
Hildane's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I had no idea that it would take so long (four days and still pending -- shipping in 8-16 days?). Is there any way that order can just be canceled and my money refunded?

I looked through my account for a cancel subscription button, but I couldn't find one. I've seen people post here, so I thought I'd give this a try.

I also tried to post once before and got redirected to an archived post. I hope this doesn't end up double posting.

Anyway, please cancel my subscription.



I looked through my control panel to see how to cancel a subscription. I didn't find anything. I've seen people post cancellations here, so I figured I'd give this a try.

I'd like to cancel my Pathfinder subscription.



I see that there is a 50% off sale, so I am considering picking up four or five of these. Any recommendations as to which ones are the best?

I've been working my campaign towards the "Expedition to Castle Greyhawk," and we are getting close. One thing I've wanted to do is have something on hand to fill in some of the empty levels (right now I'm looking at levels 2 and 3 of the Tower of War. Does anyone have any ideas for products that might help with this?

I just got the PDF of "Greyhawk Ruins," and I like some of the stuff of Zagig's Tower. Most of the stuff for the Tower of War won't work. I've been thinking about grabbing "Castle Whiterock," but it's a little pricey to grab without seeing it.

Does anyone have any input? Will I be able to loot layers out of "Whiterock"? Does anyone have any other suggestions of good dungeon levels to substitute (the more specific the better!)?

Maybe someone can help me out a bit. By chance, I have all four of the Dunegons that contained the Greyhawk map, but only 3 of the map sections. I'd like to replace my missing section, but I want to be sure to order the correct issue.

Here are the sections I have:

1)Corusk Mountains/Ice Barbarians/Snow Barbarians
2)Veluna, Shield Lands, Horned Society
3)120 -- it's shrinkwrapped

So, can anyone tell which one I'm missing? Thanks for your help!

I just opened a Pathfinder AP subscription, and I was hoping to go ahead and DL the PDF for the first part of the new path. It doesn't show up under "My Downloads." Do I need to do something to get the PDF to show up?

Organized Play Characters

The Exchange Fijit Wiggins

Female Gnome Ranger (0 posts)
The Concordance Aulurius

NG Dwarf Druid 1 HP:10/14 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 | CMB:+2 CMD:14 | Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:+5 (+2 v poison, spell, Sp)| Init:+4 | Per:+7 darkvision | Spells 1:2/2 | Active conditions: (165 posts)
Old Ones Cultist
Sovereign Court Daji Boneheart

CN Ifrit Oracle 1 HP3/9 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | Resist: Fire5 | CMB:+2 CMD:13 | Saves F:+1 R:+1 W:+2 (+2 vs poison, disease, & mind-affecting effects) | Init:+7 | Per:+0 darkvision, SM+4 | | Spells 1:2/4 | Burning Hands(Sp): 1/1 | Speed: 20ft | Active Conditions: (141 posts)
Grand Lodge Moria Dolar

CG Dwarf Barbarian 1 HP:3/15 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 | CMB:+4 CMD:16 | Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:+2 (+2 v poison, spell, Sp)| Init:+4 | Per:+5 darkvision | | Rage: 0/6 rounds | (90 posts)
The Concordance Rega Nin

NG Kitsune Hunter 1 HP:9/9 | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 | CMB:+0 CMD:13 | Saves F:+3 R:+5 W:+3 | Init:+5 | Per:+7 low-light | | Spells 1:2/2 | Active conditions: (69 posts)
The Concordance Niva Ray

NG Sylph investigator 1 HP:10/10 | AC:15 T:13 FF:12 (+2 vs nonmagical ranged attacks)| CMB:+1 CMD:14 | Saves F:+1 R:+5 W:+2 | Resist: Electricity 5 | Init:+5 | Per:+4 darkvision (+5 trapfinding) | Extracts 1:1/2 (1 prepared 0 open)| Inspiration: 2/3 | Active conditions: (45 posts)
Goblin Witch
Grand Archive Kloink

CG Female Goblin Alchemist 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17[T] | F: +6[E] R: +7[E] W: +3[T] | Perc: +3[T] Stealth: +5[T] | Speed 25 ft | Darkvision | Infused Reagents 1/5 | Infused Creations: Alchemist's Fire 2/2, Acid Flask 2/2, Elixir of Life (minor) 2/2, Eagle-Eye Elixir 1/2 | Active conditions: None (73 posts)


GM Roxxie

The Confirmation | Oathbreakers Die (277 posts)
The Huntress

Companion Cat, Big (Tiger) animal 1 HP:6/11 | AC:14 T:13 FF:11 | CMB:+2 CMD:15 (19 v trip) | Saves F:+4 R:+6 W:+2 | Init:+3 | Per:+6 scent | | Default Trick: Defend | Current Conditions: (20 posts)
Grand Lodge Moria Fatigued

CG Dwarf Barbarian 1 HP:3/15 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | CMB:+3 CMD:14 | Saves F:+4 R:+1 W:+2 (+2 v poison, spell, Sp)| Init:+3 | Per:+5 darkvision | | Fatigued: 6/6 rounds | (12 posts)
Grand Lodge Moria Raging

CG Dwarf Barbarian 1 HP:5/17 | AC:14 T:10 FF:12 | CMB:+6 CMD:16 | Saves F:+4 R:+2 W:+4 (+2 v poison, spell, Sp)| Init:+4 | Per:+5 darkvision | | Rage: 0/6 rounds | (10 posts)
Pink the Panther

Companion Cat, Big (Panther) animal 1 HP:7/10 | AC:14 T:13 FF:11 | CMB:+2 CMD:15 (19 v trip) | Saves F:+4 R:+6 W:+2 | Init:+3 | Per:+6 scent | Default Trick: Defend (Rega Nin) | Current Conditions: (8 posts)
Marquess Tanasha Starborne
Rizz Boughcrack

NG Female Gnome Druid 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 | F +5 R +3 W +9 | Perc +7 | Stealth +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Focus 2/2 | Spells 1: 2/2 | Hero Points: 2/3 | Active Conditions: --- (52 posts)
Roxxie's 2EPreGen

Merisiel Female CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56 | AC 22 | F: +9 R: +13 W: +11 | Perc: +11 Stealth: +13 | Speed 35 ft | Low-light Vision | Active Conditions: (49 posts)