
GrumbleJack 86's page

12 posts. Alias of The Indescribable.


He can't Your weight pulled it down. Grumblejack moves over looking down the hole and waiting.[/ooc]

Grumblejack looks at the hole suspiciously and he motions you to go down first. Ladder not hold.

As Leekoo pointed out, when you reach the gatehouse, you realize there is no route inside from here. Grumblejack growls out a plan of his own. Hand rhyming beastie bit of rope I throw him and then we hope. He points at towards the roof. Something in his tone suggests he'd care little if Leekoo where to die up there.

Grumblejack looks at you. Little 'uns will follow if we leave them.

Grumblejack looks into the fireplace and drops the rope before falling the distance to the bottom of the chimney his bulk smashing down heavily enough to barely be felt in the vicinity of the fireplace. With a kick he knocks the firewood out into the kitchen and begins to squeeze through.

Bleepos, neither Dexter or Isabella are checking out the kitchen. Isabella was checking the door going out to the courtyard while Dexter is preparing to fight anything that comes the interior door. What do you wish to do, back up one of them or search the kitchen?

Not even remotely, It's straight out of the AP Grumblejack looks at the cell then shrugs. Door isn't big enough.

No, he doesn't have anything to make an explosion

GrumbleJack looks at the longsword before handing it back. Not good. He says simply as he cracks his oversized knuckles

He picks up one of the shields as well, which GrumbleJack fashions into a crude buckler while holding his new dagger.

GrumbleJack's smile gets even bigger as the light returns to his eyes and he imagines the equipment. Give me one of them pig stickers and I'm in.

The ogre drings the potion down and smiles. I am Grumblejack small one.

Oh good, there goes three hours of writing out a description of the floor plan. Yeah he's dead whatever. Throws imaginary sheets of paper into the air Grumblejacksits against the wall still dazed and beaten up. Couulda swore somebody gave him a potion but can't find it.

I will rip them apart. He says as he struggles to his feet. I am Grumblejack.