Initiate of Flame

Karhu_of_Greyhawk's page

50 posts. Alias of Brother_Guiness.


Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Are we starting this back up?

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu continues to wait, anxious to see if Brian is able to pick the lock to the safe with his help.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu obliges by liberally casting Frostbite on the lock and into the holes of the safe until it is as brittle and cold as he can make it. “Okay, that’s the best I can do. I am not sure if it is enough, but if we are going to try and break into it, now is the time,” he says, standing back and assessing the safe.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

"We have found no keys, so unless someone else has the capability to pick locks or we wish to try and break it open, we should move on. I do have a spell that could freeze the lock, if someone wishes to try and break it," offers Karhu (referring to his Frostbite cantrip).

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Expanding his search beyond traditional keys, Karhu starts looking for items that might have prongs matching the hole pattern in the side of the safe.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Looking carefully at the safe, Karhu checks for traps, though he has no skill with picking locks. He also looks around for any hidden keys...

"Anyone want to take a shot at this safe?" he asks.

Perception to find traps: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Perception to find any keys: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu goes to the mirror on the north wall and runs his fingers along the perimeter of it, looking for a latch or indentation where he might slide or pull it open, revealing whatever secrets lie behind it.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu continues to investigate...

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Once the combat is over, Karhu executes the ritual for Detect Magic and looks around as well.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Unsure how to fight this creature being low on spells and seeing that the nonmagical attacks of his comrades had little effect, Karhu says, "Focus on the one outlined by the Faerie Fire while I can maintain it--I'll try to hold this one off!"

Dodging and weaving, Karhu tries to distract the male specter and at the same time avoid being touched (action to Dodge).

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

(FWIW, you have advantage on those rolls if the Spectres Gail their saves against the Faerie Fire).

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

”These are Spectres! Don’t let them touch you lest they drain your life essence. If anyone has sun powers, now is the time!” calls Karhu.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

"What manner of spirits are these?" whispers Karhu as he sees these strange misty creatures.

What does he know of these creatures/Religion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Concerned they may be difficult to keep track of given their translucent images, Karhu causes a brilliant yellow light to burst among them, hoping to outline them in its revealing illumination!

(Faerie Fire, DC 13 Dexterity Save to resist)

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu stays where he is, watching to see what happens next. If nothing emerges from the curtained bed, he will shrug his shoulders and follow Aletta to the next room.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu moves into the room to support Aletta.

(Did we have a chance to finish that short rest?)

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Handing the staff to Rakbura, Karhu says, “This magical staff emanates evocation, so it likely can be used to cast attack spells, though I have not the skill to determine it’s exact nature.”

Holding up the Longsword, and looking towards Aletta as its most likely user, Undari says, “This sword is also magic; it emanates transmutation.”

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu rolls the ball of fire around, working to dry out any other wet surfaces that may hide another ooze I the room, then works on trying to figure out the magical items as best he can.

With Detect Magic up, he should be able to determine which items are magical and what school of magic is involved.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Still heavily wounded, Karhu stays in the back and invokes a sphere of fire, plopping it on top of the ooze.

Flaming Sphere DC13 Dexterity Save for Half: Fire Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 6) = 7

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

About to strike again at the remaining blob, Karhu sags in relief as it dissolves before he has to endure its acidic bite once more. Transforming back into his human form and backing away, the druid leans against the wall and slides down to rest, asking, “So can we take a bit of a break before moving on? Who else is hurt?”

Healer Feat bandaging his own wounds: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu roars in pain as his fur is singed and eaten away by the acid, then suddenly a very wounded druid stands where the bear was. With a defiant roar, Karhu reclaims his bear form and rips into the more wounded ooze with his teeth and claws!

Bite Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Bite Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Claw attacks: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Claws: damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 = 8

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

With this creature apparently resistant to his spells, Karhu decides to try a different approach. Moving up next to Brian, the Druid’s form shifts and grows as he moves, until he has morphed into a brown bear!

Clawing at the mound of…whatever it is…Karhu tries to shred this strange foe.

(AC 11, 34/34 hp)

Bite Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Bite Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Claws Attavk: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Claws Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 = 7

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Seeing the strange result in the ceiling, Karhu throws his next ball of fir up after the arrow, hoping to illuminate whatever is up there—if not burn it a bit.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

”Ah, excellent,” says Karhu, flame blossoming in his palm. He throws balls of flame, one after the other, at the slime in the room.

Produce Flame cantrip, 1d8 fire damage per shot.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu will immediately stop and move back from the slime. ”Thank you, Rakbura,” he says somewhat shakily, ”How can one bypass such a slime?”

Survival to know how to bypass the hazard: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Other than making sure the loop around his waist can expand if needed, Karhu compiles, saying, “Thank you.” He steps gingerly into the room, pausing just beyond the threshold as he enters, looking for any threats before he heads over to the chest.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

"I will give it a try, as long as no one sees any traps or foes within," offers Karhu, preparing to move into the room towards the chest.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

”I detect sources of magic in the chest—enchantment and necromancy. It might be worth our time if we can bypass whatever trap this is.” says Karhu.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Karhu looks into the room and focuses his detect magic spell, looking for nasty surprises both magical and mundane—the whole place looks like a trap of some kind to him.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu moves in to inspect the room, casting detect magic if needed. He says, ”Yes, definitely icky—and unexpected…Spellcasting spiders is not something I have ever encountered, especially not ones with human-shaped hands.”

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu continues to invoke flame and throw it at the remaining spider, still glowing with Faerie Fire.

Produce Flame Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Produce Flame Attack Advantage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Produce Flame Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu maneuvers for a clear shot on spider number 1, the one still glowing with Faerie Fire. He then hurls flame at the glowing creature!

Produce Flame Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Produce Flame Attack Advantage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Produce Flame Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Seeing a room full of spiders, Karhu immediately decides there will is too little space for him to move to the doorway and fight hand-to-hand, so instead he conjures up some ruddy orange flames and lobs them into the room, coating everything in there with softly glowing Faerie Fire!

DC 13 Reflex or illuminated and grant advantage to attackers. 20 foot cube matches the interior of the room, more or less.

He then moves to the north to allow others to engage at the doorway, if they so desire.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15


Keeping a low flame going in his palm so he can clearly see in the mirror hall, Karhu keeps watch on the others as they recover from their blindness. When Aletta starts checking doors, Karhu stays in the main area, alert for anything coming out of the other unexplored doors.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15
Karhu_of_Greyhawk wrote:
Karhu watches carefully for threats while he waits for the others' sight to return (Perception roll of 23).

Did Karhu notice anything in the hall while waiting for the others’ sight to return?

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu watches carefully for threats while he waits for the others' sight to return (Perception roll of 23).

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu says, "I was blinded, but the nature magic has restored my sight. Come to the sound of my voice and I will watch for trouble--hopefully all our sight will return soon, as I only have enough powerful magic for one more such cure," says Karhu, shepherding the others to a safe place and keeping watch, describing what he sees for the benefit of the others.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Convinced that he is blind and not just in an area of magical darkness, Karhu casts Lesser Restoration on himself to remove the blindness, hoping that the light from the flame in the palm of his hand will allow him to see once more in this strange, mirrored room.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu runs his free hand over the fire flaring in his right hand, trying to detect if the fire is there or not. A magical darkness concealing the flame, perhaps, or is he truly blind? Or is the spell shedding light being blocked somehow...

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Go with Block init in PBP to keep the action moving…

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Wisdom Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu will immediately cast ‘Produce Flame’ to see if the fire in his palm gives off sufficient light for vision.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Nodding to Jean-Louis, Karhu silently takes his leave and follows the others to the next location.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Moving over to Savas with his healer’s key at the ready, Karhu says, ”Well-fought, mighty warrior. You have earned a great prize should we escape to spend it somewhere.” With tinctures, poultices, and bandages, Karhu soothes the worst of Savas’ injuries.

Healer Feat HP healed: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

“I will wager 9 gold pieces,” says Karhu. He seems to be considering stepping in as champion, but refrains from saying much, finally saying, “and I offer myself as a secondary champion should our primary be unable to continue.”

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

”And what nature of currency do you use for your wager? Simple metal coins, or perhaps…information?” asks Karhu, looking warily at this outlandish scene, especially concerned by the unnatural pallor of the contestant’s skin.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

”Let’s close the door to the mist so we don’t lose any more animals or equipment,” says Karhu, putting action to words and making sure the animals are protected.

Male human druid 3, AC 16|Init +2|HP 26/26|PP 15

Karhu looks around in shock. Not entirely comfortable with the plan to leave the woods behind for the big city in the first place, the druid feels trapped in this magically appearing mansion. He manages a deep growl and says, ”Did someone invoke wild magic last night during their watch? Maybe trying to conjure a shelter?”

Karhu is fine with Dreadwood as his homeland, though I don’t know that much about it. Everyone needs healing now and then, especially those in dangerous lines of work, so a healer is an obvious point of connection.

Karhu is a woodsy type who lives a quiet lifestyle devoted to herbs and healing. He does, however, know Elvish, and if your rude boi spends some time in the woods or looking for healing herbs, they might very well be acquainted.

Brother_Guiness wrote:
No alternate ability scores? Understood, that means I will need to rework things a bit, but still planning to play a healer with some combat capability.

Rolling for hp:

Level 2: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Level 3: 1d8 ⇒ 1 ==> 5