting or, more to the point, prudent with regards to future safety of possible un-undead inhabitants of the space vessel Kek is currently gamboling about on. To whit: Kek shoots at the zombie by the hatch, but is possibly a bit distracted.

Round 1
Kwarpft!!!*: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 12 [+2 BAB, + 2 Dex, +1 weapon focus]
Zhweeoarr!!!*: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (2) = 7 [azimuth laser base dmj + fire] [Not sure how fire happens in vacuum of space]

Let me know if any of that attack math is in error

*Vacuum of space is silent, so apart from muted vibrations, only the gods or possibly Fenrus actually hear the awesome pew-pew of Kek's lazor!!!

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Ok, if Kek's Iridishell armour has vacuum seals, Kek will follow K'teskt and Fenrus...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Ok, learning curve, Starfinder-style. Kek has iridishell armour, which I'm assuming does not have atmospheric/vacuum capabilities. Can he put a spacesuit on over that? Assuming he can, can we retcon that he was donning said spacesuit before we stopped? If not, he can watch from inside...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

I don't see anything either, but his background story seems to suggest an ability of some kind...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

No probs Edward!

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Kek becomes agitated, either with anticipation or being unable to make out clearer details.

"Walking...dead? Perhaps they are not inside the ship...yet. We might prevent them gaining access?"

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Antennae twitching, Kek nods. A trick Kek learned from humans.

"K'teskt speaks true. Moreover, the figures are not moving. Odd."

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Hang on, I thought Stagg was flying this crate!?!? I didn't see an option to Aid with Piloting, otherwise I would have. Wouldn't have made a lot of difference I guess...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Aid: Computers/Engineering: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Kek has the same bonus in each, and is untrained in both - not sure if Kek can thus aid...

...looks like Kek is useless here...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek will also attend the bridge...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Shirrens on fire!

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Piloting: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Kek looks hard at the screen, the Shirren's explorer sense kicking in.

"Mortimer - the Azlanti border-proximate - a region there is unorthodox?"

Kek indicates the border area near to the Azlant zone of space.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

No probs Edward!

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek will spend the time trying to learn how to play cards with Fenrus, at least until another activity presents itself.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek nods, understanding.

"I will return to the Main Hold and await our arrival on Telos.... Or the arrival of any so far unforeseen contingencies."

Kek heads back to the hold.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek has trouble following some of the vernacular employed by...everyone except K'teskt, but does realise there is a question of piloting.

"Kek can pilot a ship with some skill. Kek...I [here tries to follow K'teskt's mannerism] will pilot, if needed. Otherwise Kek can do little else."

Ken looks at each occupant in turn to gauge the conversation, head angled for clearer perception.

Kek has +6 Piloting, but -40 in Banter (Slang), Camaraderie (Onboard), Camaraderie (Offship/Onstation) and Humor (Sarcasm).

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Where is the toilet/ablutions? In the Crews Quarters?

Kek familiarises himself with locations, and follows K'teskt to drop most of his equipment except for his doshko and flaregun. Then he will gravitate to the Main hold, checking the holoterminal...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Culture: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

"Welcome to you. Melody. I am Kek-jikek." Kek waits momentarily, then nods and boards the ship, mostly ignoring Rex.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek stows their various weapons about their person, and heads off, slightly shadowing Vicis, who seems to know where he is going.

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

I'm easy. Piloting 6.

To be honest I don't have any familiarity with SF's ship/battle rules, nor PF's. Looking to learn as we go...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek pauses as if unsure of what the next step is in this conversation.

"I am ready."

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

Kek waits for the Colonel to answer K'test, then makes his won query.

"Kek understands. Was any intelligent life-form encountered? Hazards? The drop-team communicated anything of value to our mission?"

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

"Kek brings quickness and firepower, when Kek is armed thus." The shirren is noticeably puzzled.

"The table - where is it?"

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft

The next being to enter is another Shirren, this one showing no small amount of discomfort or irritation as it is shown in.

It takes your measure, one by one, before speaking in fractured Common.

"Travellers greeting. Kek-jikek, though Kek just! We are here why?"

"Well met friend."

Sorry folks, missed the opening of the threads until; just now...

Shirren Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) 2 // HP 20 // SP 18 // EAC 15 // KAC 18 // Fort +5 // Ref +2 // Will +4 // Init +6 // Resolve: 3 // Per: +5 // SPD: 35ft


Still here...

Key is pragmatic, curious and outgoing, at least for a Shirren with regard to non-Shirren.

Kek's attitude toward post-Swarm individuality is not as pronounced as some, but Kek does like making decisions and being faced with choices.

Given the loss of youngling and mates, Kek is surprisingly matter-of-fact and sees no point dwelling on the loss, though it is still a great grief.

Kek-jikek IC:

Strange, that the airlock decontam should mist for "bugs". Am I not also a "bug"?

Kek passed a shiver through their carapace, antennae flitting absently. The new respirator compound they had implanted took some getting used to, like breathing through a series of sheathed sleeves, spiricles augmented.

Taking stock of this station, Kek felt immediately at home - always comforted by a shell of metal or the artificial gravity and air of station life.

Better in here than on-world, or worse, out there in the void, respirator notwithstanding.

Shouldering the bulky pulsecaster, Kek stowed the other weapons where they could, and took care not to bump the Kasathas in heated or animated conversation - hard to tell really with that many gesticulating limbs. To Kek, aliens' physiologies were just that, alien.

"Oi, Feelers. You want to sell the 'caster? Or maybe buy a toasty ifrit flamer?"

Kek turned to consider the speaker - a humanoid of some kind. Given galactic fashion/apparel, a current fad of interesting hair accoutrements and inorganic piercings and other biological implants, the speaker could easily cross a spectrum of human hybrids. From Kek's experience humans seemed to be compatible with a staggering array of other creatures and could find desire for even more.

A half-elf perhaps?

Kek disliked making the Common "tongue" - fluency was an issue, but moreso was facility. Nevertheless, it did not pay to be rude.

"This Kek makes greeting. Kek has prepared for contingencies, and requires yet only sustenance. Shirren rations, will be provided. Exchange rate?"

Kek purposefully made their diction polite but incorrect. It was to be hoped the vendor would think Kek simple and leave Kek be - sometimes it paid to be just a little... awkward.

The humanoid made the showing-of-the-teeth that Kek still found unsettling, and then spread its hands wide.

Ah. The charade begins...

Kek prepared for some serious haggling, station-style.

N.B. As Kek is Host-gender, Kek is Kek, or they/their rather than he or she.

Ok, all equipment bought. 9 credits left, though Kek *will* need to buy some field rations. At the moment he has none, having just arrived from a mostly time-rift scarred/destroyed vessel.

This is OSW's submission - Kek-jekik a Host-gender Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) Shirren.

Any advice on feats for a mobile Dex-based Blitz soldier, and/or equipment would be greatly appreciated. I don't have the Core Rulebook, so all of this has been a steep learning curve through the Starfinder SRD site. I guess I'd need a melee weapon, a ranged weapon, armor and misc eqpt. I'll check stuff out after this.

Kek's Tale:

For Kek-jekik, Jek-kik and Kik-jikek life was a slow meander through the stars on the motley-vessel Far Parade - really a conglomeration of junked starships forming equal parts waystation and occasional smuggler's hideout. The myriads who called the 'Parade home were a practical lot, and if a bunch of Shirren set up shop as petty information brokers then what of it?

Jek and Kik, the male/female pair were content to receive and sell stories, myths and rumors, leaving the acquiring of such to Kek - as the host in their tripartite family, Kek also took their larval spawn on sojourns throughout the far-flung planets and other stations - keep the younglings safe, but also instructing them, teaching them, and inspiring them.

Returning to the 'Parade from a fairly unsuccessful trip to gather data on the economic predilection of a local Drow arms House rumored to be moving forbidden tech, Kek noticed an unusual new technical array attached to his adopted home. Closer inspection revealed objects like he had never seen before. On board, the denizens were obviously concerned by...something and shaken by a recent Azlant incursion. His mates instructed him to ask no questions, nor pry too deep - for the Azlants had threatened destruction if the vessel had not acquiesced to the installation of the "device".

The "device" proved to be a fateful addition to the Far Parade and for Kek and Kek's family. Evidently an experimental chrono-spatial array, upon "testing" the device imploded, creating a horrific and chaotic space-time nexus - tentacle-like sprays of once-was or never-when lashed the vessel, replacing junk with as-new parts or consigning crew to instant venerability. Kek saw their mates petrify before their eyes, and most awful of all, felt their larva reduced to nothing in the blink of an eye. Kek barely escaped, time-scarred and fearful.

Time. Then. Now. Kek wants nothing more than to...go back. But time is sacrosanct, and the Azlanti must be stopped. With no family, and hope of making larva again an unknown, Kek vows to bring force to the Azlant.