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Hi guys,

Does everybody feels like Stom encounters just gives too much away?
In terms of XP is just 130K of XP for a deal that almost every PC group that doesn't contain a Paladin would say yes. It feels like giving 130K away with no motives. I understand if the XP from Stom is given, but the whole Giants that respond to her as well???

Besides this, I feel the giants are not really prepared for High Level combat that would be expected at level 12-13. None of them Fly, and if the group attacks while flying with Ranged attacks, their stone throwing is going to fail misserably. A hill giant attacks +8... likely to hit a granny with AC 10 maybe.
Feels like they should be more prepared to face flying monsters or PCs, who on earth would attack a group of giants and mastodons walking?

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leo1925 wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

I'm looking at a stat block error? for the Blue Dragon.

It says in her tactics that she saves one Level 7 Spell slot for Summon Monster VII. However, her two seventh level spells are Prismatic Spray and Greater Scrying.

Where is she getting this Summon Monster VII from?

the other slots saved and spells mentioned are on her list...


I know that the post that i am quoting is over a year old but the issue wasn't answered, what should i do? change one her two 7th level spells for summon monster 7? change one of her feats for expanded arcana? something else?

I would remove Greater Scrying.

Thanks for the quick response. I agree with you in that the code has not been violated, although I'm afraid this becomes common practice, in which case I will have to refrain the paladin from some of his powers :D.
Although not making the kill himself, he's still "acting neutral" on behalf of the behavior of others.

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Hey. I have a related question. A paladin of sarenrae I'd fighting with the group.
There is one evil fey. Since the fey is over numbered she decided to surrender. She drops her weapons and begs for mercy. The gunslinger turns comes up. He looks at the paladin asking for approval. The paladin looks to the ground giving no response. The gunslinger puts a bullet in the head of the fey.

Would you consider this a break of the code?

Let me know if you need more details on the situation.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi all,

I may be missing something obvious but I do not see anywhere in the Pathfinder books that explain how an aura works in general.
Do auras trespass line of sight?
Do they trespass line of effect?
Do they circle around walls and obstacles?
Do auras shut down when the creature falls unconscious?
Do they shut down when the creature dies?

The question came particularly during a combat with a Seugathi, but many other monsters have auras that leave a lot to manual judgement.

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Ok. Last night we got to the Seugathi combat. So far no-one is down, one thing is true, Seugathi are not the best HP damage dealers, but the party is all confused, there is 5 of 'em so Seugathis can only pick 3 out of 5 to control... but the chances for succeeding in 3 DC 20 will rolls is almost near 0% for most of the PCs. The only one with some chances is the Paladin, with +13 in Will, which has a total 42% per round of having 3 successes. The rest are closer to 10% - 3%.

We come up with this table:

Bonus DC Success Chances of 3 Successes
1 20 5 0,0125
2 20 10 0,1
3 20 15 0,3375
4 20 20 0,8
5 20 25 1,5625
6 20 30 2,7
7 20 35 4,2875
8 20 40 6,4
9 20 45 9,1125
10 20 50 12,5
11 20 55 16,6375
12 20 60 21,6
13 20 65 27,4625
14 20 70 34,3
15 20 75 42,1875
16 20 80 51,2
17 20 85 61,4125
18 20 90 72,9

Considering at this level most PCs (LVL 8) have +2 Base Will to +6 base will. Add +0 to +2 for Wisdom modifier. Add +0 to +2 for cloak of prot.

We have a minimum mod of +2 and a maximum of +10 (not considering the paladin).
Most PCs will fall in the +6 or +7.
That means most PCs in this adventure will have a 5% chances of actually acting during any round of this combat... this looks like terrible encounter design to me. I blame myself for not noticing this problem before, but I wonder what Paizo has to say about their Playtesting sessions...

Free herbs?
or maybe: Free herbs forever?

My players carry them all. They have protected them with several spells and also cast Retrieve Item on each just in case:

They have Stealth +22, they don't need Invisibility :D.

I'm still deciding what are the "difference" after the alarm.
I think the Module was written under the assumption that Sorshen will not be surprised to see the PCs, so not much should change.

In my case Gnaeus was surprised to see Sorshen visiting him. But the PC was unable to reply to him the way Sorshen did, so he started being suspicious.
Then the PC Sorshen asked him to open the door, but he couldn't do it, cause the Charm Monster was pushing him the other way. He started having doubts, and so the players suspected he may be charmed. He threw him a Dispel Magic and that solved the situation.
Then the PC explained he wasn't really Sorshen.
Gnaeus understood, but now he wants to kill them all :D. The former employer of Gnaeus just showed up at the right time, and they will be looking for more allies soon to strike at the Party.

I don't like giving clues to PCs that do not search for them. I would expect some sort of pro-activeness from the characters, otherwise, strike at full!

Back and again:

The PCs have left the Lady's Light. They lost two guys to the glass golem and decided to return (even thought they could have allied with Gnaeus and his employer who just came back to rescue him).
The trip back will be 8 days to Magnimar.
1 week in Magnimar to do the "Restoration" of their resurrected friends (2 negative levels require at least 1 week to remove)
6 days or less to get back (since this time they could get some magic mounts or something).

That's a lot of time for the dungeon "owner" to prepare for defenses, and since they activated the Thassilonian Centinels, she's in fact aware somewhere came in and then they left.

What do you think would be her actions?
What defenses would she prepare?
What would she do with the available Gray Maidens?

On another topic:
They also freed Gnaeus and he just rejoined with his former employer (a summoner wizard from Korvosa). The two are now aware of some powerful artifact is in the dungeon, and they also know that the group has 2 other artifacts (because the wizard used Detect Magic on them detecting 2 overwhelming auras). Do you think these two should continue by their own and "do" the dungeon while the group is away?
Should they also go for more mercenaries and come back? Maybe work as an antagonist group?

The party's paladin died 1 session after touching Sorshen's Clone :D.
He's now a woman... and his Full plate doesn't fit anymore...

Guess nobody... I would think of some Classical Music for sure... something epic and magestic...
Like these themes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci3uZ3zvNRM

On bluff modifiers:

You possess convincing proof "up to +10"

I think having an EXACT same body as her, which feels the same and looks the same, is convincing proof that you are in fact, Sorshen. So any number from +5 to +10 should be fine.

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Hi James,

Thanks for the reply.
One of my PCs is actually writing the journal and the maps that will eventually be published at the end of the Campaign ("The Shattered Stars Chronicles").

He's putting a lot of effort on it, and I want to reward him with extra Fame and/or Prestige.

How much you think I should give as extra per adventure?

For ex.
Adventure 1 says PCs get 8 Fame and Prestige at the end.
I was thinking on awarding and Extra 4 to him. Is this ok or will it get out of hands?

Very useful!! Thanks!!!!

Hey, Thanks so much for this lists. Great music, amazing work.

Now, one question: Where did you get the song Tree of Life - Song of the Ancient Ones. I can't find it anywhere... :(.

Pop'N'Fresh wrote:

I'm currently converting Whispering Cairn for a group of 6 PC's to run soon.

I'd be happy to share the notes I have.

Great!. I'm running the 7th installment. But I'm sure the community will appreciate your notes.

I think Antioch made the conversion of the last part of the AP, 6+ modules, I'm starting in the 7th (the other part was played in 3.5 edition).
I will share my notes with you, they may come handy to you in the future :).

Anyone is making a conversion of thip AP?

I'm running part 7, and converted part 6 also... at least with a draft.

For Part 7 I've used some of Antioch monster Conversion, which I find very accurate.

Anyone has any notes to share?

The download link doesn't work for me :(.

Antioch, I'm a DM running the latter half of AOW in 4th edition. Could you please share your conversion notes with me?