HTD's page
250 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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wildweasel wrote: Evan Tarlton wrote:
What are they?
Demon Lord, Vulot
Immortal Trickster
Mythic Kaiju, Agyra
Oliphaunt of Jandelay
Sublime Breath
Weaver of Webs What are each of of these creatures' traits and level?
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Was the rougarou directly based on the old school D&D lupin?
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Calcryx666 wrote: Hello, I’m just wondering why isn’t the PDF available for purchase? I had thought it would come up after the street release date but no such luck The street date is 22 December.
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xNellynelx wrote: Calcryx666 wrote: Elfteiroh wrote: Mine got shipped today! :3
There's a note that more XP than usual comes from investigation instead of fights. Ok, Calcryx Investigates the Adventure Toolbox, what do I find? ;-) So funny enough, I rolled a D20 to decide if I should answer you and you got a 15, so good enough. So here you go my friend. Spoiler tags for those who don't want to be spoiled. #spoilresponsibly. If you have additional questions for me, kindly use spoiler tags so we don't ruin this adventure for anyone!
** spoiler omitted **
What are the new creatures (name, level, size, alignment and traits)?
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Is 'guardian beast' supposed to be the new 2E name for the 1E foo creature?
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In which ways do you think that urdefhans, xulgaths and morlocks are unsuitable as playable PC ancestries?
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Among the new Vudran gods who got rules for the first time in the 2E Gods & Magic, who are demigods and who are full deities?
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TheGoofyGE3K wrote: Sneaking suspicion that some of those 19 will be a batch of the other playable races released across the APs The list was posted on the product discussion thread, and only two are reprints (the shimreen and morlamaw).
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Why were some PF1 magical beasts (like ankhegs and purple worms) and shoggoths re-classified in PF2 as animals and aberrations respectively?
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Zum-Graat wrote: Meanwhile, reefclaws and rust monsters are aberrations instead of beasts despite being just weird, but natural fauna? Ahhh, it's so confusing. Reefclaws are the result of fleshwarping, so it makes complete sense to classify them as aberrations.
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Do you think that you might show up soon(-ish) in Starfinder?
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How do you feel about being featured as the big boss monster in PF2's first bestiary?
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Midnightoker wrote: I’m assuming Astrals covers Inevitables and Psychopomps? Inevitables and psychopomps fall squarely into the Monitor category. I guess Astral refers to astral leviathans, psychementals, shulsagas and other natives of the Astral Plane.
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What are the alignments and areas of concern of the Iblydan hero-gods?
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What's the best species of penguin?
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The Gold Sovereign wrote: Is there any harbinger with greed or ambition or anything related wealth in its areas of interest?
I'm certainly curious to know which harbinger is in Druma.
Sounds like Braismois (whose portfolio is broken deals, fine print and unfair bargains).
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Krune worshipped Lissala. Xanderghul worshipped (or rather was) the Peacock Spirit. Nethys wasn't yet born by the time Thassilon still existed.
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What are the deep cultures detailed in that article?
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For anyone with access to the PDF:
1. How much rules content is there in the Deep Cultures article?
2. What are the name, type, subtypes and CR of the monsters in the bestiary? Are the anassanois playable?
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Has anyone received their subscriber PDFs yet?
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First World Bard wrote: Alright, assuming the God-Caller is a Summoner (or even if she isn't, I guess), it seems an awful lot like she casts Message, right before the illustration. She is an actual summoner.
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Fumarole wrote: First World Bard wrote: MaxAstro wrote: ASFHASDFKDSJF.
You can't do this to me Paizo. You can't write an awesome story featuring a Summoner without even having announced when Summoner will be playable. :P In fairness, Dolok might be an unfettered eidolon, and the God Caller a ceremonial title rather than a full-fledged Summoner. More than might be.
wiki link It seems the article is based on old information then. Breath of the Dragonskull quite explicitly states that he's the eidolon of the god caller in question now.
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Is the auwaz couatl based on any real life mythological character or creature?
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Would Aroggus and the Monad qualify as CR 30 creatures?
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Could someone describe the protocites? What are their connections to the anacites?
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What are the monsters in the bestiary (name, type, subtypes, CR and size)?
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I think this one is due for an update.
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What are the other monsters in the bestiary (name, type, subtypes, size and CR)?
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Has anyone received your subscriber PDFs yet?
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Does Asanatown have its own city block? If yes, then what are the population, demographics and alignment?
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thecursor wrote: So I wonder, if mounts are hitting in this book, are the traditional racial mounts of the Lashunta, the Shotalashu, showing up? I can't remember if they were in any of the other two archives. They were already in AA2.
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What's the reason behind Mhar's alignment shift from CN (originally) to CE in Rise of New Thassilon?
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Creon Vizcarra wrote: Lastly, I guess I'm somewhat saddened that they're doing away with Inevitables in 2e, though I won't be making the switch myself. Does anyone know if they will write them out, just use them a lot less, just ignore them?
It's been said that the inevitables will only lose their importance, but continue to be used.
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Zaister wrote: The Gold Sovereign wrote: Thanks for the replies, both of you. It seems that this will be an amazing volume. I can't wait to read it!
I'm also hoping to see more of the Redeemer Queen in PF2E, as it would be really anticlimactic if she returned as a Demon Lord in future adventures. I would love to see her as one of the Inner Sea Gods. I have a feeling she might be one of the New 20. If I remember correctly, it has been confirmed that the core gods aren't changing any time soon.
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The CRB says that Preluria's radius is 100 times that of Earth. Is there a redundant zero in this number? I'm finding it very hard to believe that a gas giant could be as large as the sun itself while still only being as massive as Liavara.
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Joe Pasini wrote: Sparrowhawk_92 wrote: I wonder if we'll finally get Sazaron and Dirindi stats this time. That would be cool... On the AA2 thread you made the same response when people mentioned tieflings and cat people from Vesk-6 so... sazarons and dirindi confirmed in AA3, perhaps.
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The kaiju Yarthoon from Bestiary 6 now apparently lives on a moon of Bretheda.
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Opsylum wrote: Oh goody! Another Alien Archive! Will be worth every month in wait! Will the Beginner Box and AA3 be the only rulebooks this year, or should we expect something in December? There's the Character Operations Manual scheduled for release some time in late 2019.
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Are the repair drone in Fires of Creation and the repair robot in Construct Handbook supposed to be the same thing? They have different numbers of limbs but their stat blocks are almost identical.
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I'd want to know the names, CR, types and subtypes of the monsters.
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In Planar Adventures, Iomedae's herald is displayed as 'Hand of the Inquisitor'. Is this an error or her actual new herald after the events of Wrath of the Righteous?
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From where did the names of the various types of sahkils come from? I know that the nucol is named after the Yucatec word for worm, but what about the rest?
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James Jacobs wrote: HTD wrote: How likely are we seeing these things soon:
1. Oni species corresponding to androids or alien races?
2. An equivalent of the Inner Sea World Guide for places like Kelesh, Vudra, Iblydos, Tian Xia or the Crown of the World?
3. Any more material on Arcadia, Sarusan or Androffa?
4. Stat blocks for a primal inevitable, a psychopomp usher, a protean lord, an Eldest, a mask of Nyarlathotep, or any archfiend that is not an archdevil, Horseman or demon lord?
5. A hardcover edition of Second Darkness?
6. A major article on Apsu or Dahak?
7. A CR 26+ qlippoth lord? Some never, some maybe, some for sure. 1. And I'm guessing that #1, #2 and #3 and #7 are the ones whose answer is never; right?
2. In the Starfinder Pact Worlds book page 26, there's a brief mention of Nocticula still being a demon lord. Would that create any complications for when you decide to expand her redemption arc in Pathfinder?
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How likely are we seeing these things soon:
1. Oni species corresponding to androids or alien races?
2. An equivalent of the Inner Sea World Guide for places like Kelesh, Vudra, Iblydos, Tian Xia or the Crown of the World?
3. Any more material on Arcadia, Sarusan or Androffa?
4. Stat blocks for a primal inevitable, a psychopomp usher, a protean lord, an Eldest, a mask of Nyarlathotep, or any archfiend that is not an archdevil, Horseman or demon lord?
5. A hardcover edition of Second Darkness?
6. A major article on Apsu or Dahak?
7. A CR 26+ qlippoth lord?
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How old are Rovagug, Pharasma, the proteans and Azathoth in relation to each other?
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What CR do you envision Mhar, Orgesh, Yhidothrus, Zevgavizeb and Ragadahn to be?