
Grumblejack the Ogre's page

22 posts. Alias of Fyren.


Grumblejack looks a bit out of his element as the latecomers are led to their quarters. He takes a step into his room and steps right back out into the hallway again looking at the other three quizzically. In what he likely thinks is a conspiratorial whisper but is in fact, a rather loud proclamation he says to no one in particular uhhh... we stay here? what if the strange woman want to lock 'jack up again? Maybe this not so good idea little 'uns...

The ogre looks at each member in the motley crue before him and slowly a grin spreads across his face You speak right Maooum. Don't go away mad... Maybe 'jack find good life with 'is new friends and together we Shout at the devil 'imself and make the bad'uns Afraid.

Standing up before the trio, he rears his head back and lets out a long howling primal scream that ends in a sinister sounding laugh. We go find this job now?

Satisfied with the decision he's made, he falls in step with the trio as Felrin leads the way west on the Old Moor Road.

Does the group want to take any precautions while traveling in case of patrols, villagers, wild animals etc? It's shortly after 8 am so it's daylight and you're fairly exposed walking down a road with an ogre...

Grumblejack stomps over to Felrin and squints you think all 'jack care bout food Farrin? 'jack lost all his friends long ago when the bad 'uns kill them... 'jack just want to live good life. With a heavy hearted sigh and a thump, the ogre sits on the ground apparently wallowing in self-pity.

See Farrin? 'jack tell you he bring you little 'uns to the road and 'jack do! You a good little 'un Farrin for helping 'jack out of that stone place. 'jack go back there now - pointing at the moors - and not get caught again! The ogre thumps Farri... Felrin's back as he offers his new friend his best wishes and lays a big beefy paw on his shoulder squeezing in an ogre-ly gesture of friendship - a gesture that makes Felrin wince slightly.

Seeing the trio make their preparations to move along the road, the ogre starts making his own to disappear back into the moors where he'd made his home before getting captured.

Imagine that... they actually believe the ogre... mwahaha

Don't be so MOORose...:
The ogre nods emphatically. Bad water to swim. 'jack not even drink from there! We go around and 'jack take you to road... it take us... his brows furrow as he holds up all his fingers and then one finger before finally settling on three fingers - it only take us *this* long! he grins proudly to the group. Don't worry little 'uns - 'jack keep you safe at night when sun go down.

Apparently the ogre has a different sense of time than most.

From your recollection of the map and your survival skills, the Old Moor Rd lies roughly 11 hours due straight north. I'll leave it to you to estimate how much time it's going to add if you detour to the east-north-east and go the way the ogre wants... 11 hrs straight would put you at the old moor road around 2 am'ish barring anyone losing their way or any mishaps... if you detour out a few hours, it'll obviously be close to daylight if not already daylight by the time you get to the road.

A cow says MOOOOOr:
Grumblejack shakes his shaggy mane at the tiefling no no funny lookin' 'un. That way is bad water - if you want road, we go this way pointing eastwards, slightly to the north - where water ends, and then we go around bad water. 'jack not swimming again!

Grumblejack stabs a big finger against Felrin's chest You smart funny lil 'un! Too many guards here to hunt safe and 'jack too smart to get caught again. You come with 'jack - we go hide there and then we hunt for food and catch bog lights. 'jack show you how to live in wild!

He stomps off the road heading towards the moor as Malum addresses him. Pausing to consider Malum's words, he answers as he points at the lights in the distance Yes, road this side but look - lots of lights over there. We hide in there - pointing at the moors. Road on other side too. 'jack seen road on other side but not many lil 'uns use road so no good hunting there. 'jack show you other road if you want but 'jack not going to go into Vaston!

Grumblejack considers Felrin's proposal, his shaggy brows furrowed in concentration as he tries to puzzle it out in his head. But... 'jack try to stay away from... Va... Vasto... Ristone. Vaston filled with little 'uns. Good for eats but too many an' Grumblejack not stoopid. 'jack only hunt on road and then hide back in wet place where they not follow.

Grumblejack has a big toothy grin on his face as Felrin explains about the swamp. a bit wet? Silly lil 'un - this jack's HOME! Jack hide here and find good eats when little 'uns travel road in dark. 'jack go now. He offers Felrin another thump on the back as he stomps past the highway and into the moors.

Jack had mentioned to Gil a while ago in Tomas' office I think about how he was making a living hiding in the moors around Branderscar and catching solitary travelers as prey before he was captured by some magic dude that created fire out of nothing.

The ogre squints at Felrin and gives his shaggy head a non-committal half-nod, half-shake. 'jack not like water but... He shrugs. 'jack go in water after you funny little 'un. You clevererer than 'jack I think so if you think that good idea, 'jack think that too!

He peers over the edge and then to the north where Twigs had mentioned going. I think we should go dat way funny little 'un he says pointing in the northern direction. less swim to land there.

3:05 am

Top o' the Tower:
Grumblejack listens intently to Giltharon and puts a finger to his lips as he understands the necessity for silence. He puts a giant ogre mitt on the face of the door as he tests it - hrm... this not thicker than horse skull an' jack smash them no problem... maybe this wizard is one that make 'jack head hurt... give jack chance to hurt back! - and then nods confidently at the half-elf.

Not mad no... I just grew up reading way too much Piers Anthony and his Xanth series of novels... clever, clever writer he is. So clever in fact, that it took me a couple years after I actually started reading him to realize that the world he created (Xanth) was in itself a pun on his name - PierS ANTHony... :(

The ogre stands in the center, head tilted to one side as he watches the bolts fly. Finally realizing he has no ranged weapon, he tries to jump at the 'thing' trying to bring it down to no avail.

Where the door out pointy-ears? Only flying bog thing here... 'jack see them at home but they light not dark like this one. No good to eat, never get to catch them! rrrraaaggh

Btw he's not too bright so I wouldn't rely too much on his description of what he says. Grumblejack looks for the lowest common denominator in things - if it's something similar to what he's seen or heard in the past, then it must be it. He's likely confusing this 'thing' with marsh lights / wisps he's seen in the moors.

Grumblejack squints at Tomas, and then at Numair... and back at Tomas. You can almost sense the gears turning in his brain as he tries to sort the situation out.
We get him to open door with key? Then smash? He peers down menacingly at the sergeant who is staring at the ogre with genuine terror apparent in his eyes.

The ogre looks puzzled at Felrin's question. Vaston filled with little 'uns. Good for eats but too many an' Grumblejack not stoopid. 'jack only hunt on road!

He looks around at the rest of the group Why we sit an' talk like old 'uns? We not excape? sneaksy for tricky 'uns - 'jack *SMASH* until dey stop movin'

Grumblejack looks at the headless corpse, back at Gil and with a shrug lifts the body up leaving a growing pool of blood still on the floor. He carries it with him across the hallway, blood still dripping out of the gaping hole where the head used to be, staining the floor. Once in the administrative office, he tosses the dead guard in one of the chairs.

His brow furrows at the half-elf's question. is sad story pointy-ears. Bad little 'un, he make things come out of nowhere and hurt 'jack's tribe long ago. Me excape and make home alone in swamp - he waves his hand indicating somewhere outside the prison walls - 'jack try to stay away from... Va... Vasto... Ristone? why you people have hard names for places?! Only take meat and food from little 'uns on road and then go back an' hide... but bad little 'uns find 'jack... He sits down on the floor with a loud *THUMP*. 'jack smash... - he holds up 2, then 4, and finally 3 meaty fingers before shrugging and giving up - this many... a lot... but bad little 'un make bright hurting light appear from nothing and scare 'jack. Bring 'jack to stone place - he indicates the walls around the room - stupid little 'uns not kill Grumblejack but make head go fuzzy. But now 'jack free and we smash bad little 'uns! See little pointy-ears? sad story for 'jack.

From what you saw on the map, listening to the ogre, you infer he's likely talking about the moors around the village of Varyston which is indicated on your map as a tiny village north of the prison.

Grumblejack grins with his teeth showing at Giltharon's comment - you wud make fine little ogre pointy ears! - as he cradles the guard, his big meaty hands on either side and twists. There is a sickening crack as the poor sod's neck snaps. The ogre wrenches his hands up as the head comes loose with a pop that sounds eerily like a wine bottle being uncorked. The body slumps forward, blood spraying out of it splattering Numair and Malum.
The ogre tosses the now decapitated guard's head about from one hand to the other and offers it to Gil - You want little pointy ears? 'jack find more bad little 'uns to go POP!

Why you cover little 'un mouth so he can't talk? the ogre rumbles at Malum. That one - pointing at Numair - want it to talk and you cover the mouth so it can't talk. You confusing little 'uns. He shakes his head in disgust and suddenly brightens up. 'jack make things simple and pull tongue out of little 'un!

The ogre looks a bit puzzled at Numair's suggestion - Fun? 'jack pull his legs off when he wake up and bad little 'un be plenty scared! That be fun. Without a moment's hesitation, the beast hefts up the unconscious guard over his shoulder and stomps back to the southern end of the hallway.

Grumblejack thumps down on his rear at the top of the stairs at Gil's suggestion. okie little 'un, 'jack sit here but we go find bad little 'uns to smash if they no come up? 'jack not want go back in stone room with closed door.

short words - check, being nice (from the ogre's pov) - check, asking rather than ordering him - check, decent roll - check... yeah I'd say grumblejack likes gil so far

Grumblejack squints at Numair and glowers magic?! 'jack not like magic. Words that make things happen not possible.
He stands up abruptly and heads for the door making Twigs lurch out of the way lest he get squashed. We - ex-cape now? Smash bad little 'uns
On his way out the cell, the ogre promptly walks into the edge of the wall by the open door and steps back blinking That not here before! and staggers out of the cell shaking his head and rumbling something about his head being fuzzy, sliding along the east-west corridor using a wall for support.

The ogre looks a bit confused by Malum's eloquency. moo-tully bena-benny... ass-sit? He looks over at Giltharon, Malum being summarily dismissed and shakes his head dis one - pointing to Malum - make 'jack head hurt more. Da bad little 'uns make 'jack head hurt and go fuzzy. But 'jack help smash da bad 'uns! You find bad little 'uns?

Grumblejack's eyes still look a bit glazed over and he shakes his head every so often as if to clear some cobwebs out but there is no indication of him being physically hurt. Felrin's CLW took care of that.

Grumblejack! Ignore the bars - he's in a solid walled cell - no bars around.

Grumblejack's eyes go wide as the tiefling attempts to heal him. He pulls his arm back as the glow is absorbed into his skin. 'ey! Devilry and witchcraft you practice little 'un. Da bad 'uns catch 'jack with fire from nowhere; put hands on 'jack and make sick. He scoots a few feet backwards until he realizes the spell is making his cuts disappear.

Staring at the motley crew gathered in his cell, he eyes you somewhat unsure what to make of the group - until Twigs barges in flailing his arms about. What passes for a huge grin splits his face Funny little 'un! 'jack understand not what he says but he move funny - you all help 'jack escape?