
James Thomsen 568's page

Organized Play Member. 94 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

I understand that Asmodeous's muse is a fantastical version of Satan, but is not Satan. Satan has the title "Prince of Lies". I could not find that title for Asmodeous. I believe that Asmodeous and his priests would detest lies. A lie reviled could undo a contract. Add to this that forgery is one of the greatest sins. I believe that they make contracts in their favor thru intellect and skill not deception. They would not be above manipulating someone into a desperate situation where they knowingly sign a bad contract, but again a lie could/would let them out of the contract.

The main source of my confusion is the novel Prince of wolfs by Dave Gross. He refers to Asmodeous as the prince of lies multiple times in it. Is this cannon or a mistake? This seams to me to be a fundamental question into the character of asmodeous and would really apreate it if one of the devs could chime in.

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I am trying to make a couple globes of Golarion for my players. I have finally figured out the software in Gimp to convert a flat map to a globe template. Where can I find the largest full map with the highest resolution available? I am hoping to make 12" diameter globes. I found this one but the resolution is far too low.

I am trying to get my head around long distance travel around Golarion. As I understand it the VAST majority of all travel is done on boats and ships. What I am hopping to create with this post is a list of alternate travel methods that should be available to players early, mid and late game. The list below is what I could find.

Teleportation circle: Would act like an airport. Although introduced in the Kingmaker CRPG as being able to be placed in any town the rules as written seams to make this not be the case as a settlement would need a settlement level of 17+ to cast teleportation circle. As far as I can tell there are only 4 such city's on Golarion. Those being Absolom, Absolom; Mechitar, Geb; Yled, Geb; and Quantium, Nex.

Airships: Said to be on the plane of air and maybe Akenstar, but can not fine a list of city's with air terminates.

Underdark: Specifically states that it can not be used to get around with the exception of a couple Dugar roads.

Aiudara Gates: I assume the main one from Golarion and Castrovel is open and used by the elves of Kyonin.

I would love to hear how GMs are getting their players around the globe.

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I ask this as Arodin was immortal prior to becoming a god by raising the starstone. In fact he was over 5,200 years old when he became a god. Was Arodin immortal because he was the last of an immortal race?

I am late to PF2E as I am just now leaving PF1E. Remastered are the only 2E books I own. I would like to start this thread to help make this product more remastered.

1. Coral the conquer is believed to be a RED Dragon. What type of dragon is he now?

I am a late comer to 2E. I was in the middle of the Mummy's Mask AP and decided to wait to jump into 2e. I am having confusion as to which version of books I want to buy. As I understand there are up to three versions of 2E products available. Please correct any misconceptions I have.

2E............Original content released under the OGL

Remastered....New re-released content released under the ORC.

Special Edition...??? Is this remastered?

Am I missing something? With an exception for specific groups in specific areas like Snow Elves, Mordant Spire elves, Ayindilar "Dark Elves", Aquatic Eleves, ect; Are ALL elves either Aiudeen or Forlorn?

Either your ancestors fled Earthfall and recently, within the last 2,000 years, returned to Golarion....Aiudeen. Or your ancestors stayed and somehow survived among the shorter lived races....Forlorn.

I am in the prep phase of running this campaign. I heard The Crusader Road was inspired by this AP. Are there any other tales that would help flavor NPC's, Locations, Factions, or Encounters? I would like to steal inspiration to add character to some of the Brevoy houses. As I have not read any of the Tales Series, so any suggestions are appreciated.

I apologize if this has been answered before, but I could not find it. I am just finishing a multi year run of 1E's Mummy's Mask and starting prep for my next campaign. I have not played 2E at all yet. Not knowing better I have purchased the Remastered Player and GM Core books with Kingmaker 2E. As it takes my group about 5 years to finish a AP, am I better off keeping the AP 2E or convert it to 2E Remastered? This appears to be a much bigger deal than 3.0 to 3.5 conversion was.

I am a bit confused as to which rule books this was written for. I am new to 2E as we just finished a 5 year 1E campaign. I have purchased 5 2E books so far.

1. Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path Special Edition (Green Hardback)
2. Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide Special Edition (Green Hardback)
3. Pathfinder GM Core Special Edition (Green Hardback)
4. Pathfinder Player Core Special Edition (Green Hardback)
5. Pathfinder Monster Core (Has not shipped yet...believe it is green hardback)

The page numbers in the AP do not seam to correspond with the rule books I bought. What am I missing? Second question is are there more than 1 version of the Gamemastery Guide? If so which was written for this AP?

Had a TPK last night. :( So I tried to download Giantslayer to start researching a new campaign. I was finally able to download the player guide but all the modules state that the file is an invalid archive when i try to unzip. I downloaded all six three times to see if it was some kind of connection issue with no luck.

Due to work slowdowns and the inability of my players coming to an in home game for the foreseeable future I need to cancel my subscription. Do not send the pending order as I can not justify the $280 at this time. Thank you for you understanding. I have also tried calling and left an email.

This topic was answered several years ago that wizards start with a spell book with all 0 level spells means all 0 level spells. Today I was trying to calculate the value of spell-books dropped by enemy wizards and found that this can no longer be the answer as there are now more than 100 zero level spells out there and therefore can not be in one book.Is there an official number of spells or is this to be house ruled?

This thread is not intended to criticize but question the status quo and ask, Is there a better way? As more of us are taking our PDF's and disseminating the information across multiple applications; Hero Lab, Realm Works, Map Tools, D20Pro, ect; I am finding it frustrating how difficult it is to get clean text out of the PDF's. I understand that the text is the way that it is, to have a certain look, and I REALLY appreciate the way my adventure path books are works of art. Is there a way for Paizo to have the product look the way they want, protect their Intellectual Property, and allow the clean cut and paste of text?

To give an example of what I am talking about here is excerpt I am working on from The Mummy's Mask, Empty Graves Pg 31. This text had to be copied in four sections due to the picture on the page. This is what you get out.

An unsettling and ominous structure, the round,
fo rtre ss-like building called the Cenotaph of the Cynic
stands apart fr om the other tombs in Wati's necropolis,
separated by 100 fe et of flattened rubble on all sides.
The Cenotaph was originally built in honor of those
who had fa llen to the Plague of Madness, but when the
Pharasmins created the necropolis, they repurposed it to
house the atheistic dead of Wati. In the years since the
Cenotaph's construction, an atheist sect oflamias called
the Amushet claimed the building. Originally part of
the Lamashtu cult that spread the Plague of Madness,
the Amushet fa red poorly in the plot, and the survivors
pledged to shun the capriciousness of the gods and offer
sanctuary to anyone with the same common sense. The
Amushet sisters move fr eely through the necropolis at
night, seeing and hearing all that transpires; the PCs can
spend time gaining usefu l info rma tion fr om the lamias
if they so choose, or put an end to
one of the city's longest-running
monstrous infe sta tions.
Nakht Shepses's suspicions about the
lamias' involvement is understandable-the
Amushet quietly rail against Wati's various
fa iths and occasionally fo und cults of charmed paramours
to enact their schemes-but the sisters have no involvement
with the undead uprising. In fa ct, the dead of the Cenotaph
have so fa r been unaffected by the ka pulse-perhaps the
fa ithle ssness of the dead interred within, or of the lamias
themselves, prevented the necromantic energies of the
Mask of the For,g otten Pharaoh fr om affecting them.
The Cenotaph of the Cynic stands nearly 40 feet tall.
Unless otherwise noted, the Cenotaph's ceilings are 15 feet
high, with walls of reinfo rced masonry and sturdy bronze
doors ( hardness 9, hp 60, break DC 28 ) . Use the map on
page 32 fo r this location.

It is very time consuming to put this back into paragraph form, between the double spaces, missing spaces, enter after every line, and letter substitution. What have you found to make this task less tedious?

I had an Awesome encounter in my last game that left me slack jawed shaking my head, but not sure how to rule on it. To set up the encounter I had a gauntlet the party had to get through consisting of a long hallway with several archers on a second floor balcony. The gunslinger who has shot on the run wished to charge into the room dropping prone and slide across the floor taking a shot at one of the archers as he slid by. I allowed it as it was GREAT roll-play and added all round excitement around the table, but what would be the RAW ruling? Is there any mechanic I am not aware of that would allow you to slide across on your backside as we see in countless movies?

To clarify I allowed him to make a double move and drop prone after 10' of movement and slide 15' to a place of cover in the middle of the hall...a column. Dropping prone gave him a bonus to AC vs ranged attacks.

At third level you can summon a masterwork weapon. Is there anything that prevents you from summoning an alchemical silver longsword or adamantium battle axe? It doesn't say you can select special materials, but it does not say you can not either.

Are there any DMs that would be interested in Starting a PFS game at Rainy Day Games?

I am entering the NPC's into hero lab and have noticed that most of the NPC's skills are greater than they can achieve at their current level. Was this done on purpose to make the NPC's more skillful and thus more relevant or was it a mistake? For instance Amelia has a balance of +11 but could only have a balance of +6.

I am about to start a campaign for my sons (age 9 & 12) and several of their friends of the same age. What I was wondering, is which, if any, of the published adventure paths are, or could be, appropriate for this age range with little or no changes to the basic plot. I am looking for an adventure path where the basic focus is not truly adult in nature. I.E., no sexual violence, incest, PC's having to assassinate some local official(s) to forward the story line, etc. In other words, a pretty black and white story line, where the players are the good guys, and the villains really are evil, not just misguided. More of a Lord of the Rings rather than Black Company.

Thanks in advance.

I am a little confused as to how to run perception checks for secret doors. Can a player notice a secret door by walking past it....IE huh thats an odd crack, what do we have here? I understand that it is a move action to actively search, but what about when you first walk into the room. The core rule book states as follows, but what is an "observable stimulus"?

Action: Most Perception checks are reactive, made in response to observable stimulus. Intentionally searching for stimulus is a move action.

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Is an Eidolone effected by the augment summoning feat?

I have noticed that the party is amassing quite a hull from the random encounters in Occipitus. The party has got more gold in the 100-mile trek than in the pervious five chapters. Has anyone else noticed this?

My party is going to start the 100 mile hike on foot to the cathedral of feathers this Friday. I have looked at the random encounter tables and found them rather blah. For the most part you are going to have the same 5 or six encounters OVER and OVER again during this chapter. I wish to increase the number of available monsters for variety. So far I have entered all the demons from CR 3-14 and hellwasp swarm. I just now thought to add some devils...lost/hiding in Occcipitus due to the low number of demons waiting to regroup and rejoin the blood war. What I am looking for is ideas on what else to add to the encounter tables. I am looking to add some fun stuff you don’t get to play often between CR 3-14....unless you feel something bigger just should not be left out. So what do you think?

My party and I think SCAP is the best thing that has come out in years. I own both the magazines and the hard cover. This board has been wonderful on listing many of the mistakes that made it into the final product, many of which is a testimony to the pace your team went to give us this product in a timely manner. I am curious why there has not been an errata made available for download....especially in the appendix. I use the monster stats as listed and am dismayed when I latter find out....from my party no less...that the stats were wrong or the creature could not do something it did. As a complete side note. I understand that you are not able to publish the appendix as PDF due to constraints in the SRD. Is it possible to print a soft cover booklet of the appendix that can be purchased at a reasonable price?

Thank you for your time.


I was wondering if it would be possible to get a PDF copy of the map of the house in the AoW AP?

In my campaign Jil has become a recuring NPC who has a romantic relationship with the thief of the party. It is not sure at this time who will convert whom but they are definatly efecting the choices each of them make. Sasha the thief has gone on "training exersises" robing the citisins of Cauldron, and Jil has failed to give detailed reports to the last laugh about the party and has also alowed Sasha acsess to guild training and the guise of trying to get him to join the guild.

So my question is there a multible level stat block for Jil that did not make into the hardcover? If so could it be posted to the boards?

First I would like to say NICE JOB on the hardcover. From what I have seen so far it is a resounding success. I would request that the player handouts be made available as a PDF as I refuse to cut up my book. I notice at least one handouts is two sided. I could xerox it but printing is so much more convenient......exspecialy when a player forgets to bring it to the next session. Again thank you for your hard work.

There had been talk in the past of the possibility of having some of the content in the hardcover included in a CD with the book or as a web download. Will maps, player handout, ect be made available in electronic form for ease of printing?

In my campaign the players have voiced that they would like to buy a piece of property in Cauldron. I told the party that there were several properties available in different parts of town depending on how much they wanted to spend. I based the prices I gave on the cost of different ships in the PH, thinking it was about the same amount of labor and material to build a ship as a house. When I gave my players the cost they spit and sputtered and decided that the inn was just fine. I was thinking about revising the house found in The Whispering Cairn to be a house severely damage during Flood Season, which would be bestowed upon the party for all the hard work they have done.

I was wondering what all of you have done in your campaigns, and how much should property in Cauldron cost?

I admit that I am a couple of issues behind as I have been running the first adventure path. By the way excellent job and I am looking forward to the hard cover. I was looking at the new AP and found that the format has changed again. I was wondering why the intro data for rooms was removed…IE light, noise, auras, and reactions? This was an invaluable tool to the DM. At a glance I knew the light source, listen DC’s and any auras that were in the room. This helped get who, what, when and where out to the party in a quick concise way and allowed the encounter to flow more smoothly. I would request its return if possible. If it is a space issue I would settle for a smaller font or smashing the info together to form more of a stat block.

In the new hardcover is there going to be any maps of key locations found on the main map? I am thinking of the tipped tankard, drunkin mortok, or guard baracks. Thank you for your time.