Chained Spirit

Jamsus's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


With "Dwarf" i'll probably go on


but Human can be

8 (taking -2 here and placing on +2 strenght)

My doubts are about feats & domains\spells, i mastered this game a lot of years but i don't really know how to build a nice to role \ nice to play pg.

Hello everyone,

we are goin' to play a low\mid level campaign (1°-10° level i think) with standard 15pt and only core rulebook :)

My idea was to roleplay a fighter\support cleric because it's possible that we have a second cleric in the party to act as support\healer.

Do you have any suggestion on building up a character upon that?

I read some guides and i extracted that a lot of persons usually builds up a 2handed long spear priest with a lot of AOE etc etc.

Is this still playable with only core rulebook?

And what if i can use others rulebook? (perfect priest, apg)?

I was thinking something about



Combat Reflexes
Power Attack

And... well, i don't know exactly what.

I would like to "roleplay" a war-god Priest, but i'm not sure about the domains.

Or i thought "What if i play a Warpriest" (obviously if the master let us use other rulebooks over the core one)?

The campaign will be low\mid level settled so...

thank you everyone for your suggestions :)

There will be a complete list like this?

User - Votes

Just to comment 33rd position and stuff like that :D!

Thank you all for the replyes,
ok so you suggest just to buy it as downloadable pdf?

(I live in Italy so i dont want to buy the "paper" version, it tooks too long for the shipping)

Hi, just want to ask,

i want to buy the Inner Sea Map pdf, just want to know if is ok to go in a copistery and print it (if it is legal & if it has the right "print format")

Thankyou very much

Midnightoker wrote:
Jamsus wrote:
Midnightoker wrote:
Jamsus wrote:

I played with a 15-point stat array, and only with CoreRulebook\Bestiary.

This game is awesome. Really, also at 20th level.

The only thing is the "hp pool" but... is not a real problem, this is a game not a simulator ;)

Think of HP as more of "damage prevention" than actual blows to your health.

After all on a small amount of hitpoints comes from constitution. This would mean the rest comes from somewhere else. But where?

Why do fighters get more HP? if they have the same HP as a wizard how does being hit make logical sense?

because HP is the close blow that cuts the beard, it is the sword swing above the head, it is the fireball that singed your cloak, it is pressing sword against your shield, it is the dagger inching closer to your face in a grapple.

atleast that is how I view it :) my party says it makes sense

Yes yes, in my imaginary HP includes : "Dodge, Parry, Block, Endurance, Fatigue, Suffering Limit" and the last negative CONST hp, the real danger!

In your imaginary! HAHA

sorry couldnt resist :)

it is something particulary wrong? :D

maybe english is not my best :p

Midnightoker wrote:
Jamsus wrote:

I played with a 15-point stat array, and only with CoreRulebook\Bestiary.

This game is awesome. Really, also at 20th level.

The only thing is the "hp pool" but... is not a real problem, this is a game not a simulator ;)

Think of HP as more of "damage prevention" than actual blows to your health.

After all on a small amount of hitpoints comes from constitution. This would mean the rest comes from somewhere else. But where?

Why do fighters get more HP? if they have the same HP as a wizard how does being hit make logical sense?

because HP is the close blow that cuts the beard, it is the sword swing above the head, it is the fireball that singed your cloak, it is pressing sword against your shield, it is the dagger inching closer to your face in a grapple.

atleast that is how I view it :) my party says it makes sense

Yes yes, in my imaginary HP includes : "Dodge, Parry, Block, Endurance, Fatigue, Suffering Limit" and the last negative CONST hp, the real danger!

I played with a 15-point stat array, and only with CoreRulebook\Bestiary.

This game is awesome. Really, also at 20th level.

The only thing is the "hp pool" but... is not a real problem, this is a game not a simulator ;)

After reading all those replyes (and really really thank you all for that)

i think i will be go for Ranger.

Pure ranger,

array : 14 \ 16 \ 10 \ 10 \ 14 \ 10 (i will take handle animal and our gameplay style is very dependant from base stats)

and obviously i will go Archer (but with melee switch option)


Thalin wrote:

15 point human mono-ranger with some potential to become arcane archer?

Str: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 10
Chr: 7

1) Point Black / Precise
2) Rapid
3) Lookout* / Deadly Aim
5) Boon Companion (or deadly aim for the Arcane Archer)
6) Improved Precise
Favored enemies: 1) Undead 5) Human 10) Evil outsider, though you can customize this to the camaign. These are simply some of the most useful. I like the Skirmisher/Infiltrator kits... they go together very well.

Lookout is of course if you get a friend with high percep willing to do it with you. Nothing quite like ambush and full attacking in surprise round; or hell, getting ambushed and attacking in surprise round. Or if you go full ranger you can get our animal companion to Lookout... handy with scent :).

All level raised naturally to Dex. If you are certain you will not be Mage, drop int to 7 and put 13 in Con / 19 Dex.

Mantaining all stats near to 10\8 what will you drop? bring dex at 17? and maybe take int 13 and char 8?

stats are very roleplay-incident in our group (and i love this :p )

I cannot quote everyone for your suggestions but really really thank you all, you gave so many ideas that now i just have 1 difficult : choose.

Ranger is very nice, but also Mage 12°\Arcane Archer is a nice thing and i dont have to choose earlier the classtree :p

Going up as ranger, with the 15 point standard build, what array do you suggest?

i was thinking (this is a low stat campaign and cha 8 will be considered during play so i prefer to stay "balanced" instead of pumping out 1 stat)

str 14
dex 16\17 (with +2 racial)
con 10
int 10
wis 14\13
car 10

as Human

Thank you all for replies, they show how this game is flexible really appreciated :)

Sylvanite i can use just Core Rulebook :) and i think i will play low levels for a long time ;)

Abraham spalding wrote:
The arcane archer trades spell levels and BAB for money -- nothing else. Every class feature (except the "I shoot everything within x feet of me once -- and really what's that going to do that a fireball won't, and how many targets are there going to be anyways? You could probably just shoot them all once with a full attack to begin with) is replicatable with items, and you still can't go over a +10 enhancement bonus on weapons at all. So unless you are in a low magic campaign the Arcane Archer just gives you what you can already have, just slightly faster.

Thank you, a question :

But... Take first level as Ranger, then go for Warrior (more ranged feat and melee feat, also armor training & weapon training) and then take the 6th level as mage?

With the first level as ranger i take many skills (stealth >> all :D) and then choosing warrior as preferred class i can spent some additional skill points also if warrior has a low number of skill points (2+int)

thank you all :)

and... do you suggest to level up as ranger\fighter and then go mage or
take first sufference level as a mage (for the +1 physical stats) and then go on with fighter\ranger?


why ranger instead of fighter? Fighter has more feats and you can customize it for fight also in melee with decent results? or no?


GeraintElberion wrote:

I thought you had to be an elf or half-elf?

Some good stuff here about archer-ranger with arcane archer.

Not necessarily Elf\Half-Elf, also Human is ok (and its my prefered race)

In the meanwhile, thankyou ;)

Hi all ;)

We will start a new adventure soon, and i was thinking go Wizard.


if another player would prefere to do it, i will switch to an Archer

I was thinking just on the "ludic" part of the game (optimization, customization) about the Arcane Archer (in 10 years of roleplay i never tried this class)

The rules are :

Core Rulebook

15 point standard build

Starting level : 1

Race : All except halfling and gnomes


I was thinking this 3 vectors :

14 \ 17 \ 10 \ 13 \ 10 \ 10 (Human)

Levels - Warrior until 6th, then Mage(Trasmutator), then Arcane Archer :)


14 \ 17 (18 with trasm) \ 10 \ 13 \ 10 \ 10

and start mage and then go for warrior

But... i can also go for...

14 \ 18(19 with trasm) \ 10 \ 13 \ 10 \ 8

Or maybe switch elf (but i will lost Ability point & Extra Feat)...

What do you suggest (also for feats\ability or leveling tree?)

Consider that we will play levels with "slow" experience progression so levels will be played for a long time and not just skipped

Thank you all! :)

A question :

Sò a Fighter with Dazzling Display and Improved Intimidation (at 1° level with charisma 12 it reaches +8) is very very good right?

-2 TS for 1\2 round in 9 meters :)

YuenglingDragon wrote:

It is a really hard choice. The bonded item is really pretty awesome. Bonus spells are always nice. Losing it is awful though.

The familiar is handy for scouting and you get a nice skill or save bonus. Getting an improved familiar is cool, too. Mephits are really handy because of their spell like abilities. Getting a free casting of Blur, Wind Wall, or Gust of Wind can be nice. The only issue there is that they are small instead of tiny making them much easier to target and kill. In any case, I probably wouldn't use it for delivering touch spells. Most of the best Wizard spells are ranged touch if they need an attack roll at all.

In the end, it's a matter of personal choice. Each has positives and negatives.

I think i will go for the familiar just because is fun, is roleplay-oriented and at 7th level is also an interesting utility :)

But yeah, Jason & Cook gave us an true choice :D

I was thinking just about the "ludic component". (i Love my mage that roleplay with is cat or hawk and maybe at higher levels with mephit too)

Havin a Familiar Pet is really nice for roleplay, for scounting etc...

But is it usefull for "Magic-touch attacks?" or the bounded item overwhelm the utility of the Familiar Pet?
A bad thing about the item is the DC check if you lose it in some way :)

What do you think about that?
Familiar or bounded arcane item? And what use can you suggest me for the familiar?

Thank you :)

Rhys Grey wrote:
PRD wrote:
You may attempt to use a spell-like ability on the defensive, just as with casting a spell. If the concentration check (DC 15 + double the spell's level) fails, you can't use the ability, but the attempt counts as if you had used the ability.
However, I'm also curious: what would a school power's spell level be, if it has no direct relationship to an existing spell? For example: what about an evoker's force missile and elemental wall spell-like abilities? Would the former be considered a 1st-level spell, since it's gained at 1st level, or the latter be equivalent to a 4th-level spell, since it's gained at 8th level? Hmm . . .

These were my thoughts and also my doubts :D

Is possibile to cast Arcane Scools powers on the defensive?

And if yes,

how is the DC?

Thank you :)