
Jason Tuttle's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 25 posts. 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Now that Demiplane has been bought by R20 does that mean the PDF discounts between Paizo and Demiplane will be going away?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I can't seem to find any journal entries for these after installing them. I'm running V11 307 and PF2 mod 5.3.0 via The Forge.

I've already sent a message to the support link above about 2 weeks ago and haven't heard back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Y'all orc creators are doing great work.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm hoping for either Abomination Vaults or Age of Ashes...or both!!!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Looks cool and at level 4 this might be a good one for newer folks after BB that are wanting to stretch their legs a bit. I hope we get a Foundry version right away.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Richard Lowe wrote:
Hopefully the changes will both mean Paizo doesn't have to worry about keeping the lights on at all (not saying that they were of course) and that they can more easily offer their staff improved wages that properly represent their value as the people who create all of the awesome things they're able to offer. If so then this is excellent news and I'm certainly happy to see it (though I imagine that out of all that the bounties moving to $5 might be a bit hard for some to swallow in all honesty).

I'm with you friendo!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Do any of y'all know what the name of the book they'll be published in it at least have a guess at as well?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats big D. You've done well growing the community up here.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Prof. Tolkien wrote:

At the Mountains of Madness

My favorite as well. Followed very closely by The Colour Out of Space

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I've been rebuilding Skaven the Halfling lvl 7 evoker and it looks as if the natural armor and deflection bonuses from the magic adjustment tab are not being calculated on the front sheet page correctly. Dex is 16 size is small, so it shows the +3 and +1 for those properly, but if I put a 2 in the box for natural armor and a 2 in deflection on the magic adj tab it calculates to an AC of 16 and flat footed AC of 13. The boxes for natural armor and deflection on the front sheet are also showing up blank.

Thank you sir for an excellent tool and keeping up on bugs as well.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Excellent work. Just used it to make Skaven from the Shackled City AP. It looks like there may be a bug on the back sheet for the school powers for the wizard.

This is what I get with Skaven as an Abjurer:


sCoregen wrote:

• SCHOOL POWERS - As a wizard of the Abjuration school, you gain resistance 5 to an energy type you choose when you prepare spells. This resistance can be changed each day. (PFA3 81) You also get the following powers, so long as you do not prepare spells of the forbidden Transmutation or Divination schools:
- Protective Ward - You can apply any one metamagic feat that you know to a spell you are about to cast 3times per day. This does not alter the level of the spell or the casting time. Any time you use this ability to apply a metamagic feat that increases the spell level by more than 1 you must use an additional daily usage for each level above 1 that the feat adds to the spell. (PFA3 81-82).
- Shield - You can cast Shield (PHB 3.5 278) 3 times per day. (PFA3 82).
- Resist Energy - You can cast Ray of Enfeeblement (PHB 3.5 269) 3 times per day. (PFA3 82).
- Dispel Magic - Teleport up to 210 feet as a standard action. This teleportation must be used in 5-feet increments. Does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought with you. (PFA3 82).
- Energy Absorption - You can absorb 21 points of energy damage per day. When you take energy damage, apply resistance and immunity first and apply the rest to this absorption, reducing your daily total by that amount. Any damage in excess of your absorption is applied to you normally. (PFA3 82).
- Stoneskin - You can cast Silent Image (PHB 3.5 279) 3 times per day. (PFA3 82).
- Globe of Invulnerability - You can cast Enlarge Person (PHB 3.5 226-227) 3 times per day. (PFA3 82).
- Spell Turning - You can cast Silent Image (PHB 3.5 279) 3 times per day. (PFA3 82).
- Protection from Spells - You can apply any one metamagic feat that you know to a spell you are about to cast 3times per day. This does not alter the level of the spell or the casting time. Any time you use this ability to apply a metamagic feat that increases the spell level by more than 1 you must use an additional daily usage for each level above 1 that the feat adds to the spell. (PFA3 82).
- Prismatic Sphere - You can apply any one metamagic feat that you know to a spell you are about to cast 3times per day. This does not alter the level of the spell or the casting time. Any time you use this ability to apply a metamagic feat that increases the spell level by more than 1 you must use an additional daily usage for each level above 1 that the feat adds to the spell. (PFA3 82).
- Elemental Immunity - You are immune to damage from the element of Air. (PFA3 82).
(PFA3 49-50).

Seems to be a bit off, and it'd be nice if instead of all the powers in a block there was either a minimum lvl required to use them in quotes or they were added when you reached the appropriate lvl.

Excellent work!

Edit: Shoulda looked a bit further...there seems to be a bug with the first weapon on the combat sheet, it's not adding damage to the box, just leaving it blank. Also when I put a dagger there for Skaven the halfling, it didn't auto size in the first box, but did in the rest.

Again, great work and look forward to seeing it as development progresses.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Jason Bulmahn wrote:


I think we are starting to see what I felt has been the problem with the monk all along, the fact that they cannot really gain the same kind of bonuses to their unarmed strikes as others can with their weapons without paying a ridiculous cost.

I have been working on a way for them to do this, that is, apply weapon enhancements (such as +1 and flaming) to their fists at a reasonable price. The tripping point was not the idea, but the in game implementation. I thought of some sort of hand wrapping, rings, or maybe bracers, but these are really going off the beaten path, as they are not, in and of themselves, weapons.

I am hoping to get something like this into the Beta. Thoughts?

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

How about expanding the ki pool and letting the monk use ki to enhance his unarmed strike in various ways for one round, such as spend 1 ki for a +1 enhancement to all attacks as a swift action, spend 2 ki to overcome a specific type of dmg reduction (silver, cold iron, evil, etc.), spend 3 to add holy/unholy dmg and so on. Not saying that the examples I've given are a good ki point cost, just throwing something out to think about.

EDIT: While I was away, it looks as if this has been suggested a time or 2, sorry 'bout that. I still think it's a good idea and wouldn't necessitate new weapons or slots.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Russell Akred wrote:
Jason Tuttle wrote:

Very functional and well organized sheets, thank you sir!

Is it possible to change the fancy looking font to be slightly less...fanciful?

This simple enough for ya?

even more simple

even less complex

Perfect, thanks!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Russell Akred wrote:

Is this good enough?

tastes great

less filling

Now I am drawing Malfeshnekor for my players.


Very functional and well organized sheets, thank you sir!

Is it possible to change the fancy looking font to be slightly less...fanciful?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I had my wife, who runs the print shop in her company, print two out for me and they came out looking very nice. As the previous poster did, I used the print friendly version.

I'll be doing the same thing wehn Beta 3 comes out.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:

I apologize for the missing book! I will make sure that a copy is put in with your next subscription shipment.


No worries, crap occurs. Thanks for the reply and best of luck finding the culprit that's causing all of your extra work this month.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I finally got a chance to open my order and it didn't have the Gazeteer in with PF9. Looking back at the bills, it appears that I've been charged for it. Could you throw it in with my next Pathfinder?


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1. No, I don't plan on converting any time soon. I'm in the middle of SCAP, plan on running the other 2 APs one day and have been very impressed with the new APs in Pathfinder. That should keep me and my group busy for some time now.

2. I will not be buying anything that is 4th edition. I do not need it Sam I Am. (yet)

3. I will continue to buy products, no matter who sells them, that support 3.5. It's the system I have the most money invested in right now and as a married with 2 kids gamer, I just flat out don't have the disposable income to throw at a new edition. Even if I did have the spare change to feed 4th edition, I wouldn't do it until my group and I had played through everything I've listed in #1.

Best of luck with whatever you all decide to do Erik. I'm sure whichever way you all go that you will have a large following. You all do very nice and interesting work. I wish I could say I'd follow whatever direction you will lead, but I can not.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:
I use transparency or as I call it, "Psionics and magic are transparent, unless it benefits the psion." I also allow spellcraft/psicraft to be used for the other and Use Psionic Device is folded into Use Magic Device.

I hadn't used psionics until about a year ago, then got the XPH in a bundle of books I picked up in an eBay auction. After reading through it, checking the WoTC psionics boards, I gave it a whirl. I agree that most previous editions of psionics are broken, but with 100% transparency and making psi/spellcraft checks interchangeable, I've come to enjoy the newer system. Like any other class out there you can turn nearly any psionic character into a munchkin, but with good player/DM interaction, I like psionics, a lot, and don't think that you should automatically throw them out as a player or DM based on previous sub par versions.

Who doesn't love a psionic blasting, brain munching Mind Flayer?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Watcher! wrote:
Yeah Jason, I apologize. I got busy. This evening/afternoon for sure.

Thank you sir! The maps are great and will be a huge boon when I run this AP.

Keep up the great work, and if you do any other maps, even if they're not associated with an AP or adventure, I'd be very interested to see them.

Again, thanks!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Dude, I am so all over this.

Could it be another Expedition to the Barrier Peaks type module? That'd be freakin' sweet.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love to get on the mail list for your maps, Watcher.

tuttleboy@gmail is my email address, and thanks in advance.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Stay 3.5 or even 3.75 and you will whole heartedly have 100% of my support, financially and vocally. I'd love to see you all give it a try, and if it don't work out for you after 2-3 years then I guess you'd be forced to convert to 4E.

Either way, best of luck, and the longer you all stay 3.xx, the longer I spend my dork dollars here.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Tars Tarkas wrote:
You'll get access to the amazing set of tools D&D Insider will provide-the D&D Game Table,the D&D Character Creator, and the Dungeon Master's Toolkit, details of which will be unveiled in the coming months.


This is what seems to me the worst of what I'm hearing about 4E. I'm sure you've all seen folks complaining about it, but now it's my turn.

I don't want to have to have a laptop in front of me to make my character or to play the game I started playing 25 years ago!

Some of my fondest memories are of sitting around a table with pen, paper, dice and a stack 'o rule books BSing and making a character for the next epic adventure. I understand that WotC is in business to make money, but they are killing an icon and a part of my life that I've come to treasure will be nothing but a shade if they have their say.

I've dug my heels in with the group that I run for and play with. There will be NO 4th Edition allowed.


Thank you, I feel better. :p