Red Dragon

Jeremiah Hatcher's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts (35 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Concept for a Vigilante: the social side is a well to do scholarly intellectual, and the vigilante is the sock-puppet on his hand. They swear they do not know each other and deny each other's existence.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Will the venture captains be considered the Commissioner Gordons?

Will the roof of the Grand Lodge in Absalom be weighted down with multiple "Vigilante Signals"?

Will the mask industry spike within the next few years?

Tune in next time, same Pathfinder time, same Pathfinder channel!

But no seriously one way a Vigilante might work in the Society is if the venture captain of the faction the Vigilante works for knows both the social and vigilante identity. That way if John Dandy, rich social dilettante goes on the mission, then at the same time the venture captain can report that Masked Mangler will also be on the same mission and he may arrive late so the other allies on that mission can catch Mangler up later on the details.

Now if you play in a stable group that meets every time like me, I am sure the other characters will start to figure out that Dandy and Mangler is never in the same place at the same time unless Dandy/Mangler really buckles down and buys some illusion magic so that Dandy and Mangler ARE in the same place.

Could always be funny for a group joke that they never catch that Mangler and Dandy are the same man and are always awe struck when Mangler shows up.

But that is just my two cents.

Grand Lodge

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...and everyone only use piercing ranged weapon against a pack of skeletons that explode when they die cause they don't want to die and you have NO tank.

This actually happened to me today, although one player had blunt tipped arrows to do some bashing, but don't think he hit any skeletons. Luckily I was a Sorcerer with a magic missile want and managed to roll high on the damage roll this taking one skeleton out a turn.

Grand Lodge

7 people marked this as a favorite.

...the GM for the day is the notorious director/producer/writer/star of "The Room", Tommy Wiseau. And the adventure is something he wrote himself and has an NPC in it also named and looks like Tommy Wiseau.

Hopefully this joke is not to over everyone's heads. If it is, just look it up "The Room" and Tommy Wiseau on the net.

Grand Lodge

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Half of the players are wearing Sailor Moon cosplay, and all the players are men, but none of them are cosplaying the male roles.

Yeah, let that mental image disturb you.

Grand Lodge

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...the GM is giving everyone a bowl of stew made with lentals.

Maybe not a problem for those who like lentals, but to me a lental is the inbred offspring of a pea and a bean with a peanut added into the ménage à trois to make the lental more of a freak.

Grand Lodge

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...the DM tells the players to put there characters on the map for the encounter and the Barbarian and Ranger, the two obviouse armor wearing warriors, put there miniatures in the BACK of the group.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

...the GM is wearing nothing but a big grin with a riding crop between his teeth.

Ok, ok, may never really happen, but if it did you know it would mean trouble.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I for one would like to see, in a Galt based advanture, a male NPC is who is a powdered wig wearing Half-Orc wearing make-up and dressed like a garish dandy. Think of the character of Béarnaise from Mel Brook's History of the World Part 1 (you probably know him as the associate to Count de Monet, or Count the Money as he was called, in the French Revolution part of the film).

Now dress a Half-Orc man up in that style and have him speak the same way.

Hilarity ensues!