High Shieldmarshal Armand Meneley

High Shieldmarshal Menelay's page

2 posts. Alias of Glav.



Erimond Thorne wrote:
High Shieldmarshal Menelay wrote:
Erimond Thorne wrote:
"So you think you have what it takes to step into the ring with me, eh? Reach for the sky, pilgrim!"
I swear Thorne, I'll catch you in the act one of these days! And then even your Ifrit reflexes won't be enough to get out of The Law's hands!

Hah! You tried that once already Armand, and we both remember how it turned out. Got sprung by my fellow Pathfinders and earned myself a commendation from the Duchess to boot. Not to mention that lovely apology you gave me along with this new badge.

Thorne smirks and taps a recently polished shieldmarshal badge on his lapel.

I've been reinstated with a full pardon! So as far as 'The Law' is concerned, I'm as prim and proper as an Abadarian during Taxfest.

Besides, you we never fast enough to get the draw on me, sheriff.

Begrudgingly. It was the right thing to do, under the circumstances. You're a good sheriff, Thorne. You have the city's heart and soul at the palm of your hands, you just take it too far, too often. Deep down I always hope you will do the right thing. You just have to play by the rules.

But don't think you'll ever get the drop on me. You may be fast, and I admit, you might be able to beat me, but reflexes are only so much. Training is far more important. You'd understand that if you'd spent more time at the station.


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Erimond Thorne wrote:
"So you think you have what it takes to step into the ring with me, eh? Reach for the sky, pilgrim!"

I swear Thorne, I'll catch you in the act one of these days! And then even your Ifrit reflexes won't be enough to get out of The Law's hands!