Black Dragon

William Jeremiah Bumgarner's page

7 posts. Alias of William Bumgarner.


Dark Archive

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Personally, I'd love to see more adventures taking place in Nidal. After I played "The Midnight Mirror", I fell in love with the place and want to see it explored more.

Dark Archive

Thanks, guys. I think I have what I need now.

Dark Archive

Basically, I'm wanting to now if there is any sort of precedent for this. It's for a homebrew Skulls and Shackles and since my monk has almost died three times now I'm wanting to plan a backup character. I think a Chupacabra would be a really cool companion/familiar, and the GM has said he'd allow it *IF* I could find some kind of official (or even semi-official) ruling that would tell us what I would gain, but so far I've found bupkis. Is it just not possible or am I overlooking something? Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

Alright; that took care of it! Thanks for the quick service! I love grabbing modules when I can, as they are very popular with my PFS group.

Dark Archive

It is a small change, but I would like to add a print edition of the module "Dawn of the Scarlet Sun" to this order in addition to the other three, if you are able to. Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

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Honestly, my favorite villain (because of the iconic/cult status he has achieved in our particular circle) is from "First Steps Part I: In Service To Lore".

Ledford, the Halfling Barbarian. Even though you kill him and I know he can't even come back, he's always going to be my favorite.
He killed my very first character the very first time I played him. I've since gotten revenge with another character, but no vengeance shall bring back Mordo Twinstar, the idiot Half-Elf Rogue who split the party and charged the boss. (This is also the source of my avatar name.)

Dark Archive

Hi everyone; I got into Pathfinder this past September at a local comic shop here in West Virginia, and now I'm going to Anime Central in Illinois on May 17-19th. I know there's a section reserved for tabletop gaming, but I was wondering if there are any official Society events going on there this year (ACen's own forums are decidedly non-helpful in this manner). I've got a small but varied character roster and I want to know ahead of time whether or not to bring my character folder and chronicle sheets. Thanks in advance.