Female Fighter

Giuseppe Antonelli's page

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Thanks a lot Cellion. If I read more carefully the characteristics of the spell I could be up there alone! ;)


if I send a creature at negative HP with an attack while she is under the effect of Hold Person spell, is she still in the position where she is "paralyzed" or falls to the ground?

Hi all,

I need your help and suggestions because I want to use The Whispering Cairn, the first chapter in Age of Worms Campaign, in my ongoing campaign.

I need suggestions because the party of PC who will explore the Cairn is a 7 level party of 6 characters.

What type of change I need to do to creatures and traps that they will find inside?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi all,

I need your help and suggestions because I want to use The Whispering Cairn, the first chapter in Age of Worms Campaign, in my ongoing campaign.

I need suggestions because the party of PC who will explore the Cairn is a 7 level party of 6 characters.

What type of change I need to do to creatures and traps that they will find inside?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Gandal wrote:
Giuseppe Antonelli wrote:

1)Than maybe somewhere around Brevoy?

2)I'm not very familiar with templates (be they whole or half). Usually i create my own race with the ARG should i need one.

Thanks for both hint, I will try to use them.

I'm very glad you're Italian, I'm from Milan, but to be fair to the forum I will respond in english. ;)

Gandal wrote:

Ciao Giuseppe.

1)As far as i know Golarion, half orcs are wide-spread.
I would say around Belkzen,Varisia or Land of Mammoth lords,but really depends on how much civilized you want your community to be.

2)Witch if he/she comes from a shamanic culture, otherwise i think sorcerer are more common than witches

Hi and thanks for the answers.

1) The city-state has to be a good degree of civilization, reside in an area not too close to other highly evolved civilization.
The city is governed by a leader (half nereid-half human) and is based entirely on military force (military tyranny).

2) Witch is better, but what i need is an help with statistic about this type of half-creature.

Hi all,

two request of suggestion:

1) I have a big community of half-orcs to put in Golarion (similar to a city-state), where is the best place?

2) I need to create an NPC half-breed human-nereid that control this half-orcs city state (CR15-20, witch or archetype of sorcerer)?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I thank all of the suggestions, but what I'm searching are ideas to set this as a mini-campaign where the PCs are not the usual clichés in which I make them the bad guys.

Rather, my idea is to give the PCs a mission that will save from death/extincion/disaster/slavery their tribe.

They are warriors with a code of honor, bred to be war machines, but not murderers or monsters.

The great thing is to get them to interact with a world that looks at them with hostility, but with which they are dealing.

A few months ago I read the trilogy by Stan Nicholls Orcs: First Blood, and I was left with the desire to create a mini-campaign with all half-orc characters to put in the world of Pathfinder.

The basic idea is a big tribe for all the PCs, where there is a strong code of honor, and where the strongest dominates the weak. The main feature is a society structured for combat that churns out mercenaries to be used in wars / diatribes / bodyguards around all Golarion.

I wish I had advice on:

- where to place this large tribe in Golarion;

- what could be the mission, vital to the tribe, which should lead out of their "kingdom" a handful of adventurers (the PCs);

- any more suggestions.

Thanks for any help.

Oh I forgot, I would like to restrict the classes only on the following:

Barbarian, cleric (max 1), fighter, ranger, rogue (max 1), sorcerer (max 1).

Rynjin wrote:
I'm not sure what you're asking for. Do you need a formal character sheet that you can print out?

Thanks for the quick answer, but what I need is a complete PC with all the ability, feats, ecc. ecc. :)

Hi all,
is a life that I do not play RPG, but on Wednesday some friends invited me to come and I did get in!

Small problem, the system is Pathfinder and I no longer comfortable with it then I would need to create on the fly a PC to at least start the game and then gradually become familiar with the rules.

This is the character I would like to play:
Class: Barbarian 5° level
Archetype: Titan Mauler
Race: Human
Features: Str 17 (+1 4° lv.), Dex 13, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 11
(eventually, if better, I can switch the value of Int with Cha)

Quick bkg: low brain, cannon fodder, hate giants (they killed someone).
He has a twin sister who has been given the gift of the brain that he lacks and she is the only one who can in some way to keep it at bay (she's in the same party).
However, he is not naive or inexperienced (see Wisdom).

I would be very, very grateful if someone could put down the character sheet so I can already play Wednesday.
Thanks anyway for any advice. :)

Beppe from Italy


I need this information for some players that work as miners in DL for Tilgast.
Thanks in advance.

Giuseppe A.

One DM (me) and six players here in Italy play AoW adapted to Forgotten Realms.

Giuseppe A.

Arjen wrote:

Thats a lot of rolling but then again I made an excell sheet to do all that for me; a 7Meg of inefficient use of numbers and buggy but it works, kinda. I even added a chance that the item is cheaper/more expensive, broken, buggy or fake.

Hi Arjen,

I would like to see your excell sheet, can you send me a copy (trolloc _at_ tiscalinet _dot_ it)?
Thanks anyway.

Giuseppe A.

First, thanks to all for nice words! ^__^

direcow wrote:
Not to hijack your post or anything, but could you delve a little bit more into your PC's as children scenarios.

No problem, my only limit is the language... ;-))

direcow wrote:
How exactly did they work? Did each character get their own flashbacks and if so, what did the other players do during those flashbacks? This sounds like a really neat idea that I might want to incorporate into my upcoming AoW campaign. Thanks.

The PCs are all friends from childhood and during the dinner they remember situation/adventure of their past where all are involved.


- 10 years: I'have created a rival band of child "The Scarred" in discord with the PCs ("The Black Stone"). During a rough exchange of word (and not only) the two bands challenge each other in a test of bravery on who arrive during the evening at the door of the abandoned and "so sayed" infested Observatory.
All this situation interlace with the relationship with their relatives.

- 13 years: "Fester Trollump instead of the usually badgers has capture a strange creature, maybe a DRAGON!!" So say an over excited Mornie to the other friends. Who can resist at this news, though all the situation is deal in great secret?
Rumor say that the creature is hidden inside the depot in the Able Carter Coaching Inn and Mornie and Alan know "very well" that place.
Indeed the creature is an hippogriph and the boys manage to see it, but also to do escape! And for help them one of the guards on duty in the Able, friend of the two brothers, remain severely injured. This is the first harsh lesson of life for the youngs and this incident sign the passage from child to puberty.

- 16 years: The life for the youngs is not so free from duty and carefree now, and during one of their not so more frequent reunion they decide to go to do a promenade in direction of the little wood at no more than an hour of walk from Daggerford.
Here, on the road that bisect the wood they encounter a breathless short creature (a leprechaun) that ask for help, because his brother have been captured by two nefarious "tall creature as you". The creature are two outlaw ("With a reward on their head!" say Alan, that is training in the Garrison) very dangerous e clearly not at reach of the six youngs. How they can help the short creatures?
At the end of the session the PCs rescue the brother of the leprechaun and manage to escape from the two thug, but... with a lot of risk!!

P.S. Not all the PCs have the exactly same age, but they range from 8 to 10.


Giuseppe A.


next week we begin AoW campaign, and I ask you for idea to start the campaign.
Before a give you a brief synopsis of the situation:

- I'm using FR setting with the help of the overload of Eric L. Boyd;
- I use the map of DL instead of the official Daggerford;
- Using an idea that I've in mind from several years, I persuaded my players to start with PC as child;
- I created my house rules for devolop the situation and played three session with everyone a simple adventure at different step of age of the PC (10, 13 and 16 years). The player like a lot the thing and with them played some of the best (for our standard) role-playing in several years.
- I've played the three adventures as a flashback, with the adult PCs (19 years) that meeting at Hungry Gar, and during a dinner tell of their past childhood.
- The PC are 6, all human, all 1st level, all good alignment, and all friends each other:
--- Lionel Stone, Paladin of Tyr: son of an assistant in the General Store and a smith in Osgood Smith, trained, after the sixteen, in the temple of Tyr outside the city;
--- Ginger Stone, Wizard: sister of Lionel, trained by Allustan;
--- Alan Blackbird, Fighter: father dead long ago, mother work in Able Carter Coaching Inn, trained in Garrison;
--- Mornie Blackbird, Sorcerer (spellfire): brother of Alan, trained by a strange traveling albino sorcerer that often go through Daggerford;
--- Joseph Mac Bride, Barbarian: son of couple of farmer emigrate from Port Llast about 20 years ago for personal problem, trained by the father and in the last year is returned to the North, in place of the father, to sustain a battle among clans;
--- Sayat, thief: orphan arrived as child in Daggerford with a company of acrobats in decay that live in the Jalek's Flophouse and that in part work as miners and in part work inside the Emporium, trained by her firends/tutors;

Honestly I've some idea on how to start the campaign, but I want to see of you can give me better and more intriguing brainchild! ^__^


Giuseppe A.

Rexx wrote:
So I started allowing the *ding*-effect to occur during a scenario. I crank XP after every session and if the PC earned enough for next level, *ding!*, they'd advance.

I use the same system.

Rexx wrote:
I appease my training metagaming by insisting that the PCs must receive professional instruction once every three levels. Only during these training breaks can a PC learn a Feat/Skill/Language that isn't viable to explain as a "learn-as-you-go" ability. So new Knowledge skills have to be learned during this time. Craft Item Feats. New language skills outside of the party pool of languages. During this break I insist on two weeks of downtime. It's effectively "off-camera" and the details of those two weeks are handled on our Difonix.com message boards. This seems to work well enough.

Here I use a similar, but not the same system (no every three level).

In my personal created sheet for PCs I have added a column at the end of the ability list, and called it "USE". When the PCs use successfull an ability (check vs. DC 10 + level) they mark an incremental number (1,2,3,ecc.) on this space.
When they pass level can increment ability with "USE" superior to rank without training.
PCs can also increment ability between level if they attain the necessary "use points", deducting these ability points from the "pool" of the next level.

Rexx wrote:
Lastly, when the *ding* happens, BAB and hp maximums go up, saves are adjusted but additional spells and special abilities do not kick in until a complete rest period (8 hours) has happened.

Similar metod also here.

Additional spell at day *ding* (for me the continuos use of magic is the training), but no automatic new spells (unless previous learned or written in the spellbook).

Special ability and feat "until a complete rest period (8 hours) has happened", but only if justified in some way before the reach of new level. If not, need training.

New ability without rank only after training.

New languages only after a long training, minimun 1 month (possible to use between level other PC as teachers, books, ecc.). Half this time for languages with the same alphabet and near regions. Double this time for languages very strange or foreign (setting Forgotten Realms).

Take a new class or advance in one class rather than other for multiclass. During the level before the choice of new class or choice what class advance (multi), the PC must "demonstrate" this change or this choice.

Prestige class: For me this's a big, big choice of life and need a lot of work.

Rexx wrote:
Giuseppe: I'll post something ASAP. Work and my Tuesday game may delay me until the 12th.

I wait! ^__^

Giuseppe A.

Crust wrote:

I wait until the current quest, mission, etc. is completed (which can take up to four or five gaming sessions) before the group can rest and reflect on what they've done.

I hope to be able to slip in Sons of Gruumsh somewhere in AoW. That'll ensure that the group is at least 9th level by the 5th installment.

Hi Crust,

I use to wait the end of mission, quest, to give level advancement, too. But, IMHO, I see WC and the other path a sort of single missions put together in a big quest (tomb, Land, observatory, Duke Wind) and what bother me is to give the right (and accessible) challenge to PCs.

I'm interested in Sons of Gruumsh, too. And if you find a way to put in AoW, please, give me hints! ^__^

Giuseppe A.

Pariah wrote:
in any case, following the guidelines provided by the DMG and the EL's of the encounters my party of 5 managed to hit 2nd level after meeting Alaster Land and killing the Grick. I lost some members (1 death midway through, and 1 no show) for the next part but they hit 3rd after immediatly after the observatory. I suspect most parties will level at about the same time, but if not these seem to be really good spots to level them anyway. We have not gone back into the Cairn yet to face the Wind Warriors.

Hi Pariah,

my party is composed of 6 PC (but without cleric, only a paladin). You think that with the suggested rate of advancement (3rd level at the end of first path) they have good chance to carry on the quest?

P.S. IMHO, I find the "one level per session" totally out of my mind and my system of play! ^__^

Giuseppe A.

Rexx wrote:

Hey Giuseppe!


I hope that's the information you we're looking for. If you want details of my XP system, I can post something over in the D&D section of the Paizo.com boards.

Best of luck,

Rexx in California

Hi Rexx,

I agree with a lot of your idea, and the rate of advancement that you give confirm what I was thinking...
It look me to much quick for my standard, but I don't want to risk that the PC are too weak and I follow this rate.

I'd like to see your xp system, please say me when you put it on D&D section of the Paizo.com boards.

Giuseppe A.

Hi at all,

I don't like, for my personal opinion, the system of advancement of DMG and I use a personal system that gradually rise the xp and level of PC. Briefly, I give a standard amount of xp at the end of any session of game, plus bonus xp for good role-playing, clever idea, and similar things.

Now, for this reason, I'm in search of suggestion for the progression level between the first three adventure on AoW path to planning the advancement.

1) At the end of the first path the max level of the PC should be:

2) At the end of the second path, should be:

3) At the end of the third path, should be:

Maybe at some (a lot) of you this system look strange or stupid, but don't bother you, also I'm strange and maybe stupid! ^__^
Also, I'm italian and I have difficult to explain in detail my system because english isn't my native language and I give you only a simple version of it. Excuse me.

Giuseppe A.

First of all thanks for the quick and usefull answers!

Eric wrote:

Roughly a day should still work.

Mmmm, I'm again confused by the long distance to cover for a young. And the family of these young no care of the absence for minimun two days of their sons?

Eric wrote:

I think I addressed this in the conversion notes, but I would describe frescoes/bas reliefs/statues/depictions using the description of the djinni in the Monster Manual.

Duh! Excuse me, but I have lost this part in the conversion.

Thanks again Eric, maybe in future I bother you again! ^__^

Giuseppe A.

Hi Eric and all the messageboard,

a little preamble:
I'm using your Overload to adapt AoW in the Forgotten Realms and I'm using the map of DL instead of original map of Daggerford.

My questions (in search of suggestion) are:

- How much of original mood of Daggerford to transport in new Daggerford (DL)?

- What commercial and economic activity use of the original Daggerford?

- At page 16 of Dungeon 124 in the sixteenth row of the third column they say: "Not so another cairn within a day's ride of the village." in reference to Whispering Cairn. Then they mention about young that go to the Cairn to prove their bravery (and also the girl devoured by the snake). Now, the Cairn is not to much distant from the town for young at foot??

- What type of statue to use instead of that on the lid of sarcophagus in the middle of Room 7, or the change between the Wind Dukes and Djinni is uninfluential? The same for the fresco/bas-relif/depictions in the other part of the tomb?

- In the description of DL they speak about a lake polluted, but Daggerford is on the bank of a river with flowing water. What to do?

Thanks in advance for any help and excuse me for my english! ^__^

Giuseppe A.

William Pall wrote:
Why not just scan the map that you have? then re-size and print. THat process was mentioned to me elsewhere on these forums and it's worked wonders.

Because the original map is not A4! :)

I know that I can scan the map in more part and then paste them with specific software, but I'm lazy! ;))

Giuseppe A.


I'm in search of a .jpg of the map of the city, because I want to stamp it on a A4 sheet and give it to my players. Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance.

P.S. My e-mail is trolloc"at"tiscalinet.it

Giuseppe A.

Eric Boyd wrote:

I expected it to be posted by this time. I'm hopeful it will be up soon.

My apologies,


Eric, thanks for the quick answer, and I think aren't you that must apologise! ^__^

I'm translating in italian the Overload for my personal use, if I find problem can I ask you information?

Giuseppe A.

Hello to all,

I'm new of the messageboards and I'm on work to insert the Age of Worms campaign in the Forgotten Realms.

I've found the supplement mentioned in the subject very, very usefull (thanks a lot to Eric L. Boyd), but I've also found a problem.

Eric in some passages speak about a "web enhancement for City of Splendors: Waterdeep”, but I never find this web enhancement.
Eric or anyone for him can give me informations about that?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Giuseppe A.