
Karek Kogan's page

768 posts. Alias of flamethrower49.


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Thank you for this guide. I've long been entranced with this archetype, and this refuels my drive to create one. They make great villains - that Mysterious Stranger ability is made for an NPC. This article makes me want to play one as a PC as well.

What do you think about Assassin as a prestige class? It's easy to qualify for, and the party will be freaked out continually being death-attacked by random animals.

Edit: I see now that Grey Gardener allows the same ability but based on Wisdom. Only once per day, but no 3 round charge-up, so that could be better.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Thalia was a former player who was the first to drop out a couple months into the campaign. Pact took her on as a DM PC, until she majestically betrayed the party. When the party walked into the throne room of the Exemplar Khymrasa and started going about diplomatically asking if we could do some excavating, Thalia loudly declared all of us spies, resulting in a total mess that really annoyed Karek. This resulted in a big party split, with Donkor evacuating some of us to the elemental plane of water.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

So, I looked back in the gameplay thread, looking for the scene I mentioned where he was suspicious of the elves. I found the scene when Xerissa fireballed the party on escaping from the coin room. Turns out, while I was clueless, but Karek was totally onto her. When he got fireballed, he couldn't help but identify Thalia as the culprit.

Beetle, perhaps you may have made something of that offhanded accusation if you wanted the party to figure it out. Off-screen sense motive rolls on both Thalia (unlikely) and Donkor (very likely), perhaps?

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Unsolved mysteries from a player perspective:

What was Bunky going to use his hero point on?

Was Karek's outstanding plot point, his mother, somewhere in Osirion?

Just which of these dwarves was actually the youngest? Both Hal and I seemed to insist on it.

I'm going to have to change my default posting alias. *Sigh*. It's been a good run.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

That's quite some deep cover, and a very brave confession. I don't hold it against you. It would have taken a lot of effort indeed to make Karek accept Thalia again. Though indeed, by my thorough understanding of Thalia's original character sheet, that is, definitively, absolutely, completely, the only thing that character was good at.

If I would have taken notice of your out of character hints, that would have tipped me off. (Her descriptor really said Druid/Rogue for the last year or so? /blind.) I don't think I could have in good faith acted on anything like that. The closest I came to being suspicious of anything was the Keen Eyes moment you mentioned. If I recall correctly, I reaffirmed that I hated elves and things that looked like them, and was suspicious of both Xerissa and, collaterally, the (harmless?) Mithral Scarab. Not suspicious enough to think about a Perception check to see through a disguise, or a Sense Motive check to see through a bluff, though.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Don't worry. I'll remember you, Dalia. As a strange PC, a natural traitor and enemy for me, and the catalyst for one of the strangest roleplaying experiences of my life, an impromptu adventure on the elemental plane of water.

I posted a list of my favorite roleplaying moments to Facebook targeted at all of my real-life gaming buddies, and that trip got a mention, even though nobody knew what I was talking about.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

I can concede the point. This game has been a fantastic resource for me in watching a masterful DM at work, and it has helped me improve both my roleplaying and creative writing. I very much enjoyed playing Karek, and Bunky was a great companion. Thank you guys very much for the last three years, and I wish you all good roleplaying!

I will be watching further developments on this thread with interest. Hit me up for future games if you want. You know we're a faithful bunch! I promise I'll play an opinionated go-getter!


Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Well, yeah. Dere was someding in de ceiling. Was id word findin' out? Karek shrugs and crosses the firefly chamber.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek points out the different stonework. Whad does id mean?

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek keeps step with the hapless halfling.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8


Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek examines the pinhole and says I dink dis is bard of de same song dubes we already used. After a lingering glance around, Karek starts back the way the party came.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

De halfling's a survivor, Hal. Karek says as he slows to a stop. I dink we'll see 'im again.

Do they have any Gaseous Form potions that we know of?

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Dey fled. Grumbles Karek. Ged'em iv ye wand 'em.

Karek moves as far as he can, running if possible, to see if they escaped down a hall the party could not see.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

The wall of fire isn't a hard stop, merely a suggestion. I'm sure they're bolting through it on their turn. Hurgah can get them, yes, but he doesn't seem to be doing that. Karek doesn't personally have any way to get them back, and he really can't outdistance them. He is concerned that Xaven will carry through on his threat. I do know somebody who isn't all that concerned with death, though...

Initiative for Donkor Sooron: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18

Donkor draws his wand of Command, and waits for an opportunity to use it to compel the halfling to approach (if he has left the ring of fire) or compel the halfling to drop his weapon.

For his part, Karek moves towards them, intent on finishing this as fast as possible.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Sorry, I should say that Karek will double move out into the hallway, so he can at least see what's going on, maybe chew Hal out from there.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

I really haven't been ignoring you guys. Instead, I've been looking at the thread and sighing into my computer screen. Their unchecked flight completely knocked the wind out of my sails. Karek is really upset at everybody and might very well shout at the party anyway, but I'm not sure he can do much to get them back, especially knowing that Xaven is probably insane and liable to kill himself if threatened. He was beginning to like the guy, too. Hurgah at least could easily pursue, but both groups running headlong into whatever the pyramid can throw at us is somewhat less than ideal. So I can't make up my mind either. We've damn well proven that diplomacy and intimidation just won't work for us. The only real recourse to keep them with us is to chase them down, tie them up, and drag them along, which is a liability (or perhaps eliminate Hrokon, which Karek's not really okay with). Or we let them wander around, to either bother us later or get killed by some pyramid thing, which isn't good either. I think altogether I'm inclined to let them go, reasoning that at this point we're probably all safer apart.

Karek looks just about on the verge of action (to Gandel anyway, who might be the only one who can see him). As Xaven quickly outdistances him, though, Karek sags and spits the word Vools to no one in particular. Jes leab me in charge of the talkin' nex dime, why dond ye?

If Donkor has some GMPC actions appropriate to his history with them, that's fine. Otherwise, he just takes Karek's opinion.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Initiative!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, and I guess I hope I outroll Xaven. If I don't, my plan is pretty well shot.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

While Xaven is still standing next to him, Karek reacts, lightning fast and without warning.

Free action to Rage. Disarm attempt vs. Xaven, assisted by a hero point. 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26

Karek roars at the Dune Squad in anger and frustration. The normally silent Karek is a slobbering mess right now.

Open if I disarmed Xaven:
Shud ub, all o' ye. Ye squabble like witches fidin' ober an old cauldron. Dere's a demon wadgin' us, and habin no end of vun wid id. We dravel wid de halfling undil dis pac is undone. He goes undied because he can helb us vind and vide. His friend comes because he has do. Now shud ub and led us delve in beace or ye will answer do me. De nex' one o' ye do comblain can dalk wid my hammer.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek, ignoring the growing kerfluffle around him, takes one of the sets of boots and sticks it on his feet to see if anything might happen in the short term. He clanks down the hall to the Pactstone and stands on it for a few moments. If nothing happens, he shrugs, takes them off, and continues down the hall, following the bend left. (At least until his allies provoke another fight.)

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek checks for traps. Do the halflings see anything? If no alarms are raised, Karek will enter.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Oof. This is taking another turn.

Anyway, sorry, Karek will start investigating the opening immediately to the right, checking for any irregularities in the stonework and investigating what may lie inside.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek bravely forges ahead.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

We should all dake a deeb bread and relax. Da byramid wands to kill us as much as we do. Karek takes a doubtful glance down the hallway he started traversing.

Karek makes a Sense Motive check to try to determine whether Xaven would lay down his life for his friend - or perhaps whether he has resurrection insurance stashed somewhere.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Nice! Looks pretty cool!

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek is given to understand he's next to the rogue halfling. Er, halfling rogue. Anyway, he's going to ready an action to attempt to grab him should he start dashing about or stabbing other people or something like that.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Don't forget Karek! Whether he's delaying depends on what Neversword does, I suppose.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Donkor delays, not wanting to upset the delicate balance in the room right at this moment.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek sighs and begins to turn back to the main room. Hal, iv I crush dis floor for ye, where will ye end ub?

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Hal, condrol yerselv. Karek intones. Ye'll nodice I'm nod breaking dings.

Dere's more direcshun's dan dis. Karek points at the east and west exits from the "Pactstone" chamber. Whad do you make of dem?

Karek pauses for an answer, but then proceeds down the north hallway, reasoning that one direction is as good as another.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek groans. I'm sure ids vine, Drabsbringer. He steps through the portal.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek will put his precious potion back in his bag, then motion to Gandel to resume the front line. He's going back to the room we were about to examine - the northern arch.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Nice, Moonpate. Both the roll and the flavor.

Karek, for his part, is keeping close to Hrokon and Xaven. With a glance at Hrokon, Karek deliberately puts his weapon away.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Oh, I guess I should actually roll that perception check.1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Keeb off the whide blade undil he is dead. Karek reminds the party. Don'd link our vade do 'is doo.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

I believe Donkor's choice of action is now legitimized?

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8
Hurgah the Reaver wrote:

It's 10 PM. Do you know where your weasel is?

This Public Service Announcement was brought to you on behalf of the Save Bunky Society.

Why, yes, I have my weasel right...

What have you done!?

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Moon, I hope you're summoning something that can find an invisible foe, or that you can narrow down where he is somehow. We need Gandel to throw a Glitterdust, if he has any left(?). If we can't get the demon, we'll get the damned assassin.

Did Donkor see where Sceptre was to target him? If so...

Donkor retrieves his wand with a flourish, nearly dropping it in the process. You. Come here. He roars, pointing his wand where he last saw the assassin's outline. Command to Approach. Will Save DC 11 for Sceptre.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek is done, pending a map and "pointing" clarifications. Suekahn can go.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

I don't have a (practical) ranged weapon handy. Who wants?

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

So, downstairs would be the room that Gandel and I were salivating over? I guess we're not sure if he's flying or levitating or what.

Karek will once again ask if there is anything small-sized to throw at a range. That might include Gandel or Xaven.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

The above sounds like a move action, so I still have a standard.

De assassin? Can anybody ged'im vrom'ere? Karek glances up the tube as he goes and takes his potion of See Invisibility out of his pack.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

How much of a cooldown, though?
Karek grumbles to Gandel as he moves to keep up with Xaven.

To the half-orc and halfling: Don'd be voolish. Where will you go? Now would be a good dime ver yer demonslaying blan. He adds to Xaven.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8
Suekahn Raena-Tep wrote:
So it's to be gang up on the extra-planar then, is it?

Only if you let it! Happy new year!

Vivianne Laflamme wrote:
The dragon can attack and not kill the PCs. For example, a silver dragon could use her paralyzing breath rather than dealing damage. When all the PCs fail their saves, she can take trophies (the paralysis lasts 1d6 + age category rounds) then taunt them and leave. It's hard to build up a reputation if there aren't any survivors to spread tales of your magnificence.

My favorite example of that is the Half-Fiend Dragon with Blasphemy.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek gets next to Xaven.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Karek double moves so that he's in the epicenter of the action. If possible, he moves to be able to threaten Xaven and Hrokon with his freshly-drawn Earthbreaker.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Merry Christmas to the faithful Dune Squad-teers!

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Ah. Sorry. I plum forgot I was controlling that guy.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8

Our actions are totally going to allow Suekahn to hit 56, aren't they.

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Breaker) 8
Pact Stone GM wrote:
Breach is up next! Then somebody fun goes.

I'm fun too.

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