IkeFromSpain's page
67 posts (854 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
I post an usual question about the Gunslinger, for the FAQ
So, does RAPID RELOAD and ALCHEMICAL CARTRIDGES stack? (speaking about the reload time improvement)
I.e. Standard reload action becomes free action if you have the feat Rapid Reload and you are using an alchemical cartridge.
page 140 of Ultimate Combat wrote:
[...]Alchemical cartridges make loading a firearm easier, reducing the time to load a firearm by one step (a full-round action becomes a standard action, a standard action becomes a move action, and a move action becomes a free action), [...]
Ion Raven wrote:
I also don't believe in time being worked in the same manner as the other dimensions. Why does mass stay persistent through time? Why have we never witnessed things jumping?
Just a note: Considering Time as a 4th dimension and saying that it works as any other dimension are two different things. Few people is saying that Time is a dimension under the formal definition and then speaking about unlimited time-travel. Actually time travel is often a fancy name for moving very fast in the time axis, which doesn't hurt any physical law at all.
And then you have people that speaks about actual time travel to the past, which is far beyond my comprehension.
Time is just our perception of a 4th dimension, you can't characterize anything without both spatial and temporal information.
About a 5th+ dimension I find it odd too, if there is a 5th dimension nothing interesting is happening here, because weird stuff isn't appearing from nowhere as you pointed out.
Law of conservation has nothing to do with it, if there is a 5th dimension the mass and energy in that dimension is accounted. Furthermore the laws of thermodynamics are only true in certain conditions (i.e. isolated systems for the law of conservation).
Finally, our sensory organs can't perceive everything. Actually we can't percieve most things. We can't sense most particles wandering in the universe because they are almost irrelevant to us, yet they exist. So, from a scientific point of view the existence of a 5th dimension is totally pausible, but not very interesting -in comparison to cold fusion i.e.
Fixed Link:
(boards keep inserting a whitespace inside long words)
( Link )
FuelDrop wrote: Time is an illusion.
Lunchtime doubly so.
therefore, there is no end to time.
I agree, Time is just our distorted perception of the 4th dimension.
Does the 4th dimension implode? No problem, we've still got 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimension. Let's simplify!!
I blame the economic crisis for the Time budget cut.
I sold my telly when House's 7th season finished, I know TV can hardly offer anything better.
Actually, two live-action Flintstones movies.
Leafar the Lost wrote: CHRISTMAS HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOREVER! Finally good news.
Shizvestus wrote: Steampunk has come to be a broad term in an of itself too. It is now something like mixing various themes of tech levels that would not normally go together. Like high future and past or whatever. Or just little bits. Like having hot air balloons in France carrying ships but otherwise everything else is normal. I refuse to say THAT movie, or Wild Wild West, is SteamPunk, nein! (even if they are)
Where are the raptors?, where!
Good work and nice layout, 2012 isn't going to be as bad as the aztecs thought.
What's this thread about?
Zombies that raise because of some magic and terrible, yet addictive, drug.
OamuTheMonk wrote:
So the Golem would be unaffected by the spikes, because they can't bypass it's DR, but still risk being slowed by the damage they don't inflict on it's not-wounded legs.
That still makes no sense. I'm glad my group has no druids.
If you don't take damage, secondary effects are negated, as usual for DR. Specifically, you only get slowed by this spell if you take damage (but the effect of pseudo-difficult terrain remains).
"Any creature that takes damage from this spell must also succeed
on a Reflex save to avoid injuries to its feet and legs[etc...]"
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Trivial, if the rocky ground, stone floor or similar surface has got SR it can use its SR, let grounds and floors have nice stuff!.
[Asking for spoilers]I would like to know if the spirit planchette has any use after Trial of the Beast, it is expensive, not very useful and the party wants to sell it, but they won't do it if it's a "plot" item.
31, aka too old for this.
Playing intermitently for 15 years, to be honest WEG D6 Star Wars and D&D3rd Edition are my favourites.
Male. No military service.
Btw TOZ I though you were younger (I saw a pic of yourself you posted some time ago).
Best weapon when you are involved in a zombie apocalypse?
I don't usually watch motorbike races, but I saw the accident.
Hello, do you still request art to match the texts? I did art to illustrate "In Hell’s Embrace" Part 2 & 3 by Dane Pitchford in past issues, I would like to illustrate Part 4 if it's part ot this issue, if possible..
DeathQuaker wrote:
IkeFromSpain wrote:
If I may ask, what do you think of people that uses words like feminism/sexism in order to back arguments that are not really related to feminism/sexism/etc.. but to their own personal/religious/political/whatever agenda? (not saying this thread is the case, neither it isn't)
There are people who use all forms of -isms as a scapegoat for why they don't get something they want, when in reality, it's because it's something else. For example, I had a co-worker at an Interfaith organization who once insisted he was laid off because he was Catholic, when the reality he did not do his job well, and there was ample evidence of that (and other employees there were Catholic and had no problems). The reality was he could not acknowledge his own poor behavior, and scapegoated discrimination instead.
That kind of behavior is dangerous, because it belittles and draws attention away from genuine acts of discrimination. So yes, if there is a woman who is clearly incompetent and she gets fired and says it's because of gender discrimination, her argument may undermine another woman who is very good at her job but IS getting fired because, say, she refuses to sleep with her boss, and her boss gets other people to believe she's playing the "feminism card"--because of people like woman#1--to delegitimize her case. (And believe me, that does happen.)
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and will place the blame on all manner of things, from other people to ideologies, and others are left to suffer for it.
But that's all the more reason why we must push for responsible use of the word "feminism"--and other discussions of civil rights efforts, civil treatment (such as how we depict people of different demographic groups in the media) and discriminatory issues. We can't allow the irresponsible to make it easy to discount legitimate discussions of these concerns.
Now, this is getting a little off topic. If you want to discuss it further, should we take it to email/another thread?
(emphasis mine)
I think I get the point, and I pretty much agree with everything you said.
I will refuse your kind offer for further discussion, I only post now and then and I can't really think on any argument to add.
DeathQuaker wrote: Martin Sheaffer wrote: KestlerGunner wrote: ewan cummins wrote:
The blogger is a feminist. I'm most assuredly not a feminist.
I think you need to look up the definition of the word feminist. I hope so, at least.
A feminist is someone who believes women are equal to men. When someone states that they are not a feminist what they are actually saying is that they do not feel women are equal to men. That is what the word means technically but in actual usage it has almost become a dirty word due to the actions of the more extreme members of the feminist movement (i.e. the ones who seem less interested in equality and more interested in revenge or complaining because a guy held a door open for them). I know I've worked with a lot of women in my life (programmers and ex-military) many of them very strong willed but have never known one to refer to herself as a feminist. They want to be treated equally work wise but have no issue as being treated as a lady also. Some hateful people have tried to make feminist a dirty word. They have twisted its meaning in an attempt to dehumanize the people who struggle for women's equal rights. That doesn't mean we should stop using the word with the intent of its true meaning.
I am a feminist, proudly so. I dare to believe women are also people.
Most people who use feminist as a "dirty word" do not share my beliefs. I am not going to let them "win" by allowing them to keep it as a "dirty word."
Also: the reason why this came back was a thread in "Paizo Products" that got started a couple days ago and swiftly locked. You should still be able to find it if you want to see what it was all about. If I may ask, what do you think of people that uses words like feminism/sexism in order to back arguments that are not really related to feminism/sexism/etc.. but to their own personal/religious/political/whatever agenda? (not saying this thread is the case, neither it isn't)
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Paizo, remove the Monk's naked perfect muscled oiled chest, it's sexist and makes me feel fat. And ugly.
Artist should send e-mails to Hugo? or wayfinder.fanzine@gmail.com ?
I would like to be the first to say that the sky is falling, so bills, notes and bonds won't be paid.
Furthermore, 2012, meteorites, aliens.
You guys are pussies, but I offer you to join my neo-bolshevik party.
That's what we'll do after winning elections:
1. A Looong Night of Long Knives
2. Illegalization of every political party in the Congress, specially the neo-bolshevik party, prosecution of any surviving politician.
3. Announcement of elections the day after the elections, new parties .
4. Medals for anyone with the guts to start a new political party.
5. New Elections
6. Repeat
I'm pretty sure it was the Ministry of Silly Walks.
And now for something completely different...
Chuck Wright wrote: KaeYoss wrote:
If cows laid eggs, they would be the best animal ever.
I don't know... bacon still comes from pigs. I agree, ham, bacon and blood sausage > milk, eggs and beef
Bacon without eggs would be a tragedy but I prefer ham.
Pixel Cube wrote: It's pronounced Iomedae.
Being Italian may suck, but at least we pronounce the words exactly as we write them.
Spaniards agree with you: /iomɛdɑɛ/
7 people marked this as a favorite.
"I don't know what kind of dices or cards D&D5E will be played with, but D&D6E will be played with sticks and stones"
-Some silly guy
Mikaze, I read the thread just because I expected porn, I can't see it :p (j/k)
My experience: I don't do this as DM, but it happens, for different reasons.
* One of my friends thinks that any non-human (that includes elfs, demielfs, etc..) creature should be killed in the most horrible way, but that's prolly because he used to be as racist as the devil and thinks that anyone in a medieval setting should be a racist xenophobic redneck bastard. So, every time he DMs (thanks god 1 time per year) we forget about choosing races.
* When RPGs were utterly unbalanced and provided little or no advice to DMs we used racism to balance broken races (i.e. drows as shown in some AD&D2 accesory), the habit is still here.
* We have a player that chooses human every time we make a campaign for alternative races, alternative races every time we start a campaign for humans, wizards when we play a low-magic campaign, etc. now everyone makes jokes about his characters because of the player.
* "Realism", IMO the worst concept you can introduce in a RPG after "Metagaming".
Twigs wrote: IkeFromSpain wrote: If you want to play Advanced D&D 2nd Edition you need to read the whole book, except maybe spells. Yes, that's what I was afraid of. :P
Thanks for the advice. Now the good news: Most pages of the PH are for spells, and the book isn't that big.
Ah, the magic items can be found in the DMG iirc.
My opinion:
If you just want to run an old module, get it, read it, modify it and play it using the 3E/3.5/Pathfinder rules you already know. You just need to adjust the encounters and maybe a few spells and skill uses. The overall plot should be useful in any edition.
That's my option because learning a new system is prolly going to get more time than modifying the encounters.
If you want to play Advanced D&D 2nd Edition you need to read the whole book, except maybe spells. If you want to play something different than a module you also need to read the 2E DMG.
Some rules are scattered all along the book, which is a real PITA, but there are less rules.
You have to understand that 2ndEd combat is abstract in many ways, specially movement, similar to True20 or Mutant&Masterminds but older and even more abstract. You roll initiative each round, the weapon used gives you a modifier to initiative (iirc spells are cast later and ranged weapons shoot first). You can move a lot (1 minute rounds), there aren't 5' steps or Attacks of Oportunity. However once you get engaged with an enemy you can only flee or move to attack a distant enemy suffering some penalties. There are many differences so you have to read all the rules.
If you want to DM you own campaign in 2ndEd you have two choices: a) hard work and testing in order to make balanced encounters. b) assume that you are gonna kill a player character each week and quickly choose monsters as you wish.
As others said before there isn't CR or good encounter-making rules in 2nd Ed. Every monster has got an xp value... but this xp value is usually wrong, it isn't based in the actual tested power of the monster but a simple table that isn't fair at all. In other words: It is common to find monsters of 500xp that are more powerfull than 2000 xp monsters, just the same problem with moderm games CRs, but way worse.
Hugo Solis wrote: Sorry for disappearing guys, but things were SUPER busy the last 40+ days, but here we are now.
The current status is still in editing, buty now is nearlly all complete. All art is done except for the cover, which should be ready in the next few days, so, february is the month of Wayfinder 4!
COming up next (and real soon afterwards) is Wayfinder 5, the printed PaizoCon 2011 edition! So stay tuned, for this one will have a tight deadline!
pre w00t !!
Gninjita wrote: >.>
* tries to backstab the ninja *
* fails *
* dies by ninja's sword anime-style, spreading blood all over the place*
houstonderek wrote: Ike, your stuff is good, dude, don't sell yourself short. My only suggestion would be don't be afraid of the graphite on your pencil pieces. Making the shadows darker and layering will give them even more depth. Thank you, you've got a good eye for art, that is one of the common suggestions or complaints I have received from all the teachers i have had.
Hello Mikaze, IMHO you may get positive responses from some of those artists if they aren't busy, the price of illustrations seem to be very variable.
Otherwise, I'm below the level of those artists, but if it suits you I'm available:
Just a request, can you guys manage to license Pathfinder for a spanish translation so it can outsell 4E here too?
Rumor has it that is wasn't possible to reach an agreement with local publishers because Paizo wanted to publish a big ammount of APs and adventures but the spanish-language market can't absorb more books than the core rules, bestiary and campaing setting.
I would want to know Paizo's version because they have been accused of lacking flexibility when licensing localized versions.
Gruumash is banned for being a punk with sharp teeth, a scar, an earring and a headband.
Ask a Succubus wrote: Dear Ike from Spain,
Just to tease and tantalise you, I shall point out that there has been a spoiler elsewhere on the boards as to the nature of some of the super awesome content scheduled to feature in Wayfinder #4...
Hoping this has you working yourself up into a frenzy of anticipation... ;)
Ask A Succubus.
Thanks, unfortunately I missed that post, this is what I get from unscrewing my head, now I have to buy a special allen wrench to screw it again, 120$... expensive bastards...
N'wah wrote: I'm gonna put on my helm of unreliable divination and fire off some estimates, based on what (little) info I've got on development so far. Being the B-lister on this and many other projects, I'm not on the "need to know" list most of the time.
I'm going to guess that Wayfinder #4 is still in final editing and layout; this is the nebulous part of the timeframe, where it really depends on how much more work is needed. I'd guess it's only a few days' worth. Once the contributors find a copy in their Inbox, assuming they still plan to do that, expect the final version to appear within a handful of days. Vic is pretty darn quick to get those things live.
Other potential delays might involve if we're getting a Paizo Blog entry (which we have every time so far), and where that might fit in the Store Blog schedule.
So, pulling a date outta my ass, I'm gonna guess... Tuesday, January 11th, at 6 pm Pacific time. If the project's done and only requires review and uploading, it'll be up on this Friday. If Vic's outta town or something, I'll go with the Friday after that.
And I DARE everyone to conspire to prove me wrong and make it appear this Wednesday. :D
I just unscrewed my head because I can't wait anymore, I will only screw it again in order to read Wayfinder 4.
Jess Door wrote: I did not receive any art requests. Were any sent my way? Or are they still going out? fwiw, I should finish my assignment before December 10th.
N'wah wrote: I like it. Will you be finishing on paper, or do you do digital afterward? I'm curious about the methods of my fellow-artists. Digital color and lines for that illustration look everyone demands, I'm regreting it because the tablet pen isn't working properly and causes me some shoulder pain.
Tyler wrote: IkeFromSpain wrote: I got my art order too, sketch done, still haven't painted it because I'm lazy and I suck. Nice ones, guys!
I've done the sketch+lazylineart and I'm painting over it right now. I plan to go back through and ~accessorize~ a little bit but mostly that's what I'm going to use. Looks good, I like his face the most.
I got my art order too, sketch done, still haven't painted it because I'm lazy and I suck.
Jess Door wrote: Art assignments gone out yet? I haven't received any, and wanted to make sure I didn't miss (or my overeager spam blocker didn't block) any art assignment emails! No, afaik. However I received an e-mail from Hugo a few days ago in order to confirm how many pieces I was going to make.
Hugo Solis wrote: IkeDoe wrote: Hello, have the art orders been assigned?
If you sent an email to me, It haven't been received. Art orders haven't gone out yet, the editors are still munching on the articles. Thanks, good, my GPU died the past week and I won't receive the new card until Wednesday.
Hugo Solis wrote: Art orders will ome soon now guys, so, color yourselves up! I'm sharpening my pencils right now.