Sanvil Trett

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Space rogues are overpowered ?? O tempora o mores :D

I think that campaigns will have different pace-after all,mant things that would be challenge in PF will be trivialized in Starfinder.

There is better way to persuade PCs not to do this like Khonnir Baine telling them from his experience probably scenario.First, players have much technological equipment which belongs to rightful heirs of Divinity,second- Khonnir knows power struggle in league,someone probably will kill them and try to use this book in his favor , third- league is not organisation with stable chain of command,deal with captain X could be invalid due to internal fights and assasinations.Remind them Sanvil.

But if this is not enough let them see frank horrigan-style annihilation of nomad barbarians encampment with use of myrmidons,battleguards and dozen of other robots which states they steal technological artifacts.If PC intervene they should be knocked unconscious due to specific command of execute only this tribe.They shouldn't win but feel overhelmed with military power of League. Lone survivor should wake them and tell not have any technology and this is probably punishment for rally other tribes for overthrow league from Starfall and few other stories about cruelty(not all are true) of some members.

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From my experience (two iron gods groups GM, about book 4 in either case)it is wiser to give them mad-max style with potential of customization than wh40k tank like in my other group. Main problem is a)reducing potential of interesting random combat encounters by obsolete non-flying blasters.Book 1-3 is in Numeria wide and open plains, trolls and other monsters from random encounter table is shooting range for wh40k tank.After few fights I drop simulate combat and narrate result of battle to my players.
b)power generator issue and power cable form end of ACT 1.Unlimited battery before ACT 5 is very unwise due to power of technoguns
c)Fluff issue with Technic League- words of bizzare tank will spread faster than PC will be on levels to fight off special forces form starfall send to acquire this technological artifact.Divination is damn good in this game.

Maybe treat mutant template as effective character level +1, meaning that level 1 character starts with 3k xp and level two is on 6k xp ?

One suggestion: do not plan ahead too much, it is unique campaign where options provided by particular modules are so good that you may consider different choices that usual copy-paste variation of most effective builds.

My suggestion is to craft story around human tribesman exposed so much to numerian fludis that mutated in gnoll-like creature ( technical Gnoll, but better suited to story. Maybe GM let you take mutant template that fits for story?).

1. Reconditioning timeworn technology isn't possible under the current rules. Of course technomancer can attune specific item to be fully charged by him and only him,but that's not very profitable to players.

2. My list is small for reason- I checked black market in Starfall which is described in "Palace of the Fallen Stars". Offer there was better but not as good as to be expected from shady deals done by the silent approval of prominent Technic League Captains. By default in this campaign, even nanite canisters and batteries are rare and fully functional piece of useful technology is rara avis. That's why I mentioned problem of settlement buy/sell rules earlier. BTW,in fluff section autor mention about "timeworn technology and alien goods", so I belive that is intended.

3. Black markets has prices up to 150% value, so in this specific case you are wrong. What I propose is mechanism that utilize PC concerns about selling too much technology in one place (which is ovethinking, since Pathfinder is not game about economics)

Biggest problem in this case is to establish list of (mostly) timeworn technological items and alien goods, cause I belive that typical rules for 75% chance of finding shouldn't be valid in this specific case (even if we talk about batteries or nanite canisters

There is my homemade list for my game:
two flare guns,timeworn stun baton, panic suit,3x batteries, a gravity clip, 1x nanite canister, timeworn magboots, 2x trauma pack, skillchip mark II Ride +4 , zipstick x2,ion tape, power cable, medlance, zero grenade, flechette grenade,d4 Numerian Fluids,d6 Bloodbrush Extract, d3 starspore
Alien monsters in cages :Pilo, Akata, Tsaalgrend

Next,I would add Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate test for each bigger transaction to see if Technic League catch wind about PC with great bag of techno gadgets. Constantly failing should wind up prices and even merchant should refuse to deal with non-discreet heroes.

I plan to use interesting background history from one of my players as "scenario",of course twisted in vile way.

Sounds like hearthbreaker, it's hard to advise you without knowing more details.

Scouting archetype is not necessary- in most cases sneaky PC risks twice to confirm that there are ( expected on common sense level )enemies. If you don't have in party versatile preppers like alchemist scouting is waste of session time.

Boot. Simplest way to fix campaign without messing with plot.


Suggested changes:
1. Replace ogres with bigger and bulkier creature which can survive first volley of attacks.Or give them better AC, perhaps with few mutations from Numeria book.
2. Chariot grants partial cover (+2 AC, +1 Ref)
3. Read crowd rules. This bonuses should stop PC from winnig in first round
4. Give hellskarg improved overrun feat. Otherwise described tactic is less effective
5. Fluff says that arena combat is unfair. Drunken smiler shot from audience? Masked pit/traps in convienient place around arena ? (Hellskarg should know that)Still spell from ally from crowd?

There will be no problem if GM describe Technic League like Stasi or KGB. Unlimited resources, cunning agents, technological wonders and light dose of paranoia should make enough impact on PCs. Khonnir,Joram nad Sanvil in my game clearly stated that only fraction wars prevents Technic League from conquering other lands and described powerful robots which can slay a tough warrior in one slam. It should be enough motivation for players to seek allies and more info.

In certain PBP on this forum, GMNiles had fantastic idea- to let have techno-oriented PC scrapyard bot as "pet" and have him upgraded through mechanical parts. I'm very keen to do something similar in my game, so I ask about assistance in this case- anyone has an idea hot to do this with mechanics, apart from Leadership feat ?

So, here's the problem - AFAIK you can't cast personal spells on anything exept yourself. Since caster must put spells into the ring I assume that spells should have chance to target anything . Is that correct or RoSS is intended as expection to these rules?

In book three in Kaer Maga I suggest sidequests with Ardocs,Augur of Duskwalkers or adding excellent PFS scenario 5-18 enemy within.
In later books I strongly suggest hints about enemies that can be persuaded and expand sidequests on inside cover.But to be fair I think that book 3 is the worst designed part of this campaign.Many ideas are great, but pacing is terrible.

Ok, so Brain Ooze has this kind of attack : Melee 2 tentacles +13 touch (1d6 electricity plus neural pulse). "Neural Pulse (Su) Creatures hit by a brain ooze's tentacle must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Intelligence damage and be staggered for 1d4 rounds. Each time a brain ooze causes Intelligence damage, it gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC is Constitution-based."

So ooze attacks aasimar and deals less than 6 elecitricty damage. Does neural pulse appy anyway?

I think that putting his pet into every single trap is a form of mistreating and endangering life of pet. Henchmens/cohorts/pets IMHO should't be treated as cannon fodder. But before I will speak with my player I would be glad hearing opinion about that from fellow gamers. because maybe I'm wrong in this case.

I'm looking for complex advice, I know that RAW this is possible.

So,my player have Inqusitor with domain granting him animal companion. Great fun, but I have issues with treating his big cat as trap activator ( detect magic usually give him answer about school of magic, evocation= fireball-like trap),cause improved evasion.

So, is this kind of trick reasonable? Animal have INT of 3..

Pick up troop subtype for opponents and probably allies. Case solved

Hi, so when confused character is forced to attack nearest creature AND has opportunity to attack more than once in turn , will she use all attacks or only one?
Spell description doesn't provide clear answer

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As a GM I want to add my observation - 2/3 classes don't have proper social skills trained ( Intimitade as RP skill is very dependent, usually provokes fight ). Why bother to heavy RP if this give +2/+4 to roll and we have +1 oraz +2 in skill?
Second observation- everyone want to have their 5 minutes. More sociable players are quick to dominate this kind of scenes. In some groups there will be issue about spotlight
Third observation - RP scenes tends to bog down pace of session, especially when there are players with "secret missions".

Really, this kind of game depends in 90% percent on proper group of players. I think that this module will be hard to handle in typical PFS session with group of unaquainted players.

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In Shattered Star capaign "this ioun stone's associated skill is Knowledge [history]". So analogy with headband is pretty sure correct.

Inquisitor or Oracle - there are metagame issues when you has GMNPC with vancian slots.

I have problem to solve. Ki Point take swift action to monk, so he can use his trick once/round. Since swift action consume immediate action I asssume that using this point prevents from make one opportunity attack thsi turn.
But what if he has Combat Reflexes? He can one AOO less, or still he can't use them anymore in whole round?

Try to use smart monster ( or beast leading by smart character , ex huge whale commanded by druid sahuagin), which will attack PC ship underwater, without fear of ballistas and catapults. This will force players to go underwater, since damaging hull for 30-40 damage sink their ship in few minutes.
Also, dragon turtle is nice one- being partial underwater give +4 ac and dragon breath underwater generate steam which obstacle visibility to artillery. And last but not least- ability to capsize the ship. Hard to obtain, but can be fun and generate interesting challenge- reverse ship to normal position.

Many ships is not a big deal- When comes to pursuit I call opposed sailor test for every ship.This little trick keeps PC to be on one ship.

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Solution is simple- try to use rules for onboard fight from Wayfinder 8- crew is still in background, but their influence for encounter is way over standard rules.

Try to use settlement rules-after all, only Bloodclove, Senghor and Port Peril should have enough citizens to achieve 4-8k gold limit . It will be hard to buy very powerful items so big plunder should't ruin campaign.

I like PB 20, array 15, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12 . It ensures that players will have a flexible characters, especially when comes to use non-hack&slash method of solving problems. Some players have a grudge against preventing min-maxing, but it's for their sake ( "it's cheating! Why you used succubus knowing that we have dumped wisdom! It's metagaming!;P"

There is no Knowledge( Ballista, light), NPC must take a exotic weapon profinency (light ballista) to use this without penalty. My players have option to search a specific-skill sailors with social dc25-30( depends on target) check. Success allow to recruit 1d3+1 specific npc.
Just my 2cents

Brilliant! Keep up with this awesome work!

Lack of healing means some typical roles in party are overrepresent, so they can slice through many specific encounters. If they have very easy way in part of adventure, why they shouldn't have hard time, f.e , with swarms ?

Lack of regular healing also encourage to play smart- ambushing, elaborate tactics, using of cover etc.

Familiarize with monster tactics and abilities and try to make their moves according to their intelligence. It may be harder to PC when every band of goblins will be readying actions with their slings to disrupt spellcasters, but it's clearly unfair.

Of course that there is difference between male and female GM;P I've had two female GM and they were excellent in describing reality and roleplaying NPC, far more than any male GM I encountered. And they had no problems in trumping rules when it was necessary and cut ruleslawyering offtop :)

IMHO problem is in assuming that every class should have a spotlight. I say even more-spotlight predetermined by GM. Give players a only target to achieve, don't build a road with obvious signs " hey mr ranger/barbarian/fighter/sorcerer, it's your turn. They have usually more fun with encounters determined by their actions, not GM fiat/railroad.

Ok so last skulls&shackles session my PC ship pilot-barbarian didn't
pass sailor chceck on ship manuever, so he wanted to start rage, then use auspicious mark. I assume that RAW this is possible ( proffesion check is based on wisdom ) but is it intended feature or overlooked bug?

Due to absences I usually GMed act 1 to three players and , assuming PB 15 and no druid/summoner, most encounters was on the edge. I strongly advise to use helpful NPC to "join" PCs . Especially water encounters favors quantity over quality due to very harsh water combat rules.

So, to be clear- bard/sorcerer gain benefit from "preparing" spellslots only once per 24h ? If it possible I would like to see clear ruling in this case.

Thanks guys for answers to question number two.

Ok, so to be sure
1. How many times per 24 h bard can prepare spells ? It is possible to rest 8 hours, prepare spells, use all slots to healing spells, and immediately rest another 8 h to gain benefit of new pool of spells?

2.Bard has a whip in one hand. Im move action , he is drawing a dagger, then ,as a standard action, attack with whip/perform combat maneuver. Assuming that he only perform one attack while wielding two weapons,should be attack with full bonus , or be treated as TWF and apllying penalty for wielding two weapons?

I'm just ahead to start book 2 and i'm planning ahead naval combat. Chapter 2 assume that sailor will fight in background, but in that case quality and quantity of crew won't be important factor in combat.
I want to spice up this part by implement rules of mass combat from either "kingmaker" or "warpath". Have you any thoughts about it? it is worth to try ?

Nyrissa can't be vorpaled because of wish.

I liked times when sandboxy style was mainstream and no one complains to GM after death of his character . Big Lemon on-fly judgement seems fair and appropiate. Players should know know the border between cinematic actions and dumbness.

I;m using random encounter table always. First, it's nice to test my creativity as GM to input random monsters to storyline. Secondly, players knows that they can meet too weak/too strong monsters,NPCs without relates to actual campaign and ( since I'm using also random weather generator) bizzare weather which can delay/speed up travel and spice up encounters. And last but not least, chain of random events can start a suprisingly interesting side-quests or immersion (true story- last session when PC stayed in small city I rolled a thunderstorm which destroyed some part of Nivtavka. One day later I rolled hungry mastodon which walk towards village- since it's not an evil animal PC didn't want to kill him.They feed him, handle him and drive away from damaged city.)
I hate giving my players feeling that they are only puppets in well-planned and twisted plot.

2d Grids and Planes or 3d Cubes and Spheres?

Are spell and other area of effects 2d (as in, they affect a flat grid only) or are they 3d (as in, they affect cubes and spheres)?

Just because things are normally expressed on a flat grid doesn't mean they're actually flat. Any effect with a radius affects a sphere, not a circle. A cone is a 3d area. A line is a line, not a plane.

Very interesting offtop:)
New alternative version of "Satinder sub-quest" part 1
Satinder can overheard officers talking about mysterious murders last days. Victims are common people, so she insist on taking priority about this case. They must hurry- message about Drelev lose in Tatzlford battle reach baron within 24-48 hours.
Last week there was a four victims, commoners which was hired to many different works ( Details is not necessary- official investigation is not possible, and questioning about this case attract drelev guards within few hours.After all, selling hot info is good way to earn money/food from castle.)Every of them was murdered with "dagger", few hours before dawn (fog!).
Real mastermind of this plan is ghost of dryad from small island near the center of Lake Hooktongue, currently in this place stand Monastery of the Unremitting Tide (Yes, adaptation of PFS scenario, "Flesh collector" ). Monastery was founded 10 years ago and some of townsfolk from Drelev worked on island, chopping trees (wood is very important resource in this forestless area around Drelev). Getting rid of all trees on island anger spirit of ancient dryad , she wants to punish every single person which patricipate in this event. All murdered commoners worked on island.
In age of cyclops,to prevent destroying island in great battle between Vordakai and other powerful mage forces, she gave his life to protect island from very powerful necrotic spells, which accidentally destroyed many fauna and flora in that times. When last old tree awas chopped, her ghost return to punish axemens and reborn plants in her domain.

Only effective way to lure murder is lad ambush, with one PC disguised as drunken/working by night commoner in port area.( PC must bluff also drelev mercenaries, if they are acting suspicious ).
Ambush mechanic is like in "Dawn of the Scarlet Sun".I am not sure of I can adapt this content, so i send to these free adventure.
Change: actually, our assasin is our old freind, Rigg Gargadilly ( or, if Rigg is dead, another queckling which is servant of our mastermind).

When Rigg fails, they will run to the sea, drinking potion of water walk .( 120ft per move action, and mobility feat-hard to prevent from escaping )

If PC are curious why Rigg run to center of the lake, Satinder or Drelev citizens (if they will be conviced either by Bluff DC 25/Intimiade DC 10 , in this case after hour guards will be informed aboout suspiciuos team./Diplomacy DC 20 ) remind that on small island near the center of the lake is Monastery of the Unremitting Tide...

To be continued?

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