About Keth LongstriderGeneral:
Alignment: NG Race: Half-Orc Neutral Good Level: 1st Class: Druid Deity: Gozreh Size: Medium Age: 20 Gender: Male Height: 5'10" Weight: 185 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Defense:
Armor Class Final:14 Base: 10 Armor:+3 Shield:+0 Dex:+1 Magic:0 Other:0 Touch:11 Flat Footed:13 Armor- Hide Shirt +3 Armor/+4 Max Dex/-1 ACP/15% Arcane SF/30' Spd
Hit Points
Misc: Saves:
FORT +3 Base: +2 Con:+1 Race: +0 REFL +1 Base: +0 Dex:+1 Race: +0 WILL +5 Base: +2 Wis:+3 Race: +0 Offense:
Initiative:+3 Attack
RANGED = +1 Base: +0 Dexterity: +1 CMB (Str) Skill Mod:+2 Str:+2 BAB:+0 Misc:0 Weapons
Club +2 1d6+2 (thrown+1 1d+2) R-10' Crit:20/x2 Bludgeoning Dagger +2 1d4+2 (thrown +1 1d4+2) R 10' Crit 19-20/x2 Pierce/slash Sling +1 1d4+2 R-50' Crit 20/x2 Bludgeoning Thunderstone (1) +1 10' spread DC 15 Fort R-20'
0{3} (DC13): Detect Magic, Create Water, Stabilize 1{1+1} (DC14): Cure Light Wounds, Acid Maw Traits/Feats & Special Abilities:
Reactionary (Com): You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. Racial
(4+1 for favored class) Acrobatics (Dex) Skill Mod:+0 Dex:+1 Ranks:0 Armor Penalty:-1 Appraise (Int) Skill Mod: 0 Int: 0 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Artistry (Int) Skill Mod: 0 Int: 0 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Bluff (Cha) Skill Mod:+1 Cha:+1 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Climb* (Str) Skill Mod:+1 Str:+2 Ranks: Armor Penalty:-1 CS: Craft* (Int) Skill Mod: 0 Int: 0 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Diplomacy (Cha) Skill Mod:+1 Cha:+1 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Disguise (Cha) Skill Mod:+1 Cha:+1 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Escape Artist (Dex) Skill Mod:+0 Dex:+1 Ranks:0 Armor Penalty:-1 Handle Animal* (Cha) Skill Mod:+5 Cha:+1 Ranks: 1 CS:+3 Heal* (Wis) Skill Mod: +3 Wis:+3 Ranks: CS: Intimidate (Cha) Skill Mod:+3 Cha:+1 Ranks:0 Misc:+2 Knowledge- Geography* (Int) Skill Mod:+4 Int:0 Ranks:1 CS:+3 MISC Knowledge- Nature* (Int) Skill Mod:+6 Int:0 Ranks:1 CS:+3 MISC+2 Perception* (Wis) Skill Mod:+6 Wis:+2 Ranks:1 CS:+3 Perform (Cha) Skill Mod:+1 Cha:+1 Ranks:0 Misc:0 Profession(Wis) Skill Mod: Wis:+3 Ranks: CS: Ride* (Dex) Skill Mod:+0 Dex:+1 Ranks:0 Armor Penalty:-1 Sense Motive (Wis) Skill Mod:+4 Wis:+3 Ranks:0 CS:+0 Misc:+1 Spellcraft* (Int) Skill Mod: N/A Int: Ranks:0 Misc:0 Stealth (Dex) Skill Mod:+0 Dex:+0 Ranks:0 Armor Penalty: CS: Survival* (Wis) Skill Mod:+9 Wis:+3 Ranks:1 CS:+3 Misc:+2 Swim* (Str) Skill Mod:+1 Str:+2 Ranks:0 Armor Penalty: -1 Equipment and Animal Companion Wolf see alias Woolf:
small tent, a mess kit, three potions of CLW, 50 feet of rope, 6 days of rations, 2 water skins, Hide Shirt (1) Body. Cost-20 Gold Weight-18lbs
Treasure found Gold Remaining- 5 Gold Current Encumbrance: 42.5lbs
So Young Keth had been an outcast among the people of the neighboring communities and farmsteads. Growing up quite the loner. He took to Hunting as a way to not only make some quick coin, but also to prove his worth. When he was 17, fancying himself a 'Monster' Hunter he told his father he was leaving to find his place in a world that shunned him. He left to wander the Southern Fangwood. Then a fateful day occurred where he ran into some Elves who were out hunting as well. They almost killed him, out of a quick reaction to what they saw as a threat....but a member of their group saw the fear in the half orc and spared his life...He took Keth to a local 'herbalist' who nursed Keth back to health. This local Herbalist, Joseph Varan, who lived in the nearby hills on the western fringe of Southern Fangwood took Keth in and found the Half-Orc an eager student. He taught Keth some of the ways of the wild and the 'old ways', Things only the Druids of old might know. To protect himself, ward off evil, Keth took to adorning his body with runic tatoos that were taught to him. Keth lived there for a couple years, actually beginning to feel he belonged somewhere. He liked that feeling...to belong somewhere. He earned the nickname Longstrider for his long strides that can take him away or into trouble quickly. Then the unspeakable happened, A about 6 months ago, some Thugs sacked the home of a local woodsman, killing all within and left signs that they were local bandits. Joseph and Keth, tried to hunt them down to no avail. On some rumors Joseph told Keth they are probably in Kassen, where they could liquidate their goods. Keth had liked the woodsman and his family and he had this stro g sense that justice shouldbe done, so Joseph sent him to Kassen to continue training with an old friend there. He has since lived on the fringe of society in Kassen, being trained by Olmira Treesong, a friend of Joseph Varan, hunting and providing meat to the butchers of the city for his coin. He has followed up on every rumor of the bandits who had raided the herbalists home. His pursuit of vengeance has lead him to the doorstep of a realization that law and order come at a price and sometimes it must be paid for in blood. On one such sojourn into the wild, hunting for locals he awoke to a young wolf standing at the edge of his campsite. Since that day, he and 'Woolf' have been constant companions. He has been working to train the feral animal and is having some luck. Recently Olmira has been telling Keth that he should join the quest for The Everflame in order to be totally accepted for who he is. She senses. Something in him that needs to be put to work...a drive that won't be settled in mere training...and maybe he might find the bandits as well
Keth wants nothing more than to earn the respect of others, so that when he is seen he may feel welcome and not feared. Find himself a place to belong. The Story-Disapointment:
The youth lay in the tall grass watching the boar with his father crouched in the bushes nearby, watching Keth with a frown on his face. Keth wanted to gain his fathers approval more than anything in the world. He hated the look he caught his father giving him from time to time. Now was such a time.
His hand clutched the spear his father had made for him, and he readied himself. His father made a clucking noise with his tongue and the two hunting dogs they ahd with them, jumped from the underbrush on the other side of the clearing and barked, making all kind of ruckus. The boar turned and sped towards Keth and he stood planting the spear, bracing for impact, just like he was taught. At the last minute the boar zigged sideways and the spear only caught its shoulder, lodging itself into it's hip as it grazed its back. Keth tried to turn to pull the spear out, but he did not have the time and he was caught off balance and he tumbled to the ground as he heard a loud snap. The spear had broken. The bleeding boar sped off into the woods. Keths father, Jebediah Grannich, jumped to his feet screaming at Keth Ya no good bastard. Ya never listen. See what ya did there? The spear I made ya is broke and now I have to go track down this wounded boar before it runs into someone who it will take its fear out on. Damn ya Keth. I said plant yur feet side to side, not one in front of the other. You'd have been able to turn and pull the spear free if ya had, and then you could have followed through with a throw. Why don you listen?! Keth lay in the dirt, humiliated and he turned and looked at his father. Well not his father, but the man who raised him and taught him woodcraft and how to train animals. He had to tell himself again. Not his father. His father was a brute who was responsible for siring his the youth. Keth had never known his mother, she had died in childbirth. He looked at the man who was putting leashes on the dogs and at the broken spear. The man turned and looked at the youth and said the harshest thing Keth had ever heard. Yur as stupid as they come Keth. Yur No good. I wish you'd never been born, then My Ellie would still be here. Itd been better if you had died instead of her With that The man Keth had thought of as his father for all these 15 years turned and stalked off going after the boar. Keth watched him leave, tears streaming down his face. Not his father The thought echoed through his mind, and the youth picked himself up...dusted himself off...and went back to their cabin, collecting his gear and turned to the wood, putting distance between himself and his childhood. He would never return. Never... The Story-The Mentor:
He ached. Every bone in his body hurt. The Elves had beaten him to within an inch of his life. As his mind began to awaken his mind replayed the scene. Keth had been following the spoor of some game birds and was crouching in the bushes near a tree. He slowly moved forward and then stood slowly, preparing the sling and slowly swinging it. Too preoccupied, he did not see the Elf to his right come out of the tree line and raise his own longbow. The arrow had taken Keth in the upper arm and he had lost control of the crossbow as it dropped into the dirt. He had turned to see another Elf preparing to fire, and he dove behind the tree. He heard the arrow *thunk* into the tree. He was breathing heavily and he tried to shout, but fear caught his voice in his throat and all that came out was some forlorn garbled cry. As he began to rise, blood was streaming down his right arm. dirt covered his face and had even gotten into his mouth because of the slight tusks that declared his heritage.
He stood and tried to collect his thoughts, but the arrow had his head spinning, he reached up and grasped it , breaking it off with a grunt of pain. He heard the lilting voice to his left, close..Ahh your a tough one aren't you now. Then he felt a crashing pain, as a mace nearly took his head off. He spun away from the blow, but could feel more blood pouring down into his eyes. He pulled the dagger off his hip and feebly tried to return the strike, but the blade was striken from his hand by yet another Elf, bearing a rapier. I don't know what you thought you were doing in our woods Orc, but it will cost you your life.The Elven warrior stabbed him through side and Keth's vision began to waver and he muttered Not an Orc! and looked up through bloody vision into the emerald green eyes in a beautifully framed female elven face of the one who had stabbed him, before unconsciousness claimed him and he fell face first into the dirt yet again. The Aches and pains were throbbing and then there was a stinging that caused him to gasp and open his eyes. He lay on a bed in a small room. An older man with skin so dark he may almost have been one of those fanciful tales of dark men from the far south he had heard tell. The Man's eyes drew Keths though. They were bright blue and had kindness emanating from them. That stung didnt it. Said the man with hair as white as fluffy clouds. You are pretty tough I'll give you that. You survived not one, but three strikes that would have killed a lesser man. Didnt expect you to wake up yet, or I would have used a different ointment. Give me just a second. I have some Crushed Fey leaf here that will take some of the sting out of it and he turned to a small bowl with some sort of ceramic rod sticking out of it and mashed it together nodding. The picked up a spoon and dipped it into the bowl and spooned out some paste dripping into the poultice he had been applying. Then rubbed it into the poultice and looked at Keth saying It will still sting for about 30 seconds but then the natural pain remedy will numb it and applied the bandage to his side. Keth looked on as the older man treated each wound, explaining what he was doing each time. Then he left and returned with some tea. Sit up young man. here drink this. You'll fall asleep soon, but Ill watch over you. Name is Joseph Varan. Im a healer in these parts. Know a bit of the old ways as they say. Meila said she realized you weren't an Orc and was sorry for their eagerness to slay you when they shouldve talked first. She brought you to me. Now drink this and we will talk when you awaken...whats your name? Through split lips the youth mutterted Keth...Just Keth as he faded off to sleep. The Story-to Kassen:
Keth stood looking at the dead bodies of the woodsmans family. Joseph stood nearby talking to him. What do you see Keth? What kind of tracks?
Keth knelt and examined the wavy pattern in the grass. These are human tracks Joseph The elder went and looked at the bodies examining the wounds. Yes son. Man is the most dangerous of predators. Sometimes, some feel they are better than others. More worthy. They use their might to take what isnt theirs and when that is done, others suffer. It is up for folks like us to defend those that cannot defend themselves Keth. You ready to do this son? Keth startled when he heard those words coming from Joseph's mouth. He grinned back and said Yes!. Lets get them. They stood and followed the trail, Joseph explaining that it is the responsibility for good men to stop creatures that would harm the helpless. You see son, all it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. It is our responsibility to insure those who cannot defend themselves, get help. These bandits came and caught a family unawares. Now they have found this area easy pickings and will return to do so again. Men like this are an affront to nature's balance. Let's go Hunting. Keth grinned and grabbed his spear and began to follow the tracks. He was happy. He had found a home. Yes Joseph, Lets go hunting There was no place he'd rather be...... The Story-A Chance Meeting:
Keth lay under the boughs of the great oak slowly waking in the cold fall morning. He shifted and felt a few roots digging into his side and shifted again. He blinked sleep away from his eyes and then with a realization born of nigh unto supernatural oneness with his surroundings, he was fully awake with the knowledge he was not alone in the small clearing.
He moved his hand to the dagger he always kept nearby and slowly tried to take in his campsite without seeming to be awake. As his head rotated his gaze fell on the black furred animal near the edge of his camp standing looking inquisitively back at the Half-Orc. The dog-like wolf cocked its head one way and then another as it looked on. Keth tried not to appear offensive as he moved to sit up. The Wolf wagged his tail once looked on, wagged it again...and then glanced up at the corpse of the deer hanging just out of its reach suspended from a tree limb; Keths success with the hunt from the day before. A soft whine and the wolf looked back at Keth yet again. Keth looked puzzled. This animal should've been a foe..a predator, but here it was acting like a pet....He scowled. Then got up off his haunches and said softly You hungry boy? An answering lick of the lips and a soft whine, as if it had understood him. Still scowling, Keth moved forward, dagger in his fist thinking to himself...I should strike quickly before it remembers its a wolf but the look of hunger plain on its face, and the friendly gaze it gave The Hunter was enough to soften his heart. With a quick slash of the dagger, the haunch of the deer he had been saving dropped to the ground and the black and white wolf went at it, tearing meat from bone with a vigor, hardly glancing at Keth at all. He shrugged and went to sit at the base of the tree and watched the wolf for a good half hour, before the wolf paused to groom himself. Keth must have been tired...carelessly, he dozed off...It could only have been for a brief second, but when his eyes snapped back open, the wolf lay next to him, it's head resting on his lap....a slow smile spread across his face and he reached down almost subconsciously and rubbed it behind the ears...a wagging tail was his reward.....I'll call you Woolf said the clearly unimaginative Hunter.... campaign info:
it has been suggested to Keth to join the quest for the Everflame to prove himself. |