JD Niemand's page
18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
MMCJawa wrote: The best way to deal with this situation is to just assume whatever material you reading are being translated to your own language. Presumingly when you have characters speak Elvish, you are not literally inventing a new language and forcing the players to use that for all communication.
Trust me, you really don't want to go down the route of renaming every word with a basis in something specific to our world. You would have to take chainsaw to the English language.
I suppose so, but it just seems nice to have a poetic Golarion-specific term for it.
There's plenty of WLW characters in Pathfinder - but given "lesbian" and "sapphic" come specifically from Earth-based etymology, what do you suppose they'd call themselves on Golarion?
Name: Jeca Kanters
Race: Aasimar
Class: Warpriest (Cayden Cailean)
Alignment: CG
Adventure: The Kintargo Contract
Location: Urchin's Maw
Cause of Death: Eaten by charybdis
Party was pretty cocky after having steamrolled through the skum, Sluucoroth, and the seaweed siren in Urchin's Maw. Then Baraagama came surging out of the depths and, over the span of ~3 rounds, swallowed the warpriest, the cleric, and the paladin.
Warpriest died, cleric barely clung on thanks to a wand, paladin was mostly fine. Paladin escaped when the witch's familiar came to teleport her out, and the other two got out when a summoned celestial giant squid tore Baraagama in half.
(Warpriest got immediately resurrected.)
Name: Giordano
Race: Halfling
Class: Unchained Rogue
Alignment: CG
Origin: Former Slave
Adventure: A Song of Silver
Location: The Wasp Nest
Cause of Death: Skinsaw Cultist
Name: Treep Fushi
Race: Tengu
Class: Investigator (Empiricist)
Alignment: CG
Origin: Fushi Sister
Adventure: A Song of Silver
Location: The Wasp Nest
Cause of Death: Jorogumo
Hey, did you guys know that if you paralyse your player characters, YOU can coup de grace THEM?
(They got better.)
7 people marked this as a favorite.
So I wrote these lyrics for the Song of Silver in my campaign (sung to the tune of The Measure of His Reach or The Measure of Our Reach from Final Fantasy XIV).
Hopefully someone else can get some use from them!
Raise high the argent banner
Draw forth the silver’d blade
The strident song of liberty
Calls forth our great crusade
Though Hell may rise against us
And strife our lands embroil
The iron boot of tyranny
Shall never tread our soil
Against infernal legions
Beset by steel and flame
Our silver gleams untarnished
And proudly we proclaim:
With voices raised in chorus
Through faith our lands endure
The spirit of our nation
Shall stand yet strong and pure
Now all Kintargo’s children
Pray hear her heart’s refrain
And stand in solidarity
So freedom e’er shall reign
We sing our song of silver
On ravens’ wings we soar
The light of hope in Ravounel
Shall shine forever more
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Is there a stat block for Gattlebee anywhere? Particularly since there are things in the adventure that want to kill him.
So... Turn of the Torrent advises you build up Luculla as much as possible, get the party to like and trust her before the shocking reveal in the Lucky Bones. But as written, there's not a lot of opportunity to do that: after the whole opening sequence with Octavio and Setrona, they'd pretty immediately want to go to the Holding House, and then there's only one more Level 4-appropriate mission (The Poison Pen) before they'll want to start exploring the LB - Varl Wex is recommended for level 6. And once they go to the LB, of course, Luculla and her cultists are the very FIRST group of baddies to contend with. Any advice on dropping in more chances to interact with Luculla?
Chemlak wrote: Unless she does something obvious, it probably wouldn't even occur to him.
Remember that the Lotheeds have had "stewardship" of Merrat for quite some time and behave as if it's their personal property - it's entirely possible that Bartleby doesn't spend much time thinking about how he's not actually the legitimate ruler of the county, so unless something happens to remind him that he's only acting on behalf of - and at the sufferance of - the Stavians, he really won't think anything of it at all.
Perhaps tie it to Loyalty, and when the party gets their first visit from Gul, have the question actually brought up then. It'd be pretty fascinating to see how the party talk their way out of it.
Hasn't Eutropia recently tried to press her claim, though? The adventure background indicates that she's asked, but Bartelby has refused to grant her an audience in favour of buttering up Pythareus.
So I've got a Stavian in the party. A Stavian paladin, whose code of conduct tends to frown on lies. How can I handle this without Bartelby suspecting she's here to try to enforce Eutropia's claim (or stake her own)?
Another thing about the Gala, actually: why doesn't Malphene Trant's contingency activate if she's about to be killed by the PCs?
Thanks for the help - my group has kind of decided that primogeniture is only agnatic when applied to the Lion Throne itself, and is male-preference in all other cases, so many women would still really like it gone (and many men would still really not).
Cheers, all!
Is there anything suggested for the PC with the Spying mission to actually find out about Pythareus? I can't see anything especially incriminating as a payoff for their hard work.
So Eutropia's whole drive to overturn primogeniture means women will be able to inherit property and aristocratic titles... but there are female NPCs throughout (especially in Crownfall and SSS) who HAVE property and aristocratic titles (see Baroness Voinum and Dame Crabbe in SSS especially). How did these NPCs inherit them under male-only primogeniture?
So... wait. What exactly constitutes a turn in the battle for Longshadow? Because if a single combat round is a turn, then a combat that takes 15 turns is essentially the entire night.
I'd be careful about creating too many big threats. Ileosa is supposed to be the main villain - if you set Gaedren Lamm up with what was the plan of the main villain of another AP, you distract from the story. Also, does Gaedren really have the resources to go about something as huge as becoming a genius loci? Would Mephistopheles really give the time of day to some foul old man who never accomplished more than becoming a small-time crime boss?
That's one option, but it still seems weird to have to drop everything while you're trying to win the Shoanti's respect, and run all the way back to the city you JUST fled from...
OK, so, looking ahead to "A History of Ashes" in my campaign (we just started "Seven Days to the Grave"), I like the fact that Paizo have put in more content - but Deathhead Vault seems to really break the flow of the campaign. It's like, "go and find the long-lost magical sword that is the only thing that can stop Ileosa! But wait, there's a detour you have to take all the way back to Korvosa first".
I was considering just shunting it wholesale to the beginning of "Crown of Fangs" (XP won't be a problem, considering I use milestones rather than counting it). Yes, the party will have Serithtial at that point, and they will be a couple levels higher than recommended, so they may end up tearing through the Mantis and the Maidens like Laori's chain through her impractical outfit, but maybe after the horrors of Scarwall it'll boost their morale to strike such an easy, crushing blow against the Queen's tyranny? Before I go hurling the rest of the chapter at them, anyway.
What do you guys think?
I have a swashbuckler focused entirely around dual-wielding shortswords. She's basically a human blender, and really fun to play.
Trifaccia challenged her to a duel in Crown of Fangs. It went poorly for him.
Parry! Riposte! Parry! Parry! Parry! STABSTABSTABSTABSTAB! Parry! Riposte!