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RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter. 140 posts (142 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


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I am running circles around my head trying to figure out Wealth Gains per Encounter and feeling like I am missing something. I am looking at Wealth by Level, so starting out, PCs have 1000 credits to start with, and by level 2, they should have gained another 1000 credits to be at 2000 credits by level 2.

Sell back is 10%, I read that as well.

What my question is, Wealth Gains per Encounter, is the number written for a single person or should divide the number written by the amount of players?

I feel that should be for former?

Maybe I am a bit bias, I am coming from Pathfinder 1e

When I was in a gestalt game, I wanted to a duel wielding pistol gunslinger. So one side of the build was full gunslinger. The other was 2 levels of alchemist, get the vestigial arm discovery. Then take two weapon fighter archetype for the remaining levels after alchemist.


I am still actively seeking a group that is somewhere near Woonsocket, Rhode Island (where I live). Due to strains with two jobs, I am only free Monday night (around 6-11).

I am willing to travel, but I don't want to drive to a game that's over 45 min to an hour away.

I have experience being GM for 2 years hosting pathfinder with a group that now meets an hour plus away.

I am open to learning new systems and meeting new people (although I have always been a shy one). I am looking for an open-minded group that has players that are 25+ years in age.

If it comes to it: I can possibly host a game from my own apartment or we can try setting up a game in Plainville at Battlegrounds.

I envy your players.

Thanks for the advice. I will take the advice and play what I wish than filling "that niche". I also like the idea of being the "face" of the group. So essentially I will end up playing a Gunslinger after all, and try to convince my GM to allow for Pistolero to have Charisma-based Grit like the Mysterious Stranger.


pipedreamsam wrote:
Screw trapfinding. That's way too boring a lifestyle for the 5th man of the party. Everyone knows that's the guy who gets to have all the fun.

I can't tell what you're being sarcastic about, honestly. Elaborate?

So my group has decided on all their characters for the new game and I am the last one to pick (again). In the past four to five games, I've been rather overshadowed by other players that it draws away from enjoyment of said game.


Here are some examples:
  • I've played a witch whose limited actions were outweighed by the party's necromancer and their collective of controlled undead. When the undead were not useful, the enemies we faced were, 90% of the time, immune to mind-affecting effects.

  • I've done the role of a ratfolk, rogue-like alchemist; played with someone who did full rogue ratfolk, and we worked with team work feats. In the 3 times we played, and around 12 encounters, our ratfolk characters never once rolled for an attack. The rest of the party were ranged built characters who picked off most of the enemies, by the time we setup to actually attack. I ended up dieing a third time when the monster self-destructed.

Now, in two weeks, we're set to play Shattered Star. A adventure path in which the player's guide suggests close quarter fighting and a lot of dungeon crawling. Our groups rather open to what they allow - even third party stuff like Ultimate Psionics (so long as its approved).

I've had thoughts about what I wanted to play... I was interested in doing a character that suffered from the hunger rules associated with vampires (Blood of the Night), or one of the race variants from (Blood of the Moon). These were just vague character ideas, honestly. What I should worry about is what I will be playing as a class. I've had ideas like playing a gunslinger (either a Pistolero or the updated Mysterious Stranger), Summoner (Master Summoner), The Harrower prestige class, or attempt the Skald (Advanced Class Guide playtest).

However, my problem now is finding a niche to fill with the party, that I will enjoy.

The composition of the group, as of this post, is as follows:

  • Conjuration Wizard - who will use summoned monsters to fight with, while covering arcane casting.
  • Paladin (Stonelord) - Frontline fighting, tanking, Healer
  • Psionic Class akin to Summoner (Synthesist) - Another front line fighting style.
  • Ranger - Style of fighting will be ranged

I think it is rather clear that this group will not need a front-line fighting character, obviously.

When I went to the group about the need for advice, I was told that I probably be happier "playing the healer", "be the trap finder" or "just buffing everyone". I don't have the desire to play Cleric, Rogue, or Bard/Witch... (or archetypes similar to these roles).

Is there something I might be playing as that I am overlooking or am I over thinking it and would be fine playing something I already suggested?

Well, I don't always have off those two days, but I am interested even though it is around 40 min drive (which is still shorter than the group I play with now).

I prefer to meet you guys before jumping into a campaign game. If you happen to have a casual board game night to break the ice I will try my best to show up. To that effect, I do happen to have tomorrow night off (Thursday, May 1st). I will certainly understand the rejection since this is all last moment.

What weekday evening do you meet the most?

I live in Woonsocket, a few blocks from the Mass border. Been looking for a group that I can join into. I am currently free every Monday night, but I can change my schedule if I find a group in the area. I am willing to travel, but I don't want to drive to a game that's over 45 mins to an hour away.

I have experience being GM for 2 years, and have been playing pathfinder since 2010. I am open to learning new systems and meeting new people (although I have always been a shy one). I am looking for a group that has players that are 25+ years and older, as I am in my early 30s.

Congratulations are in order then! Cheers, mate!

I, for one, also concur with the Geb/Nex game. Though, my only idea from it would be a planar travel AP set on stopping the forces of Geb from infesting several new worlds after Geb himself has discovered where his old rival Nex has disappeared to (and possibly is still alive).

Drow. I actually want my PCs to fight Undead Drow that worship Urgathoa. Cross my fingers on seeing what happens with Mummy's Mask (I did not spoil it for myself).

meatrace wrote:
Too short. My woman and I are nearing the end of our 10 year trial period.

I'm with you there, bud*, It will be 9 years this coming March for my Woman and I.

Does your GM have any problems with allowing Prestige Classes? Mine didn't see a problem, so I'd suggest a Zen Archer plus Arcane Archer Build. I can PM you a link to the build online if you wish.

Alleran wrote:
Inkwell wrote:
Can Mythic characters permanently destroy the Whispering Tyrant without finding the phylactery?

I would say no. The only way to fully get rid of a lich (any lich) is described as getting (and destroying) the lich's phylactery. Tar-Baphon's phylactery is an artifact, meaning it has one specific method of destruction (barring a disjunction effect, of course) and may well be hidden away by Urgathoa.

It's like any lich... except much harder.

Thank you for the response, Alleran. I don't own Mythic Realms so I can't be sure there was something written regarding if mythic characters can bypass the standard ruling for the mythic lich or not; such as an item they can gain or a mythic tier ability, for example.

Can Mythic characters completely destroy the Whispering Tyrant without finding the phylactery?

Oh man, I didn't even notice the bonus material when I ordered it. this is going to be fantastic!

christos gurd wrote:
Now what would be a good class to gestalt with a bloodrager?

What about Swashbuckler for a critical threat focused build?

I want to combine something with the Investigator.

I was thinking Arcane Bomber whose 5th feat is Alchemical Affinity and 9th and 10th feats are spent on Opposition Research.

Perhaps you guys have a better suggestion for a second class?

Googleshng wrote:
Inkwell wrote:

Late to the party, Kinda tired at that the time of posting this:

So if I am understanding it correctly, ATM, the bloodrager may take the [Extra Rage Powers] feat.

Nope. "Prerequisite: Rage power class feature."

Feats just requiring rage they qualify for however.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Late to the party, Kinda tired at that the time of posting this:

So if I am understanding it correctly, ATM, the bloodrager may take the [Extra Rage Powers] feat. However, unlike the Swashbuckler, whose levels count as Fighter in order to qualify for feats, the Bloodrager does not qualify as having levels of Barbarian for powers. This would mean that the Bloodrager is limited to powers that do not require Barbarian levels?

I love it when people are in the holiday spirit of giving.
(and no I am not asking, thus no rolling)

Worth a try -

race: 1d100 ⇒ 16 = Undine
race: 1d100 ⇒ 16 = Undine
race: 1d100 ⇒ 33 = Svirfneblin
race: 1d100 ⇒ 38 = Grippli
race: 1d100 ⇒ 56 = Gnoll

Gee, wow. Two Undine in a row. Alright, I'll get back to the thread once I write it up.

Hmm, well... Mask of the Living God #49?

Yeah, those two traps were so bad, my group rage-quit the game!

What level is your players at? Is it higher than intended for the dungeon? That could be an explanation.

Would you be willing to share more info on the storyline? Hard to give you some specific hints on that stuff without some knowledge of it. Otherwise, I can point you to a few threads here on the boards about ideas other people came up with for starting an adventure.

1001 Campaign Seeds: [Link]
Adventures from Newspapers: [Link]

And if some of this helps but your looking for more, I suggest checking out name and idea generators on the internet. Places like Seventh Sanctum (Link) can help with some name and idea generators.

Reaper's first Kickstarter featured this miniature. Your request just reminds me that I also want to build it -- Dotting this thread for interest.

I hate the barrage of negativity I must endure each week in order to play the game I enjoy the most. I hate the fact that same person doesn't have a life outside of gaming; as he has nothing new to share. I hate his fictional girlfriend we must hear about every session and how "bad-ass" she is in any video game or game system he shoves her into. I hate that he doesn't listen to others that tell him to stop talking about the prior listed things.

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A GM I use to game with said that "Aura of Justice" could not grant the additional bonuses on evil outsiders, undead, and evil dragons. Moreover, it only lasted for a number of rounds equal to the other player's Charisma modifier. I was a bit miffed, and I did use it a little too often... I was new to the game, and I did in hindsight kind of abuse it. It didn't help that we fought against those three types seemingly back to back either. I do think it sounds fair now, considering it one-shot-killed two different bosses.

Almost all barbarians can read in Pathfinder, with the exception of the True Primitive archetype (there may be another that I am unaware of). When you say "scholarly" though, I think of Urban Barbarian. I hope that helps?

I'm almost wondering if Unalaq's jealousy extends to wanting to be the avatar himself. Of course, there's no mention of him ever meeting a lion-turtle to give him the other bending abilities; just have to wait and see then if its building up to him taking on the now trapped Vaatu.

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Zhangar wrote:
5) Book 5 doesn't really have a good point.

Aww, no atonement for Halloran Idriss? I thought he was worth a trial.

Keep these CC ideas a-flowing! I'm getting the itch to update the campaign for mythic.

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I don't like Star Wars.

I have been shunned at my table for that.

Answered this in another thread...

Oh man these are putting new ideas in my head. Especially since I lost my current finale because of a player's retcon.


Building a Mana Wastes Campaign. I would definitely consider using this for at least one or few of the characters.

Are you even bothering with the Trust point system?

I'd have a look over it, even if you weren't. Just having these situations come up can really help the player understand that the town trusts them now.

It was mentioned earlier in the thread:

Windspirit wrote:
I removed the material as PAIZO was concerned about their IP...

None of the material is accessible because its not there.

If I put my players constantly near the edge of a TPK, I'd have to look for new players. When one character died already, one of my players got on the whole "I hate Ravenloft" horse and wouldn't come down for many sessions, even after I insisted I wasn't running that sort of game.

Different Strokes for different folks.

GMs are allowed to run games how they see fit, but should talk to their Players to know the vibe of the group playing.


I'm about to run this encounter next session. Not with every Wraith at once, but closer to as written. I half-expect my players may divide up by letting their best Diplo-mancer stay behind and stick it out for the trial itself.

I told my PCs that time in this early books was limited, and I'd add time only if they needed it.

The first book has 30 days in the same town, as part of the will, the PCs will have to be staying in the town. Depending on how well they do, they could spend a week to 30+ days there. Crafting can be done a few hours here and there, but if they do finish early, crafting can fill up the rest of the required stay time.

Between books 1 and 2, there isn't a significant gap, but you can days as a GM, if you feel it will help the party.

The second book takes place over the course of a few nights strung back to back. There is very little time to craft anything during the trial. After the trial itself, there isn't any real downtime as the PCs head into a dungeon crawl.

Between books 2 and 3, there's no mention of time. You can give the PCs a few days by "letting the trail go cold" and have Judge Daramid be the NPC to point the PCs towards Ascanor Lodge.

I haven't gone over the time schedule for books 3-6, but my best guess is that after book 3, the PCs might cool down a little on this Vendetta for avenging the dear professor.

Your GM may have done something different.

There's only one wraith.:
The rest are wraith spawns, and if you killed the main wraith, the rest of the spawns turned into full wraiths. When that happened, the rest of the wraiths were meant to flee into the woods.

If I recall correctly, he was asked to take it down.

I liked the story but there were things I'm probably missing that could of been added and I'm holding out for the DLC to see if they are expanded upon.

I've only stumbled on some quick voxophone about it at the top of fink industries. Was there more? Again, I feel as I don't completely understand what Song bird is. I'm expecting it to be some guy in a suit, but there wasn't enough information, that I found in game at least. I kinda wanted to hear that he's also connected to Anna/Elizabeth, that he was grown from her pinky or something, and that he chased her everywhere, even the other dimensions.

I was also disappointed that songbird didn't attack or stalk us enough in the story. He appears at the tower, he is mentioned at the amusement park as being called in. He appears to destroy the first lady blimp, and stalks us once before we confront Lady Comstock, and the whole session before the finale was it. I was hoping there be sections where we need to hide from songbird as he's hot on our trail. I wanted to fear him, and have more encounters against him. I wanted to feel like I barely made an impact or died if I tried to take him face on. That didn't happen.

Lack of Enemies:
There was another part in the game that just sadden me as well. We have all these vigors scattered about the place and there wasn't enough enemies using them. There was the Fireman, and the Crow Cult. Other than the Fireman, there weren't enough villains that used vigors on me. The crows had the power, it was demonstrated well on their first introduction that their power could do it, but it was just them basically phasing in and out of the place.

One of the earlier tech demos, introducing "Charles", actually used the crow power on the player in the video. Seeing that it was cut, and not seeing other villains using the variety of vigors has put a frown over my heart. I hold out for the DLC still.

These are my own 2 cents.

I retired my character at level 15. I stopped having fun with it once I hit level 12. Things I went up against the most always had immunities to what I could cast, or I always fell victim to a poor save that something the pre-generated module had thrown at us (like a monster's stench or the dragon's fear ability).

Don't get me wrong, I love Evil Eye. Save or not, its a great hex, but after a while, if most combat fights I participate in for my group last 3 rounds and I get 1-2 chances to mess with an enemy, I'm lucky if my debuffing even mattered for the rest of the party at that point.

Slumber is a harsh mistress of a hex. My DM frowned upon me using it against single baddies, but never ruled against it. Unfortunately, it quickly ends combat for the rest of the group too, which others in the party have not shown their happy support for. I like it, but between that, Evil Eye, and Misfortune, the character had sort of become a one-trick pony.

The PCs during HoH have been worried that she was the next target of the Whispering Way, and spent many a sleepless night keeping watch just in case they came after her or any of the PCs. Once the dust settled and the prison collapsed, she provided a eulogy for the fallen PC. Now that she's sold off most of her father's possessions to collectors and other various shops in Lepistat, she's most likely pop up here and there in Ustalav.

I may have her show up in Ashes at Dawn, but my plans for the post campaign levels are a little uncertain. There's trouble suppose to be happening at or near her new manor in Karcau, but I haven't scripted it out yet. I was thinking she (and the Lich causing trouble in the city) fell under the lure of a Dullahan's Coach of the Silent (see beast 2 page 111) and driven off to Bastard Hall.

Count_Rugen wrote:
Wait...now I'm more confused. :) I'm still waking up I guess. So you all are saying that Joe Blow finds a +4 headband as loot, and when he claims it, he picks 2 skills, and those 2 skills are always +X for the wearer (X being whatever the wearers current level is)?

Let's say Joe Blow is level 12 when he finds that +4 Int Headband. The DM predetermines the skills in advance, which is normally the case. The two skills he will receive are Knowledge Nature and Handle Animal. He already has 2 ranks in each of these skills. When wearing the headband, Joe only is granted +10 to those two skills then. If he had no ranks in them, he would get the full +12.

Feather Chorus sounds like a wonderful tune but the sadly the buzz, from what I think is you holding the mic up to the speakers, is killing the enjoyment of the song for me.

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I used posting poles for letting the player gain more trust points with the first module. Effectively, it also worked to carry some tidbits for the players to pick up that something was amiss in town as the Splatter-man haunt with the name had already begun three letters in. I also made the Spring-Heeled Jack a roaming baddy that is troubling the town during this time.

Some of the events were borrowed from other users on the forum. I kindly beg their forgiveness for using the events.

5th of Pharast, Sunday:

  • Old News: The corpses of a three sheep belonging to Councilman Gharen Muricar were discovered over the last few months by ranch hands the following mornings. The sheep’s bodies were left on the farm, mostly intact except the skin was peeled off and removed sometime during each night. Attempts to find what was causing these slayings have turned up no luck. – Benjar Caellar (This news is over a month old)
  • News about the Professor’s Death: mentions that when the body was found at the Harrowstone site, being crushed by fallen debris from the roof. (This news is 16 Days old)
  • Not so Old News: "Work of a cultist? The Blood that has been spilled over the West entrance near the Eversleep path of the Restlands has more bad news since its discovery two days ago. It’s confirmed now that the animal slayed was the same missing familiar of young Mavris Galesri, a student at the Unfurling Scroll. Benjar has asked that the site remained untouched until future notice." (This news is 6 days old, letter “V”)
  • Newer: Desecration of town hall! Overnight, seemingly the work of what might be a cultist has struck again at town hall’s west wall. Sheriff Benjar Caellar has been quoted that there are similarities to another more recent case he’s been working on, but has declined to divulge any further at this time. Benjar has asked that the site not be cleaned up until further notice. (This news is 3 days old, letter “E”).
  • The Wealday Parchment: Written by Councilman Gharen Muricar, it most speaks of farm labor rights and other small topics they discussed on the first Oathday of the month. Though the last paragraph is his upset statements over Benjar insistence on leaving the desecrations of public property up until now. The Council plans to see their removal.

6th of Pharast, Moonday:

  • Event One: This time Gibs heads to through town, steals a chicken from the closest farm and desecrates the Temple of Pharasma, splattering the blood and leaving a “S” now on the building as he continues to spell out the name. It’s quickly discovered that morning and ends up on the posting poles before breakfast. It was discovered by Father Grimburrow, who alerted Sheriff Cellar within the hour.

8th of Pharast, Wealday:

  • The Wealday Parchment: Talks only about the fact that there are suspicious new characters in town, supposedly hanging around and seen taking a few trips to the Harrowstone. Father Grimburrow confirmed they were old friends of the Lorrimor’s and declined to speak anymore on the matter.

15th of Pharast, Wealday:

  • The Wealday Parchment: Councilmen Hearthmount is rallying a petition between the other members of the Council for Ravengro to remove the bloodstains from the local areas and have put pressure on Sheriff Benjan Caeller. This coming after public outcries to the councilmen’s home. Also on the Posting Poles: Mildred Floren, over at the bakery, is looking for some day laborers. PCs can earn (2 sp for the day) Trust +1 as the pcs prove they aren’t vagrants.

22nd of Pharast, Wealday:

  • The Wealday Parchment: This one talks about the news from yesterday. How Mirtra Straelock’s home was broken into. Also a new job was posted: Taren Cowl's pet bunny, Bungo, has gone missing. Have you seen her? (+1 Trust for catching) DC-15 perception or tracking to find. (-1 trust if harmed by pc) Another job: “There is a Barn Raising in 4 days. Barlow Farm.” (+2 Trust if the pcs help).

On Moonday the 27th, Gibs or whoever the splatter man possessed, was going to use Old River to continue the ritual.

29th of Pharast, Wealday:

  • The Wealday Parchment: (If the dog had died) Heartbreaking news posted today as towns beloved mascot, Old River, was found dead. Councilman Gharen Muricar is asking for donations to erect a statue in the dog’s honor. Donations of all kinds would be appreciated. +1 Trust Point if the PCs give 100 gold or more. (if not, the parchment only announces) An estate sale for Ms. Burbager in 3 days. There is also news about a new job: Zokar the Innkeeper is looking for some day laborers. Pcs will get 1 gp for the day. Trust +1 as the pcs prove they aren’t vagrants. Another job lists: Farmer Pendergast needs his hay brought in from the fields. (He hurt his back) +2 trust, 4 SP, STR check 20.

5th of Gozran, Wealday:

  • The Wealday Parchment: Few different articles this week: Philberson wedding was a week ago. “For Sale: 1 wheelbarrow, 2 spades, 1 pitchfork, Plow with harness, 2 Scythe, misc handtools. Barlow farm”. Another job reads: Farmer Flurgenhurgen - 25 gp reward for the death of the wolf or wolves killing his goats. (+3 trust, there is a pack of 3 wolves).

Of course, even though I planned all this out on paper, the PCs worked a bit too ambitiously and were able to complete the dungeon in little over a week in-game.

Paladin & Master Summoner in theory be a good combo for a SOLO adventurer, but I am unsure of action economy. As a GM of the Carrion Crown, even with lowering some of the encounters, the AP can have nasty encounters on the off-occasion.

BuzzardB wrote:

Yes! Somehow...in SOMEway Lamashtu should get involved in this.

Guys this is plotline gold in the making.


I honestly feel that there should be an alignment hit or something because of this act.