GM Otha’s What Prestige is Worth Campaign (Outpost III) (Inactive)

Game Master Otha


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Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Welcome to the discussion thread of What Prestige is Worth (S10-08) that I'll be running for Outpost III, starting up on March 30th. You can dot and delete in the Gameplay thread at your leisure; please post your Initiative/Perception mods on the slides (link is in my header and at the top of the page) along with your icon. You can also post your PFS info below when you get a chance, along with any special abilities you think I might need to be aware of...

Player Name:
Character Name:
Progess (Standard or Slow):
Day Job Roll (if applicable):

We've got a while before we start but feel free to ask any questions here or talk about your characters in the meantime...

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

For those of you I haven’t GM’ed before, I’ll give a bit of what you can expect from me. I don’t pretend to know everything when it comes to Pathfinder rules; most of you likely have been playing longer and know the rules better than I. If, more likely when, I err, call me on it as you see it and I’ll fix it; I have no qualms about retconning if I screw something up. You won’t hurt my feelings as I like to think I don’t have too much of an ego. By rule of thumb, I’ll retcon if my mistake is detrimental to the PC/party; if my mistake is beneficial to the PC/party, I will not retcon unless I catch it immediately. My main goal is that everyone will enjoy themselves and have fun.

As a GM, I usually post at least two or three times a day, sometimes more, and try to keep things moving along. I don’t expect that much posting from my players, although you’re welcome to do so if you wish, but I’d appreciate if you could post at least once a day and once over the weekends. Real life comes first though so please let me know, if possible, when you may have a hard time posting. If I have to bot you, I’ll check your profile for botting instructions; lacking that, I’ll bot you conservatively equally considering the best interests of the character and the party.

As far as initiative goes during combat...for those players in the same initiative block, I usually play things out in post order as opposed to initiative order as I’ve found that moves the combat along more quickly. But if it’s a situation where it’s more beneficial to the party to play the block in initiative order, I will do so.

Looking forward to running y’all through this scenario...

Grand Lodge

Were-Crocodile People's Champion 10
Rage 22/22 | Spells 1st 2/2 2nd 2/2

Hey Otha! Long time no see.

Player Name: Feral
Character Name: Leatherhead aka The Croc
PFS ID#: 10774-21
Faction: Grand Lodge
Progess (Standard or Slow): Standard
Day Job Roll (if applicable): None

The Croc is wrasslin’ bloodrager that excels in occupying enemies and generally taking a beating. Between being unarmored and bloodrager stuff he’s got single digit AC but a meaty HP pool and tricks to disable opponents in melee make him pretty survivable.

Dark Archive

Human Evangelist 9 | Mods: Eerie Sense, -4 Int/Wis/Cha checks, Defending Bone, Mage Armor | HP: 70/70; DR 5/Bludgeoning| AC 18/14/14 14, Tch 14, Fl 10 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Init: +2
Channel: 5/5; Sanctuary: 3/3; Share Will: 1/1 | Spells 4th: 3/3 3rd: 5/5; 2nd: 4/5 +1; 1st: 5/6 +1

Player: RePete
Character Name: Edgar (and Allen) Poe
PFS #: 126566-05
Faction: Dark Archives
Day Job: Craft (Gravestones): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Normal Progression

==Character Oddities of Note==
Eerie Sense = I automatically know at the start of my turn if an undead or a haunt is within 60ft of me - though not exactly where it is.

Share Will = If I fail a will save, I can have my pet roll it as an immediate action to try and pass.

My familiar can cast guidance at will and can use the domain ability "Rebuke Death" once per day.

I can channel positive energy (4d6) and I can gain temp HP 1/day by "eating the soul" of a downed creature.

I'm a hexchanneler witch. I do have Fortune, Misfortune, Evil Eye, and Cackle as hexes. I typically focus on controlling the battlefield with different types of cloud spells and hassling the enemies with debuffs.

I do everything in my power to avoid melee combat. :-P

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

Player Name: Zinou
Character Name: Dioneo II Starnon
PFS ID#: 93583-12
Faction: Sovereign Court
Progess (Standard or Slow): Standard
Day Job Roll (if applicable): Intimidate (caravan vanity): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27

Dioneo "recently" leveled up to 9. I'll update his sheet as soon as I can.

He's an obnoxious chelaxian lord and oracle of fire, specialized in debuff, combat control and blast.

He's also a (punchable) party face.

As a Spirit Guide oracle, he has a few other spells and abilities, usually drawn from the Heavens Spirit, but he can select another spirit depending on the party's needs too.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose
Leatherhead wrote:
Hey Otha! Long time no see.

Hey Feral! Good to be playing with you again!

It looks like I've either GM'ed for and/or played with every player who's checked in this far...and I know RePete has GM'ed for me on several occasions...

We'll be starting in two weeks...when we're a week out (aka around next Monday), I'll put an intro post (not from the scenario) in the Gameplay thread so we can start intros there...

Looking forward to running this with y'all...

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

Player Name: Yogadragon
Character Name: Ridley Zane
PFS ID: 239325-3
Faction: Exchange
Progress: Standard
Day Job: Craft alchemy: 1d20 + 35 ⇒ (13) + 35 = 48

Hi Flynn! Looking foraward to this!

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

We're still awaiting two players to check in, Jack Blakros and Irish202. I've sent them reminders with links to this page. I went ahead and made an introductory post in the Gameplay thread so you can introduce yourselves to we kick off on the 30th...

Hey Ridley, good to see you again!

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

So Ridley just hit 8 and picked up fast bombs - so now he gets to throw three bombs a turn. Also retrained sonic bombs into force bombs for some fun knockdown shenanigans.

Sovereign Court

Male Ifrit Melee Multiclass 16, Mythic Trickster 1 Demon Lord

Player: GK
Character Name: Jack Blakros
PFS #: 83318-04
Faction: Sovereign Court
Day Job: Knowledge Nobility: 17 + 23 = 40

Normal Progression

==Character Oddities of Note==
Multiclassed every level, so there may be some things that look odd. I don't get to play often, so wanted a character that could try out different things when I did get to play.

Knowledge Nobility auto 17 comes from Season 10 SovC Practiced Diplomat reward. No reason to try to reroll to get higher than 40. -6 when not in Absalom.

Mage Armor is figured into AC. Shield can be cast for +2 AC.
+1 AC against crit confirmations

Have an Ulfen bodyguard, a goblin crier/herald, and a griffin animal companion.

So many bonuses while in Absalom or Taldor that usually aren't relevant.

Can technically Flurry of Blows with a Cestus for three attacks with sneak attack, but would lose some AC from not using the Aldori Dueling Sword.

TWF first round with a pistol, dropping after firing.

Can plane shift to the material plane with a minute of prep.

DR negative energy 12
DR Acid 5, Cold 4, Electric 6, Fire 4

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10
Ridley Zane wrote:
So Ridley just hit 8 and picked up fast bombs - so now he gets to throw three bombs a turn. Also retrained sonic bombs into force bombs for some fun knockdown shenanigans.

...and full damage to incorporeals ;)

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose
Jack Blakros wrote:
Multiclassed every level, so there may be some things that look odd. I don't get to play often, so wanted a character that could try out different things when I did get to play.

That's pretty cool and interesting...never seen that before. My next level up for my -1 I'm gonna take a level in paladin which will be his fourth class but still a far cry away from Jack...


Hello all!

I have way too many character options in tier, and was curious if anyone had any preferences for my selection of character. I have the following:


Level 8 diviner/white mage arcanist
Level 9 grapple monk
Level 9 conjurer
Level 10 illusionist arcane trickster
Level 11 evocation sorcerer
Level 11 necromancer
level 11 druid/monk grappler
level 11 bard/oracle/mystic theurge
level 11 grand-fathered summoner
level 11 shield-focused magus/paladin

Comments for GM:
Just to give a heads up, I have run/read the first quarter of this scenario for my local group, with the group not finishing the game.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

No worries on that count Irish. That could be a boon; that way if I screw anything up in the first quarter, you can point it out to me. :)

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Someone school me on the APL as far as playing high tier with the 4-player adjustment...that always confuses me with 5+ players.

Currently the APL is 9.4...if Irish202 chooses an 11th level PC, it'd be 9.67; anything else would be 9.5 or lower...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Evangelist 9 | Mods: Eerie Sense, -4 Int/Wis/Cha checks, Defending Bone, Mage Armor | HP: 70/70; DR 5/Bludgeoning| AC 18/14/14 14, Tch 14, Fl 10 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Init: +2
Channel: 5/5; Sanctuary: 3/3; Share Will: 1/1 | Spells 4th: 3/3 3rd: 5/5; 2nd: 4/5 +1; 1st: 5/6 +1

Tier Chart

This help GM Otha?

Looking at the chart, I think that would put us Tier 10-11 with 4 player adjustment.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Yes, it does! Thanks, Edgar!

Dark Archive

Female Tiefling Wiz/Rog/Arc Trick 10 [HP 65+16][AC 23][Init +5][F+7/R+11/W+9][Perc +18] [Current Mask]
Mage Armor, False Life, Shield , Mirror Image (3), Fire Res 20

Player Name: Irish202
Character Name: Sorrow
PFS ID#: 34789-12
Faction: Dark Archive
Progess (Standard or Slow): Standard
Day Job Roll (if applicable): Craft (Painting): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Unusual Things: Using Ranged Feint to make ranged sneak attacks, Shadow Gambit to make illusion sneak attacks, spell preparation and metamagic affected by dim/dark versus bright light.

Dark Archive

Male Human
Unusual Things: Using Ranged Feint to make ranged sneak attacks, Shadow Gambit to make illusion sneak attacks, spell preparation and metamagic affected by dim/dark versus bright light.

Feint plus touch attacks are a combination I'm now going to try with my next character.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Here's a little more detail on how the investigation process goes in this scenario:

As Zarta has mentioned in the Gameplay thread, you begin with two leads to pursue: the Market of Breaths (area B) and The Fallen Fastness (area C). Whenever you travel to one location, you can ask Zarta to investigate another location; her investigations take the same amount of time as yours. After investigating a location, you can meet with Zarta to compare notes. New leads and locations can become available as you investigate and gather investigation points, which I will track (and let you know when you've earned them, so you can double-check my count)…

I will control Zarta in all fights, although your characters may suggest/ask things of her in the fight. She has a general guideline for me to follow...

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Sorry, couldn't get the post out this morning, hoping to have it up this evening...

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

Hello guys! I feel like I'm doing a bad job as a partyface on this adventure. Sorry about that. IRL life hits hard these days but my 1½ yo can go back to daycare next week, meaning it will improve my posting rate.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

No worries, Dioneo. Real life always comes first...but even moreso in these crazy times...

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

With no further input, we'll go the non-lethal (but you can use lethal weapons, per se, just when you go below 0, you're knocked out for the duration of the combat). I'm assuming you'll choose the 1 PP per person as collateral if you lose the match; if you prefer a Dark Bargain (similar to what Jack chose earlier) let me know...

I'll get the arena map set up and post coming this evening...

By the way, have we lost Edgar? Looks like he hasn't posted in quite some time...I'll send him a PM...

Dark Archive

Human Evangelist 9 | Mods: Eerie Sense, -4 Int/Wis/Cha checks, Defending Bone, Mage Armor | HP: 70/70; DR 5/Bludgeoning| AC 18/14/14 14, Tch 14, Fl 10 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Init: +2
Channel: 5/5; Sanctuary: 3/3; Share Will: 1/1 | Spells 4th: 3/3 3rd: 5/5; 2nd: 4/5 +1; 1st: 5/6 +1

Sorry for some reason this stopped updating for me. Just realized it'd been a while since I'd see anything

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

No worries, Edgar, that's happened to me more than once...not sure what causes it...

Had some server issues and had to telework all evening...working on setting up the map and will get the post up in the morning. You can list any buffs/spells you might be prepping prior to the match...

Sovereign Court

Male Ifrit Melee Multiclass 16, Mythic Trickster 1 Demon Lord

Ignore the sword attacks in the first round. Checked the wording of haste and would only be to get the first attack off.

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

Please let me know if, like Jack, your character would like to recieve a fire resistance 20 prior to the fight.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Noted Jack, thanks.

Yes, y’all had plenty of time prior to the match to arrange any buffs you might need so I’ll assume Jack has fire resistance unless he states otherwise...

Sovereign Court

Male Ifrit Melee Multiclass 16, Mythic Trickster 1 Demon Lord

If it doesn't hamper Dioneo, Jack would take it. 20 is much better than 4.

Dark Archive

Human Evangelist 9 | Mods: Eerie Sense, -4 Int/Wis/Cha checks, Defending Bone, Mage Armor | HP: 70/70; DR 5/Bludgeoning| AC 18/14/14 14, Tch 14, Fl 10 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Init: +2
Channel: 5/5; Sanctuary: 3/3; Share Will: 1/1 | Spells 4th: 3/3 3rd: 5/5; 2nd: 4/5 +1; 1st: 5/6 +1

Edgar would as well, but only if it doesnt cause an issue for Dioneo's spells for the day.

Edgar would also loan out his mage armor wand to those that can use it

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

No probs, folks. Dioneo never ran out if spells in 9 levels. Those resources are here to be uses! :)

Sovereign Court

Male Ifrit Melee Multiclass 16, Mythic Trickster 1 Demon Lord

Since I haven't done a multiple day scenario, asking this so I don't forget later.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Is there anywhere in Dis where a shrine or location warded by a kami would be?

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Hmmm...just off the top of my head, I would think not. From what I've read, while kami can be found in Golarion, they are considered rare outside of Tian Xia...

However, I'll try to research a bit more...and if anyone else has other input, please reply here...

Dark Archive

Human Evangelist 9 | Mods: Eerie Sense, -4 Int/Wis/Cha checks, Defending Bone, Mage Armor | HP: 70/70; DR 5/Bludgeoning| AC 18/14/14 14, Tch 14, Fl 10 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Init: +2
Channel: 5/5; Sanctuary: 3/3; Share Will: 1/1 | Spells 4th: 3/3 3rd: 5/5; 2nd: 4/5 +1; 1st: 5/6 +1

As for our current location, the argument could possibly be made for the market to sell kami items like they do souls?

Alternatively, that portal is still open right? Quick run back to Golarion? :-P

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Outpost III officially ends on the 18th...while we won’t be through, I will be reporting by then. So when you get a chance, go ahead and roll for your boons when you get a chance; a 19 or 20 does the trick...

Grand Lodge

Were-Crocodile People's Champion 10
Rage 22/22 | Spells 1st 2/2 2nd 2/2

Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Sovereign Court

Male Ifrit Melee Multiclass 16, Mythic Trickster 1 Demon Lord

boon,: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Wasn't planning using the character for PaizoCon since there aren't any Seeker level scenarios offered, but they were supposedly going to offer them for Origins. No idea whether or not that will be for Origins Online or not.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

We can try to pick up the pace, if everyone wishes. My sessions usually go faster, but I wasn't trying to push it on this one too much, with all the pandemic stuff going on...

Sovereign Court

Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

RL is getting slowly but surely back to "normal" in my European country, so I can post a bit more often :)

Dark Archive

Human Evangelist 9 | Mods: Eerie Sense, -4 Int/Wis/Cha checks, Defending Bone, Mage Armor | HP: 70/70; DR 5/Bludgeoning| AC 18/14/14 14, Tch 14, Fl 10 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +6 | Speed 30ft | Perc: +2, SM: +0 | Init: +2
Channel: 5/5; Sanctuary: 3/3; Share Will: 1/1 | Spells 4th: 3/3 3rd: 5/5; 2nd: 4/5 +1; 1st: 5/6 +1

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Personally, my life has been more hectic with the pandemic stuff, but I'll make a more conscious effort to speed up my posting.

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

No worries, we can go as slow or fast as you guys want. Even more so in these times, real life comes first...I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t going too slow for y’all...

Dark Archive

Female Tiefling Wiz/Rog/Arc Trick 10 [HP 65+16][AC 23][Init +5][F+7/R+11/W+9][Perc +18] [Current Mask]
Mage Armor, False Life, Shield , Mirror Image (3), Fire Res 20

1d20 ⇒ 2

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Boon (GM): 1d20 ⇒ 5
Boon (Ridley): 1d20 ⇒ 17 (Ridley, if you post a boon roll here, before I report, I'll count it instead; I have to report it today and this is just in case...)

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

Not really fair for me to get two rolls, but I rolled just for curiosity - looks like the 17 was fated.

Dice: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

FYI, in the hospital awaiting a family member’s surgery; might not be able to post more till this evening...

Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Made it back home; long day but all went well. I’ll move us forward tomorrow...

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ifrit (Chelaxian) Baron 9 | Fire DR: 20 | HP: 51/75 | AC:20| T: 12| FF: 18 | CMD: 17 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +10 | Will: +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +0 | Sense Motive: +4 | Speed: 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 8 ; 1st - 8/8 ; 2nd - 2/8 ; 3rd - 4/8 ; 4th - 3/5 ; Wings: 7/9 ; Enlarge/Reduce Person: 1/1 ; Omen: 0/1 ; Selective: 3/3 ; Elemental (Electricity): 1/3 ; Stardust: 9/10

I hope everything went well, GM.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mysteries Under Moonlight | The Paths We Choose

Thanks, Dioneo, it did...sorry I rolled so poorly on your will save...

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