KaiBlob1's page

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ornathopter wrote:
Does anyone know if the psychopomp ushers would be in this? I started reading about them and I'd like to see them updated. Plus if they're in this book we could get Yivali's commentary on them as psychopomps, which would be neat.

They're confirmed to be in it yup

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Elfteiroh wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:
Curmudgeonly wrote:

Hey Aaron, any word on an updated PDF?

Still nothing on this front ?

By the way, I just bought Howl of the Wild and it's spectacular, no issues with the pdf. So it seems that this was a tragic occurrence limited to Rage of the Elements...
I will keep waiting, my finger on the pdf buy button xD

Note that Aaron is not working for Paizo anymore, and he was the only one looking at the forums outside of moderating. (And he was ddoing it off the clock more often than not...)

The best way to get an answer would be to contact Customer Support.

Damn that sucks, Aaron was great

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Animism wrote:
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Just wondering if the recently announced "Spore War" high level AP (also a 3 part adventure path I believe) ... <snip>
Could this be the "Treerazer" AP!?? Σ(0o0)

it is, yeah. It's about Treerazer finally deciding to try and take over all of Kyonin and the PCs trying to stop him.

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IS there any reason specifically that they didn't do settlement stat blocks in this? Is that a remaster thing?

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
Isn't War of Immortals set to be a 1-20? I thought I recalled that as part of the announcement, but it could be my assumptions running away with me.

War of Immortals is a sourcebook, not an adventure

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Hazelnut51 wrote:
I'm sure this has been answered somewhere before, but when November comes around and it's time for the Rulebook subscription to do its thing, will it charge me for both books and shipping at once, then send them out together, or will it be one than the other a bit latter?
They both be charged and sent together.

Appreciate the pirate speak Aaron ;)

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Man, literally 'how the worm turns' out to be apparently awesome.

It'd be neat if it wasn't a Conqueror Worm, but just, like, this Worm, you know, hangin' out, doin' worm things and *bam* "Who the frak is dinging the clingcling on MY cave system?"

She's not a conqueror worm, she's a cave worm - there's an article about them in SKT 2.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

There's also some value in making the number of places you need to look for "all the druid feats" manageable instead of having them spread across 18 different books.

you can find every druid feat ever printed in any book all in one place on AON for free though, so not really sure that this is a pertinent argument.

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
No, thanks, I'd prefer the game to grow horizontally, not vertically.

I disagree with this. I can only play one class at a time, so if I'm in the middle of a game adding new classes does functionally nothing for me, as cool as it is. More feats for my current class, however, are absolutely super valuable and provide more options for me to grow my character.

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James Jacobs wrote:
yak117 wrote:
Are there any plans for this to go back into print?
Not at this time, as far as I'm aware. We typically don't reprint individual volumes of softcover books.

Any plans for an Age of Ashes hardcover? I love this AP, one of the best thats been printed, but it could also definitely use a balance pass lol.

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Paizo has always held to the "5 dragons per theme" rule. So unless they are doing some retconning and reorganization of dragons not sure we will see completely new types for the two planes
"The god of humanity is dead and prophecy is broken..."

This is very amusing in hindsight, given what we know now about dragons in Monster Core

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stream is live for those who want more answers


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For people wondering about significant class reworks, the description of Player Core 1 says this:

Player Core 1 wrote:
including revisions to the witch

and Player Core 2 says this:

Player Core 2 wrote:
including a revised alchemist, champion, and oracle!

So the two biggest suspects are getting major revisions, plus champion (probably because of alignment) and - the only one that surprises me - Oracle, which I thought was a phenomenal class already.

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sucks that there's no digital version for these, as everyone has said. I hope Paizo can maybe reconsider in the future.

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voyaging across the waters of the lake... does that sound to anyone else like a seafaring piece of the adventure? very excited for that if so

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Paizo says there are supposed to be 4 LO books per year - one every quarter. We only know two of them (KoL and TG) so there is definitely still room for this book.

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I'm not sure about some of your decisions. Specifically, needing to complete outlaws of alkenstar to gain access to Guns and Gears, and needing to complete bloodlords to access book of the dead, seem like mistakes to me. Its strongly implied that PCs in bloodlords will benefit from being undead, something they can only be using BotD, and I think not allowing PCs in alkenstar to be gunslingers is a mistake. Maybe have these books unlock at the same time as their connected adventures?

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Feros wrote:
KaiBlob1 wrote:
Feros wrote:
I just got the PDF as my subscriptions came through. The location numbers from the guide are all there. It is glorious. :)
Awesome, I was hoping it wasn'tjust the same map that came with the book printed bigger.
Nope! And there is a complete location index on the inside of the folio cover so it doesn't mar the map!

Wow. I feel like maybe they should've done some more marketing of this, I think if people knew what it was going to include (and that it wasn't just an enlarged version of an image we've gotten several times before) many more people would've been interested.

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So, I was recently watching the msot recent Paizo Live, and in it Erik Mona's paizo live spoiler is that:

Erik Mona said wrote:
I would pay particular attention to the company that some of the prominent elder generation of Blakroses have been keeping recently, perhaps behind their husband's back, and that may lead to some additional clues about the true identity of a particularly charming gentleman who was first introduced... well, I'm not going to say when he was first introduced, that's too many clues. [...] Its a BIGGG deal.

So I did some digging on this big deal and I am 100% certain that he is referring to lord Synarr Diadalos, a new friend of Lady Dhrami Blakros, the wife of the curator of Blakros Museum. He was first introduced I believe in this tale of lost omens where it is shown that he is a potential starstone aspirant. He is also listed in the villians section of the NPC index at the end of the Absalom book, despite nothing obviously villanous being mentioned about him in either source. He is also listed as a level 19 human wizard.

His house, Starspine Manor, mysteriously appeared in the Ivy district one day, pushing apart two houses that had previously been together.This house was also the site of a large and popular masquerade ball last year which he has apparently promised to make an annual tradition.

The Absalom book also says he has been spending time with Tontartigan Dellby, the headmaster of Absalom's Endiron School, for some unknown reason. he is also a fashion enthusiast, a patron of the arts, and a regular customer at several renowned Absalom restaurants.

Finally, the most interesting thing I picked up about him is this line, written at the end of the Open Game License section at the very end of the book:

Absalom, City of Lost Omens said wrote:
Lord Synarr is not who he says he is!

So what do you all make of this? This is clearly building to something big, but what specifically I have no idea. Maybe Snyarr will succeed and Golarion will have a new god some time in the near future? Maybe that masquerade ball he's planning will be an adventure?

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we might get an announcement at paizocon in May

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
The book is about to be sent to the printer. I’ll take a look at the final PDF for the first time next week. We are of the opinion that spoilers and previews via blogs aren’t what we’re looking for because they’re not evergreen. Buuuuuuut, how do you feel about an early AMA Q&A here on the product page? Try something new for 2022?

sounds great.

Are there rules for if a previously livingplayer character dies and becomes undead (ie how to handle the transition, stat changes, etc)?

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keftiu wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Yeah we kinda have to get Witchwyrds at some point, if not playable at least in a bestiary simply because Katapesh still exists.
There's a monster statblock for them on AoN, apparently printed in Age of Ashes #5. It has them as a level 6 arcane caster, capable of snatching magic missiles out of the air and throwing them back.

Also reprinted in Bestiary 2 on page 294

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im excited to see monsters we've never heard about before

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many celestials do serve specific good deities (sarenrae, desna, iomedae, and shelyn all have specific angel/azata/archon servitors, etc), but they don't have to.

Its important to remember that your eidolon doesn't blindly serve you - it is a creature of its own, with its own thoughts and opinions. It is bound to your will and thus will do what you tell it to, but it has its own plans and views and will likely express them to you, especially if it disagrees with you.

Summoner: "go save that guy falling off of a cliff"
demon eidolon: "don't you think it would be more fun to let him fall?"
Summoner: "no, go save him!"
demon eidolon: "fine"

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Ly'ualdre wrote:
This gives me hope for my desires to see Champions adopt the 1e Cavalier and Samurai's Order ability to enable Champions of Causes that aren't strictly tied to Deities. I know the Knights of Lastwall are a religious military order dedicated to Iomedae, but not everyone joined as her followers. A Cause based around the Knights of Lastwall would be very interesting; for what is a Knight if not a Champion of their Orders Cause?

It could be a champion class archetype.

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Ron Lundeen wrote:
Uchuujin wrote:

The sidebar on page 7 states "Throughout the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path, the heroes gain XP not from winning fights, but from solving mysteries, aiding others, or even just making friends."

Does this mean that combats should have no XP award? Or rather that there are many ways to gain XP in addition to combat?

You get XP for winning fights, just like in any Pathfinder game. But you'll get a lot of your XP for doing things other than winning fights, and you'll find that sometimes you get more XP for solving a conflict in a way that doesn't involve clobbering your enemy.

thats great, but in future if you're going to continue this (which I hope you do), maybe don't say "PCs gain XP not from fights, ..." because that makes it sound like fights don't grant XP at all.

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I hope we get some of the farther-flung regions mixed in with the inner sea stuff, so we dont have to wait at least another ~3 years to get something like arcadia or casmaron

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There are Erastil and Ketephys, both sort-of hunt dieties, and also Cernunnos, who has the edicts "Protect forests and other natural areas, advocate for animals and plants, take and commit to decisive actions". That's probably as close as you're gonna get. There isn't really a "Demeter" type figure. You could look through This list of Nature domain deities to see if anyone else fits your goal better.

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it would be cool if they release a poster map like the world guide one or the one coming with absalom but just of the mwangi expanse, bigger and with more locations specified. I would love that.

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this is such an interesting class concept. I hope we see something similar to this in pathfinder someday

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I agree, I was expecting a more zoomed in map for each of the subregions in the geography section with more labels but we didn't get that unfortunately

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As someone who has never been interested in dwarves, and skipped over the mbeke and taralu sections in the mwangi expanse book, this is an absolutely phenomenal story and one that made me give both of those sections a read, and when I did I thoroughly enjoyed them.

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I think there may have been a mistake in the History section, with some events that are listed on the sidebar as happening during the age of enthronement being written under the header of the age of destiny (overthrow of Mzali is listed as 3967 AR, end of the rastel-xatramba war is 3705 AR, and we known from the slithering that Xatramba isnt even founded until 3699). I'm assuming the sidebar dates are the correct ones because they line up with information we have from previous sources.

Nonetheless a fantastic book, easily one of the best I've ever read from pathfinder and I've read nearly everything from 2e and a couple things from 1e. I hope all of these new authors you've found will continue to be used in projects going forward!

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Thanks Erik for all of the updates. That kind of transparency is one of the thngs I love about Paizo. IF it does continue to be for 5 players I hope it includes some kind of advice on how to modify it for 4 seeing as thats the most common number of players, the number that most groups probably already are, and the number that any adventures run after DGH will have been written for.

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I kind of doubt they would put out 3 tied-in hard-covers just to have it be a 3-part AP. I think it must be the late-2022 6-part AP.

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Super hyped to be able to play undead characters. I wonder it they'll be their own ancestrys/heritages or if itll be more akin to the corruption system in Horror Adventures from 1e.

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Looks like this turned out to be true, and its set in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Its only 3 volumes, from January to March, ostensibly 1st-10th like AbV.

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Honest question, if you have them in your warehouse already why do they need to stay there for another ~5 weeks before being shipped? Why not ship them now?

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Kyrt wrote:
Will there be anything new that hasn't appeared in a previous incarnation?

My understanding from what Luis said is that everything in this book will be new content, no reprints. If you mean new as in never in 1e then I don't know for sure but the trend set by previous Lost Omens books suggests that there probably will be all-new monsters in this book as well (LOCG and firebrands, LOL and Kassi Aziril, LOPSG and several lodges, etc)

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WWHsmackdown wrote:
Lucerious wrote:
A symbiotic parasite heritage.
Serious English question: is that an oxymoron?

Yes it is. Symbiotic relationships are when two creatures live off of each other in harmony, each needing the other to survive, whereas parasitic relationships are those where one organism leeches off of another without giving anything back.

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Bloodrager could be a barbarian class archetype, maybe even in secrets of magic

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Staffan Johansson wrote:
keftiu wrote:
The problem is that mechanizing different types of humans can very quickly go some very gross places.

True. But heritages for other ancestries aren't strictly tied to ethnicities – there is some correlation ("heritage A is common among ethnicities B, C, and sometimes D" or the inverse "ethnicity A often have heritage B, C or D"), but it's not a strict thing ("all As are Bs"). And while it's definitely an area that does need some sensitivity, I think there's definitely room to expand there.

I think the main danger is to reserve the "cool" heritages for "exotic" folks (that's not the best term, but it's what I can come up with while posting). If you were to add, for example, "Desert dweller", "Forest folk", and "Mountain men", that would send the message that folks from those places aren't "normal" humans, which could be bad.

Hmm. Perhaps one way of dealing with it would be to add one heritage that gives a second ancestry feat, and then make more cool cultural ancestry feats for humans (ancestry feats generally have less of a risk of being gross than heritages).

Maybe something like "Deeply rooted" that says "pick one first level ancestry feat with a specific ethnicity as a prerequisite" or something?

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Castilliano wrote:

I want reasoned pacing in the release of Ancestries/Heritages so that we don't get swamped like Starfinder did with lots of meaningless skins with minimal culture. I want them to have enough depth a home GM could build a chunk of adventure around a village or family of them and have a solid base for building personalities and uniqueness. Or a table of players, if they built a party of them, would understand how that would change the social dynamics from a typical party.

Thankfully most of the examples here do, yet I had to get that out there.

I think 2e is the perfect game for this idea of ancestries with actual culture and depth. IN starfinder and 1e, a race could fit in a sidebar, and that incentivizes throwing them in to fill space in bestiaries and the like rather than fleshing them out. In pathfinder an ancestry takes 4 pages minimum, and its hard to write 4 pages about a group of people without giving them at least some interesting qualities and culture.

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We already have a thread for Classes, and Rulebooks, and APs, but what interesting/exciting Ancestry or Versatile Heritage options are people hopeful/excited for?

For reference, as of writing there are 8 ancestries confirmed to be coming out this year:
Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse Anadi, Grippli, Gnoll, Shisk, Conrasu, Goloma
Guns and Gears Automaton
Lost Omens Grand Bazaar Unknown never-before-playable ancestry

Personally I hope we get a VH to make characters truly undead (mortic maybe?}, as well as centaurs and other Large ancestries and more weird/non-humanoid options.

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I feel like hyper-specific isnt really what a class should be. I don't necessarily think they need to be setting agnostic, but definitely not hyperspecific. There needs to be room for the subclasses to all feel different from eachother, and for the variety of class feats to make every single high-level version of the class feel different from every other one. That's hard if the class only encompasses a very narrow idea or playstyle.

At the same time, it is possible to make a class feel too broad. As good as the Fighter is, I've always felt like "fighter" doesn't really mean anything and the flavor just isnt there for me.

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Just noting for everyone that the first three words of the Giant Eagle description is "No mere animals,"

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I think I must be missing something but why can't regular longbows etc be used mounted? everyone is acting like the ability to be used mounted is a big advantage for the daikyu but I can't find where it says that you can't use regular bows when mounted.

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I imagine we'll get that at paizocon

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graystone wrote:
"Some of these spells aren't normally on the divine list, but they're divine spells if you prepare them this way." As "Some of these spells aren't normally on the divine list", that also means some ARE.

but whats the point of deities granting those spells to clerics if clerics could cast them already anyway?

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Asgetrion wrote:
Oh, wow! Will there be lair maps and/or hand-outs in this book? It would be great if it did include both. :)

I imagine at least some monsters will have supplemental features like that, given the 6 pages per monster estimation made earlier. I'm thinking two pages of lore, two pages for statblock (high level creature statblocks get big), and then two pages for extra PC options, maps, handouts, treasure they guard, etc.

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