Jimmyshap |
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I will have to agree to disagree on the whole bank vs. crowdfunding topic. A crowdfunding option in my opinion is a gamble where going the more traditional route is safer for both the business and consumer but that is just my opinion.
I agree with what you’ve said both here and the Kickstarter comment page for the project. I sincerely wish that there was something more that we could do as consumers to recoup our losses from this company. I’ve tried to just let go and accept that I threw away $475 on this but for some reason cannot let it go. It is the way that it is being handled that is my main issue. I hope that someone will soon be able to give us some answers other than “wait and see”
As I have said before I Hope Paizo does do something here for the backers because it was their endorsement that got my money out of me. I know how I would handle this in my business all I can do is hope that people at Paizo feel the same way.