Pirate Bomber

Jalice of McIntyre McLain's page

12 posts. Alias of mdt.

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We recently lost a player in our Transformers game. It's using the HERO system, and is far enough in that I personally feel it's going well. I need someone to take over the existing character, or submit a new character. I'll take up to 2 players, if there's interest.

The game is here

Previous experience with HERO is not required. If you have played GURPS, the dice rolling will be very similar, all d6. If you've played HERO before, then all the better.

The PC's have recently crash landed on Earth, and have been slowly trying to repair their ship without being noticed by the Humans. However, they have just now gotten into a 3-way battle between US special forces, a Decepticon scoutship, and themselves.

There may be opportunity to bring in new character's relatively soon.

IE: If I want my players to use a specific format in their character profile like this :

{spoiler=Stats}HP : 55 | Fort +5 / Refl +8 / Will +3 | Init +4 | CMB/CMD 5/18 | AC/Flat/Touch 19/15/14{/spoiler}

I'd like to be able to put that in with ['s and ]'s but if I do it actually creates a spoiler. Is there any way to tell the forum to 'ignore this bracketed command and just display it'?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The star didn't have a name, that would require for someone to care about it. Nobody cared about it. What it did have was ruins from a bygone age. Until recently, it had had a thriving recycling business initiated by several alien species, both organic and cybernetic.

Of course, the sun had been unstable for millions of years, spewing out radiation and flares randomly. Most of the planet's surface was scoured clean. Fortunately, the ruins were mostly buried deeply under the surface. Unfortunately, the instabilities had been growing lately, and when it was realized the star was finally getting ready to either expand from an yellow dwarf to a red dwarf, or was ready to explode, depending on how things went, the scavengers had fled the planet like vermin fleeing a sinking a planetary wet navy ship.

Too bad you missed all the boats...

Please cancel my pathfinder map subscriptions (including the starfinder maps). I'll sign back up for them when I can, but currently need to cancel them due to some issues. Thanks.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Once selected for this game, we will work out character creation in this thread.

I wish I had a $1 for every time in the last few weeks I've clicked on an unread posting link on a thread, read the messages, replied, and then on refresh it shows an unread message, which when I click on it, is my message I just wrote.

On the same topic, the last week or so, the unread links just aren't updating at all. I'll read messages, go back to my campaign tab, and see an unread message link, click on it, go right back to the same message, go back to campaign tab, refresh, see link, click on it, same message, sometimes it takes me 3-4 times to read the same message before it finally gets flagged as 'read'.

"To all peace loving Cybertronians who are in hearing range of this broadcast. This is Optimus Prime. I regret to inform you that Sentinel Prime has fallen in battle with Megatron. The Matrix of Leadership has passed on to me, and I regretfully accept this burden. Cybertron's resources are almost exhausted, and the Decepticons have a superior position and reserves. As much as it pains me, I cannot continue spending Autobot lives on this planet. We must reluctantly cede control of Cybertron to the Decepticons. As the new leader of the Autobots, I urge all those who do not agree with the Decepticon agenda to withdraw, seek refuge and resources. We will regroup and return to rescue Cybertron when we can do so without it resulting in the destruction of our people and our home."

The broadcast took everyone by surprise, both on and off Cybertron. The war had been going on for millions of years, and the planet was devastated, exhausted, nearly depopulated. Where billions of Cybertronians had once lived in peace, the population was down to not even a hundred thousand.

Information Document

Will you be a courageous Autobot seeking resources to liberate Cybertron? Will you be a Decepticon deserter, either tired of war, or having made an enemy of one of the Elite? Will you be one of the few Cybertronians left who refused to pick a side, and are just a refuge looking for some way out of this mess?


Rule 1 : DO NOT BUILD A CHARACTER. We'll do character building after the recruitment selection is done. For now, I want submissions as follows :

Name :
Classification : (See info document)
Allegiance : Autobot/Decepticon/Unaligned
Background :
Personality :
Gendered? : (Male/Female/None see doc for more information)
Vehicle Mode(s) :
Vehicle Mode Image (If possible)
Robot Mode Image (If possible)
Special abilities/Weapons/Fighting Style/Role on the team

Rule 2 : YOU CANNOT BE A CANNON BOT (Sorry). However, you can use cannon bots that are not in our continuity (this would be mostly those from the series after the animated movie, where Rodimus Prime took over). However, they have to fit in with modern world, and you can't play those cannon bots, you can just use their likeness. For example, Kup is a character from the animated movie and Series 2. You could use this likeness for an original character who's vehicle form is an El Camino. There's a ton of original concept transformers out on the internet, so I doubt if people will have huge issues finding some reference work for anything they want like a military chopper or a motorcycle or a dune buggy. Plenty of fan art out there to boost your imagination (also post links if you find something really neat that you can't use for your concept, it might be just what someone else needs!).

Roles :
Scout (Not to be confused with classification), Soldier, Leader, Medic, Infiltrator, Technician/Inventor, Pilot (spaceship pilot).

Common/Suggested powers :

Radar Absorbing (Invisibility to Radar, 0 end, vehicle mode only)
Holographic Emitter (Creating drivers, vehicle mode only)
Blasters (laser cannons)
Repair Systems
Flight (more common in Decepticons than Autobots)
Swimming (most common on marine craft or beast forms)


Can I have smaller bots who are my allies, like Laserbeak? Yes, you can do that (you pay points for duplication and buy microbot allies).

Can I play Optimus? NO! I already said 'no canons!'.

Can I play a city sized transformer? No, those get too hard to deal with. You can play a microbot (Laserbeak) up to a Warrior (Optimus Prime).

Why would I play a microbot instead of a Warrior? People don't tend to bother shooting at microbots when there are bigger more dangerous bots around. Microbots can go places bigger bots can't (especially in a human world). Microbots are faster and more dextrous, so if you like to play fast skilled characters, you want one of the smaller bots. If you want to play slower but more powerful bots, like Optimus and Megatron, go for it, but remember, you're big, your powerful, and smaller bots run circles around you while you're moving your bulk around.

Why all the focus on Energon and making us have limited energy reserves? The whole concept of Transformers is they are energy starved and looking for resources. Earth is resource rich, as long as they can transform that energy into energon (which you'll want someone with the skills to do that or it'l be a short campaign!). I want the group (and the NPCs enemies!) to have to decide between fighting and conserving energon, it adds a whole new tactical level.

Ok, that's enough for now I think. Post below with questions or submissions. I reserve the right to add new submission requests/requirements or new limitations or rules until we start.

I think I'll run the recruitment through next Friday (June 8th), and then start the building over the weekend. I dont' want to spend too much time on recruitment, since more of the time will be spent building the characters.

I reserve the right to end the recruitment early if I have 4 or more complete submissions, and at least 2 days pass without someone posting interest/questions.

This is currently just an Interest Check. I've suddenly found myself with a ton of extra time I don't know what to do with, so I started thinking about what I've never run but would enjoy. While trying to think of something to do that was new (and easy to do, since the last game I tried to run in GURPS was so complicated I had to abandon it last year when work interfered, and HERO is always easy), I was flicking through Netflix and happened to notice the new season of 'The Toys that Made Us' was available. The second episode was Transformers, and had a ton of information I never knew about them (If you're curious, I highly recommend this show, you'll find out all sorts of interesting things like the fact Megatron was originally a good guy, and Barbie was based off a prostitute comic, and you'll confirm some things you always knew, like how Star Trek toys were HORRIBLY managed for decades.

Anyway, the concept of this game, if I run it, would be a 'reboot' of the original Transformers. Nobody would be allowed to play Cannon Autobots. This would be because I don't want to have to deal with arguments over what they can do or not do, and also because most of them have random power boosts throughout the series. Besides, I think anyone into this will probably have more fun interacting with the OG Transformers than playing one.

The characters would be a scout crew who crashes on earth, and scans local vehicles to pass while they try to repair their ship. Beyond that, I won't go into detail. So in this continuum, there would be no 60 million year 'hiatus' for the bots (that never made sense anyway). Instead, Cybertron's Great War would be coming to an end near the end of the naughties (2000 to 2009), and the PC's would be refugees from the war (either all Autobots, unaligned/deserters, or a mix of the two). This means I would be allowing a Decepticon deserter, if they had a back story that would mean they have no interest in helping Megatron, and would rather work with independents or even the Autobots rather than help Megatron.

I'm thinking to get the general level of the bots we'd be looking at about 500 point builds, which would include 100 points of disads. If you have experience with the system, you know that's a pretty high power level. Anyway, this is just an interest check for now. If there's sufficient interest, I'll put up a recruitment thread.

Sound off below if you'd like to be more than meets the eye.

This is a re-recruitment. I had people on a back up list for this game, but they all seem to have gone from the website. :(

Anyway, looking for a single character for now, although I'm also ok with putting people on a back up list after I recruit one character.

Original Recruitment Thread

The current group consists of :
Former Imperial Naval Pilot
Sentient Split Personality AI Robot
Former Imperial Naval Engineer
Former Darrian Espionage Agent
A Scientist currently on sabatical

The ship has recently returned to normal space in the Vargr Extents, specifically in the Ruler of Five Demesne. Characters that could be easily added to the game at this point :

1) Vargr of any type.
2) Hlanssai (Note, I'll have to work up stats).
3) Solomoni Humans of any type.
4) Vlani Humans of any type.
5) Droyne with a really good back story (they are not common in the Vargr Extents)

What you can't make given where they are :

Imperial, Zhodani, Aslan, Hivers, K'Kree

This is an interactive recruitment, that means you roll your stat arrays and make choices per the original recruitment thread, and you tell me what you want to do, and I'll do the rolls for you and interpret them.

We are using 1st edition Mongoose Traveller. I may switch us over to 2nd Edition at some point, as I now have 2nd edition as well as 1st edition.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 1) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 6) = 20
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 2) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 1) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 2) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 6) = 16

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The ISS Verdant Dawn, a luxury starliner travelling toward the end of it's long run out into the fringe. The nearby space being filled with nebulae and sector wide expansions of cosmic effluvia and debris, blocking out any suns that might exist.

It's stately course is measured, it's systems well maintained on the profitable run, not so much from it's passengers as from the cargo it will pick up at the end of it's long run and return to the sector capital.

It's crew is well trained, it's facilities well maintained... and it will never be seen again...

This is the tale of it's passengers and crew... those who survive that is...

02:00, Ship's Time, Wonday March 23rd, 1142


The blaring from the ship's intercom trails off in a burst of static, leaving little doubt that the last bit was 'Primary Computer Malfunction'. The ship's gravity does indeed cut off, then reverse, then slam into a high G overburst that sends grav plates bursting into showers of sparks as they burn out. All over the ship, people are awakened in their berths, slammed into the ceiling, and then slammed into their berths again. Pressure klaxons sound, and bulkheads slam into place to protect atmosphere. The ship's hull screams, and rivets fire like champagne corks as the ship's superstructure is torqued beyond it's ability to hold.

Then the ship almost feels like it turns inside out, and then is pulled through a keyhole before being inflated again back to something resembling it's normal self.

It suddenly drops out of sidreal space and back into normal space, it's crew and passengers either dead or battered to unconsciousness...

Roll 2d6, on a 2, you were walking around the deck and take 3d6 damage from the grav plate excesses. On a 12, you were strapped in either to an acceleration chair or strapped into your berth, and take only 1d6 and gain a +2 DM to wake up. On any other roll, you take 2d6-3 damage and make a normal END check to wake up.

Roll a End 8+ check (with modifiers based on above) to wake up, if you fail, roll again with a +1 DM. Repeat until you wake up. The longer it takes, the less time you have to get off the ship before it breaks up!

I put in a website feedback post, but curious if anyone else is having trouble creating campaigns right now? Every time I click on the link to create one, it just goes to a blank paizo page.

I am unable to create a campaign, either from a recruitment thread, or from a PBP discussion thread.

The links come up, giving me the option. But when I click this link below :

Create a new campaign for this thread

All that happens is it opens a new page with nothing on it. Completely blank

Help please? Did someone break something?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Place Holder for the Campaign OOC discussion thread

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is the result of my interest check thread, Traveller won overwhelmingly.

Alarm claxons wake you up from a sound sleep. The ISS Verdant Dawn is a Luxury Liner making the Harrison to Shirrul Gami run.

Shirrul Gami is a primitive planet with an emerging sophont species on it's primary continent. However, the secondary continents do not have this sophant species, and are available for exploitation and exploration. The Hammerston Group has exclusive development rights to the planet. Several of the native plant species are extremely desirable for medicinal processing, and the planet is also home to Shirgami Gems, a fiery pink opal gem with lurid blues and reds that are unique enough to drive high prices. Finally, the local life forms, heavily furred mammals, are quite popular with hunters.

The Syndimic Sector has had a history of lost ships for hundreds of years now. Every once in awhile, even on the safest routes, a ship simply doesn't arrive. It appears that whatever the Syndimic Curse is, it's found your ship!

Character Creation

For those who want to play around with an online character generation system to get an idea of how it works, you can find one here

It doesn't have everything in it, just the basic races/careers, but it'll give you an idea how it works. We'll be doing generation in the thread. This will require a LOT of work by the GM to do. This means this will be a long recruitment. Before I will put that effort in on your character, you will need to have ALL the following completed :

BIRTHWORLD : <GM can help you figure one out, or you can just describe it and the GM will pick one for you>
PROPOSED CHARACTER TYPE : Note that because of how this system works, your actual Character may change during their life. For example, you may aim for a Bored Noble, but end up with a Former Noble Marine Soldier instead.
ALLEGIANCE : What is your political alignment. The assumption is you are an Imperial Citizen unless otherwise specified. However, there are other options. If you don't want to be Imperial, you can work with the GM. Just remember, Non-Citizens have fewer rights than Citizens. Citizenship has it's privelages!

Stats are rolled (mostly) as 2d6 rolls. Some species use different rules. I won't post all the rules here, just if you choose a non-Human species, I'll list below the call outs for them. To generate them, roll 2d6 six times and allocate the rolls as you wish to your characteristics. If you do not have at least a +1 Modifier after all stats are rolled, throw the stats away and reroll.

Strength (Str): A character’s physical strength, fitness and forcefulness.
Dexterity (Dex): Physical co-ordination and agility, reflexes. A
character’s Dexterity affects his accuracy in ranged combat and his
reaction speed.
Endurance (End): A character’s ability to sustain damage, stamina
and determination. A character’s resilience is based on his Endurance score, so a character with a low Endurance score will be very vulnerable in a firefight.
Intelligence (Int): A character’s intellect and quickness of mind. Intelligence is used in a great many skill checks.
Education (Edu): A measure of a character’s learning and experience.
Education is also used in a great many skill checks.
Social Standing (Soc): A character’s place in society. Characters with
a high Social Standing can claim a noble title in the Imperium and
will find life much easier thanks to their reputation and contacts. Some species do not use Social Standing, or have other stats that take it's place.

Creation Checklist:

1. Roll characteristics and determine characteristic modifi ers.
2. a. Choose a homeworld.
b. Gain background skills.
3. a. Choose a career. You cannot choose a career you have
already left.
b. Roll to qualify for that career.
c. If you qualify for that career, go to Step 4.
d. If you do not qualify for that career, then you can go to
the Draft or enter the Drifter career. The Draft can put
you back into a career you have been forced to leave, at
your old rank. You can only apply for the Draft once.
4. If this is your fi rst time on this career, get your basic
5. Choose a specialisation for this career.
6. a. Choose one of the Skills and Training tables for this
career and roll on it.
b. Roll for survival on this career.
c. If you succeed, go to Step 7.
d. If you did not succeed, then events have forced you
from this career. Roll on the Mishap table, then go to
Step 9.
7. a. Roll for Events.
b. Optionally, establish a Connection with another player
8. a. Roll for Advancement
b. If you succeed, choose one of the skills and training
tables for this career and roll on it. Increase your Rank
and take any bonus skills from the Ranks table for this
c. If you roll less than the number of terms spent in this
career, you must leave this career.
d. Military characters (Army, Navy, Marines) can roll for
commission instead of rolling for advancement.
9. Increase your age by 4 years. If your character is 34 or older,
roll for Aging.
10. If you are leaving the career, roll for Benefi ts.
11. If you have left your current career, then go to Step 3 to
choose a new career, or to Step 12 if you wish to fi nish your
character. Otherwise, go to Step 5.
12. Finalise any Connections with other characters.
13. Choose a Campaign Skill Pack and allocate skills from that
14. Purchase starting equipment and, if you can afford it, a

Characteristic Modifiers
Characteristic | Dice Modififier
0 | –3
1–2 | –2
3–5 | –1
6–8 | +0
9–11 | +1
12–14 | +2
15 | +3

Background Skills:

Before embarking on your careers, you get a number of background
skills equal to 3 + your Education DM (1 to 5, depending on your
Education score). You must take the skills listed for your homeworld;
any extra skills can be taken from the education list.

Homeworld: Growing up on your homeworld gave you skills that
depend on the planet’s nature. You can select any skill that matches
your homeworld’s planetary description and trade codes. If you
came from a planet already established by Traveller books or by the
Referee, then consult those sources for the planet’s description.
Otherwise, just note down what traits you chose for your homeworld
– you can generate the world later.

Agricultural: Animals 0
Asteroid: Zero-G 0
Desert: Survival 0
Fluid Oceans: Seafarer 0
Garden: Animals 0
High Technology: Computers 0
High Population: Streetwise 0
Ice-Capped: Vacc Suit 0
Industrial: Trade 0
Low Technology: Survival 0
Poor: Animals 0
Rich: Carouse 0
Water World: Seafarer 0
Vacuum: Vacc Suit 0

Education: A formal education gives you a basic level of competence
in various sciences and academic disciplines. Any character may
choose from the following list:

Admin 0, Advocate 0, Art 0, Carouse 0, Comms 0, Computer 0, Drive
0, Engineer 0, Language 0, Medic 0, Physical Science 0, Life Science
0, Social Science 0, Space Science 0, Trade 0.

At this point, you are eighteen years old.

Available Races :

Aslan : Humanoid mammalian species that superficially resembles Terran Felines. Aslan are stronger than humans (+2 Str) but their high density bodies are harder to move around (-2 Dex). They have natural claws on their hands (Natural Weapon (Claw)). Aslan have a 7th stat called 'Territory' that is used for Aslan social interaction with each other. Roll Territory as a 7th roll separately from the other 6 stats (you must take what you roll for Territory, it cannot be moved around like the other stats).

Darrian : Darrians are Humans derived from Terran stock that was transplanted by Ancients. They were later experimented on, and then diverged further via evolution. Darrians are taller than the average human, with lithe forms. They have white hair, slightly pointed ears, and have a skin tone that runs toward golden or bronze. Darrians are physically weaker than humans and less hardy (-2 Str, -2 End), but are highly dextrous and intelligent (+1 Dex, +1 Int). Darrian society is highly advanced, and all children are required to attend school (+2 Edu). Darrian hearing and vision is acute (+1 DM to Recon or Survival checks involving sight or hearing). Darrians age more gracefully than humans, and only apply HALF the charcters terms served as a negative modifier to their aging roll.

Droyne : Droyne are an intelligent major race that resembles a flying reptile (Imagine a kobold with wings). Droyne are flyers (Winged, 18 meters per round) and Small. Warrior Caste is medium, not small. Leaders have high Intelligence (+2 Int). Droyne do not use social standing, instead, they are born into a Caste and cannot change it. They do not have Social Standing (Only roll 5 sets of stats). To determine your character's Caste, roll 1d6 (1=Worker, 2=Warrior, 3=Drone, 4=Technician, 5=Sport, 6=Leader)

Hiver : Hivers are an intelligent race that resembles a large multi-eyed slug with six radial limbs (They keep their stalked eyes on one of their six limbs, with the opposite limb generally used for manipulating the environment, and the other four limbs used for locomotion). Hivers have no genders, Hivers procreate by leaving genetic material around as they walk, and when two hivers genetic material mixes, a new hiver is born. Most ships require Hivers to wear suits to keep this genetic material from clogging the environmental systems. Hivers are generally more intelligent than humans (+2 Int) but are slightly ungainly and uncoordinated by comparison (-2 Dex). Hivers can see into the infra-red spectrum, allowing them to see heat signatures.

Imperial : Imperials are humans descended from Humans from the Sol system, Terra (Earth). They use the default rules.

K'Kree : K'Kree, resembling horse sized reptillian centaurs, are the largest of the common races. They are herbivores, and stand 1.5 meters at the shoulder, and 2.0 to 2.4 meters when fully erect. K'Kree are Large (Add 1d6 to both Str and End), and replace Social Standing with Caste (Unlike the Droyne stat, this stat can be gained/lost, and otherwise works like Social Standing, during character creation, adjustments to Social Standing instead adjust Caste) Female K'Kree do not have a Caste rating, and only generate 5 stats.

Robot : Robots containing AIs can be played as player characters, stats are dependant on the chasis of the robot. Note that most galactic civilizations and laws consider Robots and AI's property, not people, and therefore most robots have little or no rights.

Solomani : Solomani are humans descended from the system of Sol (Terra, or Earth). They use all the default stats with no modifications.

Solomani Dolphin : Dolphins are Uplifted Dolphins raised to sophancy by the Solomani Government during the last war. Dolphins are very strong and hardy (Str +4, End +2) but as recently uplifted, they have weaker than normal mental abilities (-2 Int, -2 Edu, -2 Soc). They are Aquatic (fully aquatic, air-breathers) and no Fine Manipulation. Dolphins can swim at 40km per hour. Dolphins can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes, and can dive up to 200 meters at 1G. Dolphins age faster than humans, they enter careers at 12, and begin aging at the end of their second term (age 20)

Vargr : A race of furred humanoids that resemble humanoid canines, often referred to as 'space wolves' by early humans who encountered them. Vargr are highly varied, with no central government. Vargr are more dextrous than humans (+1 Dex), but physically weaker and less hardy (-1 Str, -1 End). They have a natural weapon as a Bite. Vargr are Uplifted (They were made sophant by an outside agency, and are actually descended from Terran Wolves). Vargr replace Social Standing with Charisma. During character creation, Adjustments to Social Standing adjust Charisma instead.

Zhodani : Zhodani are descendants of Terran Humans who were transplanted by the Ancients. They have diverged from base Human stock both via evolution and experimentation by the Ancients. Zhodoni Nobles and Intedants are Psionically capable and usually trained. Zhodani roll a 7th stat called Psionics. You must take the roll as rolled.

Available Careers

Everyone : Agent, Army, Air Force, Citizen, Drifter, Entertainer, Marines, Merchants, Navy, Nobility, Rogue, Scholar, Scout, Wet Navy

Agent Specialties : Law Enforcement, Investigator, Spy, Analyst, Corporate, Bounty Hunter

Aslan : Spacer, Space Officer, Military, Military Officer, Outcast, Scientist, Aslan Envoy, Management, Ceremonial, Aslan Wanderer

Darrian : Darrian Agent, Darrian Entertainer, Darrian Envoy, Guard, Darrian Merchant, Militia, Darian Navy, Special Arm, Worker, Darrian Wanderer

Imperial High Guard : Crewman, Support, Engineering, Gunnery, Flight, Pilot, Command, Naval Intelligence, Naval Engineer, High Command

Merchant Specialties : Broker, Free Trader, Junk Dealer, Marketer, Merchant Marine, Royal Trader, Slaver

Mercenary : Cadre, Commando, Guerilla, Security, Striker, Warmonger

Nobility : Aristocrat, Adventurer, Celebrity, Competitor, Connoisseur, Dillettante, Humanitarian

Psionic Variants : Psion Agent, Psion Army, Psion Drifter, Psion Navy, Psion Rogue, Psion Scholar, Psion Scout, Underground Pison Network, Psion Spacefarer

Robot : Robot Fugitive, Service Robot, Robot Activist,

Scoundral/Rogue Specialties : Intruder, Smuggler, Organized Crime, Pirate, Scavenger, Wanderer, Barbarian (First career only)

Scout (Specialized Careers) : Courier, Exploration, Special Ops, Survey

Solomani : Party, Solomani Navy, SolSec

Solomani Dolphin : Dolphin Civilian, Dolphin Military, SolSec (Monitor), Home Guard

Vargr : Vargr Army, Vargr Citizen, Corsair, Emissary, Law Enforcement, Loner, Vargr Marine, Vargr Merchant, Vargr Navy, Vargr Psion, Vargr Scientist

Zhodani : Zhodani Agent, Zhodani Army, Zhodani Entertainer, Zhodani Government, Zhodani Guard, Zhodani Merchant, Zhodani Navy, Zhodani Prole, Zhodani Scholar,

Yes, that's a lot of stuff if you dont' have the books. That's why this is an unusual recruitment. More than likely, I'll be pointing you to a career based on your desired background and race.

I need a break from PF for a bit, and one of my games just ended, so I'm doing an interest check. What would people be interested in?

1) Star Trek (FASA d100 version) Very old 1990's game (very good)
2) Star Wars (d20 Revised, not Saga)
3) Traveller (Classic) Old School!
4) BESM (Never ran it before, but looks easy)
5) Mechwarrior/Battletech

I do not promise to run the most popular, I do promise to seriously consider it. I may run something else, or I may pick the one that has the loudest cheerleaders.

I have 2-3 players from my previous game who are interested, and they will get first choice if I run something, so I'd be recruiting for the additional open slots. I generally take 5 or 6 players when I run a new game. I will not be doing two tables this time, my work is too full right now. However, I will be taking people who aren't chosen and putting them in the campaign tab so I can PM them if an opening occurs.

Anyway, interest up, go squabble and argue systems while I sit back and cackle.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm probably missing it in the rules, but how do you handle a situation where you want to have multiple starships?

For example, a freighter with a fighter escort? I'm not seeing any way to split your starship into multiple ships. If you've got a 5 or 6 person game then it would make very good sense to have a fighter escort for your ship. Anyone find anything?

My GURPS game is down to 3 regular players. So I'm looking to recruit 2 or 3 regular posters. We generally post about 3-5 days a week during the week, and once on the weekends. Obviously RL interferes from time ot time like any other game.

All characters use the following rules:

* Tech Level 8

* Must be in the National Guard (Must have at least 5 points in Rank)

* Nobody can have more than 20 points in Rank.

* No more than one person can have 20 points in Rank.

* Equipment is provided, however if you have wealth, you can arrange for better versions of basic equipment (IE: Customized Firearms, Customized Uniforms, etc). How much is dependent on wealth. In general, only equipment you can carry within a 50lb rucksack can be personal.

* Everyone must take the National Guard Template below (costs 2 points).

* 75 Pt Builds with up to 50 pts in disadvantages and 5 quirks. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO USE ALL 50 POINTS OF DISADVANTAGES.

* You cannot choose a disadvantage that would cause you to not meet requirements to be in the National Guard (IE: Lame for example).

* Template Disads do NOT count toward maximum Disadvantages.

Military Template (2 points):

Choose 2 of the following skills (at 1 point each):

SK:Guns (Pistol)
SK:Guns (Rifle)
SK:Guns (Shotgun)
SK:Guns (Grenade Launcher)
SK:Guns (Submachine Gun)

Choose 10 points from the following lists of Traits
Catfall (10)
Common Sense (10)
Rank (5)
Rapid Healing (5)
Recovery (10)
Security Clearance (5) or (10)
Voice (10)

Choose -10 points from the following list
Bad Temper (-10)
Bully (-10)
Callous (-5)
Chummy (-5) or (-10)
Code of Honor (Soldier's) (-10)
Flashbacks (-5)
Hard of Hearing (-10)
Honesty (-10)
Incurious (-5)
Nightmares (-5)
Overconfidence (-5)
Post Combat Shakes (-5)
Sense of Duty (-5) or (-10)
Social Disease (-5)
Unluckiness (-10)
Workaholic (-5)

Before creating a character, I would prefer an interest post, and a concept for your character.

Ideally the group would be 4-6 players who are a squad in the National Guard. Because the attack was domestic, the National Guard would end up being the first responders, and the Army/Navy/Air Force would end up being restricted from operating through this 'gate' that is created due to concern around the world about the US becoming 'expansionist'. The US agrees to only use Domestic Defense Forces (the National Guard) to guard themselves from attack, and to investigate the gate.

Some experience with the GURPS system would help, but it's not required.

It's a d6 system, so everything is D6 rolls.

Unfortunately, there's no online resources for GURPS (it's Steve Jackson games, so no open game license, very old school). I can assist with making characters, and have programs to make them so can provide sheets.

Everyone would start off as modern humans. Once we're into the game, there's a chance you can save up points to learn magic (or save starting points, but that'll put you at a disadvantage). You'll be starting with modern equipment provided by the government, but there's eventual chance of picking up magical equipment later (although you should note that there's not a lot of difference in power level between the two).

Additionally, if your character dies later, there's a possibility of playing a recruited character. However, you'd be then playing someone with limited skills in tech.

GURPS Lite 4E Free download from the SJ Games store site can help with character creation.

When a portal from another world appears in Ginza, Tokyo, a legion of soldiers and monsters emerge to attack the city. Thanks to their far more advanced weaponry and tactics, the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) easily repels the enemy, passes through the gate and establish a forward base of operations to force the Roman-styled empire of the other world to open peace negotiations. Yōji Itami is a JSDF officer sent to investigate the other world, where magic, dragons and elves are real, using his knowledge of fantasy stories to make his way in this new environment.

This story will be different in a few respects.

A) It will take place starting off in the US, not Japan.

B) How much things can be taken through the gate will be limited, thus causing things to be less one sided.

C) All characters will be human military to start with, specifically National Guard units.

All characters use the following rules:

* Tech Level 8

* Must be in the National Guard (Army or Air force) or be inducted from a Domestic Police Force (Must have at least 5 points in Rank)

* Nobody can have more than 20 points in Rank.

* No more than one person can have 20 points in Rank.

* Equipment is provided, however if you have wealth, you can arrange for better versions of basic equipment (IE: Customized Firearms, Customized Uniforms, etc). How much is dependent on wealth. In general, only equipment you can carry within a 50lb rucksack can be personal.

* Everyone must take the National Guard Template below (costs 3 points).

* 75 Pt Builds with up to 50 pts in disadvantages and 5 quirks. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO USE ALL 50 POINTS OF DISADVANTAGES.

* You cannot choose a disadvantage that would cause you to not meet requirements to be in the National Guard (IE: Lame for example).

* Template Disads do NOT count toward maximum Disadvantages.

Template :
Total Character Cost : 3

Gain the following skill :

Soldier/TL8 at 1 point

Choose 2 of the following skills :

SK:Guns (Pistol)
SK:Guns (Rifle)
SK:Guns (Shotgun)
SK:Guns (Grenade Launcher)
SK:Guns (Submachine Gun)

Choose 10 points from the following lists of Traits
Catfall (10)
Common Sense (10)
Rank (5)
Rapid Healing (5)
Recovery (10)
Security Clearance (5) or (10)
Voice (10)

Choose -10 points from the following list
Bad Temper (-10)
Bully (-10)
Callous (-5)
Chummy (-5) or (-10)
Code of Honor (Soldier's) (-10)
Flashbacks (-5)
Hard of Hearing (-10)
Honesty (-10)
Incurious (-5)
Nightmares (-5)
Overconfidence (-5)
Post Combat Shakes (-5)
Sense of Duty (-5) or (-10)
Social Disease (-5)
Unluckiness (-10)
Workaholic (-5)

You must be able, at the end of the process, able to qualify with Guns (Rifles), either by having that skill at 10 or higher, or by having a default from another Guns(*) skill at 10 or higher. For example, Guns (Pistol) 15 gives a default to Guns (Rifle) at 13.

I already have 5 players, and have openings for 2 more. There are already 2 NPCs introduced that can be taken over, or you can make a PC yourself. Since the game is already underway, first two people to FULLY complete characters will get the shot. However, I want concepts first, before you build a character.

Currently they have :

1 Army/SWAT sniper
1 Army/Firefighter Heavy Weapons Specialist
1 Army/Survivalist Heavy Weapons Specialist
1 Army/Core of Engineers Demolition Specialist
1 Army/Glory Hound Grunt
1 Army/Surgeon & Medic
1 Army/Communications Specialist (NPC)
1 Army/Command and Heavy Weapons Specialist (NPC) (SQUAD LEADER)

Squad will consist of 8 people. Already have several people who don't know GURPS or are very rusty (including the GM) so looking for people who are up on 4th edition primarily.

Also looking for people who can post at least once per day during the week.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Discuss away...

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

January 28th, 2017
3:27 PM Pacific Standard Time
Le Brea Tarpits

The parking lot is completely full, and the parking garages nearby near to overflowing. Families traverse the green grass and walkways between the pits and the lake pit, some heading to the museum, others looking at the bubbling tar.

In the circular grass area between the lake and the parking lot, next to the museum, those families begin to notice that the light pouring down from the afternoon sun seems to be gathering into bars.

People begin to take pictures of the phenomenon, the dust in the air being pulled in by odd winds, almost forming pillars. Videos begin to go viral.

3:32 PM PST

The pillars of dust begin to take on a more solid looking form, almost a greek aspect in it's appearance. Cable news stations begin to carry amateur video of it, and local TV stations divert helicopters to film it from the air. Police cars begin to arrive, but the throngs of people witnessing the spectacle make it nearly impossible for the police to close in on the area.

3:38 PM PST

The pillars begin to solidify rapidly, forming a gateway, open from one side, and sealed off with stone from the other side. Light floods through the gateway, showing toward the tar lake. The gate is a little over 8 ft wide, and about the same height.

3:40 PM PST

As people begin to recover, out of the light march strange humanoid creatures, between six and seven feet tall, armed with swords, maces, axes, and other implements of destruction. They march 3 abreast, and almost immediately begin to attack the crowd indescriminately, men, women, children, with no concern. The crowd begins to panic and flee, resulting in more people being stampeded and crushed in the panic.

3:50 PM PST

Police, directing civilians away from the sudden attack, are confronted by thousands of these creatures pouring out of the gateway, attacking everything in their sight. Then mounted humans in much finer armor and clothing burst out of the gateway, two abreast, and begin to form the creatures up into squads, moving out to secure the area.

3:57 PM PST

Creatures with wings, each the size of a horse, come walking awkwardly out of the gate after the horsemen, and then take to the skies, seemingly struggling to fly. But they do get into the air, and begin attacking the crowds, and then the news helicopters, breathing fire in various colors. One camera gets an up close view of a reptilian face as it smashes through the helicopter's side door window, screeching and opening it's mouth to belch out green fire before the camera goes out, the helicopter already crashing.

4:23 PM PST

Emergency mobilized National Guard troops begin to arrive on the scene in armed transport helicopters. Vulcan guns begin to chew the flying creatures out of the sky, tearing huge gobbets from their flesh.

Below in the city, nearly five thousand enemy troops have arrived via the gate and spread out into the city, attacking civilians, looting businesses, killing and raping with abandon.

4:42 PM PST

Air force jets, scrambled from nearby bases begin to patrol over the area, shooting down any creatures that take flight. Armed helicopters begin to attack ground forces, firing off smaller explosive rounds or chain guns.

National Guard units begin to arrive in force, setting up a perimeter.

5:27 PM PST

Army, police, and national guard forces complete a perimeter around the enemy force, now over 10,000 strong. Drones begin to fly over, and the mixed forces begin to advance on the enemy, using their superior weapons to take down the enemy in droves.

Civilians are also fighting back now against the invaders, using small arms to kill them.

6:48 PM PST

In a last push the forces the enemy back into the tarpit park, the US forces unleash high explosive ordinance from the Air Force craft flying overhead, slaughtering the milling invaders in huge swaths. The remains of the enemy force flee back through the gateway, only a few hundred survivors.

7:23 PM PST

The new president issues a state of emergency, and the Tarpits area is sealed off except for military search and rescue, looking for survivors, both citizens and invaders.

This is a closed recruitment for a GURPS 4th edition game with the concept roughly akin to the GATE anime. If you haven't seen it, the synopsis is :

When a portal from another world appears in Ginza, Tokyo, a legion of soldiers and monsters emerge to attack the city. Thanks to their far more advanced weaponry and tactics, the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) easily repels the enemy, passes through the gate and establish a forward base of operations to force the Roman-styled empire of the other world to open peace negotiations. Yōji Itami is a JSDF officer sent to investigate the other world, where magic, dragons and elves are real, using his knowledge of fantasy stories to make his way in this new environment.

This story will be different in a few respects.

A) It will take place starting off in the US, not Japan.

B) How much things can be taken through the gate will be limited, thus causing things to be less one sided.

C) All characters will be human military to start with, specifically National Guard units.

Any one in the Austin, TX area looking for a game? We've got two GM's and some openings...

Drop me a PM

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Discussion thread here.

Please dot and delete the campaign thread, and post here reporting in.

As you check in, please post backgrounds here in spoilers, so we can hammer out fixes to them to fit into the world/city. Thank you.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Discussion thread here.

Please dot and delete the campaign thread, and post here reporting in.

As you check in, please post backgrounds here in spoilers, so we can hammer out fixes to them to fit into the world/city. Thank you.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

On the continent of Palladnrus, in the easternmost mountain ranges midcontinent, lies the Ancient Fortress of Kotelia. The origins of the Ancient Fortress of Kotelian are lost in the sands of time. No one is sure exactly who originally built the fortress, and every race lays claim to it. The claims of the elves and the dragons tend to have the most believers, at least within Kotelia. The dwarves also seem to have a strong claim as well. The elves point to the ancient white oaks that grow within the inner sanctum of the fortress and claim only they would have built a fortress with a forest at it's center. The dragon's point to the raised platforms and aerial access-ways and claim only they would have built a fortress so obviously designed with the comfort of aerial beings in mind. The dwarves point to the exquisite stonework design and construction and claim they built it.

All of these arguments have their proponents and adherents, but recently a small, but very vocal, and rapidly growing, segment of the population has put forth the idea that the fortress was originally built by all the races, perhaps as neutral ground.

It should be noted that nobody, not even the goblins themselves, believe the goblins claims that they built the city.

It is currently the 457th year of the Age of The Solar Cross. The Citadel's are nearing completion, and the enemies of Kotelian have been strangely quiet for the last year or so. This is the time that you have been born into.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

On the continent of Palladnrus, in the easternmost mountain ranges midcontinent, lies the Ancient Fortress of Kotelia. The origins of the Ancient Fortress of Kotelian are lost in the sands of time. No one is sure exactly who originally built the fortress, and every race lays claim to it. The claims of the elves and the dragons tend to have the most believers, at least within Kotelia. The dwarves also seem to have a strong claim as well. The elves point to the ancient white oaks that grow within the inner sanctum of the fortress and claim only they would have built a fortress with a forest at it's center. The dragon's point to the raised platforms and aerial access-ways and claim only they would have built a fortress so obviously designed with the comfort of aerial beings in mind. The dwarves point to the exquisite stonework design and construction and claim they built it.

All of these arguments have their proponents and adherents, but recently a small, but very vocal, and rapidly growing, segment of the population has put forth the idea that the fortress was originally built by all the races, perhaps as neutral ground.

It should be noted that nobody, not even the goblins themselves, believe the goblins claims that they built the city.

It is currently the 457th year of the Age of The Solar Cross. The Citadel's are nearing completion, and the enemies of Kotelian have been strangely quiet for the last year or so. This is the time that you have been born into.

History of Kotelia

You are just about to muster out of your mandatory military service, having spent 5 years in the military in Kotelia, you will now have to actually make a living in the Fortress City...

Rules :

1) No core races (Races from the ARG are allowed as long as they aren't human, dwarf, gnome, halfling, or elf, half-races not allowed unless they are half-drow/half-elf or something). Fashtali (see below) are also an option. No races with a Racial Build Point greater than 20 are allowed, unless you're willing to give up character levels.

2) We will be using the 'monsters as PCs' rules from the Pathfinder Bestiary, so you lose your CR from your character levels (see the rules).

3) Starting Level 3

4) Starting Equipment : RANDOM DURING GAME START. This is because most expensive equipment is maintained by the Military, and in general grunts aren't paid anything (that would be your characters). However, it's traditional for families to dig up a family heirloom that is sent off with a child who enters the Military at puberty. This migth result in a Mage having a +1 full plate or a Fighter a spell book of plenty, if they happened to have a family that didn't have anything else. Players are encouraged to RP out either trading items or trying to trade them with others in the city. For anything done while still in the military, you'll have assigned equipment.

5) Classes : All Pathfinder classes are allowed. No 3rd party classes. No 3rd party content.

6) Guns : Guns exist, using the custom rules below. Most guns in Kotelia are at the black powder stage. There are a very small number of cap and ball that have been recovered over the years from the Winged Traders (A race of winged folk who have advanced gunsmithing).

7) Stats : You pick one set of stats from those to follow in the second post.

8) House Rules : We will be using house rules 2, 3, 6, and 8 from the house rules document below.

9) Background Skills will be in effect

10) 2 Traits (No campaign traits). You may re-fluff the wording of traits to make more sense in the campaign world, but can't change the mechanical effects. You may take 1 drawback to gain 1 trait. You cannot take more than 1 trait from any single category (unless you use the Feat to gain 2 traits, those do not count against a limit). If you intend to trade a feat for 2 traits, you must do so at 1st level.

11) Alignment. You must be non-chaotic. You may be LG, NG, LN, NN, or LE. You cannot be Chaotic or NE. The city is very lawful, and very organized. Yes, this means that the only barbarian you can be is one that doesn't require chaotic alignment. Monks are very much loved in the city, as are Paladins (See the Paladin Codes below).

12) I have 3 potential players already from a game that went bust, so I'll only be taking 2 or 3 people. As such, I'm going with a very short recruitment period. You have until Saturday the 22nd. I'll be going with 5-6 players, so if any of my existing players decide not to go, I'll open their slot to others.


Fashtali Race (Catfolk)

Firearms Rewrite

House Rules

Paladin Codes

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

And discuss characters and such here...

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

This is a new thread for the Reanimated Gestalt Kingmaker game.

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Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ok, use this thread to discuss backup characters so they are available.


As far as I can tell, the base vigilante's secret identity is hard to pierce...

...as long as they aren't smelled by the same creature in both guises that have the scent special ability.

Am I missing something, or is Scooby going to twig to Bruce Wayne's secret identity the first time he takes a whiff of both identities?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

If you want, dot the game play thread, but delete the post once you do so it's not cluttered up. You may continue to talk about character creation in the recruitment thread. Discussion thread should be reserved for things other than the character creation.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The year is 2060.

The world is changed, some say Awakened.

A lull in the flow of mystical energies has subsided, and magic has returned to the world. Elves, dwarfs, orks and trolls have assumed their true form, throwing off their human guise. Creatures of the wild have changed as well, transforming into beasts of myth and legend. The traditions and paths of magic have returned, and shamans and mages have developed their powers and found a place in the new world. Many aspects of the Awakening’s touch remain mysterious and unexplained.

Modern society struggles on, despite the odds, in an effort to assimilate the ways of magic into a technological world. The decades that followed the Awakening were years of turmoil, panic and confusion, as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse seemed to race across the Earth. Cultures that had never lost touch with their mystical past began to use magic against the great nations that had suppressed them for so long.

The vast, global telecommunications network collapsed under an assault by a mysterious computer virus. Nuclear missiles were launched, but failed to detonate. Dragons soared into the skies. Epidemics and famine ravaged the world’s populations. Clashes between newly Awakened races and the rest of humanity became common. All central authority crumbled and the world began to spiral down into a chaotic abyss.

But man and his kin are hearty animals. Out of the devastation and chaos, an unstable new social order slowly emerged. Advanced simulated sensorium (simsense) technology aided in eradicating the last vestiges of the computer virus and replacing the old telecommunications network with the new virtual reality world of the Matrix. New nation-states of
Amerindians, elves, orks and dwarfs were formed.

Environmental degradation and toxic pollution has made many areas uninhabitable, inspiring eco groups to wage war on polluters and Awakened powers to use incredible magics to heal the earth. Central governments have balkanized into smaller nations and city-states as fear of the world’s changes drives wedges between peoples of different backgrounds.

Metroplexes, vast metropolitan sprawls, cover the landscape, swallowing large regions into the urban jungle. Unable to contain civil unrest and massive crime waves, police services have been privatized or contracted out to corporations.

Megacorporations have achieved extraterritoriality and become the new world superpowers, a law unto themselves. An entire world speaks their language, as the nuyen has become the global monetary standard. They play a deadly game, venturing into the shadows to get an edge on the competition.

Meanwhile, they house their corporate families in secure enclaves and compounds, safe behind layers of security and indoctrination. Outside these arcologies and gated communities, whole stretches of sprawl have become ungovernable.

Gangs rule the streets, and the forgotten masses grow, lacking even a System Identification Number (SIN) to give them any rights. These outcasts, dissidents and rebels live as the dregs of society, squatting in long-abandoned buildings, surviving by crime and predatory instinct. Many of them attempt to escape their miserable existence by slotting addictive BTL (Better-Than-Life) chips, living vicariously through someone else’s senses. Some of them band together, and some just seek
to gain their own twisted forms of power.

Technology, too, has changed people. No longer just flesh, many have turned to the artificial enhancements of cyberware to make themselves more than human. Some acquire implants that allow them to directly interface with machines, either as deckers who run the Matrix with their cyberdecks and programs, or as riggers who jack into vehicles and remote
drones, becoming one with the machine. Others seek to push the envelope of physical capabilities, testing themselves on the street against other street samurai. Stronger, smarter, faster is the human of today.
In the world of 2060, the metroplexes are monsters casting long shadows.

And it’s in the cracks between the giant corporate structures that shadowrunners find their home. Entire societies live and die in a black-market underworld, exploited and abused, yet powerful in their own way. Crime syndicates such as the Mafia and yakuza have grown explosively as their networks provide anything that people will buy.

Shadowrunners are the professionals of this culture, where selfsufficiency is vital. When the megacorps want a job done but don’t want to dirty their hands, it’s a shadowrun they need, and they turn to the runners, the only ones who can do it. Though a shadowrunner’s existence is not listed in any but the most classified of governmental or corporate databases, the demand for his or her services is high. Deckers are employed to slide like a whisper through the visualized databases of giant corporations, spiriting away the only thing of real value—information.

Street samurai are enforcers-for-hire whose combat skills and reflexes make them the ultimate urban predator. And magicians, who possess an ancient gift to wield and shape the magical energies that now surround the Earth, are much sought-after, for obvious reasons. Shadowrunners sell their skills to survive, taking on the illegal and dangerous tasks that the corps are incapable of performing for themsleves.

In New Orleans, the shadows are the deepest and darkest, and it is here that a shadowrunner’s reputation is made or broken. So strap on your gun, prepare your spells and grab your cyberdeck, chummer … it’s time to run the shadows!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The year is 2060.

The world is changed, some say Awakened.

A lull in the flow of mystical energies has subsided, and magic has returned to the world. Elves, dwarfs, orks and trolls have assumed their true form, throwing off their human guise. Creatures of the wild have changed as well, transforming into beasts of myth and legend. The traditions and paths of magic have returned, and shamans and mages have developed their powers and found a place in the new world. Many aspects of the Awakening’s touch remain mysterious and unexplained.

Modern society struggles on, despite the odds, in an effort to assimilate the ways of magic into a technological world. The decades that followed the Awakening were years of turmoil, panic and confusion, as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse seemed to race across the Earth. Cultures that had never lost touch with their mystical past began to use magic against the great nations that had suppressed them for so long.

The vast, global telecommunications network collapsed under an assault by a mysterious computer virus. Nuclear missiles were launched, but failed to detonate. Dragons soared into the skies. Epidemics and famine ravaged the world’s populations. Clashes between newly Awakened races and the rest of humanity became common. All central authority crumbled and the world began to spiral down into a chaotic abyss.

But man and his kin are hearty animals. Out of the devastation and chaos, an unstable new social order slowly emerged. Advanced simulated sensorium (simsense) technology aided in eradicating the last vestiges of the computer virus and replacing the old telecommunications network with the new virtual reality world of the Matrix. New nation-states of
Amerindians, elves, orks and dwarfs were formed.

Environmental degradation and toxic pollution has made many areas uninhabitable, inspiring eco groups to wage war on polluters and Awakened powers to use incredible magics to heal the earth. Central governments have balkanized into smaller nations and city-states as fear of the world’s changes drives wedges between peoples of different backgrounds.

Metroplexes, vast metropolitan sprawls, cover the landscape, swallowing large regions into the urban jungle. Unable to contain civil unrest and massive crime waves, police services have been privatized or contracted out to corporations.

Megacorporations have achieved extraterritoriality and become the new world superpowers, a law unto themselves. An entire world speaks their language, as the nuyen has become the global monetary standard. They play a deadly game, venturing into the shadows to get an edge on the competition.

Meanwhile, they house their corporate families in secure enclaves and compounds, safe behind layers of security and indoctrination. Outside these arcologies and gated communities, whole stretches of sprawl have become ungovernable.

Gangs rule the streets, and the forgotten masses grow, lacking even a System Identification Number (SIN) to give them any rights. These outcasts, dissidents and rebels live as the dregs of society, squatting in long-abandoned buildings, surviving by crime and predatory instinct. Many of them attempt to escape their miserable existence by slotting addictive BTL (Better-Than-Life) chips, living vicariously through someone else’s senses. Some of them band together, and some just seek
to gain their own twisted forms of power.

Technology, too, has changed people. No longer just flesh, many have turned to the artificial enhancements of cyberware to make themselves more than human. Some acquire implants that allow them to directly interface with machines, either as deckers who run the Matrix with their cyberdecks and programs, or as riggers who jack into vehicles and remote
drones, becoming one with the machine. Others seek to push the envelope of physical capabilities, testing themselves on the street against other street samurai. Stronger, smarter, faster is the human of today.
In the world of 2060, the metroplexes are monsters casting long shadows.

And it’s in the cracks between the giant corporate structures that shadowrunners find their home. Entire societies live and die in a black-market underworld, exploited and abused, yet powerful in their own way. Crime syndicates such as the Mafia and yakuza have grown explosively as their networks provide anything that people will buy.

Shadowrunners are the professionals of this culture, where selfsufficiency is vital. When the megacorps want a job done but don’t want to dirty their hands, it’s a shadowrun they need, and they turn to the runners, the only ones who can do it. Though a shadowrunner’s existence is not listed in any but the most classified of governmental or corporate databases, the demand for his or her services is high. Deckers are employed to slide like a whisper through the visualized databases of giant corporations, spiriting away the only thing of real value—information.

Street samurai are enforcers-for-hire whose combat skills and reflexes make them the ultimate urban predator. And magicians, who possess an ancient gift to wield and shape the magical energies that now surround the Earth, are much sought-after, for obvious reasons. Shadowrunners sell their skills to survive, taking on the illegal and dangerous tasks that the corps are incapable of performing for themsleves.

In New Orleans, the shadows are the deepest and darkest, and it is here that a shadowrunner’s reputation is made or broken. So strap on your gun, prepare your spells and grab your cyberdeck, chummer … it’s time to run the shadows!

Character Creation :
Point Build : 123 pts (you may use the nscrg application to create characters)
Allowed Races : All Core Races, Metavariants, Changlings. Not allowed : Ghoul & Drake.
Maximum Nuyen : 1,000,000
Maximum Stats : 36
Maximum Skills : 55
Maximum Gear Availability : 8 (Restricted requires Permits, which may be fake)
Cyberwear : Alpha grade available
Bioware : Cultured available
Restrictions : Decker Characters restricted to experienced players. Otaku by GM approval only.
Maximum Skill Rating : 6
Maximum Stat : By Race.


Post character concept first.

There's been some interest lately in Shadowrun, and one of my games is shutting down, so I'll have a bit of extra bandwidth. So this is an interest check in me running a game in 3rd edition. It's the one I have the most books for, and is the most complete version that's out there.

4th has some pain issues, and I don't have all the 4th edition books. It's also out of print, which makes it sort of the worst of both worlds (missing rules and not in print).

5th has MAJOR missing things from it, and I don't have all the books, and it's confusing because Catalyst seems to have left 4th edition splat books still in print without specifying they are 4th edition, and I don't want people buying the wrong versions. The rigger/decker rules are especially wonky and not complete (despite having put out a splat book for the matrix already).

So, 3rd edition it is. There is a 3rd edition character generator out there, even if it's not very user friendly.

We'd be using Point Buy, and splat books that have game years prior to 2064. Probably in New Orleans...

7 people marked this as a favorite.

As I'm sure we're all aware of, there's been a spate of Troll Recruitments the last six months or so.

For those who aren't sure what this is, someone posts anywhere from one to a dozen new recruitment threads, then spends 2-3 weeks wasting peoples time, then simply vanishes. This wastes peoples time, and gives the community a bad name.

If you suspect someone has trolled a recruitment, please alert Paizo Staff by e-mailing the thread link and the name of the troll to community@paizo.com.

I am not affiliated with Paizo, this information comes from a thread in the website feedback forum, and the request to send the e-mail to paizo comes from that thread. The thread can be found here, with Liz Courts post at the bottom.

I am posting this one here in the hopes it gets enough bumps to stay near the top, as a warning to others. Everything below is my advice on what to look for in a trolling recruitment.

Low Post Count or Poster has a Cyclic history and history shows them vanishing from previous recruitment

Usually these trolls (and I suspect it's one or possibly two trolls) have a low post count, both total and on various 'GM BLAH' aliases. I've noticed a reuse of accounts after 6 months sometimes on the trolling, which adds some legitimacy to the recruitment, because the account has a higher post count and has existed longer.

Gestalt Recruitment

Gestalt is a popular format for games, and the troll(s) know it. Gestalt games get a lot of response, and thus gives the troll(s) more bang for the(ir) buck. Especially watch for batches of gestalt recruitment, especially from the same account. Another thing to watch for is that the gestalt recruitment not only came in a batch, but in a batch that started shortly (within a week or so) after another batch 'finalized'.

Most Recent AP/Big AP put out by popular Third Party

The troll(s) like to use the latest AP a lot as well, because there's a lot of hype around it, and a lot of excitement, thus enabling them to get a lot more fish on the hook. This applies also to major 3rd party APs (I saw at least one Razor Coast AP Troll, and another 'sea themed' troll at the same time Razor Coast came out, picking up on the excitement).

GM Vanishes, but a 'friend' assures you it's RL

Another tactic the troll(s) use is to keep people going after recruitment by having a 'friend' assure everyone that the GM is legit, but has some RL problems. This 'friend' often has a low post count as well.

GM has no characters in other peoples games

It's extremely rare for anyone on PBP to run a game, but not play in someone elses PBP, or at least have applied for slots in others games. If the GM has no player characters, that's a tip off to watch for, especially if combined with a low post count.

So, does that mean every low-post count GM recruitment is a troll?

Not at all, we get new people all the time. I was a new person at one time. So I would not suggest accusing people of being trolls off the bat. However, if you're seeing almost every sign of a troll in a recruitment, that's something to keep in mind.

If you have any other Recruitment Troll signs people should watch for, please post them in this thread. And remember, if you suspect a troll, don't go to a flame war, that's what the troll wants. Just let Paizo know you suspect you've been trolled, and don't drop to their level. Paizo has no love for people who do this, and I'm sure they want to find the person/people responsible and take appropriate actions.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy your PBP games!

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Discussion open!

If you dot the gameplay thread, please delete the post after you finish posting it. That way the thread isn't filled up with 'dot' messages. :) Still puts it on your campaign tab.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The year is 2015, unusual humans have been around for decades, but well hidden and covered up by the government. But every year there are more and more, and the secrecy can't continue forever... what will happen when the world becomes aware of them?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The year is 2015, unusual humans have been around for decades, but well hidden and covered up by the government. But every year there are more and more, and the secrecy can't continue forever... what will happen when the world becomes aware of them?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Discussion open!

If you dot the gameplay thread, please delete the post after you finish posting it. That way the thread isn't filled up with 'dot' messages. :) Still puts it on your campaign tab.

Just an interest check. One of my 5 games recently went under. I'm just seeing how much interest there would be in a superhero based game using the Hero/Champions 5th edition rules.

The game would be along the lines of X-Men First Class (the movie) or Iron Man I, in that super heroes would not be wide spread and known to the world at large yet.

I'd make the character, with feedback from the players. Given how complex the system is to create a character, I'd want to have some decent control over the power levels, etc. Some things wouldn't be available (for example, power armor type characters) at the start, due to the tech level (modern day). If you happen to have Hero Developer 3, I could provide HDC files. Otherwise, I'd provide PDF files for the characters and post links on my Google Drive for them.

Because I'd be making the characters, if I do this and there's enough interest, recruitment would be somewhat unusual. Instead of submitting a character, you'd be submitting a character concept and background. This means even if you don't know the rules, you can join, since you'd learn as you go. Power level would be full on Superhero (350 pts) for those that know the system. Still, for those that don't, just realize you're unlikely to be able to build any major comic book character as is for 350pts. Especially the likes of Superman.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Please check in here, as you get done.

Also, please alter alias's so that they have the format as specified below.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

And soon the adventure shall begin...

I'm rebooting a game that died, and taking the surviving 3 players into a new game. So, 3 slots locked in, 3 open. I'll take 3 characters total. I'll leave recruitment open for a week, with an option to extend another week if things are going slow.

Your character can be from the continent, or a stranger.

Ren'Shan Overview

Unlike the rest of the world, it's less about good vs evil, and more about law vs chaos.

Divine Casters : Divine Casters that follow a god for their power (Cleric, Inquisitor, Paladin, Antipladin, Warpriest) can only be from off island, and they will have a great deal of trouble casting spells until they can find a holy relic to boost their tie to their god, as the tie to divinity is weakened on the island. Divine casters that don't have this issue (Druids, Oracles, Shamans) have no issues.

Foreign : Core, Aasimar, Tiefling, Wyrwood, Fetchling, Orc, Samsaran, Changling, Drow
Islander : See doc above

Lawful Alignments will meet with better treatment on the island, Neutral that can fake it as well. Chaotic personalities will find major issues getting along. LE and NE could do ok, as long as they can control themselves. CG, CN, and CE are likely to end up in serious trouble.

Level 3 - Standard Starting Wealth

Max First Level, Average round down +1 at each additional level.

I do stats a bit different than most. I roll 3 sets, 4d6 drop lowest, and everyone picks which of those 3 sets they want.

Set 1:

Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 1) - 1 = 14
Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 1) - 1 = 15
Stat: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 6) - 3 = 15
Stat: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 2) - 2 = 10
Stat: 4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 6) - 4 = 15
Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 3) - 1 = 9

Set 2:

Stat: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 3) - 2 = 12
Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 4) - 1 = 6
Stat: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 5) - 2 = 15
Stat: 4d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 4) - 4 = 15
Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 6) - 1 = 18
Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 5, 1) - 1 = 11

Set 3:

Stat: 4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 5) - 4 = 14
Stat: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 3) - 3 = 15
Stat: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 6) - 3 = 14
Stat: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 5) - 2 = 13
Stat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 5) - 1 = 11
Stat: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 6) - 2 = 15

Ok, I'm re-recruiting for a game that has been going on for about 9 months now. We've gone through a lot of shakeups, and one previous recruitment. The group is down to 3 again.

Original recruitment thread is HERE. Use the character creation guidelines in the first 10 posts (note the issue with the stat arrays!).

Your character should be 4th level though, not 2nd. Again, NPC classes (Sans Adept). Modern world, with appropriate skills (including custom).

Your class will be determined in game. Once your character submission is approved, you should immediately begin RP'ing here in the recruitment thread. The existing players will be monitoring (and may drop by to play NPCs) to get a feel for you. They will make the final decision on who to take. We'll take 1-3 characters, as determined by them.

The bar is 'The Flying Dutchman', and is in New York. It is a cold blustery night with a storm going on, in mid March. All rain, no snow. Unseasonably heavy rain and lightning. You can be from anywhere, you were just in NY for some reason. The bar is one of those at the bottom of a stairway off the street (Think Cheers Bar from the Cheers tv show).

This is not, to my knowledge, a real place in NY. If it is, it's an unbelievable coincidence.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Telekinetic Volley

So, had this come up with a player.

Take a sling stone for a Collosal Sling. Weighs about 4 lbs (under the 5lb per ammo piece limit). Does 4d6 damage.

As written, there's nothing in the spell limiting it to 'weapons of your size' or 'weapons you could fire', so it basically telekinetically fires the ammunition as if it had fired from an appropriate weapon.

I'm wondering if I missed something doing research, doesn't seem to have come up.

So, instant 80' increment telekinetic cannon-balls?

Female Human HP (45)
AC/Touch/Flat 17 or 16/12/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+9/+1 | Init +2
Acrobatics 10, Craft(Alchemy) 17, Dis Device 9, Kn(Arcana/Dungeon/Local) 7, Kn(Religion) 4, Kn(Nature) 11, Perception 12, Spellcraft 8, Sense Motive 9, Stealth 14
Rogue 2/Alchemist Chir/Viv 4

This is a private game setup thread, needed a place to do pre-game setup discussion.

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