Guver |

Hi guys,
Does everybody feels like Stom encounters just gives too much away?
In terms of XP is just 130K of XP for a deal that almost every PC group that doesn't contain a Paladin would say yes. It feels like giving 130K away with no motives. I understand if the XP from Stom is given, but the whole Giants that respond to her as well???
Besides this, I feel the giants are not really prepared for High Level combat that would be expected at level 12-13. None of them Fly, and if the group attacks while flying with Ranged attacks, their stone throwing is going to fail misserably. A hill giant attacks +8... likely to hit a granny with AC 10 maybe.
Feels like they should be more prepared to face flying monsters or PCs, who on earth would attack a group of giants and mastodons walking?