Does anyone else think that the Deadtide for Otari event that kicks of Chapter 2 would be more fitting as the instigating incident for the campaign? I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the campaign start as written, but the Deadtide seems like such a more dramatic and exciting way to immediately get the PC's interested in the Gauntlight and setup some real stakes. Thoughts?
Mordine wrote:
Yep, I did the same thing, it works great. Only problem was the interactive maps did not have the walls. However, after a little digging, I discovered you can just copy the entire set of walls and doors from the non-interactive maps and paste them into the interactive ones. Selecting the entire system of walls and holding ALT on any of the points allows you to reposition the entire network.
Parrish Ashbourne wrote:
Yeah, I really don't like the over-the-top nature of this, especially for a core ability of one of the Ways. I know this is some people's jam, but it should at least just be a feat so that GM's can not allow it easily without banning one third of the Gunslinger class
gonzosports wrote:
Foundry does not have actual official module content as of yet. There is a large amount of community content that pulls from the OGL stuff that's out there. For instance, there are Fall of Plaguestone and Age of Ashes bestiaries. I ran Fall of Plaguestone in Fantasy Grounds with the official module. It was pretty great to have all the maps and encounters setup. But I found that the time I spent wrangling the un-intuitive UI and dealing with quirks of the system basically counteracted any benefits of having it pre-made. Switching to Foundry for Age of Ashes has been a huge improvement, despite having to setup my own maps.
Another vote for Foundry. I switched our game over from Fantasy Grounds after being very discouraged with their rate of development for PF2 and general lack of UI changes the Unity update brought. Foundry has been everything I wanted from a VTT. It's extremely intuitive and the rate of progress is insane. I've watched the core program and the PF2 module get progressively better on a weekly basis the last few months. I'm extremely excited about what the future holds. In terms of hosting, self-hosting is a bit of a chore to setup, but completely hands-off once it's running. If you don't want to deal with the technical aspects there's a great third-party company offering hosting called The Forge. Very affordable plans and basically one-click setup.
I'm planning on the next chapter of my campaign to be an overland chase where the party is fleeing a more powerful villain for several days. Think Fellowship of the Ring and the Bree to Rivendell flight. Not sure yet if I should use some variant of the chase rules or make it a bit more structured in terms of planning out the days. Has anyone run something like this? Any tips/advice/ideas for how to make it interesting and exciting would be appreciated. Thanks! |