
Jay's page

Organized Play Member. 130 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Archivist_KHW wrote:

All 22 pages have been found

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Help me

Thank you to everyone who put this mystery together. Solving it with other PF2 fans has been incredibly enjoyable and has made me feel much more a member of the pf2 community.

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Evan Tarlton wrote:
White moth search?

Yeah. There are a bunch of white moths hidden in the art of the Dark Archive book. We think it’s tied in to the secret messages that Paizo has been sending out as Lost Pages of the Dark Archive from K.H.W., like a giant mystery puzzle game. We’re calling it the Dark Archive Alternate Reality Game or ARG and have been discussing it on the pf2 discord and Reddit.

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Though your pages may now be lost, we’ll find them. We’re drawn to the Truth like moths are drawn to - well, you know, of course, you know.

Be seeing you!


So i am trying to teach myself the new system by building a dwarf fighter. I started at level 1 and have been going level by level. I just hit level 5 and get 4 free ability boosts. I boosted strength to 19, constitution to 18, Dexterity to 14 and wisdom to 16.

Constitution is the problem. So far I have been adding 13 hit points per level when I level up (10 from fighter and 3 from con modifier). When I increase my con at 5th level do i retroactively get more hit points for my previous level (like you would in 1st edition) or do i only starting getting the extra hp at 5th level.

I scoured the rule book for every mention of increasing hp and boosting con and found nothing. Any thoughts?

WooHoo! Just got mine from Amazon. Thanks for keeping us updated, Paizo.

I received four of those confirmation emails with we are about to charge you. I came here to see if there was any chance this had already been addressed.

This issue was awesome. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

Name of PC: H.G. Seingalt
Class/Level: Goblin Rogue 7
Adventure: Seven Days to the Grave
Catalyst: Andaisin


Story: the party fought their way past Rolth and the cultists of Urgathoa without taking too heavy of damage, and decided to enter the inner temple to challenge Andaisin. They were doing pretty well after a critical and a sneak attack from flanking. Then Andaisin blinded the wizard. Before she could get off her slay living spell, the rogue killed her. They thought they’d won but she resurrected as a Daughter of Urgathoa. Andaisin critted the rogue and dropped him to negatives also inflicting blood veil on him. The shaman came in with a cure to bring him back to like 9 hp, while the ranger and fighter kept fighting. The rogue decided to rush back in to flank with the ranger instead of healing more and on her turn Andaisin hit him for almost Jax damage with her great claw killing him outright. The rest of the party finished Andaisin off two rounds later. Next week, they will walk out to come face to fac3 with Ramoska who wants to make them a deal.

Another option which is what I did with my PC's animal companion (although this was a druid's wild animal) was to have them find it in the woods after escaping. So I talked with my player and told him he wouldn't be starting the game with an AC but could recruit one after the first session.

The initial Ironfang invasion of Phaendar is effective but not perfect, the following adventures are filled with people who escaped with supplies and other things. I think it makes sense that the PC's AC who is likely a bit better trained or stronger than a standard horse could escape and will make for a nice emotional reunion when he comes trotting up at the edge of town right before the bridge fight.

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Big spoilers here


So I am DMing this for my wife and friends and we are in book 3 having just done the early parts of longshadow (they convinced Mayor Thom to let them help by defeating his advisors in a verbal duel and they are working on longshadow's defenses and just rooted out the disguised infiltrators and the bugbear assassins.

But an interesting thing keeps coming up. The party keeps capturing Ironfang legion soldiers or mercenaries like the dopplegangers alive and interrogating them and interestingly enough the party keeps trying to offer them mercy. My wife in particular who is playing a Half-orc has become very empathetic to the idea that the Ironfang Legion just wants a nation of their own. Her mother was an orc forced into service by Molthune who was saved by her father a Nirmathi soldier and they fell in love. She believes that although the Ironfang's tactics and use of slaves are wrong, their ultimate goal (or at least stated goal) of creating their own nation may be just.

I have been thinking a lot about something Crystal Frasier wrote in the opening to War for the Crown: Crownfall about PCs wanting to leave their world a better place. If my party wants to try to make peace with Azaersi after they defeat Zanathura and establish some way for the Hobgoblins and other ironfang soldiers to become part of Nirmathas, is that feasible? Are there any other things I could seed into the remaining adventures to build towards this?

I just feel really proud of my players for even thinking this way especially after the Ironfang legion hurt their families when they invaded Phaendar. If this is the route they choose to go I want to find subtle ways to incorporate this and reward their roleplaying and would love any advice.

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Wow thank you so much for replying James. I have noticed that more recent APs are very diverse. Thank you for that. I'm currently trying to recast some major players like the Soldado family and maybe Trinia Sabor.

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So I have mostly GMed more recent campaigns like Ironfang Invasion but I got the CotCT Hardcover for my birthday and am running it now. One of my players, who is mixed race and really felt a kinship for Aubrin in Ironfang Invasion pointed out that every NPC they've met in Crimson Throne so far is white. Looking through the book, the major npcs and villains seem to be exclusively white except for Thousand Bones.

I was wondering if this is done on purpose, is Korvosa just not very racially diverse, is it exclusionary to other races? I noticed it is mostly human but didn't realize those humans were also not very diverse.

I am thinking of recasting some of the major players with new art. Does anyone foresee that being a problem story wise? Also does anyone have links to resources of character portrait art to help me out?


My players made:

A half-orc brawler
A halfling ranger
A halfling bard
A dwarf druid
and a human witch (with the hedge witch archetype)

I asked them to all come up with jobs they had in town or reasons to be there for the festival. So the brawler is the daughter of the baker and helps in the bakery. The ranger is a slave who escaped from an orc encampment and now works as a goat herder. The bard is a local busker. The druid is a mushroom farmer who sells mushrooms at the festival. The witch is the son of the local herbalist.

We just made it out of town and are now in part 2 in the woods.

So my PCs just escaped the town and blew the bridge. Next session they're going to start Part 2. One question, I have been wondering about is for the majority of this first adventure and maybe the second as well, how are you going to handle loot and equipment? Specifically it doesn't seem like there's anywhere for them to trade, buy things, etc. Once they get set up in a base, it seems like Kining and Vane could craft some stuff for them or PCs could use their own craft abilities, but for the first and second AP module, I just don't see a lot of opportunity for them to equip themselves beyond just using the gear they find. I am just wondering if I overlooked something, or if I should maybe change out some of the loot to things that might better suit my party. Like for instance, no one in my party is a class that uses medium or heavy armor, so I am wondering if I should change some of the armors they find to light armors or some of the weapons they'll encounter to items they are more proficient with.

Any advice?

Wow this kickstarter has just hit $10,000! Now you can get 33 10-minute MP3s for $30 by pledging for the $20 reward plus the $10 add-on. Plus there are additional add-ons and exclusive tracks if you pledge at the higher tiers. There also tiers that include some PDFs to help you with building your game. Check it out! loops-for-role-playing

Hey this is my buddy wes's kickstarter. It is pretty cool. They just hit another stretch goal so now you can get 29 mp3s for $30. There are a ton of smaples up too, so you can see what they sound like.

I personally went in for $90 Bucks, so that I can get all the Kickstarter exclusives. For $90 I get the 29 you get at the $30 level plus 9 more trcks that are harder to get and have really cool themes. I am most excited for the Wizard's Tower. You also get a couple of different RPG pdfs that Wes wrote.

I highly suggest that if you are a GM or a player you should check these out, they really add to the feel of a game. Plus right now you can get 29 of them for $30 bucks and that's a total steal. loops-for-role-playing?ref=live

Thught I'd mention he has hit his primary goal and his first two stretch goals. You can now get 15 different MP3 Background themes for $20

So my friend and frequent GM Wes is a professional sound designer, and he recently started making these awesome mp3s of thematic background sounds for our games. So he'll make it sound like we are in a dwarven city or a tavern. It really helps add to the game.

He recently decided to try out a kickstarter to see if others are interested in getting his background loops and to help him make more.

I just backed it and I hope you will too! loops-for-role-playing

I really loved this one. It would work really well in Kingmaker. This is definitely somethign I could see apealling to crafty players and being really useful.

I really liked this one. I like adding intrigue and suspicion to my games. I love when pcs try to disguise themselves and infiltrate the enemy. It can work really well or it can go really bad but either way its always fun and very high drama. I also love that this writer gave us the rogue talents that work best for this archetype. These are really helpful to characters and makes the archetype feel full.

So my party just defeated the stag lord and did a year worth of kingdom building and next we are starting adventure 2. One of the players asked if the NPCs would gain levels as things progressed. Iw as wondering what would people thought about this should I let the npcs level but stay 3- 5 levels behind the npvs or should I leave them be. I remember in Shackled city the important npcs like jenya and shensen leveled with the party and thought this could be cool with the kingdom leaders what do you think?

Thanks to Auxmaulous for the kind words. Our store is pretty cool. If any of you want we are doing an awesome bestiary 2 release event the saturday after the Bestiary 2 is released. Its gonns be from 1 to 8pm. Look us up we're Emerald Knight Comics and Games in Burbank, CA.

That T-rex was for me! My boss at Emerald Knights got that for me because I told him you were like a celebrity to me because of your awesomeness in design and on these boards and I wanted you to sign the mini that was your avatar. I still have it on my bookshelf next to my Colossal red dragon. I think this year I'll get to go to Paizo Con and then we're going to have some fun.

Hey paizoans!

Just wondering if Paizo products are currently or will ever be available on kindle or other e book products. I am currently looking for a way to have all my Pathfinder stuff at my fingertips without lugging a laptop around and I think the kindle looks cool. But I didn't see any of your products in the kindle store and I don't know if your pdfs will work on it or not. Just tryng to get some advice before buying one. What does the Paizo community say?

Guess it's back to the drawing board. I really loved that item idea though.

I have a problem. I came up with a cool item I am really in love with. Then taking some advice from you guys i went back and read last year's entries and realized that an item similar to mine made it to the top 32 last year. Now my item is similar in theme and presentation but offers very different abilities and game mechanics. I'm torn because I love my idea, but i don't want to get disqualified for copying. I was wondering should I reference the other item "this item is similar to blank however offers different abilities", should I not mention it at all or should I scrap it even though I love my idea? What do you gusy think?

pictures on flikr

check out these photos. This is from a battle i ran last saturday for the savage tide adventure serpents of scuttlecove.

In the adventure the pcs have to attack a base of pirates called the wreck. The wreck is what I called a "pirate treehouse" where they have strung up a bunch of wrecked ships around a central mast creating a tiered base that rises above the water.

To create this on the mat. I used my conbat tiers from tinkered tactics, found here combat tier
and i used my pathfinder map set for ships and boats. boats and ship map pack
My players eyes lit up as soon as they saw it anmd they started coming up with all these tactics on how to take it down.

They ended up deciding to dimension door right to the base of the structure and while the rest of the party defended the two fighters they hacked at the central mast with adamantine weapons. After a few full round actions and some help from their acid breathing half dragon monk ally, the brothers grimm brought the structure tumbling down. The pirates were not prepared for this and made the fight all that much more interesting.

special thanks to paizo and tinkered tactics for making the prodcuts that made this fight so memorable.

can you cancel my subscription for now thank you

churtle has become the ninja in our group's cohort, she added poisonmaking skills on top of her cooking skills and aids greatly in helping the ninja craft poisons. The joke is that we often say she mixes uo which pot holds the soup and which holds the poison cuasing everyone to get nauseated. lol.

zahnb wrote:
According to the mag, ship 4 docks only 30 feet from shore, not 300. Otherwise the fireballs are WAY outta range. I think this really screws up your timeline...

you are right that the magazine says that 4 docks 30 feet but even at 300 feet he's still in range a wand of enlarged fireball is caster level 7 and therefore has a range of 680 feet, so at 30 feet or 300 he can still fireball a good portion of farshore.

Thanks Cos,

sorry If I sounded like a jerk yesterday, I was just so sad yesterday, because i'd been waiting all excitedly for the last dungeon and then it fell apart in my hands. I felt very defeated. Thanks for fixign this for me. Have a nice day.


Hey I just got dunegon 150 in the mail today and started reading it. I'm like 6 pages into the prince of demons adventure, and everytime i turn a page it falls out. I'm trying to handle it very carefully and its faling apart. This is especially bad since i need this issue to stay intact for a few months until I run the adventure. Can you guys remedy this. Maybe send another copy and actually glue the pages in this time.


Hye I went to the San Diego Comic-con and in the book it said you guys had a table, I looked all day for you finally ffound where you were supposed to be and you weren't there. It was a total bummer because my girlfriend and I love you guys. Oh well, hope everything's ok, maybe we'll see you next year.

hey glad some people responded. I'm gonna probably strat 1 tomorrow. Do yuo guys want to do a 25 or a 32 point buy. I was thinking maybe a 28 point buy from pg. 169 of the dmg. what do you guys think? higher point buy? lower?

so iw as reading a thread about the 350 cover, and it got me thinking.

Wouldn't it be cool to stat all those iconics. We know little about them except their pictures. So i just thought maybe I'd try to give them classes and stuff. Thought maybe some other people might wanna try their hand at it too. I'm gonna try to stick to the core books and the core 11 classes. I'm also gonna probably do a point buy. Lemme know if anybody else wants to give it a try. we can maybe set some ground rules.

I'll post again after thinking more about it, let me know your ideas.

hey this reminds me of a question i've always wanted to know. Does anyone know where its lkisted or what messageboard thread the iconics were given names? Because I've seen Abelard the Paladin's name a few times but always wanted to know more about the others.

Any help would be appreciated.

I played a paladin in age of worms, and my dm loved to show me how in EVERY picture, Abelard is getting hus butt kicked. Poor Abelard.

thanks man that sounds awesome. you are a huge help.

hey i got my issue thanks. sorry for the concern


I still haven't received 149 of dungeon. I changed my address a few weeks before it shipped but didn't think that would slow it down this much. Can someone verify that it was sent to me and that it was sent to my california address.


Thank you very much


I have a pathfinder subscription and a few free issues of pathfinder from my dungeon and dragon transition, will i have to order the Pathfinder player's guide seperately or is that part of the pathfinder subscription and I'll get that automatically?


thats great. keep up the good work. i loved playing this adventure path, reading it will be great.

hey everyone,

my girlfriend and I just moved to the Los Angeles area. I DM and play, she mostly just plays. We're looking to form a new gaming group. We play standard D&D with a few house rules and we allow pretty much all the books. I'm open for discussion on any aspect of the game. I was thinking of running savage tide, or shackled city to start.

We live in Sherman Oaks. We haven't found any good D&D stores in the area, let me know if you know of any. Just mostly looking for some D&D people to hang out with.


This is really sad news. But any anger directed at Paizo is misplaced. In every editorial they write you can feel their love for core dungeons and dragons seeping through it. These guys have these jobs because they love the game. they probably fought tooth and nail to keep this license. Wizards for their own reasons has decided to move on. I for one think this is a poor decision. I think that dungeons and dragons will suffer from the loss of monthly support aht paizo offered. I only hope that the relationship between paizo and wizards hasn't been completely severed as some of wizards' best writers and creative staff on their books are also paizo people.

Erik and the entire Paizo gang. I'll stick with you. I'll stick with wizards too because core D&D is where my heart is at. But I want you all to know that you still have one incredibly loyal fan here who's got your back through thick and thin.

Thank you for all your hard work. Dragon magazines are scattered all over ym game table and all throughout my house. I've played through age of worms and its one of my absolute favorites. I own shackled city and plan on running it very soon.

Your hard work and love for the game is very appreciated.

Jason Enright

hey guys, thought i'd my two copper

I played through age of worms as a player. My best friend was the DM. Our party was crazy powerful, and before the kyuss battle my friend asked me to brainstorm some ways to make the final battle tougher, because we had a few weeks before slaughtered dragotha and my buddy didn't want the final battle with kyuss to be easy and therefore forgettable. He came to me because we are both DMs and often help eachother out.

I came up with a most evil idea that i'll share with you now. I realized there's one thing that could trully be a tough challenge to our party, and that would be if we had to fight ourselves.

So before the final game session my friend took our character sheets for an hour or so to check out our stats and make sure evrything was in order.

He then copied our stats and made some changes any of our abilities that affected evil or undead now affected good living creatures. He also made each evil version of us Undead. They ahd similar weapons and equipment. Thus when we met kyuss he shot this weird energy into us then three piles of worms formed into each of us. Then we fought ourselves while Kyuss spent a few rounds buffing himself then he joined in.

This was an awesome battle. We had to deal with our crazy unstoppable barbarian cleric, our paladin ranger, and our warlock counterparts as well as the power of a god. Add tot hat kyuss trying to destroy the sphere of annihilation with a gate, failing and transporting us all to another plane and this became a battle we are all still talking about.

Plus I felt this idea of creatign evil undead dopplegangers of the heroes was just the kind of power a god should have. So if you wanna really challenge the party try this out.

See I tried to argue that it doesn't make sense to use power attack and combat expertise at the same time. These arguments never go well. For some reason alot of players only think about the rules they don't think about what the rules symbolize in the game. sure the rules don't say you can't power attack and combat expertise at the same time. But think about it. I'm going to recklessly put everything I can into hitting this guy as hard as possible but also carefully defend myself.

However, I think its interesting that there's no clear rule about whether you can use both at the same time or whether you can power attack for full and combat expertise for full. Its just weird. Maaybe James or one of the paizo editors will see this and give us a semi-official ruling.

I've got another brain teaser for the D&D rules masters.

In game the other night we came upon a situation where the fighter could hardly hit this big dragon cuz the dragon had a high AC. (I'd perhaps made this particlar dragon a little TOO tough.) Anyways the fighter decided since he could only hit on a 20, thathe would power attack for all. I thought thats fine. Then he said I guess there's nothing stopping me from combat expertising for all as well.

He seemed to think that he could power attack foir his full base of 9 and combat experise for 5. I told him that he can power attack and combat expertise at the same time but couldn't exceed his base attack meaning he could say power attack for 5 and combat expertise for 4 The total being 9 which equals his base attack. He thought that since it doesn't mention in the rules that they can't be combined he could exceed his base attack. Power attack for 9 combat expertise for 4 and take a -14 penalty on attacks. I eventually just made a ruling but still didn't feel good about it, mainly because he's a good friend and knows D&D very well and I couldn't find any rules to clarify that he was right or I was right. I was hoping to clarify this before we play again.
Any thoughts???

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What I'm considering for my group is sending them a side mission from Lute Haggersly before they leave Kalsgard, he's wanting to set up his own guild in the wake of the Rimmerunners tanking (even if they aren't officially removed by the King they're name is ruined). However Lute has a little problem, he has the money, business partners and everything all lined up, but he can't get a caravan out fast enough to secure the trade contacts the Rimerunners had (in this instance, the Rimerunners were a perfectly legitimate business, but were the cover for the Frozen Shadows). So he makes a deal with Sandru, you deliver a few messages for me to these contacts and assure them that my guild is taking the Rimerunners place before the competition gets them and in return he invest in the caravan so they can make it over the Crown.

Here's where it gets interesting, they miss out on the big fish on the list. I'm not sure who, but someone they can run into before heading into the Forest of Spirits. Anyway, he's willing to give them the same chance he's giving the people who have already contacted him to set up trade over the Crown, they have to win the Ruby Phoenix Tournament and secure for him one of the artifacts in the vault. To make the deal sweater, because I know my PC's will just tell him to stuff it and move on, he'll mention that he recognizes the sword my Summoner is using as one of the five imperial weapons... and that two of them are also in the vault as potential prizes. I'm not sure what they'll be yet, but that's largely because we're just entering The Hungry Storm and I have no idea who will make it through to see this.

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Hello, I'm a first time DM running Jade Regent and I'm having a little trouble coming up with treasures for the Brinewall vault that fit my group. My group consist of a healing witch, Summoner, Rogue rake, Ranger and a Gunslinger. I've been racking my mind for some unique ideas but I'm still pretty new to this.

So far I've only got ornate Special Ceremonial Armor +3 (for the witch who's lacking in AC badly) and a vague idea for some item that would allow the Summoners Eidolon and him to share cloak of resistance bonuses (which I have no idea how to do outside of another item slot). I've got nothing for the Rogue and the ranger just bought new armor (which was my original idea) and he's doing pretty well in the damage out put area. As for the Gunslinger I've already worked out for him to build a revolver over the course of the adventure.

I could really use some ideas as I'm pretty much banging my head against the books here.