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So, different standard classes with alignment restrictions have different things happen if you stop meeting them. For example, a cleric/paladin/druid loses all class features, a lawful barbarian loses Rage and can't take more barbarian levels but keeps other features, and a monk that becomes nonlawful keeps all abilities (even the ability to treat unarmed strikes as lawful for bypassing DR) and just can't take more monk levels.

Not all prestige classes spell out what happens though. Even leaving out classes that require divine patronage (I'm assuming those would work like clerics whether its spelled out or not), there are still many classes that are unclear.

Specifically: Agent of the Grave, Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Bellflower Tiller, Blackfire Adept, Brother of the Seal, Daivrat, Golden Legionnaire, Harrower, Inner Sea Pirate, Lantern Bearer, Magaambyan Arcanist, Pain Taster, Pit Fighter, Pure Legion Enforcer, Razmiran Priest, Red Mantis Assassin, Riftwarden, and Soul Warden.

Some of these classes require or imply membership in an organization that may (try to) expel/imprison/kill renegade members, but I'd think that would be separate from what happens to the actual class abilities.

Is this answered anywhere and I just missed it?

The spells Mad Hallucination from Ultimate Magic and Trail of the Rose from Faiths of Purity are listed as "School illusion (phantasm);" rather than "School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting];" like other phantasm spells. The PRD says "All phantasms are mind-affecting spells." I assume it is an error that these spells don't have the [mind-affecting] tag?

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1) The section on one familiar teaching spells to another in the APG says "If a familiar belongs to a witch that has died, it only retains
its knowledge of spells for 24 hours, during which time it
is possible to coerce or bribe the familiar into teaching its
spells to another, subject to GM discretion." What if the witch is raised after 24 hours, do the spells come back? I'd think so RAI, but RAW it is unclear. Does the familiar lose its Int and special abilities after 24 hours as well? What about if it is dismissed?

2) Regarding the Synergist witch archetype from the Familiar Folio, what happens if the witch dies while merged with her familiar? Do they both die and stay merged, separate and both die, or separate but the familiar still lives? If they stay merged, can they be raised with a single spell?

Can a druid in animal form wear a Circlet of Speaking to be able to talk?
What about to use spells with verbal (but not somatic or material) components?

Circlet of Speaking

Can a feat granted by an item be used as a prerequisite for another feat?
Such as, a Scarlet and Green Cabochon Ioun Stone granting Endurance, allowing you to take Diehard.

Also, are ioun stones merged into your form when shapeshifting, or are they still buzzing around your head?

As the subject says.

Freedom of Movement, in part:
This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web.

The listed examples of things it frees you from all prevent physical movement, not dimensional movement or teleport effects, so I'm not sure.

I am a bit confused as to the ability of this item to dominate a user.

As copy/pasted from the Archives of Nethys:

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 358 (Amazon)
Aura strong divination CL 18th
Slot none; Price 93,605 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Alignment lawful neutral; Ego 20
Senses 120 ft.
Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10
Communication telepathy (Common and eight other languages)
This slender rod is usually capped with a metal knob resembling the face of a young male or female mage. The first rod of this type was created by a ruthless cabal of wizards and sorcerers who transferred the minds of their most promising apprentices into a set of rods for the sake of greater power.

The bound apprentices’ intellects have no free will but retain their rebellious imaginations. Under normal circumstances, the rod must do what its wielder commands, but it can make telepathic, respectful complaints about how unhappy it is to be a group of living minds imprisoned in an inanimate object—though few wielders care. While no good creature would create a metamagician’s apprentice, he or she can still wield one.

The rod can be used as a +1 light mace. On command, it transforms into a +1/+1 quarterstaff or back to its rod form.

A metamagician’s apprentice knows four metamagic feats (limited to feats that use a spell slot one or two levels higher than the spell’s actual level, such as Silent Spell and Empower Spell) and acts as a greater metamagic rod for those feats. The rod can only apply one metamagic feat to a spell at a time, though (like a metamagic rod) the wielder can use his own feats and the rod’s on the same spell.

The rod can use read magic and detect magic at will. The metamagician’s apprentice is never overwhelmed by powerful magic auras. These abilities do not trigger effects that require reading to activate (such as the explosive runes spell). The rod grants the wielder a +2 competence bonus on three Knowledge skills; these skills are determined when the rod is created (and require the apprentice to have ranks in that skill) and can never be changed. Knowledge (arcana) is almost always one of these three skills.

A typical rod of this type is lawful neutral, though rods with other alignments exist.

If a metamagician’s apprentice becomes dominant after a personality conflict, it insists the wearer find a way to free its mind from the object or destroy the item so its mind can be at peace.
Craft Rod, the four metamagic feats the rod is to know; Price 47,105 gp

The second paragraph says the apprentice has no free will and must normally do as commanded. But it has an Ego of 20, and it states that domination is possible. Doesn't that mean the user needs to make a DC 20 Will save every day? How do I square that with "no free will"? If it can only require a Will save under certain conditions, what counts as not "normal circumstances"?