Cairn Wight

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409 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.

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Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler
Lvl 1: Weapon Finesse (swashbuckler) Weapon Focus Glaives (bonus feat) Bladed Brush (level)
Lvl 3: Power Attack
Lvl 4: Furious Focus (Swashbuckler bonus feat)
Lvl 7: Shield Focus
Lvl 8: Shield Brace (Swashbuckler bonus feat)


Bladed Brush: "You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a glaive sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. When wielding a glaive, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon and as if you were not making attacks with your off-hand for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s or swashbuckler’s precise strike). As a move action, you can shorten your grip on the glaive, treating it as though it lacked the reach weapon property. You can adjust your grip to grant the weapon the reach property as a move action."


If my reading is correct, then at lvl8, assuming a +1 weapon and Dex20, the character's damage would look like this: 1d10 (base) + 1 (enchantment) + 7 (1.5 Dex due to 2-handed weapon) + 9 (power attack) + 8 (precise strike) = 1d10+25 damage.

The character would also have high AC. Assuming humble +1 mithril chain shirt, +1 heavy shield, +1 amulet of natural armor and +1 ring of protection, then the character would have:

AC: 10 (base) + 5 (dex) + 2 (nimble) + 5 (armor) + 4 (shield) + 1 (natural armor) + 1 (deflection) = AC28

Which at lvl+20 is what I think the benchmark for a tank is. So AC27 and 1d10+25 damage per hit.

Am I reading all of this right? Because it seems somewhat crazy for precise strike and power attack to be usable together. But I think it works.

I’m in a campaign right now. Lvl8. I have a character who has CMD26 base, 27 vs Disarm and Sunder, 30 vs Trip and Bullrush. We will Hit lvl9 soon and I will have a feat free. I don’t expect any gold or gear any time soon.

My issue is that the GM (who is a great storyteller) loves combat maneuvers. For example, I was put up against a foe with +26 trip. That means nearly always being knocked down. Before this I went up against a Disarm Master, which taught me the need for weapon cords.

Are there any feats I can take to help CMD? Besides for shield focus, all of my feats are geared towards offense right now.

Also the character is a Brawler (1) then fighter -> sentinel. So he gets 4x Martial flexibility


Really good rolls! Except the 4!

I am planning on running a human Lore Oracle. Lvl1 Feats being Noble Scion of War (Cha to Initiative) and Divine Fighting Style Desna (Cha to Hit and damage with Starknife, proficiency via heritage weapon feat). Lvl1 mystery being Sidestep Secret (Cha for AC, Ref and CMD). Curse being lame (-10ft movement, Dex4 represents having a truly messed up leg).

What else could I make? Looking for ways for the 4 to be flavorful, without being mechanically crippling

Stats: Str (18) Dex (13) Con (13) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (20)
Race: Tiefling
Class: Primalist Urban Bloodrager-Abyssal Infernal (4)
- Lvl 4: Lesser beast totem and Lesser elemental rage
Currently wearing mithril chain shirt +1 and wielding an earthbreaker


Now, with Cha 20 I'm thinking of going into an oracle dip. This would be Lore Oracle (replace Dex with Cha), and would give a much needed +2 Will save.

Now, for the questions...

(1) How many levels of oracle should I take?
(2a) Should I go dual cursed oracle? (for misfortune)
(2b) Should I go seeker oracle for tinkering? (the party has no trapfinder)
(2c) Should I go psychic searcher oracle for inspiration? (my character is a party face, and this would give me a free +1d6 to diplomacy and sense motive, and I could use it for combat rolls)
(3) How many levels of oracle should I take? I'd prefer not to lose any more BaB without good reason.


Something to bring up. If this has been raised before, feel free to burn me for it.

Why is strength for TO HIT and DAMAGE?

I mean, think about it. Someone can be very strong and clumsy. Think of the giant or ogre swinging around it's club while the heroes dodge it. It does't hit often, but when it does hit, it's brutal.

High Strength, Low Dex

Then think about the wiry man with the rapier. He hits you a dozen times before dropping you, but he always hits.

Low Strength, High Dex

Strength Damage Modifiers
Dexterity To Hit


This brings me to con. A stat which is always neglected. People tend to make it 14-16 and call it a day. Everyone has it. Even the Str7 wizard will have Con14. Late game, people will be running around with Str30 and dex14. It's just never something that gets pumped up.

This bothers me. Because someone who is really strong should logically also be pretty tough, right? And someone who is really frail probably won't be that tough.

Also, Con is that one stat which governs 0 skills. It's always left out.


Strength Damage Modifiers, Hit Points, Fort Saves
Dexterity To Hit, AC, Reflex, Initiative

Now martial characters *need* both strength and dexterity. You need dex to hit and strength to do damage.

Notice that this gives both stats a defensive bonus that goes with it. Want to play a bruiser who is really strong and has a great axe? Guess what? He's going to have alot of hit points.

Want to play a nimble elf who has a rapier? He'll hit really often, and he will be harder to hit, but he won't have the huge hit point pool.

Want to play a caster? Well, you were putting points into Dex and Con earlier. It just means that you can't dump strength under this system for more points.

And no matter what character you play, you can't dump one of the stats without hurting your defense.

Racial Abilities
+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
+2 Perception
* Bestial Features (pick 1, but can get more with Feats)
+10 foot racial bonus to base speed
- Gore attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
- 2 hoof attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage
- Scent to a range of 30 feet



Lvl 1: Extra Feature Feat. You now have 2x hoof attacks and 1x gore attack. Play a bloodrager, or feral Champion Warpriest for 2x claw attacks. That is 5x primary natural attacks at lvl1, with perfect ‘tear-your-face-off’ Stats.

Or hell...a vivesectionist alchemist with feral mutagen. That would push him up to 6x primary natural attacks at lvl2...with full Rogue Sneak Attack damage.

Am I wrong in seeing this as being far too good?

So...many campaigns let players roll for stats. And usually it ends up with something like this:

Player 1: "I've got an 18/17/16/16/14/13! I can be anything!"

Player 2: "Well, I've got a 14 point buy. Have fun with the campaign."

That's an issue, because many players don't submit concepts because the dice are so horrible. And this got me (and lazyclownfish!) thinking, what could be done to keep the dice random but to get rid of the huge discrepancy in characters? Here's the idea, and please tell me if it does what is intended...

Dice Rolling System

12+d6 (13-18)
11+d6 (12-17)
10+d6 (11-16)
9+d6 (10-15)
8+d6 (9-14)
7+d6 (8-13)

1 Reroll allowed if you have no 16, 17 or 18.
If stats are still under 20pts, gain a bonus trait. If under 15 then a bonus Feat and trait. If under 10, then re-roll all dice.
No stats over 18 after racial. Final stats are lowered to 18.

The Best Result, with rolling all 6s, and +2 from race


That's godly. But I've seen people with better rolls in recruitment threads.

The Worst Result, with rolling all 1s and a 1 on the re-roll, and +2 for race

Impossible. It triggers a re-roll. :)
But if you still end up with an 11 point buy, you do end up with a bonus feat and trait. And that means soemthing.

The Average Roll, getting 3 or 4 for all rolls


If rolls are unlucky and no 16, get a re-roll. If all rolls are unlucky and falls on lower end, then get a:


18 point buy. Get a free trait to make up for your bad luck. Still have a 17 in main stat after race.

If rolls are lucky, and all fall on above average, you get...


28 point buy. Good enough for any class in the game.

What do you all think?

Does this do the job of keeping character creation random, while still keeping characters within the same ballpark?

Last GM wrote:
Sorry guys, but I don't think I can run this up anymore, a combination of everything in my life exploding at once and my work's new internet policies meaning that I can't actually access from there. Sorry. For the record, just about everything up to now has been right out of the AP, so its not like you'd be missing much switching GM's.

Unique Aspects To Campaign?

Gestalt instead of Mythic

Current part of the story Fighting our way out of the cave system. Have just fought the mongrelmen

Eldric: Aasimar Zen Archer (will gestalt to Cleric)
Belg: Dwarven Geokinesis Kineticist (unsure gestalt plan)
Sabrina: Aasimar Paladin (will gestalt oracle)
Edmund: Human Wizard (unsure gestalt plan)
Caisramriel: Grigori Angelic Paragon (unsure gestalt Plan)


It’s annoying that you never see elven martials due to the -2 con. You never see dwarves sorcerers or paladins due to -2 Cha. It’s Limiting.

Would it break the game to let races use their lvl1 Feat to remove the negative racial stat penalty?

I mean...dwarves for example, still wouldn’t make the best sorcerers, oracles, skalds, bloodrager s, or paladins. But they could now do it without feeling needed.

And elven fighters would still gravitate towards being lightly armored dex warriors due to their +2 dex. But now they’d no longer be paper thin.

Would this be game breaking?

Something a GM I’ll be running for will be using. What problems might arise with this)


Wounds = Con modifier
Vigor = Class Hit Die and FCB

Example: Lvl 1 dwarf barbarian with Con18: Wounds (4) Vigor (13)
Example: Lvl 2 dwarf barbarian with Con18: Wounds (8) Vigor (21)


All vigor is returned after a full night’s rest. This alleviates the need for wand of cure light wound spamming.


When a character loses his vigor and starts taking wounds, he can be (gasp!) wounded. 50% health means losing 25% of your BaB, rounding down. Losing 75% of your health means losing 50% of your BaB rounding down. Your BaB can’t go below 0. Spell casters take this penalty to concentration checks as well.

Example: A lvl 10 Barbarian has 10 BaB. He loses all of his vigor and is wounded. 25% of 10 rounded down is 2, so he is down to 8 BaB. He then becomes greatly wounded, making his BaB 5. He loses his iterative attack.


Injuries suck. You don’t want to be injured. Healing in combat becomes more of a thing now, as you don’t want your meleers to be wounded. It also means that the BBE you are focusing down won’t fight at 100% capacity when he is at 1hp left. And finally, due to Vigor, you don’t need to heal it all up after each fight. This saves on party resources, though as noted before, in combat healing becomes more important.

What do you all think?

Something a GM threw at my party....

A collection of shambling zombies. One is posssssd by a spirit which gives said zombie extra strength. If that host zombie dies, the spirit possesses the next zombie. And if you cast a spell at the host zombie, the spirit will cast the same spell back at you.

Imagine our surprise when we tried to nova the strong zombie...

Anyways that’s mine. Anyone else have any fun custom monsters?

For those wiser than the following legal?

The idea behind it is to have an elven warrior holding a two handed blade. The drow is completely blind. So what does he do? Well...

"Your detect magic spell-like ability is now constant. You may use your dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities at will."

As far as I can tell, this build would give him the above abilities, along with 30ft blindsense.

RP-wise, he would be a drow follower of Vildeis. He has sacrificed his eyes in exchange for wisdom, and through his god is able to see. This doesn't mean that he is "good" in the usual sense. It is just that he has aligned himself with an empyreal lord instead of the usual demon lords. Most likely due to being driven into exile, and Vildeis being a good source of seeking vengeance against his own people.


Race: Drow

Str (16) Dex (16) Con (12) Int (7) Wis (13) Cha (13) 20 point buy
Level 4: Str (17)
Level 8: Str (18)

Spell-Like Abilities (Su): Drow can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.

Class: Two Handed Fighter
- Overhand chop until lvl 7
- Backswing level 7+
- Extra damage


Blind Zeal
Source Divine Anthology pg. 19
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Vildeis
You are blind but trained by followers of Vildeis to sense your surroundings by sound and touch. You need not attempt a skill check to move at full speed. You take a –4 penalty from blindness on only Acrobatics, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks. You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. You lose the benefits of this trait whenever you can see, but regain them if you once again become blind.

Reactionary (+2 initiative)


Level 1 Trait: Blind Fight

Level 1: Drow Nobility

Level 2: Power Attack

Level 3: Improved Drow Nobility

Level 4: Furious Focus

Level 5: Blinded Blade Style
Prerequisite(s): Blind-Fight, Perception 5 ranks.
Benefit(s): While you are using this style, you gain a number of benefits whenever you are blinded or unable to see (including when you wear a blindfold or close your eyes). Under such circumstances, you do not take any penalties on Strength– or Dexterity-based skill checks due to blindness. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on hearing- and smell-based Perception checks and gain the scent special ability with a range of 10 feet; if you already have scent, the range of your scent ability increases by 10 feet instead. Having this feat counts as having 10 ranks in Perception for the purpose of satisfying the prerequisites of the Improved Blind-Fight feat, as well as any feat that lists Improved Blind-Fight as a prerequisite.

Level 6: Improved Blind Fight
Perception 10 ranks, Blind-Fight.
Benefit: Your melee attacks ignore the miss chance for less than total concealment. You may still reroll your miss chance percentile roll for total concealment. If you successfully pinpoint an invisible or hidden attacker within 30 feet, that attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you with ranged attacks. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible.
Special: The Improved Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a character who is the subject of a blink spell.

Level 7: Blinded Competence
Prerequisite(s): Blinded Blade Style, Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Perception 10 ranks.
Benefit(s): While you are using Blinded Blade Style and you are blinded or unable to see, you do not need to succeed at Perception checks to pinpoint the location of creatures within reach of your melee weapon, or your unmodified reach if you are not wielding a melee weapon. This ability functions like blindsense, except creatures you cannot see do not gain total concealment against you. Having this feat counts as having 15 ranks in Perception for the purpose of satisfying the prerequisites of the Greater Blind-Fight feat, as well as any feat that lists Greater Blind-Fight as a prerequisite.

Level 8: Greater Blind Fight
Prerequisites: Perception 15 ranks, Improved Blind-Fight.
Benefit: Your melee attacks ignore the miss chance for less than total concealment, and you treat opponents with total concealment as if they had normal concealment (20% miss chance instead of 50%). You may still reroll a miss chance percentile roll as normal.
If you successfully pinpoint an invisible or hidden attacker, that attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you with ranged attacks, regardless of the range. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible.
Special: The Greater Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a character who is the subject of a blink spell.

Level 9: Blinded Master
Prerequisite(s): Blind-Fight, Blinded Blade Precision (Blinded Competence?), Blinded Blade Style, Greater Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Perception 15 ranks.
Benefit(s): While you are using Blinded Blade Style and you are blinded or unable to see, your ability to pinpoint creatures’ locations using Blinded Competence improves to function like blindsight rather than blindsense, and the range increases to 30 feet. In addition, you add half your character level to the DCs of Bluff checks to feint you in combat.

Level 10: Weapon Focus

Level 11: Greater Drow Nobility (Your detect magic spell-like ability is now constant. You may use your dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities at will.)

Level 12: Penetrating Strike

Level 13: Noble Spell Resistance (Your spell resistance is equal to 11 + your character level.)

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"Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on."

Humans get a bonus feat, and you can spend it on this. And this got me thinking, what are the uses for it? The best that I could come up with are...

Half-Storm Giant

Opens up the feats...

* Storm Soul (immune to electricity)
* Storm Warrior (+1d6 electricity damage with metal weapons)

Good for martials who use weapons. I especially like it with a magus. This makes you the master of electricity. Not only will you be immune to electricity, but make your weapon shocking, and at lvl 10 you are doing +12d6 electricity damage with each hit.

Half-Frost Giant

Opens up the feat...

* Born of Frost (+1d6 cold damage with unarmed and natural attacks)

Throw in Northern Ancestry for fluff (Cold Resistance 2, +1 Fort), and Heavy Blows (+1 unarmed damage) and you're good to go. Great for brawlers and monks.

A sample build at lvl5:

Barbarian (1) Mutagenic Brawler (4)

Lvl 1 Feat: Born of Frost
Lvl 3 Feat: Dragon Style
Lvl 5 Feat: Dragon Ferocity

Start off with Str18. At lvl5, you can rage and take a mutagen, giving you Str26.

* To Hit: +3 (bab) +4 (str) + 2 (rage) + 2 (mutagen) -2 (brawler's flurry) = +9/+9
* Damage First Hit: 1d8 (fist) + 1d6 (cold) + 13
* Damage Second Hit: 1d8 (fist) + 1d6 (cold) + 9

Great flavor for being a half-giant.

Anyone else have any feats/traits/etc that make racial heritage worth it?

Starting a campaign tomorrow. Lvl1, 10 points for stats, 1,000 credits. Mind looking over my build before I sit down with it?

Name: Lodric (real name: EAX752)

Str (10) Dex (16) Con (12) Int (16) Wis (11) Cha (8) SP (7) HP (10) RP (4) Initiative (+4) EAC (14) KAC (15) Saves (1/5/2)

Combat Shooting (80ft)
* To Hit: +4
* Damage: 1d4
* Trick Attack: Stealth at +14. (20+target CR) for +1d4 damage and target is flat footed (-2 AC)

Race: Android
* Constructed (For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum)
* Exceptional Vision (Androids have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only.)
* Flat Effect (They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2)
* Upgrade Slot (Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor.)

Class: Operator (1)
* Operator's Edge (Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter)
* Specialization: Ghost (Your specialization represents your primary area of expertise. Pick one specialization upon taking your 1st level of the operative class. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. Your specialization grants you the Skill Focus feat in your specialization’s associated skills, and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level (this does not allow you to exceed the maximum number of skill ranks in a single skill).)
* Trick Attack (You can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm. Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization) with a DC equal to 20 + your target’s CR. If you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed. This damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd level, to 3d8 at 5th level, and by an additional 1d8 every 2 levels thereafter. You can’t use this ability with a weapon that has the unwieldy special property or that requires a full action to make a single attack.)

Theme: Outlaw
* Theme Knowledge (You are well connected to shadowy secrets and back-alley deals, and you both know about key players and have handy skills of your own. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about the criminal underworld by 5. Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Dexterity at character creation.)

Lvl 1 Class: Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand)
Lvl 1: Weapon Focus (small arms)

Skills (8 class, 3 intelligence, 2 specialization)
* Stealth: 1 skill point (+10) 1+3+3+3
* Acrobatics: 1 skill point (+10) 1+3+3+3
* Sleight of Hand: 1 skill point (+8) 1+3+3+1
* Acrobatics: 1 skill point (+8) 1+3+3+1
* Engineering: 1 skill point (+8) 1+3+3+1
* Medicine: 1 skill point (+8) 1+3+3+1
* Computers: 1 skill point (+8) 1+3+3+1
* Culture: 1 skill point (+8) 1+3+3+1
* Perception: 1 skill point (+5) 1+3+0+1
* Athletics: 1 skill point (+5) 1+3+0+1
* Bluff: 1 skill point (+4) 1+3-1+1
* Intimidate: 1 skill point (+4) 1+3-1+1
* Sense Motive: 1 skill point (+3) 1+3-2+1

* Second Skin (250)
* Azimuth Laser Pistol (80ft range, 1d4 damage)
* Survival Knife (1d4 damage)
* 305 credits

Feat Plan
Lvl 3 feat: toughness
Lvl 5 feat: technomatic dabbler
Lvl 7 feat: connection inlking
Lvl 9 feat: versatile focus
Lvl 11 feat: mystic strike
Lvl 13 feat: quick draw
Lvl 15 feat: improved initiative
Lvl 17 feat: far shot
Lvl 19 feat: penetrating attack

Stat Plan
Lvl 5: +2 Dex (18) +2 Con (14) +2 Int (18) +2 Wis (13)
Lvl 10: +2 Str (12) +2 Con (16) +2 Wis (15) +2 Cha (10)
Lvl 15: +1 Dex (19) +2 Con (18) +2 Wis (17) +2 Cha (12)
Lvl 20: +2 Str (14) +1 Dex (20) +1 Wis (18) +2 Cha (14)
Str (14) Dex (20) Con (18) Int (18) Wis (18) Cha (14)

I was thinking about this, and here is what I came up with. Can anyone improve on it?

(Step 1)
* Changeling
+2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Con
- Claws (2x, 1d4)
- Annis Hag (+1 damage claws)
- SLA (Mage Armor)
- Darkvision (60ft)
- Fate's Favored Trait

(Level 1)
* Perfect Scholar Unchained Monk (1)
- All knowledge skills
- Flurry of Blows (comes online at lvl3)
- Wis to AC
- Stunning Fist
- Unarmed Strike
Lvl 1 Feat: Weapon Focus (Claws)

(Level 2)
* Cult Leader Warpriest (1)
- Sacred Weapon (claws do scaling damage)
- Divine Favor, Recharge Innate Magica so always have mage armor

(Level 3)
* Cult Leader Warpriest (2)
- Swift action divine favor
Lvl 3 Feat: Feral Combat Training (can not use flurry of blows with natural attacks! At 3 attacks with full BaB)

(Levels 4-6)
* Cult Leader Warpriest (5)
- Claws now 1d8 damage
Lvl 5 Feat: Mother's Gift (+1 hit and +1 damage with claws)

(Levels 7-8)
* Ranger (2)
- Improved Natural Attack! (Now have 3 attacks 2d6 damage)

(Levels 9-20)
* Cult Leader Warpriest
- Lvl 13 claws 2d8 damage
- Lvl 17 claws 3d6 damage

On top of that 3d6 damage, she will also get 6d6 sneak attack damage. Being a changeling will also mean +1 hit, +2 damage. Does usual warpriest buffing.

So when a usual warpriest has a weapon which does 2d8+6d6 damage, and the warpriest has +16/+11/+6, this warpriest has...

+16/+16/+16, 3d6+6d6 damage. Before factoring in stats, items, etc.

That's about the best I can come up with. Anyone able to improve on this, or show a way to get stronger natural attacks?

I was lucky enough to roll wings for my aasimar character. I thus have a 20ft fly speed. As a monk though I will end up with a 90ft move speed. It feels weird to have such a speed discrepancy.

Is there anything I can do to increase my flight speed?

A campaign I'm in has these rules at the moment.

15 Race Points (can make your own race or tweak existing ones)
All Paizo materials allowed (except for variant multiclassing)

Characters just joining start at lvl6 with normal gold. Current party members will have spent more due to looting, but that is what it is.

If you were joining, how would you use race builder with class combinations to break the game?

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Example from last night. I was playing a Perfect Scholar Monk. The party was fighting a pair of giants. One giant was dead. The one still up (a giant with brawler levels) was facing my monk (11HP left), a bloodrager (about 15HP left), a rogue (who was hiding behind the body of the dead giant), a sorcerer (who was out of useful spells) and an oracle (who had run away). The giant was near death, but so were we.

I had missed 4 stunning fists in a row. I had 1 stunning fist left and 1 ki point. I had also completely forgotten that I had an ability called 'learn from failure.' It gives you +1 on your next to hit roll (able to use once per opponent each day) after you missed your last one.

So my monk yells "I learned from failure!" as he jumps at the giant. He uses his last ki point. He uses his last stunning fist. He...misses with every attack. To hit I rolled a 3, a 5 and another 3.

The giant then swung twice at my monk. Got 2 critical hits. The giant's fist literally went through my monk.

And that, my friends, is the story of a truly ironic death.

Anyone else have a similar story to share?

I'm having some trouble choosing between two characters for a home-campaign that is starting up. So I'm putting two character concepts out here in the hope that someone can help me choose between the two...

Campaign Setting and Rules:

For this campaign, roughly two centuries ago a disaster struck. Several words and planes were violently merged together. The ensuing chaos and destruction toppled civilizations, led to the extinction of races, the dead began to rise in large numbers, and for several decades caused all arcane magic to ceased to function properly. Now, on this world, reality has settled, magic is working again, and the geography is set. However, the question on the minds of all of the survivors is 'what happened' and 'what can be done to stop this from happening again?'

We have been warned that there will be alot of undead and drow in this game. Have also been told that evil is allowed, but no stupid evil.

lvl 3 start
20pt buy
May make own race using race builder for 15RP. Can use the race builder to 'upgrade' existing races that are below 15RP.

Character 1:

Race Dark Elf (not drow...just less than pristine elves)
Type Humanoid (elf) 0 RP
Size Medium 0 RP
Base Speed Standard 0RP
Ability Score Modifiers Advanced (+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha) 4RP
Languages Standard 0RP
Defensive Traits
* Defensive Training 4RP
* Lucky, Lessor 2RP
* Elven Immunities 2RP
Offensive Traits
* Weapon Familiarity 1RP
Senses Traits
* Darkvision 2RP
* Light Sensitivity -1RP
* Fast 1RP
Total: 15RP

Unchained Shadow Walker Rogue rchetypes/shadow-walker-rogue-archetype/
Str (13) Dex (18) Con (12) Int (14) Wis (15) Cha (14) HP (30) Fort (+4) Ref (+10) Will (+5, +2 vs enchantments) AC (21/16/15) Movement (45ft) Darkvision (80ft) Initiative (+5)

Neutral Evil

Combat with power attack
To Hit: 1d20+6
Damage: 1d10+9 (+2d6 sneak attack)

* Fate's Favored (+1 all luck bonuses)
* Trap Finder (+1 disable device and can disarm magical traps)

Lvl 1: Tribal Scars (+6 HP, +5ft movement speed, +2 acrobatics)
Lvl 3: Power Attack

* Finesse Training (dex to hit and dex to damage with elven curve blade)
* Evasion
* 2d6 sneak attack

Expanded Sight
* At 1st level, a shadow walker gains darkvision with a range of 30 feet. If he already has darkvision, the range of his darkvision increases by 10 feet.
* When the shadow walker reaches 3rd level, and every 2 rogue levels thereafter, the range of his darkvision increases by 10 feet. Also at 3rd level, the shadow walker loses the light sensitivity weakness, if he has it.

Illumination Sense
* At 3rd level, a shadow walker can manipulate nearby illumination. At the start of each day, a shadow walker gains a number of illumination points equal to half his rogue level and can spend illumination points to use certain spell-like abilities. As long as he has at least 1 illumination point, he can cast light at will.
* He can spend 2 illumination points to cast darkness, and 3 illumination points to cast daylight, deeper darkness, or motes of dusk and dawn. These spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to the shadow walker’s rogue level. Using these spell-like abilities does not hamper the shadow walker’s vision; for example, he can see through the deeper darkness he creates, and does not take penalties for light sensitivity in the area of his own daylight.

Piratical Skills
* Perception: 3 skill points (+9)
* Stealth: 3 skill points (+10)
* Disable Device: 3 skill points (+12)
* Acrobatics: 3 skill points (+12)
* Profession-Pirate: 3 skill points (+8)
* Use Magic Device: 3 skill points (+8)

Talking Skills
* Diplomacy: 3 skill points (+9)
* Bluff: 3 skill points (+9)
* Intimidate: 3 skill points (+8)
* Sense Motive: 3 skill points (+9)

* Masterwork Thief Tools
* Fighter's Kit
* Masterwork Elven Curve Blade
* +1 Mithril Chain Shirt
* Embedded cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone (+1 initiative)
* Embedded cracked Mulberry Pentacle ioun stone (+1 bluff and diplomacy)
* Embedded cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid ioun stone (+1 sense motive and perception)
* 61 gold

Level Plan
* Lvl 4: +1 Wis, Favored Illumination normal light, Minor Magic, Debilitating Injury
* Lvl 5: Arcane Strike (+2 damage), Rogue's Edge, 3d6 sneak attack
* Lvl 6: Gloom Magic
* Lvl 7: Greater Gloom Magic, Sneak Attack 4d6
* Lvl 8: +1 Dex, Major Magic
* Lvl 9: Furious Focus, Sneak Attack 5d6
* Lvl 10: Dispelling Attack
* Lvl 11: Improved Critical (if he doesn't have a keen weapon by then), Finesse Training (daggers for throwing), Sneak Attack 6d6
* Lvl 12: Blinding Critical, +1 Dex
* Lvl 13: Sneak Attack 7d6, Toughness

The idea here is being an unchained rogue beat-stick. Power attack coupled with sneak attack. Eventually use the class to drop deeper darkness on enemies, as if I can see them and they can't see me...well, that makes for easier fights.

RP wise, this was an elven corsair. Think elven vikings. Raid and pillage during the winter months, come back in time for the harvest. Young corsairs ritually scar themselves after their first raid as a mark of social prestige. Personality wise, charming, intelligent, and pretty much devoid of morals. Was going to RP his backstory off as him leaving his people behind to act as a mercenary/assassin/adventurer.

I am worried though that as a straight rogue, he will be 'underpowered' compared to the casters when they start, and later on will be completely left in the dust.

Character 2:

Race Hell-Broken Aasimar
Type Outsider Navitve 3RP
Size Medium 0 RP
Base Speed Slow -1RP
Ability Score Modifiers Advanced (+4 Wis, -2 Cha, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con) 4RP
Languages Standard 0RP
Racial Traits
* Flight (40ft movement, poor) 6RP
Defensive Traits
* Celestial Resistances 3RP
* Lucky, Lessor 2RP
* Elemental Vulnerability Fire (-2 RP)
Total: 15RP

Arsenel Champion Warpriest of Lythertida (empyeral lord of idealism, potential and young death)

Str (18) Dex (12) Con (16) Int (12) Wis (19) Cha (5) HP (30) Fort (+8) Ref (+3) Will (+9) AC (20/11/19) CMD (17) Initiative (+3) Landspeed (20ft) Flyspeed (30ft)

Combat with Divine Favor and Power Attack
To Hit: +11 (+13 bull's strength)
Damage: 2d6+12 (+15 bull's strength)

* Fate's Favored (+1 luck bonuses) - faith
* Clever Wordplay (int for diplomacy) - social
* Honeyed Tongue (+1 diplomacy and class skill) - regional
* Reactionary (+2 initiative) - combat

Lvl 1 Class: Improved Unarmed Strike (1d6)
Lvl 1 Class: Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Lvl 1: Extra Traits
Lvl 3: Power Attack
Lvl 3 Class: Furious Focus

* Knowledge Religion: 3 skill points (+7)
* Sense Motive: 1 skill point (+8)
* Diplomacy: 3 skill points (8)
* Perception: 2 skill points (+9)

* Fervor (swift action divine favor)
* War Blessing
* Spontaneous Casting
* lvl 0 spells
- Create Water
- Detect Magic
- Stabalize
- Mend
* lvl 1 spells
- 4x divine favor
- 1x Shield of faith
* lvl 2 spells
- 2x Bullstrength
- 1x Align Weapon
- 1x Lessor Restoration
* Masterwork Fullplate
* Masterwork Greatsword
* wand of cure light wounds

The polar opposite. Much more of a paladin. Story wise, this is an Aasimar crusader who picked a fight with, and lost to, a demon. Has been tortured and broken, which is the reason for his -10 movement speed and why his fly speed is 'poor.' Crippling injuries that will never heal. The elemental vulnerability to fire is also caused from the intense torture, as he has been burnt by the fires of hell. The CHA5 with the high diplomacy comes for 3 reasons. (1) min-maxing. (2) Very low intimidate and bluff actually suits the character well. (3) Rather than the usual angelic beauty, his body is a mess of scars.


So there I am. I don't know who the rest of the party will be, only that one other player says that he will be either NG or LG.

Also, if anyone has other character concepts they would like to throw out, I'd love to hear them.

Here goes...

Awhile back I played the mod 'the darkest vengeance.' The GM who ran it didn't really know the darkness rules and we beat the final encounter because of it. Later, I learned that this was done wrong, and another GM said he would run it with the proper rules.

Myself, two friends, and a pregen went in. We played the mod right, and it led to us abandoning the mission and running away. Because deeper darkness at lvl1 which can be stacked on itself? That is impossible to beat. After our improvised IED failed to do anything, we got on our boats and lived to tell the pathfinders of our failure. It was an awesome night. The pregen may or may not have died...

...imagine my surprise when I found out that I got no credit for playing the game. Instead, any potions used/wand charges used count against me. But I got nothing for it.

I asked if I could retire an old character to build this one up, and was told no, that old character which I don't plan on using anymore keeps the scenarios he played and no other character can use them.

Why is this? I see now that I have 2 other PFS characters, a lvl4 and a lvl5. Games tend to repeat. Which means that as time goes on, I'm going to run into this more and more. Either don't play for the week, or risk losing a character and certainly lose resources.

I then learned that there is a thing called 'evergreen.' Scenarios that you can play over and over again. Why is this? Why pick a few scenarios that will bore you to tears because you've played them so many times, and not allow people to replay other adventures?

And I also don't think it is fair to say 'you know the scenario so you will ruin it.' I know for a fact that people 'peak ahead' in modules ahead of time. Roleplaying already works on an honor system, so we trust people with (a) and not with (b)...

I get the idea that this might encourage people to GM...but that isn't for everyone. It seems like this is just a way to force out veterans. Which seems horrible for a community. And given that we have evergreens, I really don't get why we are condemned to be bored playing the same few scenarios over and over if we want new characters.

It also makes me sad...because I played a scenario last week with a 7 man table. It was my first time playing a lvl5 character...and a lvl8 wizard beat every encounter in a single round. The table was chaotic, the gameplay was horrible (buff for 1 round and the combat is over), and the GM was certaily frustrated. It was a really bad experience, and I was hoping to try again with a table that was smaller and more in line with levels. Now I know that I won't get that chance unless I wand to risk a character dying for no gain whatsoever.


Wouldn't it be better to have other restrictions?

(1) Boons can only apply once to a character? This way you don't farm scenarios
(2) Lower gold for a character who replays a mission (which if you think about it, would handicap veterans as they'd end up with less gold than everyone else...which they could probably make work but which would add a new challenge)
(3) No fame and/or prestige for playing a scenario with a new character

As is, I've tried home games. And I loved it. But with my work/family schedule, PFS is best for me as it's gaming without commitment. Each week I can decide whether or not to go based on my schedule, without feeling like I'm letting my group down, falling behind in xp, or just plain old missing the story.

With PFS rules, I see that I'm going to hit a block where I'll be 'timed out' of gaming. And that I won't be able to indulge my restartitis, because finding scenarios for new characters will get harder and harder.

Well...rant over. But I'm really disappointed in PFS for this.

For PFS, Practiced Diplomat: "Circle one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, or Knowledge (nobility). When you roll your chosen skill, you always receive a result of at least 10 plus the number of goals you have completed."

That seems amazing. With just 2 goals completed, you are guaranteed a roll of a 12. Once you get 7 goals completed, you are guaranteed a 17.

I can see it being hugely beneficial to have on a diplomancer, as you could never mess up a roll.

I could also see someone who makes use of feint to get good mileage out of it. Or even a vigilante, to make sure that he always makes his disguise checks.

What class would make the best use of this ability? Bonus points for the character to make a believable noble.

So, my wife has finally agreed to join a game of pathfinder. For her character, she had this request:

(1) Half-Elf, Half-Orc
(2) A spellcaster

The best that I can think of for doing this is:

Race: Elf
Class: Crossblooded Sorceress
- Orc Bloodline (gives orc subtype and +1 damage on each die)
- Sage Bloodline (gives int for spells, bloodlines, etc)

This, sadly means getting -1 spells per level and -2 will saves.


So I think that this would hit all of the requirements, but is it making a weak character? How would I optimize this? Or should I just roll up a half-elf with the orc bloodline?

Excerpt of the report presented to the Phoenix King, as written by the Lothern Sea Guard captain Thelrion

... The dwarven outpost, or "hold" as they bearded ones name their dwellings, has been mercifully free of the footfalls of dwarves since the early days of Bel Shanaar's reign, although its current occupants- goblins and trolls- can hardly be called an improvement.

It was first founded by a group of ambitious dwarves, who craved more influence than their homes could offer them. Among these the Rinkeldraz clan was chief, and it was they who would one day spawn the line of kings which lasted until the fifth century of Bel Shanaar's rule.

The first king of the region which would later become known as Ekrund was king Ordorin, who was named the "Wild King" by his peers. They looked down upon him, this dwarf who spent most of his reign in the badlands between the Word's Edge Mountains and the Dragonback mountains. As if any notion of civilization exists among the dwarves.

Eventually Ordorin's eldest son, Grimbalki, succeeded his father and expanded their strongholds in the northern part of the mountains. At some point, after returning from a hunt for goblins, he found that his brother, Garudak, had seized the capitol Ankor-Drakk for himself, and had barred the gates. Which goes to show just how "honorable" these dwarves truly are.

Grimbalki, in a rare show of restrain for his people, decided not to wage war upon his brother. Instead he travelled to the south part of the mountains and founded a second colony, mount Bloodhorn. "Goat king" they named him, for his people relied greatly on farming these beasts. Truly, the pinnacle of dwarven wit.

At any rate, Garudak eventually went bankrupt when his mines went dry. Meanwhile, Grimbalki's newfound mines- mostly coal- and trade contracts with Karak Eight Peaks helped his holdings spread, much like an untreated infection. Eventually Garudak returned rule of the northern holdings to Grimbalki, unifying the Dragonback mountains as one dwarven hold. They named it Ekrund, after the great winding stairs they had constructed near a massive lode of coal south of mount Bloodhorn.

The kingdom prospered for some time, even though it never truly achieved the status of hold. I surmise that by "status" the dwarves mean "big enough", for even in Karaz-a-Karak I have seen little that indicates any sort of distinguishable craftsmanship.

Regardless, as we all know, at some point the greenskins came and killed most dwarves. Some fled, but enough time has passed that none can reliably trace their bloodline back to the Ekrundfolk. It has remained in the questionable care of goblins ever since, until now.

The Keigh-Mon of Marienburg intend to claim the region for themselves, or so my informant in the city reports. They have enlisted the aid of the Keigh-Mon who live in the ruins of our colonies- Tilea, they call the area. Also, the corsairs of Araby have hired their services out to the Marienburgers, which I suppose will at least keep them from pointlessly harassing our ships for a spell.

Naturally, the dwarves did not take the news well, and "noble" houses from three of their holds- Karak Izor, Karak Hirn and Barak Varr- have banded together in an attempt to repel the Keigh-Mon.

And in the south, the belligerent greenskin tribes have paused their constant infighting long enough to send an impressive- in numbers, at least- army to capture the hold as well.

In short, three lesser races attempt to remove the goblins from the Dragonback mountains and call themselves master of it. Tiresome business as usual among these primitive minds, I suppose. Nonetheless, the rise of a merchant colony in the Dragonback mountains could have far-reaching consequences, which of course no dwarf, keigh-mon or goblin can be bothered to think upon. I shall leave it to your wisdom to decide whether the lesser races of this world require the guiding hand of the Asur once more.

In your service...

What Is this?

This is an online RPing campaign. Players join one of three factions:

(1) The Dwarves, who seek to retake this lost dwarven hold
(2) The Human Merchants, who seek to make the dwarven hold into a trading outpost/a place that they can thoroughly loot for great profit
(3) The orcs and goblins, who seek to have a right good fight, and to keep their claws on the hold that they conquered.

How does this work?

(1) Go to and sign up.
(2) Make your character. There is a contest currently going on for best character story.
(3) The campaign itself...
(3a) Each week is a turn
(3b) Each turn, every player gets to move his army
(3c) Each turn you have resources to spend. You can write letters to NPCs, initiate special projects (which requires story telling), and can submit 'hobby reports' to get bonuses. This includes story telling, painting models, etc.
(3d) At the end of each turn the GM gives a turn summary, so you know how you are doing.


When does it start?
April 2nd

Feel free to ask any questions.

This campaign is pretty small. But the GM running it is a veteran. Years back we used to have campaigns that involved 4-6 GMs and over 100 players. The sheer amount of RPing and story telling was staggering. This is a build up to potentially restart that. I'm just putting this out here for anyone who is interested in joining us.

Silver Crusade

This was my first PFS character, and was an attempt at making a ranged character. The general idea behind him is this (at lvl4):

Turn 1: Cast divine favor and use studied target
Turn 2: Move to hopefully get a clear line of sight. Shoot. (Usually +12 to hit, doing 1d8+7 damage)

I realize now that I messed up in not giving him fate's favored (thus losing out on +1 hit and +1 damage). He also doesn't have deadeye bowman (wrong god, and didn't know about the feat), which would have been really useful for an archer character.

I also realize now that I messed up his racials. In PFS, hatred against orcs is pretty much useless, as is defensive training. That could have easily been traded for stoic negotiator, giving him +2 diplomacy and +2 bluff, which would have been much more useful.

As there anything I can do with my prestige to fix these mistakes?

And if not, how good is this character as an archer so I can decide whether he is worth continuing?

Also, if he is worth continuing, what would be an effective character progression for him?

Needed to share this, and would like to hear your stories:

Last night my halforc barbarian and a halforc bloodrager went to kick in a door. Nothing fancy. We both rolled natural 1s. The party rogue walks up and just opens the door. It was we close it and proceed to kick it in anyways just to prove that we could. Loved the moment, as natural 1s are always embarrassing. But two at the same time for an easy task? That's great.

Such is my epic fail. Anyone else care to share theirs?

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Anyone here play a character with any?

I'll give an example.

My half-orc barbarian has a goal. He wants to have an entire outfit looted from defeated enemies. This started when, on the spur of the moment, he demanded that a prisoner hand over his pants. He proudly wore those pants as a sign of his victory. Later, his party captured a cultist. The half-orc stole the man's boots, which more-or-less fit him (yay for being an invulnerable rager, take that non-lethal-your-boots-don't-fit-damage). He's currently on the hunt for a new shirt and, most importantly, a hat.

None of this has any mechanical benefits. But it just ended up being something that he's working towards.

Anyone else have a story like that?

So I had the idea of running this character in PFS. Just for flavor, seeing as how I've been using a warhammer dwarf slayer model for him. He just hit lvl3 and I was wondering what can I do to make him mechanically a dwarf and an orc? And what advice do you have for making such a move 'worth it' from a numbers point of view?

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So a question to all of you pathfinders who know the rules far better than I. When you hear "gestalt" what builds come to mind that are game-breakingly powerful? Assume 25 points.

For me, the best I can think of (and it shows how limited my imagination is) a half-orc invulnerable rager / warpriest.
Str (18) Dex (14) Con (14) Int (10) Wis (14) Cha (10)
Fate's favored, sacred tattoos. Divine favor.

Warpriests struggle due to d8 hit dice, 3/4 BaB and 2 skill points per level. The invulnerable rager gives them d12 hit dice, full BaB and 4 skill points per level, as well as rage / damage resistance / movement speed. In return, the warpriest gives blessing and swift action self buffs.

So at lvl 2 with raging, power attack and a masterwork falchion, a breastplate, and assuming blessing of war for +1 AC:

To Hit: +10
Damage: 2d4 + 14 (18-20 crit)
AC: 17 - DR/1 - HP 27
Fort (+9) Ref (+2) Will (+8)

Looks cool to me...but I'm certain that there is a whole heck of alot better out there. So when it comes to gestalt, what can you do?

Scarab Sages

As an idea for PC motivation, I like the idea of someone joining the pathfinders in the hope of stopping himself from aging. Specifically this is a martial who would be afraid of losing his strength and vitality due to aging. He wouldn't be seeking invincibility, just not aging.

What ways could I achieve this? I have no issue with "wasting" my magic item allowance on this.

To start this off, for me it was...

(1) Half-Orc Warpriest (with a two handed weapon...but more importantly he could use a wand of cure light wounds!)
(2) Human Barbarian (had an archetype for turning into a shark when raging. Had a two handed weapon)
(3) Human Fighter (Archer)
(4) Gnome Monk (with tiny fists)

This was PFS. Nobody had detect magic. Nobody had spellcraft. Nobody had a glib tongue. Everyone's go-to strategy was to kick the door in.

Our job was to investigate a monastery. The barbarian walked into a room that was cursed and he proceeded to fail a will save and slice his own throat. He survived this (yay barbarians!). Given how we had no tools for gaining information outside of intimidate and crappy diplomacy (again, no spellcraft, detect magic, etc), we did the only thing we could think of. We kidnapped a monk, and an intimidate test later, he dragged him everywhere we went. Any room we went into, the poor NPC was forced to go in first. Anything we wanted to touch we made him do it first.

Eventually we had to move on without him. Our barbarian punched the NPC. Unsure of whether or not the punch killed him (he wasn't moving... ) we hid his limp form and moved on.

Tripped a trap, causing a statue to fall on us. It did more damage than the ensuing encounter (entire table rushing a few very, very outclassed skeletons).

Eventually it was time to fight the big bad. He...could climb walls and cast spells. If you've ever seen Monty Python and the Killer Rabbit scene, you can guess what happened next. Yes, we all ran away into the next room. We ended up coming back in and threw stuff at him. This included the gnome monk, who punched the big-bad, fell down and landed in a stunned heap on the ground. I's not like we had many options.

Eventually the big-bad just used his magic to get away. We considered it a great victory. Though it did drum home the problem of having an all martial party. A single caster handed us our collected arses when it became impossible to close with him.

What the pathfinder society was thinking when they sent us there is anybody's guess...

Anyways, that's my story. What's yours on the strangest party you've been a part of?

The issue
* A Magus is a Dex build character.
* The only way to get Dex to damage is via Dervish Dance.
* Dervish Dance requires the use of a scimitar, which doesn't work with weapon finesse. This only can be taken at lvl 3.
* A Bladebound Kensai is not proficient with martial weapons. Only their 'chosen' weapon, which pretty much has to be a scimitar.
* If the Bladebound Kensai isn't holding a scimitar, he doesn't get Int to AC.
* So at lvls 1-2, the Bladebound Kensai either puts away his Scimitar and loses 1-3 points of AC, or uses it in combat very substandardly. This sucks.

The Idea...does it work?
(1) Hold a scimitar. Treat it like a heavy shield (at lvl 2 it is giving you +2 AC). Don't use it to attack.
(2) In the same hand, have a buckler (for a further +1 AC)
(3) In the other hand, have a spiked gauntlet. This way you have a weapon, but the hand counts as being "free"
(4) Cast the spell with the gauntlet hand being "free" and attack with it.

The Breakdown
* Assume that the character is an elf (for the tasty elven bonuses to overcoming MR and for casting defensively) with the following stats:
Str (9) Dex (18) Con (12) Int (16) Wis (10) Cha (7)

* The elf is lvl 2. He has the following equipment:
- Mundane Scimitar (+2 AC)
- +1 Haramaki (+2 AC)
- Mithril Buckler (+1 AC)
- Spiked Gauntlet (1d4 damage x2 crit)

* With the scimitar and buckler in one hand, he has AC 19 (not bad for lvl 2)

* Turn 1: The elf casts shocking grasp and then moves up. He attacks and misses.
* Turn 2: The elf uses spell combat and spell strike. He attacks with his gauntlet (+4 to hit from Dex, +1 from BaB, +3 for attacking someone with metal gear) for a total of +8. Because he is attacking twice, it becomes +6/+6.
* The elf hits. He now does 1d4+2d6-1 damage (1d4 from the gauntlet, 2d6 from the spell, -1 due to Str9)

Is this correct?

Why the worry?

Because a Bladebound Kensai is really cool. At lvl 3, when they can use their scimitar as an actual weapon, their power level jumps. In PFS where money is always scarce, at lvl 3 they get a free +1 weapon. This jumps up to a free +2 at lvl 5 and a free +3 at lvl 9. That comes out to be an extra 18,000 gold to spend on other items. It also means that you'll eventually be a character who can never lose his chosen weapon. So at lvl 3...

AC: 21 (once you get a cheap +1 to the buckler)
+8 to hit (+4 Dex, +2 BaB, free weapon focus, free +1 weapon)
Damage jumps from 1d4+2d6-1 (x2) to being 1d6+3d6+4 (18-20 x2)

And from their, AC just continues to rise. By lvl 5, you can spend the 8,000 gold that you would have spent on a weapon to instead get +2 Dex and +2 Int (that translates to another +2 AC, +1 hit and +1 damage).

Everything above though, is just an attempt to find a way to get through the 'hell levels' that are 1-2, when it looks like a bladebound kensai gets hit by a choice between using a crappy weapon, or losing out on alot of much needed AC.

For the GM to post in only

This is where players can discuss the tournament.


The Arena is a fight to the death between pathfinder characters. As the GM I will roll and write up the fights. You, the contestants, make the characters, and can RP/Bribe/Steal/Gamble between fights. The last man standing will win.

The Arena will be bracketed, so that the fights are always 1v1. For example:

Round 1:
Fighter A vs Fighter B (Fighter A wins)
Fighter C vs Fighter D (Fighter C wins)
Fighter E vs Fighter F (Fighter E wins)
Fighter G vs Fighter H (Fighter G wins)

Round 2:
Fighter A vs Fighter C (Fighter A wins)
Fighter E vs Fighter G (Fighter E wins)

Round 3:
Fighter A vs Fighter E (Fighter A wins the Arena)

Character Creation

* Everyone makes a level 1 character. 20 point buy. 2 traits allowed, no drawbacks allowe
* Character can only be made using the following resources (1) Core Rule Book (2) Advanced Players Guide (3) Advanced Class Guide (4) Ultimate Magic (5) Ultimate Campaign
* Characters start off with 3000 gold. This can be used to buy equipment and/or gamble/influence the fight.
* Characters must come with at least 250 words of backstory.


Read the Campaign introduction for the setting. Each player must have two (2) characters. Their Warrior (20 point buy) and the rich merchant/noble/wizard/etc who has sponsored the Warrior (you, the player).

Character Advancedment

* If your character wins the first fight, he gains 3000 gold and goes up to lvl 2.
* If your character wins the second fight, he gains 5000 gold and goes up to lvl 3.
* If you win the tournament, and if there is a second one, the player will gain a bonus.


* Each round initiative is rolled to see who attacks first.
* Combatants start off 30ft from each other.
* Whomever goes first will by default charge, unless specified otherwise.
* All players can write down their tactics. Tactics include what spells to cast (and when to cast them), when to use potions, whether to shoot or charge, etc. Tactics aren't required but are highly recommended.


* If you have gold left over, you can bet on who will win the next fight.
* You are betting against the house, not each other.
* Whomever has the most gold at the end of the Arena will start off with extra gold should there be another Arena.
* This means that even if your character loses, there is still a reason to gamble/interfere.

Skills and Dirty Tricks

* Players can PM me with a dirty trick of their choice.
* This is left up to the player's imagination as to what they want to accomplish.
* How much the dirty trick will cost, and what skill check is needed, will be determined by me.
* A bonus to the skill check can be earned through writing up what your character does. The better quality your writing, the greater your chance of success will be.
* There is always a chance of failure, especially as targeting other players can fail if the other character has high opposed skills.
* This, of course, gives a reason to play a skill monkey.
* Players can use this function to defend themselves against dirty tricks.
* This, by design, gives an incentive for players to be inventive and to spend their gold on giving themselves an advantage (or ensuring that they win their bet)


* Frank the Fighter is going to face Bill the Barbarian.
* Frank spent 2000 gold on his character and bet 500 gold on his character to win. He spends 500 gold bribing a bartender to slip a poison into Bill's ale before the fight.
* Bill spent 2000 gold on his character and bet 500 gold on his character to win. He saves his last 500 gold for later.
* Charlie the Cleric has 1000 gold saved up after building his character. He bets 500 gold on Bill, and spends 250 gold hiring a bodyguard for Bill to defend Bill against underhanded tricks, as Charlie wants to win his bet. He also spends 100 gold for a member of the audience to throw a brick at Frank as the fight starts.
* The bodyguard saves Bill from drinking the poisoned ale.
* The fight happens. It is a close one, but Bill wins because of a well times rock to the head from a member of the audience.
* Frank lost his character and is down to 0 gold. He is out of the Arena and out of the betting game.
* Bill won the fight and bet 500 gold. He had 1000 gold. He is now up to 1500 gold. He can gamble with this, and when round 2 starts will gain another 3000 gold.
* Charlie had 1150 gold and won his bet. He is now up to 1650 gold. He can spend this before his fight.

The Final Rules
* Only 8 characters are allowed.
* First come, first served. Characters are only 'locked in' when a character background is provided. This is to ensure that the players are not going to just post a lvl 1 character and wander off.
* I will not be providing behind the scene dice rolls, I will only be providing fluff. Don't ask for them.
* This is for FUN. Do not take it too seriously. If it goes well, I'll keep track of Arena Champions so your victory will be remembered.
* This first Arena is starting off at level 1. This is for simplicity's sake. If this goes well, future Arenas may begin at higher levels.

Well then...for me, I'm paranoid. For a few sessions I played a swashbuckler and really enjoyed it. But gave the character up...because I'm paranoid that something will happen to his rapier. And once that happens he'll be worthless.

The enemy steals it
He gets disarmed
The rapier gets sundered
He is in a situation where no weapons are allowed

So I eventually decided to go with an invulnerable rager barbarian with the beast totem tree. The AC of beast totem and the pounce of greater beast totem are awesome, but for me...being able to grow claws for lesser beast totem is just as necessary. Because it means that the martial character can always fight, regardless of what the situation is. Disarm him? Growl and swipe their face off. Be told that no weapons are allowed in the negotiation room? Howl as you disembowel the diplomat with your hands. Sure, it is rare to need it, but I can't live without the option of doing something.

Anyone else have this hangup when making a character? And what is it that you do to ensure that you aren't one item dependent?

Why? I want to play a Half Orc from Osirion. He has Int12. I can't pick Osirioni as a bonus language, instead it's got to be something like goblin or giant. To get Osirioni I need to waste a skill point on linguistics.

Likewise a Pahmet Dwarf, who should have Ancient Osirioni on his language list needs to waste a skill point.

Why limit RP by enforcing a limited language list? Why not say "common languages known by elves include..."?

The best I could come up with:

Race: Dwarf
Unstoppable and Stoic Negotiator racials (toughness as bonus feat, +1 fort, +2 diplomacy)
Traits: Clever Wordplay (Int to diplomacy) and wisdom of the flesh (wis for stealth)
Stats: Str (16) Dex (12) Con (16) Int (15) Wis (12) Cha (5)

Lvl 1: Armorek Hulk Barbarian and power attack
Lvls 2+: Empiricist Investigator

The strangeness...

(1) Full Plate. Usually bad for rogues. But...Wis for Stealth, Int for Perception and disable device. Trapfinding as class skill. 0 armor check penalty for any thieving skills. You now have a party scout and trap finder who wears full plate.

(2) Combat
- Str16 base with great sword
- Str18 with Enlarge Person (10ft reach and 3d6 greatswords)
- Str22 with rage (5 rounds per day, also Con20)
- Str26 with mutagen (at lvl3, also negates some of the AC loss)
- Str30 with Bull's Strength (once he gets Lvl 2 extracts)

For a great weapon build, that's a pretty high strength at a low level. With a simple +2 belt and +2 Str/+1 ain't by Lvl 12, he easily goes up to Str34. Put in power attack and furious focus, and he can bring some hurt (after 2 self buffs, of course...)

(3) Defense
At Lvl 1: 18 hp
At Lvl 2: 27 hp
+10 HP a level thereafter...on par with most barbarians
+2 HP per level when raging
AC20 at first level. -2 from enlarge person, -2 from raging, +2 from mutagen. So 18AC base at lvl3. That's...not horrible.
At Lvl 3 take furious focus. At Lvl 5 take extra traits (Magickal knack makes up for lost caster level and fighter of the society gives +1 trait AC). From there feats such as extra rage, dodge, and ironhide all help.

When he needs to tank, drink a potion of shield instead of enlarge person. Trade the +1d6 damage and +2 str for +4 shield AC. With mutagen and rage, that's 24AC. Much better for holding the line.

(4) Out of combat
- Good thief skills
- Basic Knowledge skills
- Great diplomacy (+8 at Lvl 1)

(5) Issues
- Loses 2 skill points from single class investigator
- Slower investigator progression
- Loses tons of HP, rage and powers from single class barbarian


And thus you have a polite, charming, dapper dwarf with a monocule. He is helpful, knowledgeable, and useful for the party. But when the enemy comes into sight, his monocule falls off, he drinks a potion or two...and he goes into a mindless killing spree.

Basically, this guy: all-want-civilization/

"Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties on attack rolls made with a shield while you are wielding another weapon. Add your shield’s enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the shield as if it were a weapon enhancement bonus."

RAW, if you have armor spikes, or a gauntlet, and you are using a shield two handed, are you wielding both weapons? Both could be "wielded" even if they aren't being used to attack, right?

And if so, with shield master do suffer penalties to hit for power attack?

Also it says "you do not suffer any penalties, so does that include enemy debuffs as well?

Brawler's Fury: Starting at 2nd level, a brawler can make a brawler's flurry as a full-attack action. When doing so, a brawler has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group, or weapons with the "monk" special feature. She does not need to use two different weapons to use this ability.

Unarmed Strike:
At 1st level, a brawler gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A brawler may attack with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a brawler may make unarmed strikes with her hands full. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier (not half ) on damage rolls for all her unarmed strike

Could a Brawler have a heavy shield for +2 AC, and use brawler's fury with 2 unarmed attacks? Unarmed Strike says that he can attack with both hands full, and brawler's fury says that it is any combination.

I ask because feats such as weapon focus, weapon specialization, and Beiler's bite work best with 2 unarmed attacks. And at the same time, for a Str character who only gets light armor, AC is lacking without a heavy shield.

The lore that I've read says that they are humans with elemental ancestry. But are Sylphs, Oreads, Ifrits, etc also from non-human races?

Oreads are really Dwarven for example. 20ft movement, +2 Str/Wis, -2Cha. Earth focus
Sylphs seem really elven. +2 Dex/Int, -2 Con. Air focus, with elf and Sylph racials overlapping

If I sat down at a table and said that my Sylph is from elven parents with some djinn in their background...would that be lore friendly?

My character just got 6xp, but I haven't used him for a game at 2nd level. In the last game, I was informed that he wasn't PFS legal, because apparently elves can't get darkvision...well, I've done my best to fix that problem. Could someone more knowledgeable than I help make sure that this character is PFS legal before I use him again?

Race: Sylph
Class: Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade/Noble Fencer)


* Noble Fencer
- Replaces dodging panache deed
- Replaces superior feint deed
- Replaces subtle blade deed
- Replaces charmed life

* Inspired Blade
- Alters panache class feature
- Replaces swashbuckler finesse
- Replaces bleeding wound deed
- Replaces swashbuckler weapon training
- Replaces swashbuckler weapon mastery

Str9 Dex19 Con12 Int16 Wis12 Cha7

Equipment, Feats, Skills, Traits, Racial:

* Masterwork Rapier (+1 hit, 1d6, 18-20 crit, x2)
* Darkwood Buckler (+1 AC)
* Mithral Chain Shirt (+4 AC, +6 Max Dex AC)
* 3x Chakrams (1d8 dmg, x2, 30ft range)
* Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
* Imbedded Dusty Rose Cracked Ioun Stone (+1 initiative)
* Imbedded Pink and Green Cracked Ioun Stone (+1 Diplomacy)
* Hot Weather Clothing (+2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist warm or hot weather.)
* 600 gold

Carrying Capacity
* Light (33lbs or less)
* Medium (31-60)
* Heavy (61-90)

Current Load
* Rapier: 2lbs
* Mithral Chain Shirt: 12.5lbs
* Darkwood Buckler: 2.5lbs
* 3x Chakrams: 3lbs
* Masterwork Backpack (+1 str for carrying capacity): 4lbs
* Blanket, Flint and Steel, Wooded Holy Symbol, mess kit: 3lbs
* Hot Weather Clothing: 4lbs
* Total: 31 lbs

Knowledge Skills
* Knowledge Local: 1 point, +7
* Knowledge Nobility: 1 point, +7

Scarab Sages
* Knowledge History: 0 (+8 with first faction boon)
* Knowledge Planes: 0 (+8 with first faction boon)

Social Skills
* Diplomacy: 2 points, +9
* Sense Motive: 1 point, +5

Other Skills
* Perception: 2 points, +6
* Craft (calligraphy): 1 point, +7
* Acrobatics: 1 point, +8
* Stealth: 1 point, +12
* Escape Artist: 1 point, +8
* Climb: 1 point, +3
* Swim: 1 point, +3
* Sleight of Hand: 1 point, +8

* Weapon Focus (Rapier)
* Weapon Finesse (Rapier)
* Weapon Finesse (When wielding a rapier one-handed, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon's damage. The rapier must be one appropriate for your size. You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or anytime another hand is otherwise occupied. In addition, if you have the panache class feature, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against attempts to disarm you of your rapier while you have at least 1 panache point.)
* Run (When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see Acrobatics), you gain a +4 bonus on your Acrobatics check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class.)

* Clever Wordplay (Int for Diplomacy)
* Highlander (+1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for you. This trait bonus increases to +2 in hilly or rocky areas.)
* Indomitable Faith (+1 will from skykey solutions)

* Energy Resistance-Electricity 5
* Darkvision (60ft)
* Whispering Wind (+4 stealth)
* Storm in the Blood (fast healing 2 when taking electricity damage, can heal 2 points per level per day)

Level Class:

* 5 points each day
* Recovers 1 point for scoring a critical hit with rapier


* Derring-Do: At 1st level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point when she makes an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. She can do this after she makes the check but before the result is revealed. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, she rolls another 1d6 and adds it to the check. She can continue to do this as long as she rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

* Opportune Parry and Riposte: At 1st level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler, she can spend 1 panache point and expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If her result is greater than the attacking creature's result, the creature's attack automatically misses. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature's attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least 1 panache point, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action make an attack against the creature whose attack she parried, provided that creature is within her reach. This deed's cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the number of panache points a deed costs.

* Social Panache (Ex): At 1st level, a noble fencer can spend 1 panache point when he attempts a Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. He can do this after he rolls the check but before the result is revealed. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, he rolls another 1d6 and adds it to the check. He can continue to do this as long as he rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Just before a verbal duel, a noble fencer can spend up to 4 panache points. For each point he spends, he selects a tactic for which he has chosen Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive as an associated skill and gains an edge he can only use with that tactic.

Aristocratic Discipline

* At 2nd level, a noble fencer relies on his extremely honed training and discipline to protect his mind, rather than luck. The noble fencer gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting effects. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 4 swashbuckler levels thereafter.

Level Plan:

* lvl 3: Swashbuckler
- Toughness (+1 HP per level)
- Nimble (+1 dodge bonus to AC)
- Precise Strike (+1 dmg per level, need at least 1 panache point. Can spent 1 panache point to double bonus on next attack)

* lvl 4: Swashbuckler
- Weapon Specialization (+2 dmg)
- +1 Dex (Dex20, +1 hit, +1 dmg, +1 AC, +1 Init, +1 Ref)

* lvl 5: Swashbuckler
- Weapon Training (Improved Critical, +1 hit, +2 damage)

* lvl 6: Swashbuckler
- Aristocratic Discipline (+2)

* lvl 7: Swashbuckler
- Airy Step (+2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the air or electricity descriptors and effects that deal electricity damage. You may ignore the first 30 feet of any fall when determining falling damage.)
- Nimble (+2 dodge AC)

* lvl 8: Swashbuckler
- Dodge (+1 dodge AC)
- +1 Dex

* lvl 9: Swashbuckler
- Wings of Air (Gain a supernatural fly speed equal to your base speed (good maneuverability). You may only fly with this ability when wearing light armor or no armor. and airy step becomes +4)
- Weapon Training (+2 hit, +3 damage)

* lvl 10: Swashbuckler
- Aristocratic Discipline (+3)

* lvl 11: Swashbuckler
- Nimble (+3 dodge AC)
- Divine Obedience-Irori (+4 all knowledge skills)
- Unshakable Presence

* lvl 12: Swashbuckler
- Critical Focus (+4 confirm criticals)
- +1 Dex (Dex22)

The idea behind this character is to abuse the Inspired Blade and Noble Fencer archetypes. The former gives panache for Int and Cha (with Cha being minimum 1) and the latter replaces charmed life, so that between the two charisma accounts for nothing. Couple that with clever wordplay, and Cha becomes an easy dump stat. Useful for getting extra skill points.

Being a sylph helps in this regard, while also giving fly at will at lvl 9. Given how expensive flying items are, I can't see any other way to be able to fly at lvl 9 for a martial class.

Besides for that, a very simple idea for this type of character. Take a rapier. Poke someone with it in an uncomfortable place. Let high dex, precise strike, weapon spec, and 15-20 crit do its job.

My fear for the character, is of course, the low Con. A Con of 12 isn't ideal, even with favored class bonus and toughness. At lvl 12 he'd only be at 112 HPs.

With all of that said, am I screwing anything up again? I would hate to sit down at a table and find out that the character is illegal after I've passed the point of remaking him.

Dwarven Fighter (Two Handed Archetype)
Str20 Dex12 Con16 Int10 Wis12 Cha5
* Stoic Negotiator (+2 bluff, diplomacy and profession merchant)
* Full Plate, Dwarven Longhammer, Dwarven Boulderhelmet

lvl 1-Fighter
* Power Attack (lvl 1 fighter feat)
* Breadth of Experience (+2 to all profession and knowledge checks, can make all untrained)

lvl 2-Sanctified Slayer
* Conversion Inquisition (Wis for Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy)
* Stern Gaze (+1 intimidate)
* Studied Target (+1 hit and dmg as a move action)
* lvl 0 spells (detect magic, read magic, stabilize, create water)
* lvl 1 spells (can use wand of cure light wounds without UMD check, gain expeditious retreat. This gives up 20ft of movement to gain +30ft movement for 1 minute, which is good for getting into combat. As a dwarf, this gives him 50ft movement in full plate)
* Monster Lore (+1 to knowledge checks when finding weakness of an enemy)
* +2 fort and +2 will
- 1 BaB
- Gets to fighter bonuses 1 level slower

lvl 3-Fighter
* Weapon Focus (lvl 2 fighter feat)
* Divine Obedience (Irori: +4 to all knowledge checks)

The idea here is that at lvl 3, he gets...

Profession (all) +3
Profession (merchant) +5
Knowledge (all) +6
Knowledge (religion) +12
Knowledge (arcana) +10
Knowledge (dungoneering) +10
Knowledge (nature) +10
Knowledge (engineering) +10
Diplomacy: +9
Bluff: +9 (+10 with studied target)
Intimidate: +8
Surival: +5
Sense Motive: +5


So he's a fighter who becomes useful no matter what the scenario is. He can make any skill check pretty darn well. He can talk pretty well. He can fight. His 3 skill points per level are no longer that big a deal.

That is, at lvl 3 he's getting with studied target:

+10 to hit
2d6+11 damage


However, if he just goes Fighter (3), he ends up with...

Profession (all) +3
Profession (merchant) +5
Knowledge (all) +6
Knowledge (religion) +9
Knowledge (engineering) +10
Knowledge (dungoneering) +10
Intimidate: +4
Survival: +5

+10 to hit
2d6+15 damage

That equals getting +5 damage a level earlier, but losing out on a huge bonus to social skills, knowledge skills, and some light magic. the dip worth it?

Was chatting with a friend and we came up with a build. I wanted to run it by the forum before he goes full force with it.

Str (8) Dex (18) Con (12) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (18)

Level 1
* Inspired Blade
- Weapon Focus Rapier (From class, gives +1 to hit)
- Inspired Finesse (From class, gives dex to hit with rapier)
- Fencing Grace (lvl 1 feat, gives dex to damage with rapier, offhand can't hold anything)
- Panache and Deeds
* Studded Leather, Rapier, Buckler

Level 2+
* Enlightened Paladin
- Confident Defense ("At 1st level, when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, an Enlightened paladin adds 1 point of his Charisma bonus (if any) per class level to his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class.")
- Personal Trial
- At lvl 3 get divine grace, adding +4 to all saves
* Switch studded leather to silken ceremonial armor

The Effect

+4 AC from Dex
+2 AC from Cha (gets full +4 when he hits lvl5)
+2 AC from buckler and armor for a total of AC18 (AC20 at lvl5)

Fort +8
Ref +12
Will +7

+7 to hit with Rapier
1d6+4 18-20 crit with Rapier
With Ki pool equaling 4+(1/2 level), he can ignore all DR for any target of his personal trial

From there, stat increases can go to Dex to increase to hit/damage/reflex/AC. Silken ceremonial armor has no max dex AC. For the rest of PFS, up to lvl 12.

This seems to me like it will be extremely nasty, in the sense that 2 stats which are maxed out end up doing everything. Low Con/Wis doesn't matter for saves because the Cha is added to them. Lack of armor doesn't matter because Dex and Cha adds to it. Lack of strength doesn't matter because Dex replaces it. The only downside is a lack of HPs...but with Con12 and favored class bonuses, as well as HP10 class, he won't end up suffering too badly.

So is this legit? Because if so, I think that he's going to end up with quite the insane character.

A thought hit me...not many people really die in PFS adventures. I mean, I have a lvl 4 character. I was thinking back about how many people died for him to reach that level...

Out of 10 adventures, roughly 25 people were killed (not counting prisoners taken, undead, elementals or demons, none of whom count as a 'death.' However, humans, elves, half-elves, troglodytes...pretty much any sentient creature counts). With an average of 6 players per table, that's about 4 people who died so that this dwarf could reach level 4 and could get some gold.

I was wondering, how many people have died for your characters to get where they are?

Sovereign Court

For a warpriest who plans to dual wield kukris, and a 20pt buy, what is the best option?

Option 1
Str (17) Dex (15) Con (14) Int (10) Wis (14) Cha (7)

Option 2
Str (18) Dex (15) Con (12) Int (10) Wis (14) Cha (7)

Option 3
Str (18) Dex (15) Con (14) Int (7) Wis (14) Cha (7)

Can't quite decide. Any suggestions before I hit the table with him this Saturday?

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