
GokaiFire's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Since the newest Pokemon games Black and White 2 came out a couple months ago I have really been getting into the competitive battling thing. So of course I would want to create a campaign for my friends and fellow Pokemon trainers to play through. So my question follows, is there any simple Pokemon d20 conversions out there? I could have sworn there was a thread with simple math conversions to table-RPGize your gameboy companions but I cannot seem to find it any more. Anyone have some suggestions or is anyone intrested in re-building this?

Hey all, I'm newly stationed in Bremerton, WA and looking to get into a regular pathfinder group. I have no experience with Pathfinder specifically but well over 6 years with D&D 3.5. I am available almost any day but I am in the military so some days I will not be available. Thanks and happy gaming.