Soulbound Doll (Bear)

Halgur's page

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. *** Pathfinder Society GM. 146 posts (5,943 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 39 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

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Dun dun...


This one was a blast. The investigation at the beginning was particularly memorable. I got lucky and picked the perfect character for this adventure. My former Urgir cop got to do her best Lennie Briscoe impersonation while questioning witnesses and suspects. The chase scene was fun if a bit frustrating (Seriously, who rolls three ones in a row?). The fights were maybe a little easy but that could very well change with a different party composition or poor dice rolls. Overall one of the better scenarios in recent memory.

Our Price: $8.99

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Excellent adventure for roleplayers


This was the best game of 2e I've played to date. Granted we did have a phenomenal GM that warned us ahead of time that this scenario would require quite a lot of interaction with NPCs and would likely run long. We played it as a Play-by-Post which played to the scenarios strengths. Without sufficient preparation this could run very long in a face to face setting. I can see a few ways to fix this with some foresight however by streamlining aspects of the minigame in the middle of the scenario.

Your typical murderhobo players will likely not enjoy themselves but with a well-prepared GM and a group of players willing to do some role-playing and project management this adventure can be a memorable experience.

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