The Jester

GreatNPowerfulAahz's page

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At base, a computer has a bulk equal to its tier squared. Computers with light bulk or negligible bulk can be worn easily on the wrist or clipped to communications devices and used without having to hold them in a hand. Any computer with a bulk of 1 or more must be held or set on a sturdy surface to be used. (Example: Tier 2 Computer would equal 4 Bulk {2x2=4}).
Under Upgades/Miniturization: Treat your computer as 1 tier lower when calculating its bulk, to a minimum of tier –1. A tier-0 computer has light bulk, and a computer of tier –1 has negligible bulk. You can buy this upgrade multiple times. Each time it costs 10% of the base price
of the computer. So would the example tier 2 become a tier 1 (1x1=1) for bulk? Or would you reduce the bulk of 4 to a 3?

Not sure if there is a specific ruling on this, but could a Drow become a Mystic with the Star Shaman connection? I mean how would you function with turning to light, even shedding just normal light (which acts as bright light) with the whole "Light Blindness" property of the race? Any thoughts or recollections that might help explain if this is possible?

Backstory for question:
Recently the party I DM was attacked by a large sized Blue Dragon while on the side of a mountain pass. The dragon was strafing them with it's breath weapon and using a wand of fireballs to supplement extra aggrivation. The Wizard decides to grab a tanglefoot bag from his handy haversack and cast "Launch Item" to fire it at the Dragon when it was over the ravine(a 450' drop). Granted a failed reflex save to avoid the glue was unfortunate and the poor thing fell taking 20d6 fall damage. Sadly it came to a total of 61 points of damage and the Dragon had to make a massive damage save to avoid death. I rolled a 1 and my full 189hp, 11HD, buffed to an AC of 35 monster became roadkill with a Cantrip! (a MOMENT OF SILENCE please, for such a travesty)

So I have to ask... has anyone else had a problem with this spell? Ranged touch attack, no SR, and a 0-lvl spell to boot. Just add an annoying alchemical item with it and you get devastation and destruction at an 80' range. Combine this with a holy water against flat-footed ousiders within 30 feet as a Rogue/Arcane hybrid and you get sneak attack with a splash weapon. Acid flasks, Alchemists Fire, Tanglefoot Bags, Smokesticks... why would you ever let this combo happen?

any thoughts and or feelings about it?

Try as I might to accomidate players with a great descriptor of where they are and what they see, I find that my story-telling uniqueness isn't in the details but in the linking of great plots that brings the characters lives together that really hit home. I like to give them a bit of freedom to choose where they go and what adventures they will go on, but I am worried that without the obvious "Villain A has been defeated so on to Location B" storyline they will feel that the adventure has no cohesion. What would you do in this situation? Any help on the topic would be appreciated.

Disagreement between a friend and myself over the Monk's Belt magic item in the DMG. He thinks it only gives you a +1 to AC as a 5th lvl monks natural increase; I believe that if you were unencumbered with a light load and wearing no armor, you'ld get your wisdom modifier and the +1 to AC. Does anyone have a clue how it's really supposed to function? Please Help.
Thanks in advance.

In a recent character creation session my friend and I were discussing feats and weapon qualities. I told him I'ld like to have a fighter who had the far shot feat buy a javelin of distance. He told me that the range incriment increase would not stack from both sources. I disagreed, saying that if it didn't stack, wouldn't it say so... like improved critical and keen? If anyone can shed some light on this discussion, please help. I would be most greatful for any thoughts or rules regarding this.