
James Thomsen 568's page

Organized Play Member. 95 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

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I think many people miss the mark when it comes to Cheliax. First Cheliax may be the largest imperial empire in the world. Sure Quadira may be bigger but that is speculation and on the other side of the world. Cheliax is the world power of the inner sea.

Second, Cheliax is the kingdom of men. Always has been. Cheliax was the chosen of the god of men, Aroden. It was KNOWN that Aroden would return to Golarion to usurer in the golden age of men and he would do it in the capital of Cheliax, Westcrown.

The death of Aroden shook the world but nowhere as much as Cheliax. By the time Aroden died Cheliax had converted ALL government functions over to the church of Aroden. Why do you need mortals in government when a god is going to do it. So when Aroden died the government collapsed and civil war broke out.

The civil war lasted 30 years. During which house Thrune made a pact with Asmodeous. This pushed Thrune to win the war. As a part of the pact Asmodeous became the state religion.

Hell Knights should be given an even more close look as they PREDATE the rule of Thrune and are not beholden to it; unless you count the Order of the Glyph, which most do not. To become a Hellknight one must kill a devil in single combat.

This I believe is the reason Tieflings are considered lesser than man. Add to this and the enslavement of any Halfling they can catch and you get a society that views all races less than man.

In my campaigns I envision Berlin 1936-1939. I believe this is the historical moment that inspired the look and feel of Cheliax. Especially the imagery of the banners of Thrune prominently displayed reminds me of images of Berlin 1936. I use this period as it is the time between the 1936 Berlin Olympic's and the Feb 20,1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden, New York where over 20,000 Americans attended. Of course that all change when Germany invaded Poland Sept 1, 1939.

Cheliax is also the de-facto colonizer. That is until Andoran sank their navy. You can add all the colonial history to the Shackels and Vidrian. In this I view Cheliax as a composite of the British, Dutch and Spanish colonial efforts. For instance it is not hard to see similarity from the Aspis Consortium to the Dutch West India Company.

And yet another reason for the Chelaxian racism is that they believe they are the direct dissidents to real humans... the Azlanti. Taldor, and to a much greater stance Celiax both state they are the pure descendants of Arodin and the Azlanti. For this reason Cheliaxians tend to look down on all other human ethnicity as well.

Using Cheliax in this manner will give you a rich tapestry where you can tell compelling fantasy story's based off Ann Franks Diary, Schindler's List, The Jessie Owens Story, or the Underground railroad using the Bellflower network. So have you villain fly the black and crimson and let them know this baddy has the legal backing of a god.

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I don't know how to post images or I would. This is the best original 2d map I can find Original. I am using the long world map. With GIMP I converted the 2d flat map into a 16 slice 3d projection. Proof of concept works. Unfortunately The resolution is low and pixelates when blown up to globe sizes. Is there a decent resolution world map commercially available anywhere? I can not find any contact info for Rob McCaleb to see if I can purchases a print directly from the artist.

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W E Ray wrote:
For me, well, I still use the illustration by Trampier in the '77 'Monster Manual' for Asmodeus and as an NPC or deity in my games he's how I view him from decade to decade, regardless of any publishing company's version. And he can and will roll that Bluff check better than any.

Was that the black and white handsome devil with the goatee dressed in robes with a scepter?

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Lord Fyre wrote:
But, enough about Seoni's rack. :)

I actually lol'd rolling my eyes. Well done sir!!

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I am trying to make a couple globes of Golarion for my players. I have finally figured out the software in Gimp to convert a flat map to a globe template. Where can I find the largest full map with the highest resolution available? I am hoping to make 12" diameter globes. I found this one but the resolution is far too low.

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I ask this as Arodin was immortal prior to becoming a god by raising the starstone. In fact he was over 5,200 years old when he became a god. Was Arodin immortal because he was the last of an immortal race?

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James Jacobs wrote:
(Dark elves, AKA drow are no longer part of the setting as a result of our move away from OGL content with the remastered rules.)

Thank you for the reminder. Been Playing since D&D 1E. Going to take a minute to change some names in my head. Long live the ORC!! : )

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Of those groups, any individual elf may be a Forlorn, which is not a distinct grouping of elves so much as a condition. Any elf which lives primarily among humans or similarly short-lived peoples are likely to become Forlorn as the slow tempo of their life is dramatically outpaced by all their friends and family, with few or no elven attachments to ground themselves with.

This makes more sense to me. Thank you

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Thank you for making this more clear. Being a new player to 2E, I think I will learn the Remastered version as it is what will be going forward. That being said is there or will there be a document listing the name changes?

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Thank you for the replies. I like the acrobatics check, I wish I had thought of seams a no brainer, oh well.