While you discuss if you can possess Zero of something and how do you own the incredible ammount of zero Ferraris, mark it for FAQ, plz: Link to UC Errata Thread
ENHANCEMENT BONUSES (TO ARMOR/SHIELD AC) I'm not sure if it's worth an errata, but certainly it's worth a FAQ entry or some improvement in the core rulebook wording. Summing up, the problem could be expressed with the question, if a wear a +2 buckler and I cast the Shield Spell, my AC against physical attacks is (ignoring other bonuses): 14? 16? --
Back in the 3rdEd/3.5 days enhancement bonuses, and all bonuses, were explained in detail on some page of the Dungeon Master Guide. Unfortunatelly that description was never written in the d20 SRD.
The explanations about how enhancement bonuses work are different in different places of the book, and all the info is scattered. The wording about how enhancement bonuses to AC stack with other bonus to AC is sometimes terrible. The issue isn't often asked, as many 3.5 veterans already know how it works, however it's confusing (even for experienced players) and I'm sure that many new players and GMs are doing it wrong... and don't know it.
As we know the enhancement bonus of an item doesn't apply to the user, it actually enhances a bonus granted by that item, subtle but big difference (for further info: Articles in the WotC site, look for "Does It Stack?" ).
--- The wording: Chapter 6 Equipment/ Section Armor (page 149) says that armor grants a armor bonus, shields grant shield bonus. And obviously a shield bonus to AC won't stack with another shield bonus to AC, same for the armor bonus. No info about enhancement bonus to AC, but works for me. In Chapter 8 (Combat)/ Section Combat Statistics / Armor Class/ Other Modifiers (page 179), there's a nice text:
As happen often in the Core Rulebook armor is used for "armors only" in some sentences and "armor and shields" in other sentences. Writting "They apply to the armor (or shield) to increase the armor (or shield) bonus it provides" instead, wouldn't hurt. In Chapter 15 (Magic Items)/ Section Armor(page 461) the following sentence tries to explain:
Regular armor bonus? What's a regular armor? or a regular bonus? What's not a regular armor bonus? One could say that the armor bonus from Mage Armor is as usual and regular as anything else, and the magic armor enhancement bonus would stack with mage armor, if the set of armor bonus doesn't stack the enhancement bonus still do, nothing prevents that.Enhancement bonuses raise the armor's armor bonus as said in chapter 8, the actual wording in chapter 15 is weird, overcomplicated and prolly wrong. In chapter 8 it increases the armor bonus, in chapter 15 it stacks with "regular" armor bonuses, not the same. In page 462 shields are "explained".
So, shield enhancement bonuses don't stack with a shield bonus? Do they stack with ANY shield bonus? maybe... magic armor means "armor" in some sentences, "armor and shield" in other sentences? On a side note, "All magic armor is also masterwork armor, reducing armor check penalties by 1.", the same should apply to shields (nothing said in the magic item section), as explained somewhere in Chapter 6.
Kick 'em in the teeth where it hurts! Kill! Kill! Kill! Filthy bastards! Wizards! I hate ' em, I hate 'em! Aaaah! Aaaah!
From this thread: Culverin rules in page 137 of UC (Firearm Descriptions)
From the Culverin description wrote:
1st. No grapeshot stats in UC, for firearms the rules say pellets. 2nd. The usual wording is something like "uses a bullet or pellets and a single dose of black powder or a single alchemical cartridge as ammunition." (from Blunderbluss).
3rd. What's the size of the Cone when making a scattering shot? Other weapons state the size of the cone in their descriptions, looks like we have to use the Culverin range as the cone size.
Laurefindel wrote:
I agree, finessable yes, light no. Even the rapier is NOT light. Giving katanas the same TWF penalty as wakizashis, shortswords or daggers (-2 instead of -4) does actually modify the game and doesn't make the game more realist. If someone wants a character wielding two one-handed-weapons without penalties there are options in the APG.
As I see it, the rogue relies in teamwork and the DM preferences, since most players hate teamwork and don't want to depend on the DM preferences the rogue hate is guaranteed.
If the caster doesn't want to hear about support magic the Rogue can use UMD to buff himself, very easy for him. But the wands cost money and casting greater invisibility is very expensive (scrolls only). If it is a low magic game you better go for a rogue/fighter, because a high level rogue without UMD would be useless. Evasion is an important ability... but some DMs don't use Bestiary creatures that use that kind of magic and don't make use of enemy wizards. If the DM makes Evasion useless then one of your few advantages over most other classes is useless and you better forget about the rogue or choose an APG archetype. Some DMs just ignore skill challenges, if the campaign is about combat then being one of the characters with more skill points and class skills in the game is useless. If you want to make use of Acrobatics you need high Dex. The game hates high Dex. builds, and you need to convince the DM to make mithral stuff available (and houserule Celestial armors). ------- In ideal conditions the rogue can be very useful both in combat and out of combat. With the new APG talents, SA+invisibility or greater invisibility allows you to deal a huge ammount of damage, it isn't true that it "doesn't deal so much damage", it actually DOES so much damage in ideal conditions.
The Ninja, instead (talking about the playtest Ninja, haven't seen the final version yet), has got most of those things guaranteed. No spellcaster, no UMD? No problem, use talents to become invisible (even greater invisibility). It doesn't make it much better than a Rogue that gets the same with magic or magic items, but the Rogue won't have that magic in many campaigns, the Ninja will, so making those Ninja Tricks into Rogue Talents doesn't seem a bad idea.
Sebastian wrote:
In my country we throw chocolate-haters off a cliff, only aliens in disguise, mutants or psychos with too many Y chromosomes like things like strawberry ice cream. Some scientist said that taste has genetic basis, and everyone liked chocolate because we were killing everyone who doesn't, we threw him off the cliff too in order to stop the heresy.I'm glad you brought that up. |