Ok. Last night we got to the Seugathi combat. So far no-one is down, one thing is true, Seugathi are not the best HP damage dealers, but the party is all confused, there is 5 of 'em so Seugathis can only pick 3 out of 5 to control... but the chances for succeeding in 3 DC 20 will rolls is almost near 0% for most of the PCs. The only one with some chances is the Paladin, with +13 in Will, which has a total 42% per round of having 3 successes. The rest are closer to 10% - 3%.
We come up with this table:
Bonus DC Success Chances of 3 Successes
1 20 5 0,0125
2 20 10 0,1
3 20 15 0,3375
4 20 20 0,8
5 20 25 1,5625
6 20 30 2,7
7 20 35 4,2875
8 20 40 6,4
9 20 45 9,1125
10 20 50 12,5
11 20 55 16,6375
12 20 60 21,6
13 20 65 27,4625
14 20 70 34,3
15 20 75 42,1875
16 20 80 51,2
17 20 85 61,4125
18 20 90 72,9
Considering at this level most PCs (LVL 8) have +2 Base Will to +6 base will. Add +0 to +2 for Wisdom modifier. Add +0 to +2 for cloak of prot.
We have a minimum mod of +2 and a maximum of +10 (not considering the paladin).
Most PCs will fall in the +6 or +7.
That means most PCs in this adventure will have a 5% chances of actually acting during any round of this combat... this looks like terrible encounter design to me. I blame myself for not noticing this problem before, but I wonder what Paizo has to say about their Playtesting sessions...