Kech Hunter

KTFish7's page

729 posts. 98 reviews. 1 list. 4 wishlists.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rick Hershey reached out to many of his friends in the industry to put together a bundle totaling 118 products, for the extremely excellent price of $25. That right, 118 products, $25. Value on the individual purchases put this at over $500, so this is a great deal, filled with excellent material. LINK

Just for the sake of easing the listing of what is all involved, the following comprises what is contained:

Legends of Steel - Barbarians of Lemuria Edition Reg. price: $15.00
The People of the Pit Reg. price: $10.00
A Necromancer's Almanac: 2012 Reg. price: $9.99
A00: Crow's Rest Island Reg. price: $6.99
A00: Crow's Rest Island for Fantasy Grounds II Reg. price: $8.99
A01: Crypt of the Sun Lord Reg. price: $6.99
A01: Crypt of the Sun Lord for Fantasy Grounds II Reg. price: $8.99
Angry Flowers! Reg. price: $0.99
B01: Under His Skin Reg. price: $6.99
BASIC01: A Learning Time Reg. price: $6.99
Breakin'Wild! Reg. price: $1.50
C01: Alagoran's Gem Reg. price: $6.99
Call to Arms: Archer's Arsenal Reg. price: $2.00
Children of the Hammer Reg. price: $5.00
CLASSifieds: Apostle Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Eldritch Conjuror Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Pyromancer Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Striker Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Wolfsworn Reg. price: $2.00
Cooking With Class Reg. price: $7.99
Creature Monthly Reg. price: $7.00
d20pfsrd presents Open Gaming Monthly #4 Reg. price: $2.99 presents Open Gaming Monthly #1 Reg. price: $0.00 presents Open Gaming Monthly #2 Reg. price: $3.00 presents Open Gaming Monthly #3 Reg. price: $3.00
Dark Talents: Cambion Feats for Shadows over Vathak Reg. price: $2.00
Dark Talents: Dhampir Feats for Shadows over Vathak Reg. price: $2.00
Deadlands Noir: The Tenement Men Reg. price: $3.99
Detective Carnacki’s Serial Killers of Vathak Reg. price: $3.00
Hall of Bones Reg. price: $4.99
Madame Mombi's Forbidden Tomes Reg. price: $2.00
Modern Item Cards Reg. price: $2.00
Monkeys On Juice Reg. price: $0.99
Order of Black Earth: a player faction for Shadows over Vathak
Reg. price: $3.00
Publisher's Choice - Basic Racial Portraits (Fantasy Males) Reg. price: $5.00
Publisher's Choice - Classic Adventure Covers (Multi-Colored Modules)
Reg. price: $3.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Catfolk Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Fetchlings Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Feyborn Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Grippli Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Hauntlings Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Minotaur Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Ratfolk Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Saurians Reg. price: $2.00
Return of the Drow: Alternate Racial Traits & Race Traits Reg price$1.99
Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Stormpunk Character Primer Reg. price: $0.00
Rogue Glory Reg. price: $9.99
Shadows over Vathak Reg. price: $39.99
Shadows over Vathak World Map Reg. price: $0.00
Skill Talents Reg. price: $3.00
Spelldancer; Revised Reg. price: $9.93
Steampunk Musha Explorer's Guide Reg. price: $0.00
Tales of Rosuto-Shima for Steampunk Musha Reg. price: $3.99
The City States of Vallinar Reg. price: $0.00
The Dread Codex: Goblin Chronicles Reg. price: $4.99
VTT Maps: Vikmordere Ship (below deck)Reg. price: $1.99
VTT Maps: Vikmordere Ship (top deck)Reg. price: $2.99
VTT Maps: Vikmordere Ship (top deck,heavy snow)Reg. price: $1.99
VTT Map! s: Vikmordere Ship (top deck, light snow) Reg. price: $1.99
[PFRPG] - World Wonders Reg. price: $1.99
[PFRPG] Gemstone Generator Reg. price: $1.50
[PFRPG] Mor Aldenn Creature Compendium Reg. price: $3.99
[PFRPG] Mor Aldenn Setting Guide Reg. price: $9.99
[PFRPG] The Haunting of Soldragon Academy Reg. price: $5.00
Supporting Roles: Commander & Centurion Reg. price: $3.00
Supporting Roles: Swashbuckler Reg. price: $2.00
Tome of Missing Magic for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Reg. price: $19.99
Coins of the Realm: Gold Reg. price: $1.00
Fantastical Currencies - Dark Kingdom Edition Reg.price: $4.00
Fantastical Currencies: Kingdom Edition Vol. 2 Reg.price: $4.00
Fantastical Currencies: Kingdom Edition Master Set 1 Reg. price: $5.00
Hard Boiled - Church and Funeral Documents Reg. price: $4.00
Hard Boiled - Church & Graveyard Miniatures Reg. price: $4.00
The Roleplayer's Leechbook Reg. price: $4.00
LandEscapes: World Map 01 Reg. price: $4.00
Sir Reginald Lichlyter's Wine & Spirit Emporium Reg. price: $4.00
Ghost Stories Collection Reg. price: $10.00
Tavern Menus: Fantasy Sample Menus Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus: Wild West Saloons Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus: Dwarven Dinner Reg. price: $4.00
Condition Tokens Reg. price: $1.96
Haunts and Horrors 2nd Edition Reg. price: $9.93
Horrors of the North Reg. price: $4.00
The Mask of Shinmo Reg. price: $4.00
The Spellweaver PFRPG Edition Reg. price: $9.99
Superior Synergy: Fantasy PFRPG Edition Reg. price: $8.99
Madam Mombi presents: Superstitions & Cottage Myths Reg. price: $4.00
Ancient World Player's Guide Reg. price: $3.95
Faith & Demons: The Rising Player's Guide Reg. price: $7.95
Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse Compendium I Reg. price: $7.95
Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse Compendium II Reg. price: $7.95
CreatureDaily.Com Paper Miniatures Vol.1 Reg. price: $2.00
The Perfect Storm(PerfectStormFGG)Reg. price: $4.00
Pestilence: The Book of Disease(PestilenceFGG00)Reg. price: $3.99
Storm Bunny Presents: The Ghost of Ashenwood Road(SBP1)Reg. price: $1.00
Secrets of the Sea Kingdoms(SDSup01)Reg. price: $26.00
Fantastical Currencies: Kingdom Edition(SNGFC01)Reg. price: $4.00
Fantastical Currencies: Dwarven Treasure(SNGFC02)Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus(SNGTM01)Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus: Pirate Food & Spirits(SNGTM02.pdf)Reg. price: $4.00
Bits of Darkness: Caverns(TAB0102)Reg. price: $5.25
Bits of Magicka: Pocket Items(TAB0302)Reg. price: $4.50
Call to Arms: Tomes of Power(tomes)Reg. price: $2.00
Dwellers in Dream: Five Original Fey-Themed PC Races Reg. price: $19.99
Vathak Times Subscription (12 Issues)Reg. price: $12.00
1 on 1 Adventures #13: The Pearls of Pohjola Reg. price: $6.00
Advanced Adventures #10: The Lost Keys of Solitude Reg. price: $7.00

If and as more becomes added to the bundle I will do my best to add them here.

Posted review for the FULL PDF, but I encourage people to get the preview as the full version is not available as of yet. Well done, and the type of tale that could be some of those storyline that a group would talk about for quite a while are the game was done.

Impressive Brian Engard, as well as Rite Publishing for bringing an excellent product to the table.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's right folks, AAW has jumped in to the deep end with their first Kickstarter offering. A compiled expanded edition of the Rise of the Drow trilogy.

Rise of the Drow Kickstarter

3 time Ennie award winning cartographer Todd Gamble will be bringing with personal touch to the full color gorgeous maps, adding in many new sections as the material expands and grows.

Jonathan Nelson and Stephen Yeardley co-authored a solid, epic storyline and decided to invite along some friends when it was time to revisit the project for an expansion.

With a host of authors on board including Brian Berg, Owen K. C. Stevens, Robert Gruver and Jason Stoffa the sheer weight of new material and sections being added to the trilogy alone are going to provide enough material to fill another 100 pages.

With plans to bring an board familiar names as well as a new fresh faces in regards to art, we'll also got a few surprises in store as to artists we are wanting to work with for this book.

And no, that's not all we have planned my come check it the campaign, hit us with a million questions, and let's see enjoy this ride together!!!!!!!!!!!

Rise of the Drow Kickstarter

Review Up. Love the Butcher, he's just the right mix of creepy.

Review up, some real treats in this one guys, well done!

Reviewed here and on DTRPG. Loved the embodiment...the new giant, the drake...excellent.

Alas, I just don't have the money this month, and need to suspend my subscription until funding becomes a little better. Thanks.

when I first signed up for a subscription, I averaged getting my APs before my LFGS, now he tends to get them a week before I do...the month is almost over, any chance of an eta?

My apologies, as I know I have a decent stack of PDF's awaiting review right now, but I have found myself on the wrong end of illness, and am currently sitting in a hospital, with no clue how long they intend to keep me. The internet access is horrible, to say the least, and my time for laptop play is low as well, so I can give no fair assumption of time at this point for any of the reviews I need to be getting done...hopefully by the end of the week I'll be back at it.

Joshua KTFish7 Gullion

Got the PDF back on the 12th, have yet to see the physical book show up, is there a problem with shipping going on?

Glad to see this made it up here. Have added review here as well.

Discovered today that the Hero Lab files for this PDF require the Bestiary 1 data pack, my apologies for not clarifying that before this went live.

Reviewed here and at RPGNow.

Would really like to know why the tracking number for this order, which according to the email (which I received on the 18th) was expected to ship on the 20th, still isn't valid. I understand there was weather, but my money was taken, which as I understand Paizo doesn't do unless they've shipped the product. Now, I'm twelve days past when I received the email, and I have no book, nor do I have a valid tracking number. I called the customer service number earlier and left a message, but didn't get a response that way either. If the book shipped late because of weather I can understand that, what I don't understand is why the tracking number is invalid, and why I can't seem to get an answer from CS.

Picked up a few books from the scratch and dent section of the site the other night, curious as to how scratched and dented a book might get. They arrived today and I'm amazed at what you guys consider a non-mint book, these are in better shape than some of the books on the shelves at my local game store. Fast turn around and excellent product, you guys never fail to impress. Thank you.

Once again another collection of timely goodies. Just downloaded, will be perusing tonight. Thanks