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Rick Hershey reached out to many of his friends in the industry to put together a bundle totaling 118 products, for the extremely excellent price of $25. That right, 118 products, $25. Value on the individual purchases put this at over $500, so this is a great deal, filled with excellent material. LINK
Just for the sake of easing the listing of what is all involved, the following comprises what is contained:
Legends of Steel - Barbarians of Lemuria Edition Reg. price: $15.00
The People of the Pit Reg. price: $10.00
A Necromancer's Almanac: 2012 Reg. price: $9.99
A00: Crow's Rest Island Reg. price: $6.99
A00: Crow's Rest Island for Fantasy Grounds II Reg. price: $8.99
A01: Crypt of the Sun Lord Reg. price: $6.99
A01: Crypt of the Sun Lord for Fantasy Grounds II Reg. price: $8.99
Angry Flowers! Reg. price: $0.99
B01: Under His Skin Reg. price: $6.99
BASIC01: A Learning Time Reg. price: $6.99
Breakin'Wild! Reg. price: $1.50
C01: Alagoran's Gem Reg. price: $6.99
Call to Arms: Archer's Arsenal Reg. price: $2.00
Children of the Hammer Reg. price: $5.00
CLASSifieds: Apostle Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Eldritch Conjuror Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Pyromancer Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Striker Reg. price: $2.00
CLASSifieds: Wolfsworn Reg. price: $2.00
Cooking With Class Reg. price: $7.99
Creature Monthly Reg. price: $7.00
d20pfsrd presents Open Gaming Monthly #4 Reg. price: $2.99
d20pfsrd.com presents Open Gaming Monthly #1 Reg. price: $0.00
d20pfsrd.com presents Open Gaming Monthly #2 Reg. price: $3.00
d20pfsrd.com presents Open Gaming Monthly #3 Reg. price: $3.00
Dark Talents: Cambion Feats for Shadows over Vathak Reg. price: $2.00
Dark Talents: Dhampir Feats for Shadows over Vathak Reg. price: $2.00
Deadlands Noir: The Tenement Men Reg. price: $3.99
Detective Carnacki’s Serial Killers of Vathak Reg. price: $3.00
Hall of Bones Reg. price: $4.99
Madame Mombi's Forbidden Tomes Reg. price: $2.00
Modern Item Cards Reg. price: $2.00
Monkeys On Juice Reg. price: $0.99
Order of Black Earth: a player faction for Shadows over Vathak
Reg. price: $3.00
Publisher's Choice - Basic Racial Portraits (Fantasy Males) Reg. price: $5.00
Publisher's Choice - Classic Adventure Covers (Multi-Colored Modules)
Reg. price: $3.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Catfolk Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Fetchlings Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Feyborn Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Grippli Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Hauntlings Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Minotaur Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Ratfolk Reg. price: $2.00
Racial Ecologies: Guide to Saurians Reg. price: $2.00
Return of the Drow: Alternate Racial Traits & Race Traits Reg price$1.99
Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Stormpunk Character Primer Reg. price: $0.00
Rogue Glory Reg. price: $9.99
Shadows over Vathak Reg. price: $39.99
Shadows over Vathak World Map Reg. price: $0.00
Skill Talents Reg. price: $3.00
Spelldancer; Revised Reg. price: $9.93
Steampunk Musha Explorer's Guide Reg. price: $0.00
Tales of Rosuto-Shima for Steampunk Musha Reg. price: $3.99
The City States of Vallinar Reg. price: $0.00
The Dread Codex: Goblin Chronicles Reg. price: $4.99
VTT Maps: Vikmordere Ship (below deck)Reg. price: $1.99
VTT Maps: Vikmordere Ship (top deck)Reg. price: $2.99
VTT Maps: Vikmordere Ship (top deck,heavy snow)Reg. price: $1.99
VTT Map! s: Vikmordere Ship (top deck, light snow) Reg. price: $1.99
[PFRPG] - World Wonders Reg. price: $1.99
[PFRPG] Gemstone Generator Reg. price: $1.50
[PFRPG] Mor Aldenn Creature Compendium Reg. price: $3.99
[PFRPG] Mor Aldenn Setting Guide Reg. price: $9.99
[PFRPG] The Haunting of Soldragon Academy Reg. price: $5.00
Supporting Roles: Commander & Centurion Reg. price: $3.00
Supporting Roles: Swashbuckler Reg. price: $2.00
Tome of Missing Magic for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Reg. price: $19.99
Coins of the Realm: Gold Reg. price: $1.00
Fantastical Currencies - Dark Kingdom Edition Reg.price: $4.00
Fantastical Currencies: Kingdom Edition Vol. 2 Reg.price: $4.00
Fantastical Currencies: Kingdom Edition Master Set 1 Reg. price: $5.00
Hard Boiled - Church and Funeral Documents Reg. price: $4.00
Hard Boiled - Church & Graveyard Miniatures Reg. price: $4.00
The Roleplayer's Leechbook Reg. price: $4.00
LandEscapes: World Map 01 Reg. price: $4.00
Sir Reginald Lichlyter's Wine & Spirit Emporium Reg. price: $4.00
Ghost Stories Collection Reg. price: $10.00
Tavern Menus: Fantasy Sample Menus Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus: Wild West Saloons Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus: Dwarven Dinner Reg. price: $4.00
Condition Tokens Reg. price: $1.96
Haunts and Horrors 2nd Edition Reg. price: $9.93
Horrors of the North Reg. price: $4.00
The Mask of Shinmo Reg. price: $4.00
The Spellweaver PFRPG Edition Reg. price: $9.99
Superior Synergy: Fantasy PFRPG Edition Reg. price: $8.99
Madam Mombi presents: Superstitions & Cottage Myths Reg. price: $4.00
Ancient World Player's Guide Reg. price: $3.95
Faith & Demons: The Rising Player's Guide Reg. price: $7.95
Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse Compendium I Reg. price: $7.95
Mercenary Breed: Hastilion Expanse Compendium II Reg. price: $7.95
CreatureDaily.Com Paper Miniatures Vol.1 Reg. price: $2.00
The Perfect Storm(PerfectStormFGG)Reg. price: $4.00
Pestilence: The Book of Disease(PestilenceFGG00)Reg. price: $3.99
Storm Bunny Presents: The Ghost of Ashenwood Road(SBP1)Reg. price: $1.00
Secrets of the Sea Kingdoms(SDSup01)Reg. price: $26.00
Fantastical Currencies: Kingdom Edition(SNGFC01)Reg. price: $4.00
Fantastical Currencies: Dwarven Treasure(SNGFC02)Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus(SNGTM01)Reg. price: $4.00
Tavern Menus: Pirate Food & Spirits(SNGTM02.pdf)Reg. price: $4.00
Bits of Darkness: Caverns(TAB0102)Reg. price: $5.25
Bits of Magicka: Pocket Items(TAB0302)Reg. price: $4.50
Call to Arms: Tomes of Power(tomes)Reg. price: $2.00
Dwellers in Dream: Five Original Fey-Themed PC Races Reg. price: $19.99
Vathak Times Subscription (12 Issues)Reg. price: $12.00
1 on 1 Adventures #13: The Pearls of Pohjola Reg. price: $6.00
Advanced Adventures #10: The Lost Keys of Solitude Reg. price: $7.00
If and as more becomes added to the bundle I will do my best to add them here.