
Jem'Nai's page

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I am working on a Homebrew campaign and I looking at the BBEG looking for heart (ie his phlatchery) of a Lich King to become a new Lich King I am figuring out how make one ie Lich King ie class to use.

So I am converting Against the Slave Lords to PF1 using slow Ex Track to deal with different ex tracks from the day and to add to role play. Has anyone don conversion for some of monster and deal with Multi class demi humans.

I am going to be start running LOF with PF 1 and looking which books are the weapons the templars are located in so far seen seen first 3 are in books 1 and 2.

I am working on a homebrew campaign set in steampunk /industrial revolution alt earth but with magic etc for Steam punk stuff I am using pure steam and the second book westbound. PCs are starting at Level 2 and they are hired by Dwarven mining company to rescue some missing Miners who been kidnapped I am trying to figure out what type of monsters to use that would give them a challange but not kill them.

Are druids still prof with this classic weapon?

I am trying to figure out do Monks still get Wisdom to Ac still?

How many spells does a wizard start with their spell book? I tried looking and I am confused as in pf 1st ed you got all cantrips minus if opposed school and 3 plus int mod.

How many spells does a wizard start with their spell book? I tried looking and I am confused as in pf 1st ed you got all cantrips minus if opposed school and 3 plus int mod.

I loved PF 1st ED APG and hope we will get Inquitor and other classes to be 2nd ed converts.

Spells need to be more like Starfinder less 5th edish.

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Going over them and I not liking the idea of having prepare the lower level spell at higher spell slot that is what we have in 5th ed and I hate it. I don't mind the idea cantrips going up in power but that all. Make Casting like it is in Starfinder not this 5th ed crap.

I going to be GMing this AP and not fan of the Fame points was thinking of giving the players luck points 1 per character level to add 1d6 to skills and checks or to negate a crit from the enemies.

I am trying figure out mythic class for my human psychic abomination.

I am playing a Abomination Human Psychic for a COTCH/ Road to Revolution campaign. The party make up is Paly, Hunter, Bard, Rogue, Cleric and Arcanist.

I looking feats for to my Psychic as item creator / Debuffer build.

Str 10 Alinement : CN HP : 11 Init: +2
Dex 14
Con 13
Int 17
Wis 12
Cha 14

AC: 16
TC: 12
FF: 14

CMB: 0
CMD: 12

Fort: 1
Ref: 2
Will: 3

Light armor training

Arcana: 7
Planes: 8
Prec: 5
Motive: 5
Spell: 7

Traits / Drawbacks:
Umbral unmasking
Rich Parents
Feind Blood
Dangerous curious

Detect Magic
Read Magic
Telejection Projectile

Mind thrust 1
Color Spray
Ray of Emfeeblement(displine spell)


MWK Chainshirt

Personal Gear
Pathfinder Kit
Traveler outfit
Potion of CLW x2
Potion of remove fearx2
Scroll of Color Spray


MWK Longspear

Lt Crossbow


Morning Star

Tele Projectile- Bullets

I love to see critical hits and fumble decks for the system

I am trying to figure out how to build this out with the system. Since Power Ranger in Space the AMS also turns into a Astro Megazord. I am wanting to do campaign where the PC find it and explore it before it comes under attack by evil space pirates.

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I been playing Pathfinder for years and love it and love how they introduced Pathfinders Kit in the Player Companion a few years ago. With SF still know I came up with 2 Star Finder Gear Packages.

Starfinder Gear Package List
Basic SGP- Backpack(consumer), 5x R2E(meals ready to Eat) , Cable Line - Titanium 50ft, Flashlight, Personal Com unit, Survival knife. 110 credits

Deluxe SGP-Backpack(industral), 5x R2E(meals ready to Eat) , Cable Line - Titanium 100ft, Flashlight, Personal Com unit, Survival knife, and basic med kit. 175 credits

What are the rules for Point by is it the same cost as in Pathfinder?

So I was looking at the butchering Axe for AA2 it says it does 3d6 of damage how I thinking what would be the damage for a large size version of that ie if character has Enlarge person on them.

I was curious since there are newer class that use a Spell book or Formula Books would qualify for this feat?

I am going to be playing a Inquisitor of Iomedea in Crimson Throne in a few months I want to know if I should change anything. Party is made of Halfling rogue, Tiefling PryoKenitist, Tiefling Mesmerist, Explorior Wizard and Possible a paladin.

1 Level Human Inquistor of Valor

Str: 16 +3 HP:13 Init: +1
Dex: 13 +1
Con: 12 +1
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 16 +3 (+2 abilty increase)
Cha: 10 +0

Ac: 17
TC: 12
FF: 15

Fort: +3
Ref: +1
Will: +5

CMB: +3
CMD: 15



Intmitdate : +6
Arcane +6/+9
Dung: +6/+9
Nature: +6/+9
Planes: +6/+9
Relgion: +6/+9
Percep: +7
Motive: +8
Spell: +6

MWK Longsword +4 (1d8+3)
Comp Shortbow +1 (1d6)
Club +3 (1d6+3)

Chosen One:enefit(s): You may cast light once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level 1st), and you begin play with a masterwork longsword. In addition, whenever light is cast upon this sword, the radius of light and its duration is doubled.

All alone: +1 to Intimidate

Valor Inquisition
Touch of resolve 6x a day cast remove fear as sla

0 level
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Acid Slash

1 level

Sheild of Faith.

Inquistor's kit

Chain Shirt
Lt Steel Sheild

I working on an idea for a Pathfinder campaign I am trying to figure out how to do it. I know few of the classes would fit in that type of world ie Gunslinger, Alchemist, Investigator, Vigelante, Witch, Monk, Ranger, Slayer, Hunter and Druid.

I going to be running this after my Dragon's Demand campaign and wondering how to run this with a party of 7 PCs?

I running The Dragon's Demand and preparing for when they find the 6 spell books in the Mansion. I need know does all book needs those number are are they to be split up between them.

I am looking over Mesmerist for Crimson Throne and I wondering if should go as Human or as Gnome. I tend to play as Human because of the extra feat at first level and extra skill point. Gnome think would be near since I saw the Faerie Dragon magic Alt race trait gives nice selection of alt SLA then standard Gnome Magic.

I am going to start playing in a 3.5 game and going to be playing a human Fighter who is built around Long Bow. I like to see what you all think of my Toon.

Str 16 HP 12 Init 4
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 14

1) Point Blank
1) Percise Shot
F1) Weapon Focus Longbow

Fighters' kit
5 Thunder Stones
5 Flasks of Acid
5 Alch Fire
5 Sunrods

Studded Leather

Composite Longbow +0
Short sword

I have player that wants to play a Minotaur. So far I trying to build it for him. This what I got

Stats change

Str +2
Wis +2
Int -2
Cha -2

Natural Weapons - Horns 1d6 gore

Weapon familarity- Axes and Maces / Hammers

Vision - Low Light vision

Languages - Common and Sylvan but can lean dwarven, gnoll, goblin and giant.

+2 Perception but Scent.

Am I missing anything

Does this variant from UI get channel energy or don't they. I am asking since I am looking taking level in with my LN Inquisitor of Valor of Iomedea

I am trying to make a Bard based off the old 2nd Ed Blade Kit for the Bard. I am trying to figure out how to do it?

What is the XP path so I can let my players know once we start.

I going to be running Splinter of Faith and need to know what would be good starting level for the Party.

I am in campaign and looking for what would work post level 20 for an Inqusitioner of Iomedea and looking at the Eldritch Guardian was wondering what familiar would represent Iomedea.

I am starting in a new game and well no traits though doesn't really mean much for a Level 2 character I built. Rolled Stats

Human Inquisitor 2 Karinia(Iomedea) Align: LN

Str: 17 (+3) HP: 21 ( 10 + 3from Toughness+ 9)
Dex: 15 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2) Init: +6
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 18 (+4) = Droped +2
Cha: 13 (+1)

AC: 19
FF: 17
TC: 12


Fort: +5
Ref: +2
Will: +7

CMB: +4
CMD: 16


(MWK) Longsword - +5

Longbow- +3

Morningstar- +4


(Mwk) Scalemail +5

Heavy Steel Sheild +2


Inimidate +6

Arcana +6 /10
Dungeon +7/11
Nature +7/11
Planes +7/11
Religon +7/11

Percep +9

Profess- Soldier +9

Sense +10

Survial- +9/10


Inquistors Kit

Soldier's Uniform

5x potions of cure light wounds





Inquisition of Valor

Touch of Resolve- Remove Fear 7 x a day as Spell Like ablity


Concentration +6

0 Level

Read Magic

Detect Magic

Acid Splash


Create Water

1 Level

Cure Light

Shield of Faith


I built out this Human Psychic for possible future game and want to see if it looks good and if should change anything. 25 point buy.

Str 12 (+1) HP 9 Init +6 Alinement NG
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 13 (+1)
Int 16 (+3) with human bonus of +2
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 16 (+3) Phrenic Pool 7

AC 12
FF 10
TC 12

BAB +0

CMB +1
CMD 13


Fort +1
Ref +2
Wil +3

Phrenic Amp

Focused Force (Su): When casting a force spell, the psychic
can increase the spell’s damage by spending 1 point from
her phrenic pool. Increase the die size for the spell’s damage
by one step (from 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, or 1d10
to 1d12). This increases the size of each die rolled, so a spell
that dealt 4d6+3 points of force damage would deal 4d8+3
points of force damage instead. This amplification can be
linked only to spells that deal force damage, and only if that
damage includes a die value. A spell that already uses d12s
for damage can’t be amplified in this way.

Psychic Discipline

Your mind is impure, tainted by outside forces. These might
be monstrous ancestors whose blood still f lows within you,
or powerful and unknowable psychic forces that intrude
upon your mind. Like a psychic disease, this influence
consumes part of your brain, creating a dark counterpart to
your normal self. Every time you call forth a psychic spell,
you’re drawing on this dangerous force—and potentially
giving it a greater hold on you. This malign influence might
stem from creatures like rakshasas and aboleths, or perhaps
malign entities that dwell in the voids between the stars.


Dark Half (Su): By allowing the dark forces to overcome you,
you can enter a state of instinctual cruelty as a swift action.
While you’re manifesting your dark half, you increase the
DCs of your psychic spells by 1, gain a +2 morale bonus on
Will saves, and become immune to fear effects. Whenever
you cast a spell that deals damage while manifesting your
dark half, you can cause one creature that took damage from
the spell to also take 1 point of bleed damage. The amount
of bleed damage increases to 2 points at 5th level and to
1d6 points at 13th level. While manifesting your dark half,
you can’t use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence based
skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride)
or any ability that requires patience or concentration other
than casting spells using psychic magic, using phrenic
amplifications, or attempting to return to normal. You can
attempt to return to your normal self as a free action, but
must succeed at a concentration check with a DC equal to
your dark half and can’t attempt to change back for 1 round.
You can manifest your dark half for a number of rounds
per day equal to 3 + 1/2 your psychic level + your Charisma
modifier; when these rounds are expended, you return to
your normal self without requiring a concentration check.
10 + your caster level. If you fail, you continue to manifest.


Arcana +7
Planes +8 ( Do to Blood of Feinds Trait)
Perception +5
Sense Motive +5
Spell Craft +7
Diplomacy +7
Intimidate +7


0 Level
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Telekenetic Projectile
Message ( Human favored class option)

1 Level
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Ray of Enfeeblement (Discipline Bonus Spell) DC 14

Lt Crossbow

Travelers Clothes
Psychic Kit

Improved Init

Blood of Feinds (+1 to Planes)
Magical Linage Magic Missle

So I was looking through the PDF of Occult Class and loving the Occultist Class though I do have question about Knacks and spells

When at First level I have 2 Knocks right from my two implement school?

I am wondering which is better to take as trait. I am playing a Warpriest in and upcoming game and was wondering which would be better? Also does Blood of Dragons make Perception a class skill?

I playing a Human Slayer 4 and wondering if I take Combat Trick can I use it to get Weapon Specialization feat?

I am wondering can a Bard Archaeologist at 4th level take the Rogue's Talent Bomber even though he doesn't have sneak attack.

I am playing in a homebrew campaign as 3 lvl Inquistor of Iomedea. I am tring to figure out how to play as the character. In the campaign party was selected to find out about affection known as Soul Sickness that cause infected to lose their memories and well party members are affected once the arrived. We have figure out how regain our abilities.

I going to be playing in a new Campaign at 3rd Lvl.


So this Sunday morning I am going to be start playing in a New Pathfinder Game.

Name Connor
Age 23
Race Human
3rd Level Inquistor
Hair Red
Eyes Green
Lawful Neutral
Deity Iomedea

HP 19 Init +5

Str 16 +3
Dex 14 +2
Con 13 +1
Int 12 +1
Wis 16 +3
Cha 10 +0

AC 18 = 10 + 4 + 1 +2+1
TC = 13
FF= 15

Fort +4
Ref +3
Will +6

BAB +2

CMB +5
CMD 17


(MWK) Longbow +5 19-20 x2 (crit) 20 arrows P 100ft

(MWK) Longsword +7 19-20 x2(crit) S

(MWK) Morningstar +6 x2(crit) P/B

Intimedate +6
Aracana +10/+6
Dungoneer +10/+6
Nature +10/+6
Religion +10/+6
Planes +10/+6
Percep +9
Prof (soldier)
Sense Motive +12
SpellCraft +7
Survivial +10/+9

Mithril Chainshirt +4
(MWK) Lt Steel Sheild +1
Armored Kilt +1

Weapon Focus(Longsword)
Presise Strike

Armored Expert
Miltia Vet

Judgement / 1

Stern gaze


Detect Alignment

Solo tactics

Inquistion of Valor- Remove Fear 6x a day

Inquistors' Kit
Soldier's outfit
5x Potions of Cure Light
belt pouch
Gold Holy Symbol

AC Items

Mithril Chainshirt
Armored Kilt
Mwk Lt Steel Shield


0 Level
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Acid Splash
Create Water

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds
Sheild of Faith

I am going to be playing as Inquistor I was wondering how it would fit in this AP or should I just play as cleric?

I am going to be playing as Wyvaran Inquistor and I like to know the it age category that would make him an adult. Should I go off the Kobold age set or bump it up by 5 years as they are part Wyvren and part Kobold?

I have player that wants this weapon ie think dragon dagger or zyusoken and was wondering how to price it.

I am going to be playing in new game as Wyvaran Inquistor. I am tring to figure out which God would work also traits as well.

His backstory is he is looking for a Fae who stole an egg from his Clutch nest of newly laid eggs.


Str: 12
Dex: 15
Con: 13
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Cha: 12


Warrior Priest.

Aligment is : LN.

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I am looking for a good prestige class for my Inqusitor for down the road. His domain I choosen is destruction.