Gurubabaramalamaswami's page
970 posts (1,384 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 11 aliases.
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It makes me think of the war dancer. The Warhammer war dancer. Is this class stepping on any toes?
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Set wrote: Best to start with one book, I suppose. As opposed to the bajillions of demon lords the game has seen come and go, and the more than a dozen 'nine archdevils,' along with the various other uber-fiends (like Anthraxus), the concept of 'Angel Lords' is pretty shiny and new, and while we've had dozens of articles going on in depth about this demon lord or that infernal heirarch, including the 3.5 Books of Fiends, and entire adventure series dealing with figures like Orcus and Lolth, we've really had little more than a couple of *sentences* about 'arch-angels' or Ragathiel or whomever.
They are pretty much starting from scratch, compared to entire articles worth of text on nobodies like Zuggtmoy, so it's probably for the best that they start small, and grow the notion more organically, than just pump out a bunch of stuff on Agathion or Azata, for instance, about which we know shockingly little, or Garuda and Peri, about which we know even less!
With names like 'planeter' and 'solar,' it leaves me wondering if there are angels named after other celestial bodies, like size and shape-changing Lunars or vast quasi-corporeal Nebulars or portentous doom-heralding fiery-trailing Cometars, or, Kirby forfend, purple-armored planet-cleansing Galactars. Are armies of angels called 'constellations,' and can they array themselves precisely to form vast glyph-like forms mimicing astrological formations that enact mythic ritual effects, so long as they remain 'in formation,' becoming 'constellations' not only in name, but in fact?
I do hope that some of the evocative names from the Bestiary (p. 18 and p. 23) get a callback. Cocidius the Hawk-Keeper, Ogoun of Fire and Iron, Cernunnos the Stag Lord and Muyingwa the Seed Thrower (a Mwangi angel? Woo!) all sound super cool.
Dude...sounds like you need to write a 3rd party product because that whole thing was just too cool. I want exactly what you just described.
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They seem to be updating the listings fairly quickly. It went from a 1 page listing to a 5 page listing in 1 day. Too, some pdfs that I bought through DriveThruRPG have been updated and are now better quality than what I originally downloaded - and I didn't have to pay 1 red cent for what I already owned.
I'm optimistic and really hoping for the OD&D White Box and supplements.
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I can't stress strongly enough when "augmenting" adventures like this: put in more mooks - don't "beef up" the BBEG. Mooks, mooks, and more mooks.
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When I see the word "gestalt" I think that the problem is identified. Balancing for gestalt is just to touchy - you either get milquetoast or overkill.
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My prayers and best wishes go out to you sir. Get well soon.
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I'm all for removing the negative aspects of the spell. In my campaign the dead PC typically got looted while the player rolled up a new character. Then you've got a player out of action instead of playing. Then you've got a new character to introduce who is strangely fully customized for the current setting and situation. Bad.
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Interesting insight into the sexual preferences of yetis. She "ultimately rejected his advances." The implication that she may have actually thought it over is both amusing and disturbing.
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This is the Internet after all....there's got to be more rules arguements to solve.
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I don't even know what the hell is going on and I still think Liz is awesome. She is a freaking gninja after all...
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Those minis are just so fricking awesome. The lami matriarch has me in total awe and nerdlove.
8 people marked this as a favorite.
Now this is a blog! Thank you thank you thank you! I would love to see this become a regular feature. Love it! Thank you! Did I say thank you yet? I only ask because I know there will be a storm of posters wishing you had addressed other questions.
But from this one poster...thanks for now!
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Can we all admit that the lavish cut scenes are a guilty pleasure that draws us back over and over? I fell a little bit in love with Yuna when she did her dance for the dead after the attack by Sin. Just a really beautiful scene.
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I covet this game. Haven't finished XIII. I got distracted by the Dragon Age games (which I've played through about a gazillion times to see all the different story lines).
I enjoyed the hell out of XII and I've completed it as far as the plot goes but have never had the ambition to go after the really badass bounty hunter fights.
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Frustrated wrote: The thread can end now. The more I read what I will have to do to make this work the more I stand by what I said in the original post: I should not have trusted this group to play Pathfinder. I would rather GM a game I don't have to bend over backwards to make work with my s$$#ty group. Your "s%$!ty" group?" The "thread can end now?"
I don't think the problem here is with your players. Go back to whatever game it is you like to play by yourself and let your players find a new GM. Troll.
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There are ways to make the sacred cow spells work without alignments. You'd probably be left with just Holy Word and Blasphemy and maybe they would only affect certain creatures (faiths in opposition or the like).
Monte Cook managed to do it for Arcana Evolved and it would just as easily be compatible for Pathfinder.
Smite Evil might only work against undead, fiends, chromatic dragons, clerics of evil gods, etc. The things we use in the game could still be made to work without the alignments.
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I'd like to see the alignment system disappear from Pathfinder. There are plenty of RPGs that deal with Good and Evil without the vagaries of an imposed ethics system like that which we have now (and how in the name of Gygax did he come up with this crap?).
The nice thing about getting rid of alignments: without Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil or whatever it would be easier to see which players are just being d*%*@eads in their roleplaying (i.e. paladins, "evil" characters). We already know they're being jerks but at least they wouldn't be able to justify their actions by basing them on "I'm just behaving according to my alignment."
Plus, there would be a helluva lot less paladin/alignment threads on these boards.
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A day dedicated to clearing up FAQ button requests would be very nice. Please please please.
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Erik Mona wrote: I've been trying to give a "behind the scenes" feel to my miniature posts, though lately it's been more about making my way through final images of the set, so there's not so much of a look at the process.
I think people will be very pleased next week when we start talking about the Rise of the Runelords set (and showing off preview images), but if you don't care about minis posts now, I'm not sure there's much I can do to make them more interesting for you.
I dunno. Maybe use that time to get an early start on the weekend or something?
Your minis posts are great and I've enjoyed them. However, I, like some others, would prefer to see such things in the Store Blog (and fiction reserved to the Fiction Blog).
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Bwahahahhahahhaahhaaaa! Your DM was both a bastard and an evil f~@+ing genius!
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I would that I were worthy of such a character in my gaming group. Love these reminicsences Arminas.
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I see the Homosexuality in Golarian thread is over a thousand posts long now and apparently still going. Which leads me back to my old unanswered question: just who are the gay iconics? Did they ever get outed? If not, shouldn't somebody do so before they run out of air?
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I don't know...mortals entering the realm of "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter" and then absconding with a soul are kind of bad for one's street cred. If that got out no one would take Hell seriously. Any mortal at all would feel they could just traipse in and help themselves to a soul or two. Bad form you know.
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You know, back in the day of Erik Mona's in-house Age of Worms campaign I remember him posting in his log how, in order to foreshadow the part where spawn of Kyuss had overrun this ruined tower he had his group generate some low-level guard stats and they role-played said guards as they each met their doom at the hands of the spawn of Kyuss (in many cases becoming spawn themselves).
Then of course they got to play as their own characters returning to said fortress which was now overrun by the spawn. It seemed like a really cool way to foreshadow the event.
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Has anyone used the pawns from the Beginner Box in conjunction with any of the Pathfinder Paper Minis? How do they look together? Anyone got pictures they can post of them side by side?
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Thanks guys for the quick answers. That's a real bummer. Wonder if White Wolf realize they are sitting on a potential trove? Seriously, a Pathfinder-compatitible Creature Collection would do at least as well as the Tome of Horrors.
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I think this is spectacular...as is. Thank you very much. Too bad so many people can't just stick with "thank you Paizo" instead of "it would've been so much cooler if you'd personalized it just for me."
C'mon folks. Give 'em a break.
Love you guys at Paizo. Keep doing what you are doing.
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GeraintElberion wrote: Mary Yamamoto was my RotRL forum hero when I was first planning to Gm the AP. Don't even get me started. If everything was as overthought as she wanted no one would be able to publish because the books would be 400 pagers per chapter.
Some things just require DM fiat people.
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If we're applying common sense then it would seem to make sense that the trained mount and its skilled rider are acting together as a unit. When they charge, they charge together as one. Stop being pedantic.
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Obviously, if the nice longshanks would do Gutwad the favor of doing in the skeletons for him then he would reward their leader with the hand of his daughter Gupy in marriage in order to seal the deal for an alliance between the tribe and Sandpoint.
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I for one am relieved that we won't be seeing a Savage Species style monstrous classes treatment included. My wife loves playing that kind of bizarre crap and it just doesn't work out in practical terms.
For instance, the ghaele eladrin monster class from Savage Species. At 7th level that thing can become an incorporeal globe of color. Incorporeal! At 7th level! But...around that time a serious HD deficit starts to set in too. At 20th level the ghaele eladrin monster class character only has 10 HD. Say goodbye the first time a 20th level caster uses 3.5 blasphemy.
No thank you to that crap. And thanks to Paizo for getting rid of it.
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Awesome! I'm so glad that PFRPG has kenk...uh...tengu! I love these guys! The sword thing is really cool, as is the Linguistics thing.
Don't know what I'm talking about? It's in the free Bestiary preview.
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Arg! Flashback! Flashback! Damn you Eldritch Mr. Shiny!
Ator the Fighting Eagle
Memories so bad I must purge them with slightly less awful crap. [Inserting Conan the Destroyer into the DVD player]
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Sebastian: nothing posted by actual Paizo staffers (James Jacobs, James Sutter, et al) has lead me to believe that gay iconics are all about the marketing or about shock value or whatnot.
It seems to be an honest desire to promote diversity.
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Edit: replying to Gentlegiant
It is people who have taken the Biblical view of homosexuality as a sin and chosen to make it their banner sin to wage a campaign against.
The Bible says, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" in the Book of Romans. All. Everyone.
Biblically, one isn't condemned to hell for being gay anymore than one is condemned to hell for murder or covetousness. It is for falling short of God's glory in whatever form.
Which is why the Bible teaches Jesus offered himself as our substitution.
Not trying to preach, but folks who single out homosexuality and focus on it and crusade against it are really losing track of the bigger picture and probably not looking closely enough at themselves (i.e; "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and no stones got thrown that day).
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I actually liked Gygax's Dangerous Journeys stuff. Although the game system was needlessly complex, I spent hours reading through the spells sourcebook. Just awesome.