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AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Ixi will roll his eyes at the idea of hiding now. Now that Eglian has become big enough, he will settle on his shoulder. That being the proper place for a shoulder dragon. This way he makes Eglian look much more impressive, while Ixi's cuteness makes him look accessible. That's also the benefit of Impenetrable Veil. It lets me hide really well when I want to and it lets me be seen when I don't care to stealth. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Impenetrable Veil, Moment of Prescience, Greater Prying Eyes, Greater False Life, Nondetection, Greater Stunning Barrier, Greensight, Adoration, Fickle Winds. That should do it. I assume this is at the caster level 41? ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() "Greater invisibility? That one's hardcoded in my genes. Plus, it's nigh-useless against divination or blindsight. Impenetrable Veil is much more useful for hiding. Longer lasting, too. Nine Lives is also quite generally useful as well. Give me a second, I wouldn't want your casting to be wasted." He will turn off his Antimagic Ward before any casting. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() As they were shopping, the two ran into each other occasionally, as they ended up at the same shops looking for the same items. Not enough that they seemed to merely be copying each other, but enough to confirm that great mind think alike. Ixi doesn't seem surprised at the transformation, but that's because he already saw Egalian's true form within his other shape. He watches the flipping cards and possibilities with glee. "Oh, I think I'm ready for anything." ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() You are asking somebody made as a companion to rich people to go shopping. Ixi is in heaven. I kept it at just under 1.8 million. Combat Gear cube of force, hypnotic tattoo, otherworldly kimono[UE], shadowform belt[UE], unicorn's blackened horn, wayfinder of passage; Other Gear metamagician's apprentice[UE], amulet of natural armor +5, bag of concealment iv, blaster's bracers, book of perfect jokes[MA], boots of speed, brass spider[ACG], cayden's cup[MA], cloak of displacement, minor, crystal mask of insightful detection, cyberart, eversmoking bottle, eyes of the dragon[UE], gloves of shaping[UE], headband of mental superiority +6, immovable rod (20), instant fortress, mulberry pentacle ioun stone, orange prism ioun stone, pale green prism ioun stone, phantom entourage, portable hole, psychoactive skin of the hero, ring of chameleon power, ring of freedom of movement, stone of good luck (luckstone), third eye (sense), traveler's any-tool[UE], voidlight lantern, adamantine wire saw[UE], applejack (per gallon)[UE] (5), arcane family workbook[ARG], baijiu (per bottle)[UE] (10), battery (100), billiards gear[UE], board games[UE], camera, cards[UE], chocolate (per bar)[UE] (100), coffee, mwangi (per cup) (100), dark and stormy (100), dice[UE], dominos[UE], fortune cookies[UE] (100), interrogation tools, juggler's kit[UE], mithral waffle iron[UE], orrery, calculating grand, perfume, exotic[ISWG] (10), pocket watch, power receiver, premium hookah, prismatic force field, prismatic hologram generator, sealord wine (per bottle)[UE] (50), secrets of the dreaming dark, pp. 1-195, secrets of the dreaming dark, pp. 372-404, spyglass, masterwork, sunsilk garments, telescope (×250, +6), the inward-facing circle, traveler's pocket watch, wine, corentyn (per bottle) (50), 4,725 gp ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Well, more players means more waiting for that guy to post. We're roughly equal in power level*, so I say let's go. *though you don't hold a candle to me for kyuteness. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Well, we could probably have more friends without outrageous optimization. Or we could simply be the outrageously optimized duo. I could go either way. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() In his mind, he'll tell the disguised undead, the less cute dragon, and the quantum minotaur, **He's lying. I say we play along and then figure out what to do with the artifacts once we've got them. After all, if they were as tough as us they wouldn't need to hire us.** ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() "No, they tried a pitiful line, but marketing killed it off early. I'm bubbly!" There doesn't seem to be any offense taken. And since he's not the dragon being referred to, he doesn't move back. "hmm... The strange delays and forgetting things after a few moments... Were you revived after falling through the ice?" but he shakes his head, "But we should get back to Egalian's question." His voice changes to match Egalian's, "You tell us what the artifacts you retrieve are going to be used for and how you hope to keep them from 'falling into the wrong hands,' as you put it." ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Ixi holds his breath as the newcomer sits silently without responding to the question. (Of course, he didn't need to breathe, but it was a habit. Very useful for gasping and showing that you are waiting in suspense) After waiting for what seemed like a week, he asks, "Are you okay Mister?" Since the robe seemed to prevent even enchanted eyes from seeing past it, he flies up, ready to peek his head in to see if there was anybody in there. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Egalian, Verinstal, and Schrodinger's Minotaur will all hear a telepathic voice in their heads, *You know, once we have the artifacts, we would then have leverage to determine whose hands he thinks are right.* ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() "Who would be the wrong hands and who would be the right hands?" he asks with a pointed finger. As he does so, he keeps a close watch on the figure to see what their reaction is. sense motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15 ...and yet he seems distracted as he realized he pointed with the wrong hand and points again, with his right hand. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Ixy looks around confused at the description, but when he sees Egalian smirk, he just nods along and tries to play it cool. Since the "Human" seems to know about negotiating, he lets him continue. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() He cocks his head at the newcomer. "Oh, I'm classified as a Fashion Accessory, Miscellaneous, Harmonized Tariff Schedule 7117.90.9000." Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37 Darkvision, Low Light, and True Seeing ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() "I'm IxivixI, which means I'm a palindrome." As the new person sits down, he'll bend his head around to look under the hood. He'll address the newcomer, "By the way it's not raining in here." ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() "Awww... how nice!" He'll flutter up to kiss the barmaid's cheek. After she leaves, he'll offer to share the food. "This is way too much for me. The food weighs more than I do! Feel free to share." He'll tear off a bit of the food for himself. ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() "Drink?" says the miniscule dragon as he dances tipsily around the table. "I drink I'll have a think." Perform dance: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 He suddenly realizes that he can't see the barmaid anymore (having spun around to face the other way. He'll fall backwards, at which point he can see the barmaid again and everything is wonderful. "Bring me something sweet and colorful. Sweet and colorful just like you! diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36 Obviously, I'm getting off to a good start! ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Well, I would call cheese on that because spellcasting far in advance of your level would raise your CR. But since I'm not running, I'll use it. New stats when I get the chance to update it. 26th level spherecaster baby! Oh, and now my DR is epic, adamantine, slashing ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() If this high a caster level flies, then I have a version of Ixi that has caster level 16. Still not at your level, but very fun. Stats: IxivixI Mythic #2 Mythic young drunk faerie dragon alter ego incanter 2/symbiat (synapse) 1/sphere sorcerer 1 N Diminutive construct (mythic) Init +28/+8, dual initiative; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, undeniable perception; Perception +18 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 33, touch 31, flat-footed 22 (+10 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +4 size, +6 untyped bonus) hp 68 (7 HD; 3d6+4d8+33); fast healing 5 Fort +3, Ref +13, Will +9 Defensive Abilities hard to kill, hardness 10; DR 10/epic; Immune construct traits; SR 20 Weaknesses magical signs, personal warp -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 30 ft. Melee touch destructive blast +8 (10d6+10) or . . bite +8 (1d2-1), slam +8 (1) Ranged destructive blast +17 touch (10d6+10) Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (10' for touch spells) Special Attacks breath weapon (5 ft. cone, euphoria for 1d6 rds., Fortitude DC 11 negates, usable every 1d4 rounds), mythic power (2/day, surge +1d6) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +12) . . 3/day—greater invisibility (self only) Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +23) . . 12/day—entangling ectoplasm . . 16/day—ectoplasmic form . . 16/day—malevolent ectoplasm -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 12, Dex 30, Con —, Int 22, Wis 20, Cha 28 Base Atk +5.25; CMB +9; CMD 29 (33 vs. trip) Feats Acrobatic, Cantrips, Dodge, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Hardened Construct[M], Telekinetic Exoskeleton, Toughness [b]Traits resilient, unshackled Skills Acrobatics +16 (+8 to jump), Appraise +4, Bluff +16, Climb +8, Diplomacy +16, Disguise +7 (+11 to appear as its progenitor), Escape Artist +19, Fly +30, Heal +4, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +18, Perform (dance) +9 (+11 if tattoo is visible.), Perform (sing) +9, Ride +8, Sense Motive +13, Sleight of Hand +15, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +30, Survival +3, Swim +19, Use Magic Device +17; Racial Modifiers +4 Disguise to appear as its progenitor Languages Catfolk, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Lashunta, Sylvan; mind link, telepathy 100 ft., teleporting fury SQ battlefield relay, bloodline arcana: ectoplasm, casting, charm, crystal blast (blast type), destructive blast, disintegrate (blast type), distant teleport, divided mind, ectoplasmic reach (5 feet), emergency teleport, explosive orb (blast shape), extended range, extradimensional storage (space), finesse, focused blast, greater blast, greater blast, greater speed, increased range, magic skill bonus, magic skill defense, psionics, replicated gear, selective blast, sorcerous blood, sorcerous origin, static blast (blast type), suggestion (charm), suggestion (greater) (charm), suggestion (lesser) (charm), telekinesis, telekinetic maneuver, teleport, unseeing teleport Combat Gear hypnotic tattoo, wand of obscuring mist (50 charges); Other Gear eyes of the eagle, headband of alluring charisma +2, pauldrons of unflinching fortitude +1/+2[MA], 350 gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Battlefield Relay +2 (DC 16) (Su) Read an enemy's mind to grant combat bonuses to allies within 60' Bloodline Arcana: Ectoplasm Incorporeal creatures take 75% damage from your damaging spells and must save twice against the others Breath Weapon (Su) 5 ft. cone, euphoria for 1d6 rds., Fortitude DC 11 negates, usable every 1d4 rounds Cantrips You can create a variety of small magical effects Casting (CL 16, Charisma, DC 19) You can cast sphere effects. Construct Traits (+0 HP) Constructs have many immunities. Damage Reduction (10/epic) You have Damage Reduction against all except Epic attacks (weapons with a +6 bonus). Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Destruction: Crystal Blast Destructive Blast deals piercing damage (d4's) and can entangle target. Reflex DC 27 Destruction: Destructive Blast 10d6+10 Ranged or melee touch attack deals 10d6+10 damage Destruction: Disintegrate Destructive Blast deals untyped damage and destroys the bodies of slain creatures Destruction: Explosive Orb (Radius 25 ft.) Deal destructive blast damage in a radius. Reflex DC 27 Destruction: Extended Range Increase the range of your destructive blast Destruction: Focused Blast Your destructive blasts deal +1 dmg/die when unaltered by a blast shape talent Destruction: Greater Blast +1 damage die to your destructive blast Destruction: Greater Blast +1 damage die to your destructive blast Destruction: Selective Blast (2 creatures) Exclude 1 (+1 per 10 CL) creatures from the area of your destructive blasts Destruction: Static Blast (Disarm +25/+29) Destructive Blast deals electric damage and can disarm the target Drunk (Ex) Permanently has the sickened condition. Dual Initiative (Ex) You act a second time each round at -20 from your normal initiative Ectoplasm Your family has a connection with the ethereal substance known as ectoplasm, whether from communing with the spirits or battling the spiritual undead. The power of the Ethereal Plane thrums in your mind and pulls at your flesh. Ectoplasmic Reach (10 feet) (Su) Your reach for melee touch attacks is 10 ft. Ectoplasmic form (16 min/day) (Sp) As gaseous form, speed 60, carry small objects Entangling Ectoplasm (12/day) (Sp) Hurl ectoplasm as a tanglefoot bag Fast Healing 5 (Ex) Heal damage every round unless you are killed. Fly (60 feet, Perfect) You can fly! Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2. Hardness 10 Subtract Hardness from damage done. Energy damage halved before hardness. Immunity to Ability Damage Immunity to ability damage Immunity to Ability Drain Immunity to ability drain Immunity to Bleed You are immune to bleed. Immunity to Death and Necromancy effects You are immune to Death and Necromancy effects. Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases. Immunity to Energy Drain Immune to energy drain Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition. Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition. Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects. Immunity to Nonlethal Damage You are immune to Nonlethal Damage Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis. Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison. Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects. Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned. Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail. Magical Signs Your use of magic is obvious to all observers Malevolent Ectoplasm (16 rd/day) As black teneacles centered on me. Does not affect me, but does affect incorporeal or ethereal. CMB +21, Mind Link (Su) Enable allies within 60' to communicate telepathically Mind: Charm You may place charms on creatures. Mind: Suggestion You may plant thoughts into a target’s mind. Mind: Suggestion (Greater) As lesser Suggestion, but stronger Mind: Suggestion (Lesser) Plant a suggestion into the target's mind MSB +16 Use for counterspelling, concentration, caster level checks, and beating SR MSD 35 Use when defending against an MSB check Personal Warp You may only teleport yourself Psionics (10 rounds/day) (Su) You can create psionic effects Replicated Gear (Su) You have copies of your progentior's equipment that disolve 1 rd. after leaving your poessession. Sorcerous Blood You gain 1 extra spell point per sorcerer level Sorcerous Origin (Ex) Cast spells as a 10th level sorcerer including bloodline spells and abilities. Spell Resistance (20) You have Spell Resistance. Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount. Swim (30 feet) You have a Swim speed. Telekinesis: Divided Mind (17 targets) Lift multiple objects at once Telekinesis: Finesse You may use telekinesis to perform fine manipulations Telekinesis: Greater Speed Move lifted objects more quickly Telekinesis: Increased Range Use telekinesis at longer range Telekinesis: Telekinesis (Huge, Speed 85 ft) You can move objects and creatures with your mind, with several applications Telekinesis: Telekinetic Maneuver (CMB +20) You can perform combat maneuvers with telekinesis Telekinetic Exoskeleton (Dampening Field) Gain the benefit of one of three telekinetic enhancements Tactile Telekinesis: You add your casting ability modifier as a bonus to Strength checks, and Climb and Swim checks. Dampening Field: You gain temporary hit points equal to your casting ability modifier. They do not stack with themselves or other temporary hit points. Propelling Force: You gain a +10 ft enhancement bonus to all of your movement speeds. Telepathy (100 feet) (Su) Communicate telepathically if the target has a language. Teleporting Fury (20% miss chance) (Su) Using teleport lets you attack from your starting or ending square, and attacking from teleport grants a miss chance Undeniable Perception (Ex) See with constant true seeing effect that cannot be dispelled. Warp: Distant Teleport Teleport at longer range Warp: Emergency Teleport Teleport as an immediate action, at the cost of range Warp: Extradimensional Storage You gain a permanent extradimensional space that may hold non-living material Warp: Teleport You can teleport yourself as a standard action Warp: Unseeing Teleport Teleport without line of sight ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Eglian 代 wrote:
And how did you do it? ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Eglian 代 wrote:
I had 8 HD before going mythic. I actually changed it to just list DR Epic. If a weapon is +6, then it already bypasses adamantine. How do you have 20th level casting?!? ![]()
AC 68/47/52 (20% concealment); Saves F7 R23 W19; Init +35/+15; Perc +34 (True Seeing, blindsight 60, aura sight, arcane sight, speechreader's sight, greensight') HP 60/60; Temp HP 31/31; SP 60/65
![]() Sadly, I'm defeated by a foe much tougher. Time zones. It seems my only chance to play is going to be if one of my weekend games gets cancelled with enough warning to schedule a match. |