Anthropomorphized Cricket

Jhyrryl's page

34 posts (126 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Sorry, it's been a busy couple of weeks prepping for my mother and grandmother's move from Iowa (not to mention the impending arrival of our baby). As a reminder, I'm out entirely next week doing that move, starting this Saturday.

Anyone with experience playing clerics is welcome to run Lorlenn, based on his char sheet, but I'll try to check in from the phone; it'll just be late at night.

I'll be driving my mother and grandmother from Iowa to California the last week of Feb. I won't be reliably available from Feb 23rd through March 2nd, but will try to check in via phone in the evenings.

Agreed. :)

RE: Plutivarch's Potions

Let's get those split up before moving forward with the story please. I'd like to claim one for Lorlenn, and recommend that the melee types get 1-2 each.

Braelex wrote:
"Always go left," Braelex states the obvious.

Fun anecdote: when I first got into the online games industry, I implemented a uni-directional maze in our Hercules & Xena MUD (licensed on the TV shows). It was a five room by five room maze with nothing tricky about the connections, except that you couldn't return in the direction that you came. I even made sure that every room had a unique arrangement of exits so that the rooms were recognizable from each other.

I set things up such that if you tried a rule like "always go left" or "always go right" rather than actually mapping out the relative room positions to identify the logical exit, you would never go through that exit.

In the center of the maze was a rose bush that, if kicked, caused a single point of damage to your character.

I watched a guy who refused to solve the maze and simply ran in circles for half an hour: before giving up and kicking himself to death, because it was "easier" to escape from Hades.

m3mnoch wrote:
Jhyrryl wrote:
I didn't get home early enough to do this, but I'll take care of it before we're out of the city.

what?!?!? for crying out loud, what were you doing last night? probably something dumb like an 11-person mtg grand melee game, huh.


12-person game. It was only an 11-person game after *someone* killed my lich and left me defenseless. ;)

Jhyrryl wrote:
I'll make up diagrams for outdoors and outdoors-on-horseback later tonight.

I didn't get home early enough to do this, but I'll take care of it before we're out of the city.

m3mnoch wrote:

indeed, it's cool. my dude's in the back with his crossbow.

tho, if i'm scouting, it might make more sense for me to be out front. for sure when we're outside, i'm up front.


I'll make up diagrams for outdoors and outdoors-on-horseback later tonight.

DM Fflash wrote:
One more thing to discuss is traditional marching order.

May I recommend these?

Wide and Thin

I like having a little space between people, for maneuvering.

I'm guessing the issues stem from 2 things:

1) reading it all after the fact versus actively holding multiple conversations;

2) each of these non-combat encounters are still encounters. It feels a little odd to progress on encounter 3 when encounter 1 hasn't been resolved, but that resolution could impact the decisions made during 3.

I'm cool with flex-time where consequences over time won't matter, but even if those consequences are very minor, then we should do things sequentially.

I will be out of communication this weekend, while visiting family.

Tike, I'm planning on taking a rank of Linguistics at level 2 (Lorlenn is supposed to be a scribe after all) and was wondering what campaign-specific languages might be appropriate? I see that Andel knows Thassillonian, and the d20pfsrd lists a couple like Azlanti. Would one or the other be more appropriate given Lorlenn's scholarly traits?

Fulmen wrote: go away for the weekend with my wife for our 16th wedding anniversary.


I will also be out of town on a (different) business trip tomorrow and may not be able to be in touch. I'll try to post in gameplay later tonight.

* anything in group loot can be claimed by anyone
* conflicting claims are resolved on a need vs. greed basis
* if that doesn't work out, then we roll off
* claimed items that have lost usefulness, but still has value, are returned for group split

Braelex wrote:
Fulmen wrote:
I'd like to claim the ring of feather falling.
As would I. Is there anyone who doesn't want the RoFF?

So that brings me back to the question of how to divvy loot? We can go with a classic roll-off, highest roll picks first. We can distribute items logically where appropriate, and then sell everything else to split evenly. We can track total value taken by each person, and let people pick based on who has received the least in past picks. We can just sell everything and split the cash.

Generally, I like to use the things we find, when they're usable -- the party as a whole benefits when the fighter doesn't have to spend money on armor, because the party found some and let him have it, rather than the wizard rolling high and take it to sell for 10% of its value.

That being said, lots of published adventures do a poor job of providing a distribution of loot for a well-rounded party. When every mini-boss is a tank, and the wizard never see a wand-wielding opponent, that's no fun either. Inevitably, good magic items have to be sold in order to buy useful ones.

A method that I've always wanted to try, which is more feasible in a digital format is to track everything that we get, use what we can, and when we're done using it, sell and split. So if we find a breastplate +1 and the fighter uses it, then later buys his own full plate, +1, the breastplate goes back into the general pool for someone else to use, and if no one wants it, it get sold and the profit split. I'd be happy to help with this bookkeeping (like I've said before, I like spreadsheets too much).

My take on the ring of feather falling is that it's best on a character that is already highly mobile, further empowering their ability to actively pursue isolated enemies, rather than someone using it as a defensive novelty item.

So, how are we dispersing loot?

Appraise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 also for the gems.

Tike, Lorlenn's back story has him owning the home that he inherited from his parents, and which he subsequently raised a family in. I'd assume that it's paid off and only needs the equivalent of property taxes and maintenance costs for upkeep. It's large - 7 people were living in it at one point, but old, having been built over 120 years ago.

Lorlenn was torn on whether to keep it or donate it to the church, but now he's starting to think it might be a good base of operations for a party that includes several people from out of town, even if it's a bit dated and run-down. How much would it cost to keep a place that we could all use (if everyone was inclined) in an older part of town?

I'm cool with running both Chronicler and Timekeeper; they're kinda related anyway, and I like spreadsheets. A lot. Probably too much.

Yeah, I'll get the hang of this format. Sorry about that. :)

I've changed my default alias to be Lorlenn, so that that doesn't happen again in the Gamplay tab. And to answer the OOC question: Jhyrryl is "Anthropomorphized Cricket of Unspecified Gender" according to the avatar selection hover over. Art comes from the following product:

Lorlenn raises his wine glass, "To mysteries, revealed."

What's the date at the start of the campaign?

Oops, was looking stuff up and writing my "daytime" activities post while you were getting things started.

DM Fflash wrote:
I'm only showing 3 0-level spells for 1st level cleric to memorize. No bonus spells for Wisdom for 0-levels.

Oops, you're right. They're 4 from 2nd-on, so must have overlooked that in the book. Will fix this evening when I write my background.

I'll take Chronicler.

Btw, Mr. Chris is on a business trip at the moment. Not sure when he gets back. And it looks like CJ (KStarfire) won the fight.

Regarding party makeup:

I think we'll be good on light and moderate healing (at least 3 characters with access to cure spells), but we'll be behind the curve on big healing spells, so will need to not be shy about resting.

CJ, I think we need a good tank more than a rogue, per my earlier comments. Traps may get us sometimes, but creatures will maul us constantly if we don't have someone to step in the way.

We're going to have a lot of short and mid-range DPS, especially if Chris leans towards any sort of spellcaster.

What are the duties of: Timekeeper, Chronicler, and Quartermaster?

We won't need a rogue, if our Alchemist keeps up some Disable Device training. We'll just have to rely on magic to help find traps, and healing for when we fail.

I didn't actually make them fight it out. Do you think that there's still room for a 6th?

Thanks. So, Lorlenn should be starting with 6 skills because of the favored class bonus? Or is there some other source that I'm missing? I see 2+Int for cleric with an Int bonus of +3.

DM Fflash wrote:
Just waiting on 1 more guy.

I see 5 of us currently (m3mnoch, nomadicc, Braelex, shumpal, Jhyrryl), and believe that 2 co-workers were interested; I'll let them know that they'll need to fight over that slot.

DM Fflash wrote:
it's a PITA for everyone when a key role is missing

If needed, I'll play a multi-class rogue / oracle (life) to fill both healing and stealth. :)

DM Fflash wrote:
"how the party knows each other"

I was thinking about an orphaned, multi-class elven cleric of Desna who is local to Magnimar, so would prefer a party back-story that supports that. Hometown friends or Pathfinder classmates would work.

Hardcore. :)

Took awhile to find rules on traits in the PRD; there's not a specific link in the ToC. For anyone else who doesn't own the Advanced Player's Guide:

Do we know how we'll be handling ability scores? Point-buy, dice rules, et cetera?

DM Fflash wrote:
...we'll start with party makeup before I entertain specific character ideas.

For the record, I'll play just about anything and am happy to fill gaps in party make-up.


Hi there! Thanks for the invite, m3mnoch; this should be interesting.

I'm a newb at this format, but have been playing/running table-top off-and-on for 30 years, so hopefully I can catch on quick. :)

I like dungeons, so I'd lean towards Shattered Star, but will be happy with either. Still thinking on a character design.

Full Name

DM RichD




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