Kaito Daiki's page

No posts. Organized Play character for William Bumgarner.

Dark Archive

I played the above using my Tengu Vigilante (Avenger Specialization) named Drake Mallard. So far, I'm loving the class. Most of the time the party didn't even know I was there. I passed my civilian identity off as a scholar who was recording the exploits of Pathfinders to be put within the Chronicles, but as soon as trouble started I Stealthed my way out and in-character the group thought I chickened out (excuse the pun). I shadowed them for a while until they got into combat, then I popped a smoke bomb and revealed myself in a dramatic manner as befitting a masked avenger of the night. Combat-wise, I like the Avenger's "Assault Training" class ability, as it essentially lets me have a Dex-based character (which is my favorite to play) while still getting the effect of a full BAB. I cannot wait to get a few levels on this guy and test out some of the Vigilante Talents, but even if I never become great at combat the role-play and theatrics of this class are exactly the kind of thing I've been wanting in Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

The thing I want to know centers around the Wolf Style Feat in "Blood of the Moon"; is that considered a racial feat as per Additional Resources? The source book itself says "The following style feats were developed by werewolf-kin monks, but can be used by anyone with an affinity for
wolves and their kind," which would imply that anyone can indeed take it. It all seems rather vague and I'm looking to clear this up.

Dark Archive

Basically, I'm wanting to now if there is any sort of precedent for this. It's for a homebrew Skulls and Shackles and since my monk has almost died three times now I'm wanting to plan a backup character. I think a Chupacabra would be a really cool companion/familiar, and the GM has said he'd allow it *IF* I could find some kind of official (or even semi-official) ruling that would tell us what I would gain, but so far I've found bupkis. Is it just not possible or am I overlooking something? Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

It is a small change, but I would like to add a print edition of the module "Dawn of the Scarlet Sun" to this order in addition to the other three, if you are able to. Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

Hi everyone; I got into Pathfinder this past September at a local comic shop here in West Virginia, and now I'm going to Anime Central in Illinois on May 17-19th. I know there's a section reserved for tabletop gaming, but I was wondering if there are any official Society events going on there this year (ACen's own forums are decidedly non-helpful in this manner). I've got a small but varied character roster and I want to know ahead of time whether or not to bring my character folder and chronicle sheets. Thanks in advance.