
Hobart Grimtooth's page

94 posts. Alias of Dorgar.

Those that have managed to drift together along the road head out from the small village of Krum. Heading northeast for two days along the foothills of the mountains. the middle of the second day they begin to see the occasional farm or cottage off the main trail. It is hard for several of you to consider it a true road having traveled some impressive works of engineering.
As afternoon begins to wane as you crest a hill you see across the valley a town with a wooden palisade. buildings spilling out dotting the valley here and there more organized the closer they come to the walls.
The keep sits atop the hill. behind it a beautiful waterfall cascades down the sheer side of the mountain. The spray and mist putting a rainbow like halo over the town in the afternoon sun. You have arrived at Heron Falls.

Grand Lodge

The OOC thread for the campaign.

The life of a hero often has humble beginnings. You find yourself in Heron Falls a backwater town that had seen better days. Baron Saben Lumont wasn't half the ruler his father was still not a cruel or petty lord just incompetent. Whether you are a native with dreams or a traveler come for your own reasons you have heard that Baron Lumont has sent out a call for heroes. Be it a life long dream or convenient way to make a few coin you have decided to answer the call.

The background:
Homebrew world. The kingdom of Thraydria is old and stable it's golden days in it's past it holds it head high knowing it is stagnating. Heron Falls sits at the base of the majestic waterfall it takes as it's namesake. In the northern border reaches of Thraydria it stands as a bastion of civilization in a wild neglected region of the kingdom. The local nobility have grown lax and largely complacent. The Mountains of Horthus loom over the town harboring unknown dangers

20pt. buy pathfinder base classes. 1st lvl 2 background traits + 1 more if you take a drawback. Core races. No gunslingers(think classic fantasy feel), archetypes require final approval but if you want to use one please let me know with your submission. Use pathfinder gods for convenience of play. Include background for pc.

I would like to take 6 pc's new players welcome. Post min 1/ day. Rp heavy rules light ( I would rather let you attempt something creative than worry about mechanics. That being said I do try to be consistent in what you can expect on rulings....(ie. Bob wont be able to attempt to hop a table in the middle of his charge against the bandits on one occasion then when Linn tries the same style move over a boulder during the goblin ambush it's a no go).

The Plan :
I would like to manage expectations here. This will be slightly sandboxy with some hooks here and there would like for things to develop organically. Players really want to hunt treasure in some dungeon then those options will be there the party decides the life on the road is there calling then away we go.
I will commit to getting the group to 5th lvl if everyone is still into the pbp than lets travel on if not I hope everyone had a fun ride. I don't want players laying out 20 lvls of build and then being bummed later if the pbp meets that dark black fate of dying. I will keep an one on recruitment and announce when it closes. I will be looking toward creating a balanced group so if two good wizard concepts are there then adding a third means you have competition so make um shine. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.

Grand Lodge

OK I know that the five new factions all correspond to one of the originals. As far as handouts go are there any written out in the flavor (in their voice) of the new faction heads somewhere. If not are we allowed to write up versions to hand to players at our tables as long as it contains the pertinent mission info? Could we possibly create a resource thread here for a compiled list perhaps. It just bugs me to have to potentially have to hand over a "silver crusade" letter that is Andoran etc.

Grand Lodge

Any word on when we will see the player's guide for this AP? I know the pirates book will be out soon, and our group is chomping at the bit to get their hot little hands on everything to start working up the party! Arrrrr!!

Grand Lodge

Just to let you guys know Humans of Golarion is still showing as a pre order. I added it to my order yesterday with them hoping they would go ahead and ship it with the rest, but they had it as a separate shipment for January 2012. I spoke with a customer rep last night and she said that she would set it up to be checked out. I still thought you guys might want to know as well. I also noticed Dungeons of Golarion still is showing as a pre order as well on Amazon.

Grand Lodge

I recently listened to the most recent Know Direction Podcast and heard at the end of season 2 before season 3 a 3 part "First Steps" arc was going to be available. Can anyone tell me more about this or point me in the right direction if it is listed as an upcoming product? I may have missed it.

Grand Lodge

The Gronzi Forest was waking from it's winter slumber at the temple of Erastil's Grove. Brother Refan had called for Nomel and Hakak to attend him in his study after they broke their fast. Hakak's great olive tinged hand patted Wolf as they rose from the table. He tossed the great white wolf the last of his bacon, "Here greedy guts."
The wolf waged his tail devouring the bacon his half orc had tossed him not letting a morsel touch the floor. The trio made their way to the elder's study knocking lightly on the door.
"Enter." The old man called.
"A raven came yesterday from Restov.It would seem the Swordlords request the church send aid to their cause. They intend to map the Stolen Lands it seems. Their is talk in settling the region they ask if we would be interested in assisting in this endeavor." Refan paused.
"There are rumors flying quick as jays that Surtova intends to name himself King, of course these are nothing new but, the rumors grow like cold wind on the mist and vales. If this is the case the Swordlords will surely revolt and seek to shore up their backsides. Yet if they plan on sending common folk south it is a crop that need nurturing and protection. I have agreed to send you two south as guides for their exploratory party. It will be to you to see Old Deadeye's will be done not these Swordlords."

Nomel nodded, "Of course Elder. Hakak and myself are honored to be selected. We will set forth at once for Restov."
Hakak smiled in agreement, "Aye it is as Nomel says. It will be good to see new lands."

Grand Lodge

Hi all,

I am getting ready to start a Kingmaker campaign and one of the party concepts is having the players be from one of the noble houses of Brevory.
Not the direct heir but a cousin or nephew to the Lord or Lady of the house (potential ruler) and other members of the family or servants of the house making up the rest of the party. I right now have the first two installments of the AP and will be picking up the rest in the next month or so. Do any of the houses make appearances as antagonists, or appear in a way that makes this a bad idea? Thanks for any forthcoming help.

Grand Lodge

After much debating and finagling characters were done. I started off the day before the festival so people had a chance to get into town, and run around a little before the big day. The town was bustling with locals decorating and getting ready for the festival. Cassandra decided she was going to set up a harrowing booth so she could tell fortunes the next day. I am using the great games that Delthos created so they were being set up in the marketplace as well. Freyhim and Alister came into town at the south bridge and after a quick stop by Two Knights Brewery where Alister was rather disappointed that they didn't brew potions they headed for the Rusty Dragon.
They bumped into Gilbert who was enjoying a hearty breakfast. He plays the fiddle, and was happy to take Freyhim up on his invitation to accompany him while Freyhim played his pan pipes. It didn't take long for the atmosphere to become festive as everyone got into a start the party early kinda mood.
Meanwhile Mogan and Arcaden entered the north gate where Mogan received a warm welcome from the Thinwhistle(halfling) brothers who were on Guard duty at the gate. Everyone in town had about giving up on Mogan for dead when they heard word of the slaughter at Ravenmoor Gulch where his fighting unit met their doom. Mogan's first order of business was to head to the new cathedral (It was far from complete last time he saw it over two years ago) and pay homage to his Patron Sarenrae. He met his old friend Ulfire who showed them around the cathedral before joining them in a trip to the Rusty Dragon which word had spread that Gilbert and some fellow from Magnimar were getting the joint moving. The session ended with the morning of the festival commencing. I am really looking forward to the next session we are doing a biweekly game. I also am encouraging players to keep an in character journal by offering bonus xp for worthy entries. I will add these as I receive them. next session should be very fun as we gt the celebration then the surprise.

Slim was happy his bar was full most of his rooms too. The ale was flowing, and he was engaging in one of his favorite pastimes gossip. An old friend of his had pulled in today Hobart Gerabaldi a caravan master that traveled across Kingdoms. It seems he had just got in from a long hull with a load of Darkwood all the way from Darkmoon Vale You don't Say? So last you heard the whole of northern Andoran come down with this Blackscour Taint huh?

Grand Lodge

Do you want to run a Kingmaker pbp? Dread looking through all those concepts you are going to get? Wish you could get a group with characters that you know are going to work together have a shared background? Look no further we are the group you are looking for.

we have Kalsgrim Lodovka (paladin or Sorcerer) who is a younger scion of House Lodovka that has been sent forth with his retainers the Nowicki brothers a ranger, and cavalier (order of the lion) with a charter from the Swordlords.Kalsgrim's friend (Dalthom's Eldrich Knight)has joined the party. Janku (cleric of Gorum),Servayan (bard or Summoner) and Corso (Rouge) are brothers who are connected to the Surtova family Janku and Servayan do not yet know that Corso is their half brother(future Plot Development). They met up with the party preparing to head to the Stolen Lands when they overheard them discussing the preparations, and asked to join the endeavor as their own prospects in their family were none to grand. A chance to help found a fledgling kingdom appealed to them as well.
So if you would like to run Kingmaker for us we would love to play.

Grand Lodge

Hey everyone here are the traits I worked up I tried to balance them with existing traits let me know what you think if you use um. I posted them in the community created stuff but thought I would toss them ouit here so if anyone was looking for traits. I did amend the Big Game Hunter after Gigglestick brought up his point.

Big Game Hunter: You are an experienced hunter of the large creatures that stalk the Varisian wilds. Benefit: You gain a +1 to attack rolls and a +1 bonus on weapon damage against Large or bigger Magical Beasts, Animals, and Vermin.

City Born: You grew up in Magnimar, Korvosa, or Riddleport, one of the Varisia city-states. You are educated and well informed on the news and needs of your home and hold tight to the knowledge that your city-state is unquestionably greater than the others.
Benefit: Magnimar gain +1 to diplomacy and it is always a class skill for you.
Korvosa gain +1 to intimidate and it is always a class skill for you.
Riddleport gain +1 to bluff and it is always a class skill for you.

Country Born: You come from a rural area of Varisia it could be you are from the Hinterlands, or you may be from one of a number of small communities sprinkled across Varisia. The hard work needed to live a rustic life has given you a strong will to perceiver.
Benefit: gain a +1 bonus on all wills saves.

Extra: You have often gotten bit parts in Cyrdak’s various productions.
Benefit: You gain +1 to perform (Sing) and (Oratory) one of these is always a class skill for you.

Local: You were born and raised right here in Sandpoint as a result you have excellent insight into the community.
Benefit: You gain a +1 to diplomacy and +1 to sense motive when dealing with Sandpoint and Hinterland folk. One of these is always a class skill for you.

Lone Wolf: Although you may have grown up in a city. You have lived a long and lonely and were forced to fend for yourself.
Benefit: Your vigorous health grants you a +1 fort bonus.

Teller of Tales: You spend much of your time spinning yarns at the Hagfish. You can tell doozies with the best of um.
Benefit: You gain a +1 to bluff and it is always a class skill for you.

Totem Spirit: You are closely and mystically tied to your tribe’s totem. You must be a member of the Shoanti tribe to take this trait.
Benefit: Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan) You gain a +1 to will Saves.
Shadde-Quah (Axe Clan) You gain an extra round of rage if you have that ability, or +1 to intimidate and it is always a class skill for you.
Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) You gain a +1 to your initiative.
Shundar-Quah (Spire Clan) You gain a +1 on fort saves.
Sklar-Quah (Sun Clan) You gain a +1 on reflex saves.
Skoan-Quah (Skull Clan) You gain +2 damage against all undead.
Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan) Your base speed is increased by 5’.

Varisian Tattoo: These tattoos mark you as a worker of the ancient traditions of Varisian magic.
You gain +1 to the DC’s of one school of magic that you cast. You also get a +1 bonus to your spellcraft checks.

Grand Lodge

I don't know if this is the right spot, but if there could be more child avatars that would be great; particularly a certain group of youngsters from Crown of the Kobald King. Anyone else see a need for a missing element of avatars pbp gm's I'm looking at you.

feel free to jump in, and role play. we will have a few days before things get rolling in earnest.

Rain falls from the gray sky. The roads little more then streams of mud oozing toward the swollen banks of the River Foam. A dreary blanket of disease has covered the town, and those who aren't sick seem to be reluctant to brave the wet muck. There is one place that is busy "Roots and Remedies" the herbalist shop where the sick are huddled underneath the porch waiting for a poultice or salve to sooth their pain.

Across the banks of the river a caravan master hurries to hitch his teams to the wagons of dark-wood awaiting him; leaving his wagons of goods bound for town with with mister Snorgen an adjunct of the Lumber Consortium.

Grand Lodge

OK everyone here is our out of character thread. everyone can talk about there concepts and start working on crunch I know at least two of you submitted concepts that were open on what class you would ultimately take.I don't know who has experience with the mods I am running and who doesn't, and thats fine. If you do know please keep meta-knowledge separate from character knowledge. I also may be changing some things from the way they are written so don't be surprised if things aren't exactly the same. I think I know who is planning on being local and who is not. I plan to email locals a bio on town folks and what not. For those that are not local I was thinking of having you coming into town as caravan guards.
If someone has a different idea please let me know nothing is written in stone. I know we have several folks pretty new to pbp myself included. so I will post later some tips on making a character in your profile. Welcome to the group everybody. I think we are in for a good time from the concepts I got. I also would like to thank Set he has been on the ball with helping out answer questions for people, and I appreciate that.
More to come in a bit.

Grand Lodge

I am pretty new to PBP, but I want to give dming in this format a try. Before I take on an AP. I thought I would run a smaller scale campaign using hollows last hope & curse of the kobald king. I will allow play test classes. I will take six characters. 25pt buy. use the die roller here on site. please submit concepts to johns.anglin(at)yahoo(dot)com.
no need to write up full characters before final selection will take all submissions into account not first come first serve. post rate once a day min. I look forward to getting a group together and giving this thing a try.

Grand Lodge

So anyone planning on running some scenarios online? I would love to play, and I just gm (CotCT right now) for my local group. maybe will pick up a few scenarios myself to get the ball rolling. any word on how season zero mods are being run? as is or adjusting to PFRPG?

Grand Lodge


Varg lawful good half orc Rouge yet another child of the streets. he grew up on the rough and tumble docks of Korvosa. He learned to ply the skills needed to survive at a young age with his good friend Benvin a fellow urchin who was like a brother to him. He has a birthmark on his forehead that remarkably resembles the hammer of Torag, and has always felt draw to his shrine. The priests there always looked kindly on Varg, and done their best to keep him on a righteous path giving odd jobs and a place to stay when they can. One day Varg couldn't find Benvin. Nearly a month pasted before he saw him again in one of the city's many markets turns out Gadrean had recruited Benny, and now the boy was stuck. Over the next several months Varg continued to try to get his friend to break away from the gang. He thought he had almost convinced him one day when an old swooped out of the shadows boxing poor Benny about the head. That was the last day he ever saw Benny, and Varg swore one day he would make the old coot pay.

Kalib Nanoosh lawful neutral human priest/monk of Irori. Kalib spent his youth at a small hidden monastery to Irori in the Mindspin mountains when he returned to his mother a young man and initiate of Irori he learned of his younger brothers descent into shiver addiction ending in his demise. Kalib determined he would discover who was responsible for poisoning his little brothers body and spirit and bring them to justice. After many months of searching all roads lead to Gadrean.

The Exchange

Greetings, May you walk in shade along a clear stream all of your days. I am Samir Al Sa'eed, and I bid you welcome. Please enjoy a cool beverage, or perhaps the hooka. I believe the other factions have begun to bicker now is the time to begin deciding how to split their wealth for the glory of the Pasha. I am a humble bard in the service of the Pasha. I hope that we may meet in our travels for the glory of Qadira.

Grand Lodge

I am planning on running PFS mods when they become available I was curious if there were any other GMs out there in the area who would like to split the mods so they don't have to eat them all. I would like to play in some of the mods before I GM them for my group, or others. I was also curious if there were any players out there who were looking to play in PFS as I don't yet have six players for a full table. I know that there is going to be a pathfinder society page up soon, but I thought I would throe this out there.

Grand Lodge

Hello all, I was curious if there were any other folks out there in the Ft.Worth, Tx. Area who are planning on GMing or Playing in PFS? Please feel free to shout out your home turf of wheere you are going to be trying to Organize play. Just maybe we will discover other Paizonians in are area . I am going to GM and have a few players who will probably play, but would love to find at least one other GM so maybe we could take turns eating the mods. Playing some would be nice. Is there any way to know ig local game stores are approved?

Looking forward to running and playing,


Grand Lodge

Happy Birthday Erik I just wanted to say that we appreciate all your hard work and Hope you have A great Birthday!

Grand Lodge

How do I add a module or something like the harrow deck to ship with my pathfinder sub? I couldn't figure out how to do it any help would be appreciated.

Grand Lodge

Anyone know when we could see a character sheet for alpha? I was going to try and do a one shot of Hollow's Last Hope for some folks this weekend and some sheets would go a long way on cutting down on the confusion for people.

Grand Lodge

I would love to get into a campaign. I will be running it for my local group eventually, and would like to play in it before I run it.