
Hedda Halbjørhus's page

162 posts. Alias of Shari.

Current Campaigns

Demon Hunters ala Fabian (inactive)

Telling the interactive story of a group of 'demon hunters' and their incursion into the Worldwound.

GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (inactive)

Current Map | Ruined Kenabres Map | Overland Locations | Loot!

Party Conditions:

Arrika [68/68 - grazed]
Brevon [61/61 - healthy]
Elriel [55/55 - healthy]
Hedda [63/63 - healthy]
Kelumarion [50/50 - healthy]
Rukzha [46/46 - healthy]

Aron Kir
Nurah Dendiwhar
Sosiel Vaenic

Party Exp: 23920/35000
Units of Food/Water: 32 (army's consumption/day: 5)
Additional Resources: 5 Goods