Jens Kaufmann's page
31 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Unfortunately whenever I try to buy this PDF, there comes a message which says "Your request produced an error.". :/
foxoftheasterisk wrote: What I'd really like to see - in addition to new class decks - is a high-level (3-6) counterpart to Core. [...] Plus it would be neat to have the option of a high level module to play after Dragon's Demand. ) +1!
What about Emerald Spire as such a high-level add-on for Dragon‘s Demand?

This party completed 6D:
Character Name: Athnul
Role Card: Keen Strike Monk
Skill Feats: Constitution +2, Wisdom +4
Power Feats: Hand Size 6, For your Melee combat check … ...([X] plus the card’s adventure deck number), ...([X] and you may add the magic trait … ...([X] you may also add another 1d8 and the mental trait. You may reveal a blessing… ...[X] then you may recharge that blessing to explore your location. [X]When you attempt a check to defeat a barrier, you may use your Fortitude skill instead of any listed skill.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+1
Unspent Hero Points:
Weapons: Deathbane Sling
Items: Staff of Greater Healing, Ring of Protection, Belt of Physical Might, Brooch of Protection, Ring of Immolation, Amulet of Furious Fists
Allies: Lyrune-Quah Moon Maiden, Hippogriff, Isiem, Venster Arabasti, Ruan Mirukova, Lyrune-Quah Truthspeaker, Sklar-Quah Thundercaller
Blessings: Irori’s Mastery, Master of Masters, The Uprising, Our Lord in Iron, The Rakshasa, The Publican, The Real Rabbit Prince
Character Name: Quinn
Role Card: Empiricist
Skill Feats: Intelligence+4, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: For your check that invoked Finesse: ([X] If you are the only...), On Local Check: ([X] or a boon), ([X] You are proficient with Alchemical), ([X] On your Diplomacy, Disable, or Perception...), ([X] When you defeat a barrier you may heal a card)
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+1, Item+3
Unspent Hero Points: 1
Weapons: Shock Kukri, Keen Spiked Chain, Serithtial, Hrym
Armors: Kazavon’s Shield, Greater Bolstering Armor
Items: Fate-Reader Lenses, Investigator’s Lamp, Wyvern Poison, Liquid Courage, Plaguebringer’s Mask, Ambrosia, Numerology and Runes, Ring of Energy Resistance, Headband of Mental Superiority
Allies: Jasan Adriel, Elyana, Firepelt Cougar
Blessings: The Snakebite, The Locksmith, The Healing Light
Character Name: Varian
Role Card: Blackjack
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +4
Power Feats: Before you reset, you may recharge [X] 2 Arcane spells, On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 [X] +1. [X] At the start of your turn, you may draw up to# cards, then recharge that number of chards. [X]When you would recharge, shuffle, discard or bury a boon for your character or role power, you may reload a Blackjack boon instead, [X] You may avange an encounter with a bane at any location by discarding a card… [X]Gain the skills Acrobatics: Dexterity +3, Stealth: Dexterity +3, and Diplomacy: Charisma +3.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +1
Unspent Hero Points: 1
Weapons: Blackjack’s Daggers, Blackjack’s Rapier, Shadowless Sword, Vindicator
Spells: Boneshatter, Icy Prison, Quickened Ray, Disintegrate, Steal Soul, Dominate, Icicle Swarm, Scrying
Armors: Phoenix Cloak
Items: Staff of minor healing, Staff of Greater necromancy, Scabbard of Keen Edges, Blackjack’s Gear, Third Eye
Allies: Nightspear, Formian Myrmidon, Toff Ornelos
Blessings: The Carnival, Nethy’s Duality, Lady of Valor
* Played solo, normal size locations, normal difficulty.
* No one died at any point.
* I have also used cards from Iconic Heroes, and the following Class Decks: Monk Class Deck, Pathfinder Tales, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Equipment
Ah, thanks a lot! I have overlooked the info regarding the ally „„Pig“ on the Blood Pig Bout-card. Guess I was too tired yesterday evening...
I am trying to play scenario 3B from CotCT, but I cannot find the card Squealing Pig... :(
Is it a normal Story bane?
5 people marked this as a favorite.
I would buy a Pawn Set with all the characters from the earlier games (except Rune Lords, of course) and the Class Decks in a heartbeat...
That sounds just wrong - why should Paizo sell an incomplete product? Somebody really screwed this up.
My order is shown as "pending" since April & I get no reply from the customer service... :/
Sigh... the download includes only 1 of the 5 scenarios... 4 pages are missing!!!! :(
1 person marked this as a favorite.
One thing which would be a wonderful addition to Ultimate Magic are familiars as allies.
I hoped that the Magus deck would include Seltyiel's fiery familiar, but it would also be nice to see the little fellow in UM instead... ;-)
what about a special Class Deck featuring the Red Raven? :-)
Vic Wertz wrote: Jens Kaufmann wrote: Mike Selinker wrote: Whoa, hey, that announcement! Go get those cards from DriveThru! I own the first printing of Rise of the Runelords - will the colour of the DriveThru cards match those of the original card backsides? The DriveThru cardbacks are intended to match the cards printed in the USA, which means Rise of the Runelords second printing and everything that has come since. When will the Season of the Mummy-cards be available on Drivethru? (In case yo know already) As shipping to Europe is very expensive for one Season of the Righteous deck, I intend to order the two decks together.
Vic Wertz wrote: Eep! Yes, I did. Corrected. OK, thanks! :-(
Mike Selinker wrote: Whoa, hey, that announcement! Go get those cards from DriveThru! I own the first printing of Rise of the Runelords - will the colour of the DriveThru cards match those of the original card backsides?
As the author has been working on the next set for at least two years or more, it is more than unlikely that it will be an adaption of one of Paizo's newer Adventure Paths.
I would bet on either Curse of the Crimson Throne or Shattered Star. Hmmm... so let's say I guess it will be Curse of the Crimson Throne, which would be great, as the AP is excellent. :-)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The new cards for Season of the Shackles/Righteous were wonderful, and the total number of new cards was just perfect - besides the great scenarios themselves this was my No. 1-reason for buying the PDFs. I am very happy that Rise of the Runelords finally also gets another campaign.
Thanks for your input! Shardra will get her chance then... ;-D
I am still pondering which 3 characters to use for WotR... what do you think about Adowyn, Crowe and Shardra? Or will Shardra be too weak in a group of 3?

I finished the AP yesterday... wonderful experience; that character-combo has been a lot of fun - thanks a lot for the nice design work! I am looking forward to WotR (and Season of the Shackles, of course... ;-) )
Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +2 Hand size 6, add 2 to check, return displayed cards at the start of the turn, When you would bury an armor or weapon, you may discard instead, add 2 to your check to defeat a monster that has the human trait, When a character plays a blessing on your combat or Strenght check, that character may recharge a random card from her discard pile.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Tidewater Cutlass +1, Ice Boarding Pike +1, Shock Glaive +1 (Fighter CD), Venomous Pike +1, Adamantine Trident +3
Spells: Cure, Invoke, Control Weather
Armors: Fortified Breastplate x2, Breastplate of the Deep, Paladin’s Helmet (Iconic Heroes 1),
Items: Farglass, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Abadar, Bessling of Norgorber, Pirat’s Favor
Current Party Ship: Abrogail’s Fury
Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Marauder
Skill Feats: INT + 4 , Str +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Recharge/Shuffle a weapon/spell for +3d6 to a combat check, Discard an Attack Spell for +2d6 vs barrier or ship, You gain the Skill Ranged: Intelligence +2
Card Feats: Spell + 1, Item + 1, Ally + 1, Armor +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Keen Rapier +3, Aiger’s Kiss, Humanbane Gladius +2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Wall of Fire, Tsunami, Quickened Ray, Lightning Bolt (Wizard CD),
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Periscope, Wizard’s Hook
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythee, Alise Grogblud
Blessings: Blessing of Gorum x2, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Pharasma
Current Party Ship: Abrogail’s Fury
Character Name: Siwar
Role Card: Manipulator
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Charisma +4* (*+1 thanks to the Marid)
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Proficient with weapons, You may recharge a card to add 1d4+2 to a check by you or another character at your location, If there another character at your location, you may evade a bane, When you play a blessing on another character’s check and that character succeeds, you may recharge that blessing.
Card Feats: Spell +1 , Weapons +2, Items +2
Weapons: Skyrocket Crossbow, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Wall of Blades, Scrying (Bard CD), Cure, Freezing Sphere
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Crystal of healing hands, Svingli’s Eye, Conch of the Tritons, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Pierce Jerrell, Old Salt (Bard CD), Tessa Fairwind, Surgeon, Slip
Blessings: Milani, Gorum, Norgorber, Achaekek
Current Party Ship: Abrogail’s Fury
Oops, I stand corrected. Never played Sajan yet... But I would love to one day. ;-)
The special benefit of this card is that Sajan can use this weapon together with his normal Monk-recharge blessings-ability.
So essentially it gives him a 1W8+1 bonus in combat, which is not too bad. Remember that Sajan normally cannot use weapons when using his special ability.
Quinn, Human Investigator? Excellent! I am crossing my fingers that we'll see him in the set after "Wrath". One of my favourites... ;-)
Will there be another wave of 7 Class decks for Wrath of the Righteous? I would love to see Class Decks for the Magus (I need another version of Seltyiel), Monk, and the Paladin... (& Druids, of course. ;-) ).
Oloch is a great character with a fine name - rhymes with "Moloch".
Good orcish name, says another person from Germany.

Please help me: Like many other Europeans I have cancelled my Pathfinder Card Game-subscription after Rise of the Runelords, because the Skulls & Shackles-Base Set would have been too expensive for me.
So I have pre-ordered the S&S-Base Game via a German shop and started a new Paizo-subscription with the Skulls & Shackles Character Add-On-Deck, skipping the Base Set.
So far, so good. Yesterday I’ve had a look at my Paizo account and I was shocked to see that a Skulls & Shackles-Base Set has been added to my cart and that my CC has already been processed.
Immediately I’ve wrote a mail to the Paizo Customer Service, but I’ve received an automatic reply which said that due to the high volume of orders and customer requests there may be delays with customer service requests.
Please help me and delete the S&S-Case Set from my Subscription cart. I do not want to pay more than 100 $ (incl. shipping) for a game that I have NOT ordered and that I've already ordered elsewhere.
I have no idea how this could have happend, but I fear there must have been some sort of software glitch.
Greetings from Germany
It's B) for me... - I'm adamant that I'll buy no more D&D-products by WotC - "Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk" was a fitting swansong... sigh.
DUNGEON #150 made it to Kassel, Germany - thanks to the Cerberus-crew! :)
Have a nice trip & thanks to you & the other guys for the great job!
Greetings from Europe,
oops... thanks a lot! ;-)
Hi there,
are any other european subscribers also still waiting for #149 & #150?
I'm still waiting for these issues - I've already contacted the customer-service twice & I was told that there were delays with Paizos European Distributor.
Are there any news regarding these delays?