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If you have also done the pseudo adventure #7, the one with just one scenario, the reward is that if you restart the CotCT adventure path with a new group, you get to start with one feat of each type, and they don't count for the feat limits.

A classic take might be restarting with this bonus and a new group, but in exchange for the added power increase the difficulty using one of the methods listed in the rules, my preference would be simply using the "Large" version of the locations that had a few more cards per location while keeping the rest unchanged.

Or you could start a new group with the Dragon Deman mini campaign, and maybe continue after adventure #3 if you want using random scenarios using the rules provided in this campaign.

By the time you have finished with that hopefully we will have a new Adventure Path to combine with the core set.

The Core Set (or is it Curse of the Crimso Throne ?) also has a tier 0 staff that can be used like you would a weapon to use your Arcane or Divine Skill +1d4 (and a few keywords like Fire), with an option to discard a spell for +1d8, so it works like a weak weapon, but for some spellcasters that relly on a high magic skill for combat, this staff is very useful. In my group, a player is using Varian who has the SWORD mastery, one weapon in his deck (usually a rapier) and acrobatics at 1d8+1 to use as his combat skill with the rapier, yet once he get the staff, with his Arcane skill staring at 1d12+2 (one of the best in the game), the weapon quickly become obsolete. Sure, for big fights a normal attack spell will add some additionnal dice and/or effects, but this staff really help.

Of course other spellcasters might not have such high magic skill compared to other alternatives.

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The game is decent, but I really wish they would have implemented to other adventure paths, or at least maintened the quest mode that made random scenarios. Sure those were sometimes too easy of too hard, but they were rather fun and gave a lot of replayability to the game that is now sadly missing.

I would really like if they did a similar adaptation of the new Core Set (including the random scenarios rules form the Dragon Demande adventure) and Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Thank you for the answer. Good point about the "recharge from hand" part, still not very useful but better than nothing.

I have just started playing with Valeros in a new CotCT campaign, I suppose that I will probably end up with the other role, recharging allies from the discard should be much more useful and fighter types often have a hard time exploring multiple time, this should help a lot.

I already posted this question in response to the Valeros strategy blog post but I realize that there is probably more chance that I will get an answer if I post it there instead, so there it is :

If I am reading the rules correctly, Valeros Drunken avenger role is risky, as proficiency with liquids give you a roll for recharge during recovery (that Valeors will usually get to do with a base 1d4 for not having the craft skill plus the 1d12 bonus) but doesn't prevent the liquid boons from being banished if you fail the recharge roll (and at 2 dice without any static bonus, it will happen).

This also mean that the power feat to recharge a liquid boon from your discard is almost useless, outside discarding for damage or similar, your liquid boons when used will eitheir recharge or be banished.

Did I miss something ?

If I am reading the rules correctly, Valeros Drunken role is risky, as proficiency give you a roll for recharge during recovery (that Valeors will usually get to do with a base 1d4 for not
having the skill plus the 1d12 bonus) but doesn't prevent the liquid boons from being banished if you fail the recharge roll (and at 2 dice without any static bonus, it will happen).

This also mean that the power feat to recharge a liquid boon from your discard is almost useless, outside discarding for damage or similar, your liquid boons when used will eitheir recharge or be banished.

Did I miss something ?

Note that a technique to "provide first aid" to another character exists : you start your turn on the same location as the character that require healing, and you give him one card from your hand before your movement phase. This can help a character whose deck is almost empty survive by giving one more card as a buffer.

That said, losing a full turn (ar at least the first exploration) in exchange for healing one card might be a fair houserule.