
Joshiah Bender's page

13 posts. Alias of Lord Manticore.


Not a problem. Everyone has put in their 2 cp at this point, and, given the nature of this 'situation' and how everyone is playing well within their characters, I am awarding bonus xp for all. All of you have earned it for how well you have played your characters thus far, and not just for this part.

Lagash immediately tears into the helpless gnome (coup de grace) and soon enough, Joshiah is dead.

Elen Emerwen wrote:
What ARE you really doing? Was this just robbery or what?

Joshiah looks at you incredulously. "Well of course, it's just robbery. Haven't you been paying attention, you babbling field mouse? How else are a bunch of gnomes going to survive in a place like this? We took over this place from two brothers named Bender. In their cases, they bent over while we stabbed them in the back. We've been here almost six years now, and have made a right killing." Joshiah laughs at her sardonic wit.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

"The Usurer himself said that he encourages those here to see to justice on their own", Ruul says. "What better way to prove to the camp that we are not to be trifled with than to make a public spectacle of all of this. He might also favor us a bit more if he sees that we are willing to abide by his rules."

The minotaur glances down at the captive gnome.

"Is there someone in the camp that would fight for your survival?"

"Only my sisters will fight for me. I'm guessing, since they are not here with me, that either they got away, or they are dead." Joshiah looks at you with dread malice before turning to Elen.

Joshiah starts squirming, trying to loosen her ropes. She realizes she is not walking out of here alive.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:
"We are new but we are not leaving anytime soon. Who in the camp knows the most about the Harbinger?" Ruuk asks as a follow up.

"Well, I don't know about that. No one has even been into the city itself in at least a decade, from what I've been told. And none of them are around here anymore. The Usurer might know something, he's about the only person here who was around when the last expedition went into the city. Beyond that, I can't really help you in that regard." Joshiah looks sad, as if she knows you're not getting what you want.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:
"Have you heard of one calling himself the Harbinger?"

"That just proves how new you are to this place. Anyone who has been here more than a couple of weeks have heard of this...thing." Joshiah pauses to sniff, then continues. "The Harbinger eventually comes up in almost every conversation had in this place. the problem is that, all it is is smoke and mirrors. It's all rumors and theories. No one has ever seen him, or her, or even it for that matter. There's no truth to tell with that one."

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:
Lord Manticore wrote:
"Survival of the fittest. You of all people should know about that. Who would suspect a couple of gnomes to be able to survive out here?"

"I understand survival but I also understand honor and you have none", the minotaur growls. "You invited us into your home and then betrayed our trust. By all rights your lives and everything you own is forfeit."

"If you want to live you will give us information. Useful information."

"If that's what it will cost, I'll be glad to tell you what you want to know."

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:


Does she come to?

She does come to, realizes that she is bound (gagged?) and, assuming she is allowed to speak, she asks, rather calmly, "So how much will it cost me to leave here in one piece?"

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:
Elen Emerwen wrote:
"Ruul, dear, if you want to actually allow her to surrender, you'll have to let her have some breath with which to do so."

Ruul shifts his furious glare from his victim to Elen briefly before coming to his senses.

He gives a little slack again.

"What do you have to say?" he asks in a profundo growl.

"Guhhhhhh!!" Joshiah takes a huge gasp, then crosses her eyes. "I...farts!" Joshiah squeeks, before passing out.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

What's Ruul's victim doing? If she hasn't surrendered, Ruul will continue to crush her.

[dice=Grapple for Damage]1d20+14+5-2

Joshiah comes to, groaning from the wound, and basically being crushed. She tries feebly to get herself loose, but to no avail.

Lavinia Batharoy wrote:

No point in making any more attacks right now since she is pinned.

"Ruul, please, no breaking till she answers some questions."

"Why were you attacking us? Do you do this to all your guests or were you hired to do this?"

Joshiah drools in response to your question. Blood slowly drips down her arm as she swings her rapier back and forth, obviously not registering with the world around her at this point.

Alliriyallin wrote:

Round 3 Init 20

Ally flutters into the kitchen, looking for the source of evil in there. I assume the Drow would have also pinged her Detect Evil through the kitchen wall, or was the wall too thick? As soon as she sees the Drow fighting with Lavinia, she will cast Lesser Confusion on the Drow. Confused for 1 round, DC 16 will save negates.

No, actually the walls are pretty thin. Detect evil has no problems at this point.

Will v. Spell (being grappled negates Blur for this magical effect): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Joshiah stops struggling for a moment. "Bwah?"

% v. Lesser Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 52

In her confusion, Joshiah manages to slash her lower arm with her rapier...

Confusion damage: 1d8 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

With a quick snap of its fingers, the 'drow' suddenly shrinks and transforms so that it looks like one of the Bender sisters (it is still blurred however). It attempts to take advantage of the situation when Lavinia's spell hit her.

Percentage v. Spell (due to Blur): 1d100 ⇒ 30

Will v. Spell (Blur ineffective): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Acrobatics check (Tumble through enemy square): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

But finds herself coming up short, with a burned mark on her armor to show for it.