We're now in our third campaign into "our" Golarion and I thought I'd share what we have up to this point. I had thought about posting many times in this thread, but have always changed my mind on it. I'll try to keep it as short as I can (nope I failed at keeping it short, sorry).
Our game began in the year 4711 in the country of Lastwall. The paladin of the group had secretly joined a knighthood called The Knights of Holy Judgment. The knighthood is devoted to Iomedae and are given a long leash to commence their work. Most just know them as witch hunters. In time the group was given a young man to look after and help groom for a leadership role. It was revealed later that the young man was a godling, but to which god they did not know. Their adventures allowed them a dip into the Carrion Crown adventure path and at some point they had all been blessed by Desna (the gift of purple eyes).
Eventually their path led them to Gallowspire, where the head of the knighthood waited for the young paladins return. It was revealed then that their grand plan was to sacrifice the godling, who was the bastard child of the red mantis god. By doing this, they hoped to free the Whispering Tyrant and keep him under control. The logic for the leader was that Belkzen was slowly beating back Lastwall and eventually the country would crumble. He hoped to stave that off by bringing back the tyrant and thereby drawing more crusaders to Lastwall, since they'd mostly been headed to Mendev instead. The leader of the order demanded that the paladin kill the godling (2 PC's). The paladin, with much turmoil, refused and the entire group was killed.
Seven years went by and the group was resurrected while Vigil was under attack. Another paladin the group had met in previous adventures decided to use the final scrolls on a group she had believed in. The group fled the city and headed for Nirmathas. The Whispering Tyrant had now claimed Ustalav and Lastwall. Word got round to the High Lord Watcher that the paladin had been resurrected and he demanded to see him. After learning that he had no part in the freeing of the Tyrant, he decided to exile the group rather than put them to death.
The paladin decides to head for Taldor, where he hopes to create a new shining crusade. The group goes and recruits from places like Absalom, Taldor, and Andoran. They rebuilt the Quickfall Abbey into a cathedral dedicated to Iomedae and they collected relics from the sky citadel in Belkzen to convince the dwarfs of the Five King Mountains to join them in the fight. They spent 6 years in Taldor and the crowning achievement was convincing Stavian's son (not canon I know) Juvian to rally behind their cause. After assassin's killed Stavian (we *think* it was Juvian that killed him), the group had Taldor's full support.
The group was once again on the move back north and ready to fight the Whispering Tyrant, but he hadn't been idle either. News came down as they were making their move that the Tyrant had taken his forces and aligned with the demons of the Worldwound. Together they overran the crusaders of Mendev and had now set their eyes on the refugees in Nirmathas.
Priests of Iomedae prayed in ritual to bring their goddess to the prime material plane and lead them on the battlefield. The armies first took Belkzen and broke the orcs. The prayers were then answered and Iomedae led the armies into a battle against the Tyrant, the demons, and the undead. In an epic battle that changed momentum on many occasions, the Tyrants side eventually came out on top when he slayed Iomedae.
Desperation took hold and their options were limited. The female paladin elected to take the test of the Starstone. The group teleported there and watched as she went in (NPC). Some time later, the male paladin hears her voice in his head. She had done it, but she was not strong enough to take the battlefield. Instead she blessed the paladin with all she could and brought him and the group back to the fight. Upon his return, the priests and mages had just finished putting the Shield of Arnissant back together and gave it to the paladin.
Once again the armies of light took to the battlefield, this time with the paladin leading them and fought bravely against the forces of darkness. The paladin met the Tyrant head on in the fight and he was very familiar with the shield being used against him. They're battle was colossal and each side gave out as well as they took. Spell and claw against sword and shield. As the Tyrant's strength faded, he used a powerful magic he'd been working on and cast it upon the paladin. The fabric of the sky around him ripped open to a realm of blackness and he was drawn in, having failed his saving throw.
The paladin had been thrust back into the past many thousands of years, but with the blessing received he would live for a very long time. He would watch as the Azlant culture died away and sometime later he would raise the Starstone to its current position. He would become the god of innovation and human culture. And then one day he'd feel his power failing and knew that the time grew near when he'd have to enter life as a mortal born babe.
A split second after the disappearance of the paladin, Aroden stood before Whispering Tyrant. He made motion for a reprieve, but there would be none. With bare hands, he crushed the Tyrants skull and then with arms spread he rose toward the heavens. With that rise came the rains that poured down over the battlefield. Those mortals on the battlefield felt nothing, but the demons and undead knew it for something entirely different. Holy water. The undead melted away and demons fled for safer grounds. Eventually, Aroden came back down and spoke with the group. He seemed familiar to them and yet entirely different. The group asked for one request, which Aroden granted. He left for some time and returned with a hideous black stone. The halfling of the group, known as the Traveler, asked to have the honor and it was granted. The Tyrant was no more.
In our Golarion, Aroden returned in the year 4725. Iomedae perished the same year and new goddess, Karatha "The Shield" was born. In our Golarion, the Last Azlanti was never Azlanti at all.
I have left a whole lot out and that was just one campaign in a nutshell. I'll write the next one if anyone wants to or cares to hear it.