Hidari's page
RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 40 posts (41 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Congrats and good luck first timers! :) woot! woot!
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Finally saw my item!!
And yeah... it could use some editing. :/ Well, first year is a learning experience.
+ 3 something and something of something, something, something, something weapon... smh.
Happy New Year to you and all those you listed as well!
I hope I get to see my item before the cull, who knows if it'll make the cut.
I think I just stumbled upon a google translated item.
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theheadkase wrote: Hidari wrote: Thomas LeBlanc wrote: Why do so many items lack a description of how they look? I'm one of the people that made that mistake. I'm a first-timer, I was so worried about the formatting, and pricing and the mechanics I forgot the description, and then got excited about submitting on time, I submitted without letting it sit for a day and coming back to it.
Guilty as charged :/ My first year I was guilty of the opposite, the Intellectual's Clay Pipe spent much of its small wordcount describing it and boiled down to a +5 bonus on any (trained or untrained) knowledge check. I learned hard from that year to sit on an idea for a day or two after drafting. I'm used to writing and editing and sitting on, but I guess I just got carried away by the first-timer excitement :)
A Superstar learning experience :) And I've been learning a lot by reading the messageboards.
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Thomas LeBlanc wrote: Why do so many items lack a description of how they look? I'm one of the people that made that mistake. I'm a first-timer, I was so worried about the formatting, and pricing and the mechanics I forgot the description, and then got excited about submitting on time, I submitted without letting it sit for a day and coming back to it.
Guilty as charged :/
Brigg wrote: Feros wrote: Hidari wrote: I seem to be liking bard inspired items. They're rare and fun. Have you encountered the one designed by someone who really doesn't like bards yet? I saw that one and it made me sad...:( I haven't seen it so far. Why would someone do that?
I seem to be liking bard inspired items. They're rare and fun.
GM_Solspiral wrote: ok so apparently the server god heard this call and put 2 rings I like next to each other Now you got me curious which rings those are.
Now that's an interesting and refreshing ring.
Staff with spell charges vs Staff with spell charges
A fun, unique bard item! Loving it :)
monk weapon vs monk weapon
A lot of bleed dmg type of items today.
JJ Jordan wrote: Hidari wrote: Been away for two days due to the wedding (married our regional VC) and there's so much to catch up with O.O you guys and gals have been very busy.
I still haven't seen my item, but I noticed it on the list of items someone created... and I wonder when will I get the Star Voter... feels like I've been voting for forever.
Looks like you just got it! I did! I did! **does a happy dance and hands out leftovers of the cake**
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Been away for two days due to the wedding (married our regional VC) and there's so much to catch up with O.O you guys and gals have been very busy.
I still haven't seen my item, but I noticed it on the list of items someone created... and I wonder when will I get the Star Voter... feels like I've been voting for forever.
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote: Hidari wrote: Covent wrote: And someone loves Bards, and did it well... My, my class specific items are difficult, my hat off to you good sir.
Maybe you had the same bard item, but I stumbled upon a really cool one actually.
We need more bard items, I might make one next year.
**is a bard lover** Check out my Bosun's Call from last year. Oh! I love the theme... it's mostly the one we need most help when playing PFS Scenarios. Players rarely have Sailor Profession and are not always good at Swimming and Climbing. I see it being used in some Adventure Paths as well.
Just got a what the.... item.
New top price, over 300k.
Took care of more wedding stuff, just ate, baby geek kicking up a storm so back to voting while re-watching LOTR <3
Peek, not peak. I get a lot of staves, like now, staff vs staff.
Looking forward to seeing my item. I don't think I stand much chance as a first timer. My formatting is correct, hope I got it all right. But at least it's not a part of this year's cliches and repeats.
btw. thnx Thunderfrog!
Covent wrote: And someone loves Bards, and did it well... My, my class specific items are difficult, my hat off to you good sir.
Maybe you had the same bard item, but I stumbled upon a really cool one actually.
We need more bard items, I might make one next year.
**is a bard lover**
7 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia and Feros, thnx!
The little geek boy baking in the oven is already getting his first votes in for the superstar ;)
That's a future VC right there.
On with the voting, just had a really cool piece of armor.
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Pregnant, preparing things for the wedding tomorrow, while fiddling with that, casting my votes on superstar items.
Now I have to choose between what I think is a wonderous item, and not a weapon, vs a block of text, only description, nothing else and no formatting.
p.s. I'm a first timer.
Oh my, this thread has really been active over night (at least in my time zone)
Before falling asleep I realized I did upvote one wonderous item (blame it on the pregnancy brain), probably got carried away by how cool it was.
There was one weapon I think was more of a wonderous item... that's where I stopped. Any quick tips on how to discern those?
I see a lot of staves with spells in them. But there were a few really creative and cool items! Some items just didn't make sense and were too expensive... also (I'm a first timer) I expected more of them to have the proper formatting.
Steve Clarkson wrote: NZ close to Mt Doom Awesome! :)

Mikko Kallio wrote: It'd be very interesting to hear more about the Pathfinder (and Pathfinder Society) scene in other countries. How many people play, how easy it is to find Pathfinder products in local stores, how popular PF is compared to other RPGs and so on. Anyone want to share stories about PF in your country? :) I think the PFS scene here in our small Croatia is relavitely big for our standards. There are sessions once a week, every week and we often average on 3 full tables (at the only gaming store we have in town which does have some of the Pathfinder products), also, there are conventions where PFS is always played. My gf is the VC, and she gets quite busy with it all.
We also play PF at home, have been playing it since it came out, upgraded from 3.5 to Pathfinder, and we mostly play Pathfinder adventure paths.
How popular it is to other RPGs? I'm not a good person to ask that, but I think most people play PF, but other systems are popular as well (GURPS being second in command I think).
Thnx... I haven't been voting for long, but the same item appeared twice already, only a couple of votes away from each other. I'll consult the FAQ next time first... sorry.
Starting a thread so if I or anyone else has other questions about voting we can post them here.
My question, is it possible for an item to appear twice for voting?
Zahir and Whiskey, we'll take you ;)
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So nice to see people from all over Europe :) Hope someone makes it to top 4!
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I was wondering how many non US/Canada contestants are out there.
I'm from Croatia, and I know of at least 3 more members of PFS Croatia that submitted.
Where are you from?
Blessings of Desna's luck upon you!
I'm a first timer as well. I missed the superstar last year so I decided to join this year on time, so, here I am.
Good luck everyone, hope to see some of the first timers in the next round as well :)
Stay positive.