Gordon will attempt to acquire the shiny object(s), on the assumption that shiny == saleable. Then, having acquired saleable objects will rejoin the others.
Gordon will continue to go through the former Fwarth's pockets. Then, taking his leave of the ghost, will go and retrieve his bow and go over to where Ezequiel and Lighthouse are trying to get through the door.
Taken aback a bit, Gordon says, "Well, we're not here to finish eating you, but, if you like, we could give you a decent burial. Also, we've no intention of pilfering anything of yours you can still use, so, assuming you cannot use any item upon you, I would not consider taking said items to be considered to be pilfering at all."
Hmmmm, Gordon thinks to himself. This metal door appears to be the vault? Hmmm? He moves toward it, and opens the door. Then inserts his disk in the vault to see what happens.
"So, in reality, we have no choice? Wait... Don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question. I understand you cannot directly help us, but can you provide hints as to what each challenge is?"
Gordon, a slight human, listened to the one called "Anna". Then he held back, seeing which way each of the others would go. Catching up to them, he says, "My names Gordon. I seem to have the worst luck. This isn't my first go round with being dumped someplace without my permission."
Then now:
Gordon will follow the group, always trying to maintain himself as unnoticeable as possible.
starting wealth:4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 5) = 20 = 200 gp to start
Gordon is a human rogue.
His grey piece is a circular disk made of darkwood with intricate engravings. It is about 2 inches in diameter, with a single hole near one edge. It has the ability to cast light. While lit, it hums. Quite loudly.
Gordon's father was a burglar, and he had the grey piece from his father. It helps with B&E (breaking and entering), since it frees up a hand from carrying a light. One has to be careful though, it has always hummed while lit, but over the years the hum has become louder.
It will be a slotted item. In particular in the neck slot.
Gordon Bratiwade
Human rogue 1
True Neutral (He doesn't like the law, but likes that laws make people wealthy enough to steal from. And he doesn't steal from the poor, but he's not above killing the innocent if it means that he gets away.)
=== Gear ===
Masterwork Nodachi
Scale Mail
Arrows (20)
Blunt Arrows (20)
* Rations (5)
* Hemp rope (2)
* Grappling hook
* Crowbar
* Whetstone
* Flint and steel
Belt Pouch
* earplugs
* 10.27 gp
Rage 6/day
=== Traits ===
Deathtouched (+2 to saves vs mind-effecting)
=== Feats ===
Power attack (-1/+2)
Violent even by Shoanti standards, Gordon left his tribe to seek a place among the occupiers (that is, any non-shoanti). He has been roaming as a sword-for-hire with some luck. Now, low on cash, he is seeking some like-minded folk to gain wealth and fame.
If he gains enough wealth, he can even go back to his tribe and demand a seat at the council. That will show them. They threw him out saying he must learn patience and wisdom, when what they feared the most were his bloodthirty rages against those who would impune his lineage.
I can post most days once or twice, but cannot post Friday evenings nor Saturday. Occasionally, I have to not post for two or three days, but in each case I have let the GM/players know to allow the GM to GMBot my character
Gordon is a monk from Brevoy. More interested in the martial capabilities rather than the spiritual aspects of the monastery, it was suggested that he strike out on his own to become more mature.
The talk of money and fame moves him in ways that belie the teachings of his monastery.
I have it more fleshed out tomorrow.
Gordon, Monk 1:
30 pt buy
STR 17 +2 human = 19
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 13
WIS 13
CHA -7
HP 8+3=11
Speed 20
CMD 16
Monk Bonus Feat: Improved Grapple
Human Feat: Combat Reflexes
Monk innate feat: Improved unarmed strike