
Glav's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. 62 posts (67 including aliases). 6 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive Samel'Thalain

Male Elf 16 Conjurer (Wizard) (1 post)
Namdrin Quinn
Dark Archive Frodal'Thalain

Male Elf 13 Grenedier (Alchemist) (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Gruffy Footfaller

M Halfling 18 Gendarme (Cavalier) (0 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Dark Archive Kalid'Tokal

M Human 10 Swashbuckler (Rogue) (0 posts)
Knight of Ozem
Silver Crusade Iomar Willfree

M Human 17 Crusader (Cleric) (0 posts)
Sipho Munali
The Exchange Battle Chef Olizar

Male Human 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) (0 posts)
Dark Archive Boral of House Elavendel

M Half Elf (0 posts)
Corvin Tergsvor
Dark Archive Kin Xiao Wong

Male Aasimar Evangelist 8, Pathfinder Savant 3 (0 posts)
Flying Blade
The Exchange Sulivin Haffnir

M Human 8 Alchemist (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Bluffy the Scarvisitor

Human (0 posts)

Dark Archive Azziv Zohmog

Aasimar 1 Paladin (0 posts)

The Exchange Julios Palatos Atolimos

Human (0 posts)
Frost Giant Ice Mage
Dark Archive Folun Krax

Male Human Wizard (necromancer) 8 (2 posts)
Grand Lodge Gleery of Cassomir

Male Half-elf Rogue 3 / Wizard 3 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Gesh Ashbringer

Male Half-Orc Cleric 2 (0 posts)

The Exchange Ace MacGonagall

Male Human Bard 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Silversun Lifegiver
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Thorg Ogrimson

Male Human (0 posts)
Journeyman Carpenter
Grand Lodge Aaron Rockovitch

Half-Orc (0 posts)

The Exchange Allen-a-Dale

Tengu (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Citizen Anger

Vigilante 2 (0 posts)

Exo-Guardians Lance "The Tailor" McClain

Male Human Ace Pilot Operative 1 (0 posts)

Robert Pepka 624
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Chips Spark
(0 posts)

Grand Archive Galen Hemokos

Male Human Ranger 1 (0 posts)
Cleric of Pharasma
Dark Archive Parig'Tokal

M Human 1 Cleric (0 posts)


High Shieldmarshal Armand Meneley
High Shieldmarshal Menelay
(2 posts)